8 posts
Pharmacy, forklift driving, evolution, European history. Languages: Czech, Faroese, German, Italian, Latin, Swedish, and Welsh.
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
Italian: Seasons
stagione f (stagioni) : season
estate f (estati) : summer
autunno m (autunni) : autumn
inverno m (inverni) : winter
primavera f (primavere) : spring
estivo (feminine singular estiva, masculine plural estivi, feminine plural estive) - summery
autunnale (autunnali) - autumnal
invernale (invernali) - wintry
primaverile (primaverili) or vernale (vernali) - vernal {spring}
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
German: Seasons
die Jahreszeit (Jahreszeiten) : season
der Frühling (Frühlinge) : spring
der Lenz (Lenze) : spring, poetic
das Frühjahr (Frühjahre) : spring, (March, April, May)
der Sommeranfang (Sommeranfänge) : beginning of the summer
der Mittsommer : midsummer, around the summer solstice
der Frühsommer : early summer
der Sommer : summer
der Hochsommer : middle of the summer
der Spätsommer : Late summer
der Frühherbst (Frühherbste) : early autumn
der Herbst (Herbste) : autumn
der Spätherbst (Spätherbste) : late autumn
der Winter : winter
der Winteranfang (Winteranfänge) : beginning of winter
der Mittwinter : middle of winter, winter solstice
der Spätwinter : late winter
das Winterende (Winterenden) : end of winter
die Winterzeit (Winterzeiten) : winter time
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
Czech: Seasons
roční období n - season
jaro n - spring
léto n - summer
podzim m inan - autumn
zima f - winter
na jaře: in the spring
v létě: in the summer
na podzim: in the fall
v zimě: in the winter
these expressions use the locative case!
Adjectives related to the season:
letní - summer
jarní - spring
podzimní - autumn
zimní - winter
* první jarní den - first day of spring
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
Language Goals for Fall 2019
Swedish: I’ve reached the intermediate level for sure, but it’s time for me to really expand my vocabulary. I can do this by reading more news articles on 8-sidor and actually doing those Memrise courses that I have saved. I’ll try to review the Duolingo course as much as I can, but tbh I’m too advanced for that course. I would also like to find Swedish YouTube channels that don’t talk about makeup and clothing. Maybe crochet, nature, cooking, science?? Also going to listen to some Kent, Disney music, and Swedish Pod 101 on YouTube.
Czech: I’m definitely going to take my time on the Duolingo course and review, review, review! This is how I got so familiar with Swedish. I’ve never studied a Slavic language before, so I’m really going to take my time and not rush this. Duolingo is fine for now. Also, CzechPod 101 just for the listening. And Disney songs...
German: My German is in a weird spot. My vocabulary is decent, but not decent enough. So, my goal is to do the Duolingo course and Memrise course, and read some news articles on Deutsche Welle. Also going to do German Pod 101, Easy German, and Disney songs on YouTube. Each week, I may also do a page from my German course book.
Italian: Time to put that coursebook to work! I’m going to do one lesson a week and really focus on it. Going to try to find an easy news site as well. There is also Duolingo, Memrise, and YouTube. Fortunate enough to have a paper dictionary for this language!
Latin: One lesson from the course book a week. Wait patiently for the Duolingo course to come out. Try to find a good Memrise course for it... also, try to memorize good Latin phrases to wow people with haha.
Welsh: Duolingo is really all I have for this. I think there is an app called “Say Something In Welsh”. I’ll try that out and see if it’s a good supplement. Maybe try to find an online dictionary and a good Memrise course. Also try to find a way to get good listening practice...
Faroese: Translate more songs. Memrise. Study grammar. This one is the hardest of all to find resources for, but not impossible.
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
Czech: collective nouns
boroví n - pinewood
kamení n - stones
křoví n - bushes
stromoví n - trees
note: these nouns are collective, meaning multiple (plural) objects, but are singular nouns, however.
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polysprakiga-blog · 6 years ago
Czech: abstract verbs
“Czech abstract verbs of motion whose motion is multidirectional (as opposed to unidirectional) or indirect, or whose action is repeated or in a series, instead of being a single, completed action. Abstract verbs are always imperfective in aspect, even with prefixes that are normally associated with the perfective aspect.” Wiktionary
běhat - to run
chodit - to walk , to go (repeatedly)
lézt - to climb, to crawl
nosit - to wear, hold, bring, or carry
plavat - to swim
umím plavat - I can swim
Proč umějí kachny plavat? - Why can ducks swim??
Nosí hezké šaty. - (He/she/it) wears nice clothes.
Každý den nám listonoš nosí noviny. - Everyday, the postman brings us the newspaper.
chodíme sem rádi na procházky - we like walking here
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polysprakiga-blog · 8 years ago
German Lessons - Seperable Prefixes on Verbs
The verbs with the following prefixes are separable: ab-, an-, auf-, aus-, bei-, ein-, los-, mit-, nach-, her-, hin-, vor-, weg-, zu-, zurück- The verbs with the following prefixes are inseparable: be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, zer- The verbs with the following prefixes can be either separable or inseparable: durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter-
With separable verbs, we stress the prefix; with inseparable verbs, we stress the syllable after the prefix. {source: Lingola}.
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polysprakiga-blog · 8 years ago
Pharmacy SIG Codes
If you are thinking of entering the pharmacy world, you are going to discover two things for certain- doctors have horrible handwriting, and that pharmacy lingo could be it’s own language (it is actually latin and greek based, but consider this its own dialect). I figured that a small list of absolutely necessary SIG codes would be great for those who may not grasp them yet. Please note that when inputting, every pharmacy may have their own SIG codes, but these will most likely be featured on your exams!
♡ PRN - As needed. ♡ Q - Every. ♡ QD - Every day/Once daily. ♡ NPO - Nothing by mouth. ♡ AS - Left ear. ♡ OU - Each/Both eyes. ♡ AD - Right ear. ♡ AU - Both/Each ears. ♡ OD - Right eye. ♡ OS - Left eye. ♡ SC - Subcutaneously. ♡ IM - Intramuscularly. ♡ IMZ - Immunization. ♡ PO - Per oral/By mouth. ♡ BID - Twice daily. ♡ TID - Three times daily. ♡ HS - At bedtime. ♡ AM - In the morning. ♡ PM - In the evening. ♡ CF - Take with food. ♡ OES - On an empty stomach.
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