yare yare...
21K posts
So, long story short, this blog is the result of another one of Haruhi's crazy ideas. She said it would make it easier to spread the word of the SOS Brigade or something. Like that's going to work. Anyway, although this blog is mine, it technically belongs to Haruhi, if that makes sense. ((Independent Kyon RP blog, post-Surprise/Astonishment/whatever the hell you wanna call it)) ((sometimes this blog can get kinda..... not safe for work, but that's unusually rare, compared to how often i ask people to embarrass my muse))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
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(via 「真・女神転生2 特殊イベント 玖(嘘)」/「YG」のイラスト [pixiv])
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
"Oh, yeah. Gross... Wait, aren't strippers supposed to, like, promote self-confidence or something? What's what they do in the movies, right?"
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I drank a bit of my bottled water... And promptly spit it out. "Is that what I really look like in my underwear?!"
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"…It’s as if you haven’t seen yourself naked before.”
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
((actually, just this whole episode happens but instead of wendy it's mikuru and instead of robbie it's, like, koizumi or somehting, and instead of mabel it's haruhi going off and having her own adventure))
((hey kyon-mun))
((when my kyon and your kyon interact its all))
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((except grumpy))
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
"That is so unfair. Besides, hey. Maybe I've just never noticed. Maybe it's all a matter of perspective. Maybe bigger isn't even better, you ever think of that?"
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Okay, maybe I was being a little... Defensive. But it's not like there could be a measurable difference since we're technically the same person, right?
I drank a bit of my bottled water... And promptly spit it out. "Is that what I really look like in my underwear?!"
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"…It’s as if you haven’t seen yourself naked before.”
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
((imagine that they have this conversation:
"i shall call you.... number 2"
"definitely not. hey, you know what name i've always wanted?"
*in unison* "tyroooone"))
((hey kyon-mun))
((when my kyon and your kyon interact its all))
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((except grumpy))
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
"For that, I could just pull my pants down and check, though, right? Also, could you please ask Koizumi to give 'us' a less demeaning job?"
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I hated to say it... But I was feeling pretty impressed with myself.
I drank a bit of my bottled water... And promptly spit it out. "Is that what I really look like in my underwear?!"
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"…It’s as if you haven’t seen yourself naked before.”
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
((heheh, true))
((hey kyon-mun))
((when my kyon and your kyon interact its all))
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((except grumpy))
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
How did he-- Whatever.
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"Bullcrap," I scoffed. Wouldn't somebody have noticed by now if that was how it actually was? It's like a freaking monster.
I drank a bit of my bottled water... And promptly spit it out. "Is that what I really look like in my underwear?!"
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"…It’s as if you haven’t seen yourself naked before.”
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
"It's a little weirder when it's not in a mirror, man. It's like if I laid down naked in a 3D printer and it malfunctioned when it got to the crotch..."
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Man, are those the weird 'bulge enhancing underwear' I heard about on the Internet that one time?
I drank a bit of my bottled water... And promptly spit it out. "Is that what I really look like in my underwear?!"
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"…It’s as if you haven’t seen yourself naked before.”
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
You see my muse pole-dancing at a strip-club for the main event. What do you do about it?
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
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Mikuru’s portrait by Tsuruya
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
If only this could be less complex.
"Did he also tell you about the Fujiwara dude and how he could have killed Haruhi? I still don't like to talk about it, but that's about as important as the other anomaly..." I felt my face turn red as I remembered the event that followed, and how Haruhi somehow didn't mind too much that I had apparently climbed into her bed in the middle of the night.
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Typical Haruhi behavior, I guess.
This is how the world ends, right?
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There was no way in hell this is a recurring theme in the sitcom entitled ‘the life of Kyon’. This is the second time that this has happened to me. Except, I know for a fact that I wasn’t the one from an altered universe. It was this Kyon. How many altered universes are there, honestly? Does Haruhi have anything to do with this? Seriously, this running joke is getting tired. I’m probably going to hear that Haruhi has some sort of supernatural powers that allow her to alter the world. However, how is this guy in my world? Jeez, this’ll be tough to explain to Nagato and Asakura… Unless, we come up with some strange plan that would somehow work. With that, I just lifted up a finger as soon as I saw the other open his mouth ready to speak. 
"I don’t want to sound like Haruhi interrogating a poor freshman in Kouyouen, but.. Does the Haruhi in your universe have supernatural powers? Is Nagato an alien, Mikuru a time traveler and Koizumi as an ESPer who has no respect for your personal space? I went through this before, except I went into your universe where everybody was what I just described them as. Well, as much as I hate to say it; everybody here is normal. Yes, ‘everybody’ includes Asakura, who is actually one of my closest friends. I’ll just assume that she tried to kill you, if I just described your universe. Finally, I should say this.. Nagato has emotions, she smiles and blushes like your normal girl. She is also a gamer who actually stays up all night playing PSP. She is, er.. Pretty adorable.” Calm down, Kyon.. You’re just talking about Nagato… She’s just a friend, right?..
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"Anyway.. We need to come up with some sort of plan.. If Haruhi or anybody sees the two of us, something’ll definitely go down."
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
"What do you think I do, man? I've been better about that since the incident last December..."
Then, it struck me that he probably had no idea what I was talking about.
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"Long story short, I got trapped in your world and I had to find all my friends, travel back in time, and get murdered so I could come back..."
This is how the world ends, right?
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There was no way in hell this is a recurring theme in the sitcom entitled ‘the life of Kyon’. This is the second time that this has happened to me. Except, I know for a fact that I wasn’t the one from an altered universe. It was this Kyon. How many altered universes are there, honestly? Does Haruhi have anything to do with this? Seriously, this running joke is getting tired. I’m probably going to hear that Haruhi has some sort of supernatural powers that allow her to alter the world. However, how is this guy in my world? Jeez, this’ll be tough to explain to Nagato and Asakura… Unless, we come up with some strange plan that would somehow work. With that, I just lifted up a finger as soon as I saw the other open his mouth ready to speak. 
"I don’t want to sound like Haruhi interrogating a poor freshman in Kouyouen, but.. Does the Haruhi in your universe have supernatural powers? Is Nagato an alien, Mikuru a time traveler and Koizumi as an ESPer who has no respect for your personal space? I went through this before, except I went into your universe where everybody was what I just described them as. Well, as much as I hate to say it; everybody here is normal. Yes, ‘everybody’ includes Asakura, who is actually one of my closest friends. I’ll just assume that she tried to kill you, if I just described your universe. Finally, I should say this.. Nagato has emotions, she smiles and blushes like your normal girl. She is also a gamer who actually stays up all night playing PSP. She is, er.. Pretty adorable.” Calm down, Kyon.. You’re just talking about Nagato… She’s just a friend, right?..
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"Anyway.. We need to come up with some sort of plan.. If Haruhi or anybody sees the two of us, something’ll definitely go down."
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ponytailsturnmeon-blog-blog · 11 years ago
*Huggles* "Kyon, it's been a while!"
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"Heh, yeah, I know!"
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