polyplastictumtum · 3 years
I love that birds walk around sometimes...like literally so humble
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
This is our new music video!! Made by us just for you! xx
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
i see a dip music video
good morning tumblr - we have a music video coming out tomorrow!! directed by me (Charlie) and two friends of ours choreographer/director Rie Katagiri and writer/poet Jilly Moreno. 
the video was for some reason incredibly hard to make. we kept hitting roadblocks on the way to shoot weekend and when we finally started filming it was 110 degrees in LA and Emily and I were wearing constricting tyvek suits. It’s truly amazing we didn’t pass out. On top of the intensity of the shoot our DP Angela Pascal’s wonderful horse Pico had been poisoned by accident a few days earlier so Angela was simultaneously trying to keep her horse alive while shooting 10 hour days. 
On the last day of shooting we finished early and were so relieved to be done when one of the hard drives holding the footage failed on us and we seemingly lost all of the footage from the weekend. I have to say I was not nearly as upset as I could have been, but my body was so tired that I think I was in shock. Angela was beside herself and we immediately took the hard drive into a data recovery center. They told us it would take a few days to figure it out so I decided to leave LA until we knew what was happening. 
I drove up to Morro Bay and spent 4 days alone working on music, reading and walking on the beach by Morro Bay rock. The rest of the band didn’t know we had lost the footage and I couldn’t bring myself to tell Emily or Dylan or our label that we might have to shoot it again or cancel the video completely. 
On the day the data recovery center called me to update me on the status of the footage I drove back to LA. They had managed to find half of the footage and told me that the drive had failed in a way they had never seen before, both hardware and software were damaged! I called Emily, Dylan and Angela and devised a plan to reshoot. 
A week later we were back in the 110 degree warehouse and all of us were incredibly prepared to reshoot the video. That first weekend was basically a very expensive rehearsal. Aric Van Halen our gaffer had brought a medium format camera to the previous weekend to shoot some BTS photos but the camera had also fucked up and so none of the photos turned out - but this time he was ready and got some amazing shots of us on set!!
Video comes out tomorrow on FLOOD and we can’t wait for you to see it!
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
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pinky pinnky tum tum 
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
Find us in the woods sharing this Polyplastic bag
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polyplastictumtum · 3 years
Business is as Business does
hey world its Polyplastic! right now we are working on the future of car bumper stickers with famed photographer and creative director Lila Murphy @lilmurphofficial
let us know what you wanna see on the back of ur moms minivan!! could it say “my other bag is a polyplastic bag” ? Could it say “you’re going to heaven” ? maybe “follow me to the garden party” ?
love you and seeya soon with many bumper stickers to choose from
ta ta for now
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