positivduck · 3 years
Become obsessed with yourself
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positivduck · 3 years
-Getting validation from the 3d. Stop checking if your desire materialize or not. It is done in your imagination.
-Forgetting that you are god and creator of your reality and that you can manifest anything and everything. You're above all your desires.
-Focusing on the why and when. Don't worry about the 'how' your subconscious is taking care of it. That is not your job, your job is to persist in your assumptions no matter what!
-Not putting faith or trusting the process. Trust that everything is coming its way. There is always movement whether you see it or not.
-Putting too much mental effort. Manifesting should be fun and effortless. The moment you affirm or visualize it is yours, you don't need to do it again and again.
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positivduck · 3 years
A tip
Stop trying to validate the 3D when your manifestation still has not arrived
I know you may feel inclined to turn to the 3D for a spare crumb of reassurance that you are getting what you want, and when you aren’t you try to justify the case for comfort.
Do not do that
If you’re manifesting contact from your specific person and it’s nothing but crickets you should not justify it by thinking “they’re just busy right now” because guess what? You’ve just manifested them being busy, which means they will continue to not reach out to you. Affirm for what you do want and don't fixate on unfavorable circumstances. Remain loyal to your desires because the dominant story will always prevail. The 3D means nothing when you have the power to change it in any way you like, so don't give it any importance when it's not playing out the way you want it to.
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positivduck · 3 years
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positivduck · 3 years
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positivduck · 3 years
law of assumption: a basic guide 🪐
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
so you’ve probably heard of the terms “manifestation” or “law of attraction,” and maybe you became curious and decided to learn about what this means. or maybe this is your first time hearing these terms and want to learn more about it!
if you’re the first one, i want you to FORGET everything that you know about the “law of attraction” and any manifestation techniques you learned. if you’re the latter, i will explain what these terms mean...
( in this context), manifestation is the act of “attracting” specific circumstances, events, people, material objects and even physical/mental aspects about yourself.
the law of attraction (LOA) is the principle/ideology that “like attracts like.” what you put out into the universe (i.e vibrations, energy etc.), is what you will attract back to yourself.
so now that i’ve explained these terms, i’ll now explain why the law of attraction is incredibly faulty. while the inherent principle of the LOA is mostly true, how to actually manifest using the LOA isn’t as straightforward. most LOA teachers will teach their students a BUNCH of techniques on how to “raise their vibrations” or “align themselves with the universe.” they will say that scripting, visualizing, drinking water etc. is what will give them their manifestations. but that is NOT true at all !! you do not need any of those things to manifest. all you need is…
your thoughts
...ok so what does that mean?
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what is the law of assumption?
the law of assumption (in the most basic terms) states that “your thoughts and assumptions create your reality.” what you assume to be true, is what will be reflected onto your outer reality (aka the 3D).
to understand this concept, you MUST understand that you are constantly manifesting, whether you are intentionally doing so or not. before you learned about manifestation, you were STILL manifesting!! think about it: you didn’t have to script or visualize to manifest failing a test or your SP not liking you. it just manifested unintentionally because you weren’t conscious of your thoughts!! with the law of assumption, you are consciously making the effort to manifest what YOU want, instead of leaving everything on “auto-pilot.”
you also must understand that you can manifest ANYTHING YOU WANT. anything. you want a million dollars? done. you want to marry your celebrity crush? done. nothing is impossible, at ALL!! you are the creator of your reality. you call the shots, no one else!
the reason why LOA teachers claim that their techniques absolutely work is because...they do work! but why do they work? because they ASSUME that they work. they are literally using the law of assumption while practicing those law of attraction techniques. they assume that scripting, visualizing, 369 method etc. is what gives them results and therefore it gives them results. however, you do not need to do ANYTHING whatsoever to manifest. you only need two things: your assumptions and persistence.
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how to create an assumption
so what even is an assumption? the definition of the word assumption is: “a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.”
we all have assumptions about something. whether it be about people or circumstances, we all have an idea about these things that we have accepted to be true, and often without proof. according to the law of assumption, what you assume to be true is what you will manifest. if you assume that you’re always broke then you’ll always be broke. if you assume that your crush never wants to be around you, then they will never want to be around you.
so the best way to manifest your desires is to CHANGE your assumption about your desires. that’s it.
example: let’s say that i want to date a certain guy. however, my current assumption about this guy is “he is not my boyfriend, he's not interested in me .” therefore, this guy is carrying out my assumption and is not interested in me at all. however, if i wanted to manifest him being my boyfriend, i would change my assumption from “he is not my boyfriend” to “we’re in a relationship together” or “he’s completely in love with me.” etc.
these short statements are known as affirmations. by repeating these affirmations consistently, you will change your assumption about your desire. and once you change your inner assumption about your desire, the 3D (outer reality) will reflect your assumption back to you. you also don’t have to believe these affirmations. As long as you keep affirming them they will still work. you may also be wondering: “how often should i affirm for my desire? personally i would recommend every time you think about your desire. some people like to affrim 24/7. the amount of times you affirm doesn't really matter, if you assume that a certain amount works for you then it will work for you!
however there’s another very important component in the law of assumption...
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persistence: why is this important and how do we do this?
the whole point of repeating affirmations is to change your inner assumptions and beliefs about your desire. you want to get into the state of KNOWING that you already have your desires even if you don’t see your desire in the 3D. this is the key!!
example: let’s say i want my bf to text me more. so i decide to affirm “he texts me constantly.” however, in the 3D, i see that he didn’t text me. well instead of going back to the old story of, “he never texts me” i just ignore it and keep affirming “he texts me constantly” REGARDLESS of what i’m seeing in the 3D. cause guess what: it’s not real at ALL. your outer reality is just a collection of your old thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. therefore by not reacting to it, you will manifest the change that you want. also, whenever i’m reminded of my desire for him texting me, i will affirm “he texts me constantly, he gives me all of his attention etc.”
now whenever you affirm, the most important thing to remember is to NOT let your thoughts slip back into its old pattern of thinking, even if you see that you don’t have your desire in the 3D. again, this is because the 3D reality is just a collection of old thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. when you react to the 3D, you’re just reaffirming any old assumptions you’ve had in the past. therefore, instead of getting discouraged and upset that you “don’t have your desire yet,” JUST KEEP AFFIRMING AND PERSISTING!! the 3D will conform to your new assumptions but only if you keep persisting in them. you must remember that you already have your desires the second you want them. the 3D literally has NO choice but to conform and reflect those desires. it’s literally the law!!
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to summarize...
your thoughts and assumptions manifest
you can manifest anything
affirm as if you already have your desires, (because you do)!
your 3D is only a collection of old assumptions, an illusion. so don’t react to it as if it's the truth.
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positivduck · 3 years
Simple Morning Affirmations
Here are some morning affirmations to start your day:
1. “I am eternally abundant.”
2. “I am whole.”
3. “I am always loved.” 
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positivduck · 3 years
I always get what I want, no matter what the circumstances are. It comes to me instantly.
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positivduck · 3 years
My desires wants me more.
It is just like the saying “What you seek is seeking you” and this is nothing but facts. I want to say this a million times if I have to, your desires did not just come our of thin air. There is a reality conforming for you to live our what you’re desiring right now. It has no choice but to be yours. All you have to do is persist on that story.
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positivduck · 3 years
so excited to watch myself grow into an even more confident, sexy, inspiring, kind, successful and overall amazing woman
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positivduck · 3 years
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“The Moon”
“La Lune”
Hand embroidery.
DMC embroidery threads on linen.
13,5 cm in diameter
Thank you Katherine!!
I take custom orders.
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positivduck · 3 years
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This is your sign💕
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positivduck · 3 years
manifesting is literally just shifting realities. once you desire something, it already exists, (in another reality) it’s already yours. all you have to do is think, speak, and/or write as if you already have what you want and once your subconscious believes that your desire is in your reality, as the subconscious doesn’t have eyes (it just believes whatever assumption that’s persisted in), you’ll shift to that reality where you physically have your desire in the 3D. we’re shifting realities all the time. when you choose between which cereal you want to eat and you chose honey nut cheerios, you in another reality chose cinnamon toast crunch instead. there are infinite realities. there’s a reality where you’ve always had the perfect appearance, where you were born into a rich family, where superheroes exist, where you were born in new york city, where you’ve always had your dream life. all you have to do is think, speak, and/or write from that state of already having it and you’ll shift to the reality where it already exists in the 3D. we’re not “creating” anything as we already have what we want, we’re just shifting to the reality where we physically have it.
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positivduck · 3 years
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positivduck · 3 years
The inner work is the revolution
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positivduck · 3 years
The reason it’s called LAW of assumption is because by LAW the 3D has to conform to your assumptions
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positivduck · 3 years
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