pornbloggue · 6 days
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pornbloggue · 6 days
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I entered his bedroom, and stepped into a warm cloud of musk and sweat.
Sprawled across the bed, broiling in the late August heat, Carson lay sound asleep. Half-naked, too hot to be under the covers, surrounded by the scent of beer and heated jock. Even in the dim moonlight, I could clearly see the rippling muscles on his torso.
His broad, impressive back. His bulging arms, strong enough to lift hundreds of pounds. His tapered waist, growing out into melon-sized glutes. His thick, hairy legs.
Carson was beautiful.
Tentatively, I placed a hand on that fat ass of his. God, the amount of times I’d stared at that butt, trapped in his tight football pants. Every practice, I could barely focus on the ball, with Carson running around. He had the best ass on campus, better than any girl or guy in town.
I dug my fingers in his flesh, and bit my lip.
Softly, Carson groaned in his sleep.
“P-please… Coach…” the stud mumbled. For a moment, I thought he’d woken up - but then his steady breather returned. He was talking in his sleep, the cutie. I was curious to know what dreams of his could involve our football coach. Carson had always been the man’s favorite.
I stroked his thighs for a while, just admiring the sight and feel of his body. When I let my hands move back onto his bubble butt, the stud let out another moan - and started gyrating his hips a little. It was like he was bucking into my hands, trying to impale himself on something that wasn’t there. Fuck, he looked hot.
“Y-yes, Coach… I wanna…”
My grin widened, and I squeezed his glutes some more. Seemed like my buddy was having some real interesting dreams, tonight. All that beer and no girls must’ve made him horny as hell.
I peeled away the underwear from his loins, and gently pulled it down his legs. He had drunk too much to wake up so easily, anyway. When I’d finally tugged them off his feet, I brought the briefs to my nose and inhaled his scent. My boner twitched in response.
Carson’s bare ass was a gift from the gods, a true wonder to behold. The slight fur that ran along his crack made me wanna plow it right away. I smelled his dick, his ass, his sweat and spunk; this boy was driving me wild.
If anyone in the house would find out what I was doing, I would be banned from the frat for life - but I didn’t care. Not now. Not when I had Carson’s naked cakes, laid out before me like the perfect buffet.
I stuck a finger in my mouth, and slowly pressed it between those juicy cheeks. I found his hole, started rubbing his entrance, and the sleeping beauty moaned softly. With my other hand, I pulled a big stiff cock from underneath him. Fuck, he was big.
“Unghh… p-please… please…” Carson muttered, softly writhing in his sleep.
I pressed a finger inside of him, and felt his warm hole clench a little. Still, I could slip two fingers up there like it was nothing. Clearly coach had loosened him up several times already.
I couldn’t restrain myself any longer.
Quietly, I climbed on top of the muscular beefcake. Of course, this finally roused him from his sleep - but my cock was already pushed inside his wet pussy before he actually came to.
The second he realized what was happening, Carson started to struggle. Like a fish out of the water, he started writhing and struggling all he could. Too late. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them down, simply continuing my assault on his fat ass. He was still half-drunk, only half-awake. No way in hell he was winning this fight.
“P-Paul?” he whined, “W-what the f-fuck, dude??!”
I brought my mouth to his ear, keeping him down with the weight of my body. I felt the stud squirming weakly underneath me, milking my cock with his muscly ass, and it felt fucking good.
“Shut it, fag,” I hissed, “You’re gonna wake the whole house with your bitching. You don’t want the others to walk in on us, do you?”
I drove my dick all the way into his guts, and Carson whimpered in my hands. The bitch had already stopped resisting. His fat buns quivered with every thrust, perfectly cushioning my hips, and I felt him move with my rhythm.
Amused, I kissed his ear. “Is this what Coach does with you, Carson? All those extra hours after practice… he been splitting you open like some filthy fuckin’ whore, huh?”
He wanted to deny it, to push me off and re-establish himself as the frat alpha; but with my cock inside of him, Carson could only moan. It was true, everything I said was true, he had been Coach’s whore for months now. Big boy was a total slave to his boycunt.
“Nnnghh… f-fuckk…” he whined, as my boner made his hole a couple inches wider. “P-Paul… please, bro…”
I chuckled, and put my hand on his skull. I started fucking him at top speed, now, pounding into that muscular whore again and again, burying his face in the pillow. His muffled grunts and groans were the perfect encouragement.
Harder and harder, faster and faster. I would make sure his hole would be ruined for when Coach revisited it again.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, fag,” I growled. “As long as you let me fuck you whenever I want, nobody else is gonna find out you whored your way into the team.”
His hands were trying to pull away mine, trying to free his head from my iron grip. The pillow was blocking his airways, cutting off his oxygen while my dick kept ravaging his ass.
Carson could whine and thrash all he wanted, but he wasn’t breaking free. He belonged to me now. Him and that thick fucking ass of his.
“Understand, bitch? You do as I say, and I won’t spill your faggy lil’ secret. Sounds good?”
I faintly heard his muffled ‘YEPH!! PHFLEASH!!’ underneath me, and his wild spasming finally pushed me over the edge. With a deep grunt, I buried myself all the way between those rotund glutes and bred Carson’s pussy. Everything was sweat and cum and muscles quivering, pure ecstasy washing over me. His strong body was my trophy, now. I’d seen, cum, and conquered.
Still choking on the pillow, the stud shuddered and moaned like never before. Before he’d RIP on me right there and then, I decided to let go of his head and have him catch his breath.
When I finally pulled out, sending a wave of spunk down his thick thighs, I pushed him onto his back and had a good look at my new bitchboy.
Carson stared up at me with reddened, innocent eyes. His beefy chest was racing up and down, and a nice sheen of sweat covered his sun-kissed skin. His monster cock was rock-hard, lying on his abs, dripping sperm. He had cum at the same time as me.
“Fuck, you’re hot,” I groaned, grabbing his perky titties. My boner was already at his sloppy entrance again.
“I really hope Coach wasn’t expecting you on the field tomorrow, Carson. ‘Cause after I’m done with you tonight, you won’t be able to walk for the next two weeks.”
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Sir Peter getting sucked off
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