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My brain doesnt shut off | I write stuff | they\them | 20
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pond-froggie · 4 months ago
When Ford was living in the shack alone, he came across a creature that towered over him with lanky limbs, protruding bones, and antlers coming out of its skull. He of course dedicated a page to it in his journal. He realized the creature was trying to communicate with him but he was never able to understand what it was trying to say. He then kept discovering other anomalies and moved on from it. 
However, it would knock on his windows and door and be especially persistent when it was raining. It always followed Ford around whenever he was in the forest, indirectly chasing off other creatures. He got fed up with it keeping him awake at night so he set traps, nothing to hurt it but just to get it suck in a way that it can get out on its own so it stays away. And it works. Ford only ever saw it in the corner of his eye. Ford then meets Bill, builds the portal, realizes he made a mistake, Stan comes, Ford goes through the portal. 
Stan has journal one which he can't fix the portal with on its own so he goes searching in the forest for the other journals. He can't find them. He breaks down and yells and sits in the middle of the forest and cries where no one can hear him. Or so he thinks. 
He somehow hears rustling of leaves through his sobbing and he looks up from his hands and finds a beast towering over him. His breath catches in his throat and he tries to scramble away but he's too shaky from his breakdown. 
The beast looks at him curiously before going down on all fours and showing its neck. That seems to calm Stan down. He thought that all the weird creatures in the journal were just some form of creative expression but he remembered seeing something like this. 
Stan pulled the journal out and flipped through it eventually finding the page. He showed the creature, feeling silly for a second until it nodded and pointed to itself. The creature slowly reached towards Stan, closing the journal before pointing to the six fingered hand on the cover then to Stan's five fingered hand and making a confused trill. 
“Ohhh buddy, you're not going to believe this.” 
Turns out he did believe it. 
Stan explained everything, the creature looked sad but not all too shocked. Stan asked if it was close to Ford. The creature made a pained grunt and showed him with leaves. 
It took one red leaf and had it move around from leaf to leaf before stopping at a leaf with a pebble on it. The red leaf moved away from it but the leaf with the pebble followed. The creature made angry grunts and growls before leaving the leaf with the pebble behind again but the leaf with the pebble still followed, just out of sight. 
“That makes two of us… Wait! So you know where the other journals are!” 
The creature nodded. 
“I need them to fix the portal. Can you show me where they are?” 
The sun had set by the time Stan had all three journals in his possession. He rushed back to the cabin but stopped at the door, looking back at the creature standing just at the edge of the treeline. 
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, I promise.”
The next day, Stan found him in the clearing behind the cabin. He brought along the three journals, books he thought might be relevant, and notebooks that were filled with Fords equations. He plopped it all on the ground and threw himself down along with it.
“Buddy, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm never going to get him out of there. I never even graduated highschool, how the hell am I supposed to understand all this?” Stan pushed the palms of his hands into his eyes till spots formed. 
Stan listened to the papers rustling and figured there was no harm in letting the creature look. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. He pulled his hands from his eyes and looked up at him. 
The creature tapped his finger against the pages so Stan looked. He pointed to different topics in the textbook then to different equations and sections in the portal drawings. 
“You saw him do all this?” 
The creature shook his head. He pointed to himself, then to his head, then to the pages. 
“You KNOW this stuff!” 
He made a ‘so so’ hand gesture.
Stan's excitement slid off his face and was replaced with sadness. 
“You weren't always like this, were you?”
The creature shook his head sadly. 
“Is there a way I can cure you?”
The creature's eyes went wide before he nodded. 
Stan pushed the pencil and paper towards the creature but he just shook his head. After some back and forth they figured out a communication method. It was slow, but worked. The creature would point to words in all the books and Stan would figure out what he was trying to say from that. 
The cure was simple. Gnome spit, fairy dust, unicorn snot, and manotaur sweat. Mix together and wipe it on his forehead. 
Yeah… Simple.
The gnomes were more than happy to give some spit if it meant getting the creature out of their forest. They also gave a discount on fairy dust for the price of one pb&j. Stan found the unicorns and started insulting the mane of the first one he saw, making it cry. He watched the Manotaurs for a while and his first plan was to challenge one to arm wrestle until he saw one snap a small tree like a twig. So he challenged them to stand on hot coals. Good thing they aren't well acclimated to humans and dont know that human feet don't look like Ford's temperature proof boots. 
Stan hiked back down to the cabin and gathered all the ingredients together. 
“You better be a cute human.” Stan groaned, glaring up at the beast most only have nightmares about currently sitting and grinning like a dog about to get a treat. 
He smeared it across his forehead and nothing happened for a few seconds until he collapsed on the ground and started writhing in pain. Stan watched as his bones contorted and skin grew in places where there wasn't before, but where there was supposed to be. 
He was turning human. 
After an agonizing minute of Stan listening to the pained growls turn into groans and yells into words and pants, a human is left lying on the ground. He holds his hands in front of him and stares at them, smiling. 
“Ugh, spit, snot, ‘n sweat? Really?!” The man wipes the mixture off his forehead. “Thank you Stanley.” He smiles up at him. 
“Uh, yeah, ‘course.” Stan rubs the back of his neck. The two smile at each other for a little bit before the man startles out of it. 
“Oh! I’m sure you have questions and now that I can talk, I’d be glad to answer them.” 
“What about your name?” 
“Oh good golly how could I forget. Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Well Fidds, how about you get settled and some real food in you that isn’t whatever you were eating out there, and then we can get to the questions.” Stan gestures to the cabin behind him. 
“That would be nice.”
When they manage to get Ford out he asks Fiddleford who he is. He grabs the journal and opens to his page and explains the curse. 
“Im surprised someone like Stanley could figure out how to communicate with you.”
“I opened the portal once to get you out, I could open it again to shove you back in, again. And I know how you treated Fidds when he was cursed, you were too stupid to see he was trying to talk to you.”
“I had more important things to work on. Besides, I would have gotten it eventually.”
“Ya barely even tried…”
Fiddleford told his wife he wanted a divorce and she conveniently has a witch friend that she got to place a curse on him. He wasn't able to make the cure himself or be there when the ingredients were collected. When he was cursed, he was told how to make the cure and its impossible for him to forget it. He was unable to talk or write. As for how he got to Gravity Falls… something something weirdness magnet- I don't know. 
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pond-froggie · 4 months ago
Ford and Fiddleford were dating in college but they broke up and lost contact. Ford moves out to the middle of the woods and after a few years of no contact asks Fiddleford to be his lab partner cause Ford doesn’t know anyone who is smart enough to work with him. Fiddleford agrees and keeps trying to get back with Ford but not pushing too hard,just giving small gifts and cooking for him and just being domestic. It eventually works on Ford and they get back together. 
One day when Fiddleford is at the store and Ford is home alone there’s a knock on his door. He opens it to a woman asking if Fiddleford is there and Ford asks who she is. She says she’s his wife from back in Tennessee and that he’s been missing for almost a year and that she tracked him to this address. 
Fords just like “oh yeah come inside :D” and they talk while they wait for Fiddleford to come home but Ford doesn’t say anything about why Fiddleford is there and what he’s doing there. 
She talks about their son and how hard it’s been without him and no double income. Ford is just “uh huh… wow that must be tough” thinking about all the ways he’s going to kick Fiddlefords ass back to Tennessee. 
Fiddleford comes through the door with groceries- “Fordsie, I know it wasn’t on the list but I got the stuff for chocolate chip cookies-“ and he sees his wife and his boyfriend sitting at the dining table with tea. 
Emma May jumps up and hugs him and starts crying about how she’s missed him and how their son misses him and Fiddleford is looking over her shoulder at Ford who’s looking out the window sipping his tea. Fiddleford pushes her away and tells her that he knows she cheated. Emma May denies it and says she would never do such a thing and tries to bring up Tate again but he interrupts her and says that Tate isn’t his and that he knows he was helping hide the affair. 
Emma May just stands there for a few seconds before lunging at Fiddleford and screaming at him about how he owes her money. Ford pulls her off of him and brings her outside telling her to leave or he’ll call the police. 
She leaves and Ford goes back inside and Fiddleford is still laying on the floor. Ford steps around him and puts the groceries away before laying on the floor next to him and grabbing his hand. 
“I didn wan cha findin out” Fiddleford sniffs and uses his other hand to swipe his eyes. “We meet in ma senior year and when we found out we’re both from Tennessee we got married when the year ended ‘nd had Tate a year later. As he got older I started suspecting he wasn’t mine so I watched more closely… her cousin Stanford- her cousin! Am I really that bad of a husband!… that’s embarrassin…” Fiddleford pulls his hand out of Fords and digs the palms of his hands into his eyes as he bites his lip to prevent sobs from slipping through. 
Ford sits up and picks up Fiddleford and moves him to the couch, laying him on top of him with Fiddleford grabbing fistfuls of his sweater and crying into it, Ford's arms around him trying to meld them into one. Fiddleford eventually calms down and turns his head to the side, pressing his ear to Ford's chest. 
“That was awful” Fiddleford whispers. Ford huffs and wipes his cheek of stray tears. 
“I’m assuming you haven’t let yourself do that?” 
“No… I just existed in Tennessee ‘til you called and I came as soon as I could and just forgot about it… I hated our stupid fight back in college…” 
“I never stopped loving you” 
“Me neither” 
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pond-froggie · 4 months ago
What if Axolotl turned Bill into a cat and sent him back in time to just after Ford finished building the cabin. 
Ford sees him and takes him in and the first night he destroys his house so Ford puts him back outside with some food, water and shelter. Bill is fine with it for a few days but Ford doesn’t go outside much cause he’s setting up his house. Bill sits outside his door and howls and scratches at it and runs from window to window. Eventually Ford lets him back in and tells him to not wreck his stuff. 
Ford tries to be affectionate with the cat but he always skitters away or flexes his paws to show his claws before stopping and almost looks like he’s thinking before deciding against it and retracting them. 
Ford names the cat Bill because he can’t come up with anything better. Bill does eventually get used to living like a cat and warm up to a domestic life with Ford. He sleeps next to his pillow at night. He’ll follow him around during the day, hunting around smaller anomalies for Ford to study earning him head scratches and belly rubs. 
But Ford struggles to come up with some mechanisms to help capture anomalies for study so he calls up his friend from college who’s more than happy to stay with him. Bill however, is less than thrilled. When Fiddleford arrives and tries to give Bill a few head scratches, he takes a swipe at him with his claws out making him bleed. 
The next few days are followed by Bill shredding his clothes, climbing his legs, biting his ankles, stealing his food, keeping him awake, leaving dead bugs on his night stand by his glasses, and staying as close to Ford as possible. Ford keeps trying to stamp down the behavior but he's a pushover and Fiddleford is too head over heels to care about some cat's personal vendetta against him. 
The holidays come around and Fiddleford makes Ford the snow globe which Bill promptly knocks off the shelf it’s set on. Fiddleford is the one that finds it along with Bill sitting a few feet away licking his paw unbothered. Fiddleford cleans it up and repairs it before Ford even notices. He scoops up Bill who howls and scratches his arms but he just ignores it. 
He takes him to his room and shuts both of them in there. Bill goes back and forth between fighting Fiddleford and trying to escape. Eventually he stops and sits in front of him, glaring at him while the man just smiles and says “are you done”. He goes on about how they both care about Ford and Ford cares about both of them so they have to be civil because neither of them are leaving.
Fiddleford asks for Bill's blessing to ask out Ford then he becomes conscious of what he’s doing and just sticks out his hand and Bill sniffs it before lowering his head and Fiddleford gives him head scratches for the first time without getting injured immediately after.
Ford was standing outside the door the whole time listening in.
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pond-froggie · 4 months ago
Fiddlestan but they get together after they get Ford out of the portal
Fiddleford shows up to Ford's cabin and thinks Stan is Ford but eventually realizes he isnt. Stan explains what happened to Ford and Fiddleford agrees to help. He struggles with working to turn the portal back on knowing what could happen and he worries about what Ford's mental state could be in. Stan is worried about Ford's safety and how pissed he's going to be at him. 
They provide comfort to the other. 
Fiddleford gently nudges Stan towards taking care of himself when he's been working too long on the portal and forgot, expecting him to get angry like his twin did but he just sighs and says he's right. Stan finds Fiddleford hiding under his work table in the lab pulling at his hair, hyperventilating and Stan sits with him, holding his hands, talking him out of it, and helping him up. Stans sleeping habits and Fiddlefords nightmares are fixed with sharing a bed. Stans eating habits and Fiddlefords loneliness is fixed by cooking and sharing meals together. They just remain friends though. 
After three years, the portal is back up and running. When they turn it on, Ford literally crawls out of it bloody and weak. The portal shuts off and Stan and Fiddleford run to help Ford. They cleaned him up and Stan helped him eat while Fiddleford cleaned his wounds and patched him up. Ford rested for a few days and the two never left his side. When he was awake and coherent he would rant about how stupid it was to open the portal. Stan would get quiet, unable to respond thinking that he messed up another thing. Fiddleford stayed out of it the first few times thinking that it was an argument between the twins but when he saw how upset Stan was getting he snapped back at Ford and told him how much work they put into fixing the portal and they didn't even know if he was alive but they weren't going to just leave him behind no matter how much he thinks he deserved it. 
Ford no longer argued with Stan and would randomly open up about his time in the portal. He apologized over and over to fiddleford even though he forgave him the first time. Ford was able to get a transdimentional exorcism during his time in the portal so Bill was no longer a threat. They found the rift and secured it. 
As Ford was getting closer to making a full recovery Stan felt like Fiddleford was pulling away from him. When Fords room got set up and they went back to sleeping in beds, Fiddleford slept in his own bed rather than Stans for the first time in almost three years. When Stan asked him about it he just said something about Ford making assumptions. When Stan woke up the next morning from a restless sleep, he went to the kitchen to find Fiddleford almost done with his coffee. Stan asked what they’re making for breakfast and Fiddleford said he already ate. Stan made breakfast and ate with Ford. It was like that for a week. 
One day Ford said he was going to go walking around the forest and the two offered to go with but he said he was going by himself and that he’s grateful for their help but he feels cooped up and just needs some alone time. So it’s just Stan and Fiddleford. 
Stan is in the living room on the couch watching tv while Fiddleford is in his room. Stan could hear him moving some stuff around and after a while he got curious. He went to go check on him and saw him putting his things in boxes. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Oh! Stanley, you scared me. I’m uh… well…” Fiddleford rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I figured since Stanford is outta the portal then I could git outta y’all’s hair. I mean- I moved here in the first place to help him build it and I moved back to help ya fix it and well… there’s nothing yall need me for anymore so…” Fiddleford clasped his hands in front of him and rocked back and forth on his feet. 
Stanley got scared. He was a flirt sure, but he was never one to initiate commitment. So was this it? Was he just going to watch him leave just because he couldn’t say a few words? 
“Excuse m-“ 
“No Fidds, you’re not leaving. I still need you here. I don’t need you to build some- dimensional wormhole or whatever. But if you really want to move-“ Stan picked up one of the boxes and walked out of the room with Fiddleford chasing after him. 
“Wait, Stanley! No! I wa-“ Stan took the box into his own room and set it down. He grabbed Fiddleford by the wrist and pulled him into his chest, wrapping an arm around his waist. “-then you can stay here. Whatever Ford assumes would be right.” 
“You’re not even going to ask me?” Fiddleford smiled up at him with flushed cheeks. 
And just like that all Stan’s bravado was gone. He groaned and hid his face in Fiddlefords neck, feeling intoxicated by his smell of oranges. 
“Aww c’mon Stanley ya were doin so well. Where’d it all go?” He just whined, making Fiddleford giggle. He reached a hand up and scratched at the base of Stan’s skull. “Fine, fine. You’ve already done so much. Stanley, will ya be my boyfriend?” 
“Yeah” Fiddleford pushed Stan’s head back so they could kiss. 
The next morning Ford is sitting at the kitchen table journaling about his findings the day before when Stan and Fiddleford both come out of Stan’s room. Ford sees them and flips to a different page that already has plenty of writing on it and starts writing ferociously. “Are you journaling about us?!” Stan asks while Fiddleford just laughs.
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