ponyescapism · 9 days
people on twitter freaking the hell out because rebecca sugar drew a comic of pearl and greg having a messy situationship in the aftermath of rose dying wasn't on my 2024 bingo card if I'm being honest
even Less so because the thing they're apparently mad about is that the nonbinary alien rock was supposed to be a lesbian (as if there's anything wrong with a nonbinary alien rock being bisexual, Or that lesbian can't have a situationship with a man without still being a lesbian on the other side.)
anyways, may take on it is: you don't have to consider any of rebecca sugar's sketches "canon," because it's not actually in the source material. rebecca may have a strong influence on how the fandom sees the characters but it does Not actually change the show. so getting worked up about it in the first place is ridiculous.
That Said, it kinda works with whatever they had going on in the show if I'm being honest
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ponyescapism · 15 days
Everyone, be quiet and look at this!
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Thank you for your time!
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ponyescapism · 15 days
I just thought of Izuku immediately shooting up in the hero rankings like a week after he becomes an active pro-hero again because everyone is so happy that he's back and Katsuki wants to be annoyed that Izuku ranked higher than him so quickly like he would've been, once upon a time, but he really can't be because this is what he worked eight years to see, and now he can finally compete with him again. So he sits in his apartment, TV on, watching Izuku try not to stutter his way through his first returning interview with fondness and pride, and thinks it's finally time to put some actual effort into climbing higher on the hero rankings.
(Not that being #1 is his priority anymore. He's just happy that he gets to fight alongside Izuku again, that they can compete with one another as equals, and that they can complete one another like two sides of the same coin. For the rest of their lives.)
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ponyescapism · 24 days
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my headcanons of Hizashi's hair
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ponyescapism · 27 days
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let her go full clown mode, with a big canon and pies and everything she gets a cartoon hammer too cause why the heck not
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ponyescapism · 27 days
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ponyescapism · 27 days
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Oops! All Micnight
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ponyescapism · 27 days
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shouta and hizashi studiieeessss
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ponyescapism · 27 days
Guys. Guys. We all know about the Present Mic persona and how Hizashi Yamada hides behind it. Guys.
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He goes to his friend's grave as himself
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ponyescapism · 27 days
not to make everything about them again but like. "To Midoriya, there was apparently some sort of subtle, nuanced difference between Aizawa Sensei the homeroom teacher and Eraserhead the hero, whether the man himself understood it or not" (x) vs "No no no--not Yamada. Please call me Mic. My name is Present Mic" (x) like. omg. omg????
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ponyescapism · 27 days
I wrote my first My Hero Academia fic the other day and I really wish some people would read it 'cause I'm actually very proud of it, so here's some shameless self-promotion.
It's platonic Erasermic and Hizashi centric, post Jaku raid. If you read it and like it, come talk to me? 😍 I love my men so much, I need more people to discuss them with!
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ponyescapism · 27 days
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ponyescapism · 29 days
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sometimes i forget erasermic isn’t canon. it brings a tear to my eye.
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ponyescapism · 1 month
So I have this he that when present mic is about to sneeze everyone is freaking out cuz they don't wanna be blown away but then he does like a tiny uwu girl sneeze
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ponyescapism · 1 month
Hizashi is such a good character and yet we get so little of him. RAAAAAAH
Like he lost Oboro too and he struggles with that. His anger during that moment when they realized their dead friend was being used by villains sticks with me.
And I think about how all he wants is friends and he finds that in Shouta. He puts up a facade and the only person to really see him for who he is Shouta.
Their friendship deserved screentime. I want to see them being that rock for each other and the way that their friendship has evolved since the loss of Oboro.
I also want to see him solo. What he feels, thinks, his own love for his work and students separate from others. His passions. His drive. His ambition. I want to see what he thinks of his busy life. I want to see him feeding stray cats and him dealing with grading papers. I want to see his living space and whether it's cluttered or not. I want to see him play instruments and his process with planning things out for his radio show.
I just want to see Hizashi. I want to see him as a full human with his own complex thoughts and processes when it comes to his approach to life.
Just give me Hizashi
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ponyescapism · 1 month
Now that my hero academia is over, I'm just going to say it. The thing about Present Mic and Kurogiri is that every time I see an analysis about how Mic is a bad person for not seeing Oboro in him, or how it's going to be Mic's responsibility to kill him because Aizawa won't be able to or... honestly pretty much any analysis of them is that I can tell. I can tell most of you haven't experienced grief when you were too young. And good for you! I'm glad on your behalf that you haven't! But I can tell you that I have a completely different perspective on Mic and Hizashi and Kurogiri and Oboro because of it.
Because here's the thing. I know what it's like to lose someone you love when you're too young to even properly emotionally process it. I know what it's like to watch someone you love die and not understand why. I know what it's like for someone to accuse you of not caring because you're not showing your grief in the same way. I know what it's like to have to realize that the rest of the world is going to keep turning even though it feels like you've stopped. I know what it's like for somebody to act like their grief is somehow greater than yours. I know what it's like to feel like you have to prioritize somebody else's grief over your own. And I know what it's like for somebody to drag your loved one's memory through the mud.
I never questioned why Hizashi didn't want to talk to Kurogiri. I never questioned why Hizashi was always so much more focused on Shouta's grief than his own. Mic's anger at Kurogiri made sense to me.
And this isn't any sort of character analysis, this isn't me shaming anyone for seeing any character 'wrong', this is just me rambling some thoughts that start rattling around any time I start thinking about Hizashi and Oboro for too long. Because Hizashi's grief is very personal to me.
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ponyescapism · 1 month
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