poliglotar-blog · 7 years
¿Por qué aprender una lengua indígena?
He visto muchos Langblr, por todos lados, y todos aprenden o quieren aprender distintas lenguas de acuerdo con sus gustos, pero no he visto a nadie hablando acerca de aprender alguna lengua indígena de su país, y esto es DEMASIADO importante.
Yo amo los idiomas, sé español porque es mi lengua materna, y lo he estudiado porque me encanta escribir, al menos en la lengua madre es vital saber escribir con propiedad. Ahora, aprendí inglés porque fui a un colegio bilingüe, italiano por estar escuchando a gente de intercambios, sé de japonés porque era muy fanática del ánime y toda la cultura japonesa y eso y he andado aprendiendo lenguaje de señas.
Las lenguas mayoritarias existen porque tienen gran cantidad de hablantes, son aceptadas en los medios y hablarlas representan cierto estátus, para uno que es latinoamericano hablar inglés o alemán puede abrir muchas puertas. Sin embargo, las lenguas indígenas son lenguas minoritarias, es decir, pertenecen a una minoria, son habladas por muy pocas personas y mantener un idioma vivo no solamente es costoso, sino que tiene gran cantidad de detractores. Existe un desinterés por parte de los gobiernos por preservar estas lenguas! La educación está centralizada, los niños indígenas en muchos países deben ir a la escuela y alfabetizarse en español.
Las lenguas minoritarias no se analtecen en los medios, no las vemos en la tele, no las escuchamos, nadie las enseña, y gran parte de la pérdida del idioma se debe a que sus propios hablantes de avergüenzan de ellas! SE AVERGÜENZAN de su lengua.
Entonces, ¿po qué aprender una lengua indígena?
1- En pro de las minorias, para que los hablantes vean que su idioma tiene importancia y se interesen por mantenerlo.
2- Es terrible, para los que amamos aprender idiomas, ver morir una lengua. Cuando se muere el último hablante, se muere una oportunidad.
3- Son H E R M O S A S.
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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Oi, pessoal!
A vocabulary post for you learning how can you say the seasons of the year in posrtuguese! Kisses!
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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Les adverbes de fréquence
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
Turkish Youtubers
Hello! So I thought I could make a list of some Turkish youtubers for those of you who are learning Turkish and those who are watching videos in languages that they don’t even study like me  Enjoy! ^-^
Info, school, technology:
Akıl Fikir Mektebi (Maths)
Barış Özcan (Info, technology)
Engin Hoja (Maths)
Fulya Hoca (Turkish literature)
Hasan Bir Öğretmen (Maths)
Hocalara Geldik (Physics, chem, counseling)
Kimya Özel (Chemistry)
MatAkademi (Maths)
Mesut Yazıcı (Turkish sign language)
Şenol Hoca (Maths)
Tonguç Akademi (Lessons & counseling for high school entrance exam)
Turkish people living/studying abroad: 
Amerika’daki Türk (USA)
Komşuda TV (Greece)
Melis Eren (Greece) (her blog)
Çilem Akar (Spain, UK)
Çinde Okuyorum (China)
Make-up, DIY, shopping:
Asena Ermiş
Duygu’nun DIY Günlüğü
The Miraz
Polina Chursanova
Ceyhan Başlangıç
Görkem Karman
Ayşe Kelce
Kitap Okuyan Solucan
Bookie Jar
Fatih İlaslan
Süleyman Özcan
Eren Nadir Akşamoğlu
Ağır Mimar (An architecture with funny memories & ideas, speaks fast :/)
Duru Önver (Story telling)
Hayrettin (Pranks)
Hayrettin 2 (Hayrettin’s meet up videos)
Oha Diyorum! (They try new and absurd things)
Onedio (Kinda ‘Turkish Buzzfeed)
Ecmel Soylu (She’s fun & doesn’t speak so fast)
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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This infographic is about Esperanto, an international auxiliary language created in 1887 by Dr. Ludwig Zamenhoff. It is the most widely used constructed language in the world. 
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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The alphabet fades away
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
Books and Films Vocabulary
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an action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence
to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing
bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleep
to be a big reader: someone who reads a lot
to be based on: to use as a modal
a box office hit: a financially successful film
to be heavy-going: difficult to read
a blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success
to catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out
the central character: the main person in a film or book
a classic: of the highest quality
to come highly recommended: to be praised by another person
couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a book
an e-book: a digital book
an e-reader: a device for reading e-books
to flick through: to look quickly through a book
to get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedback
to go on general release: when a film can be seen by the general public
hardback: a book with a rigid cover 
a historical novel: a story set in the past
a low budget film: a film made with a small amount of money
on the big screen: at the cinema
a page turner: a book that you want to keep reading
paperback: a book with a flexible cover 
plot: the main events in a film or book
to read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the last
sci-fi: science fiction
to see a film: to see a film at the cinema 
the setting: where the action takes place
showings: performances of a film
soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film
special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally
to take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the library
to tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an event
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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bookstore browsing is my favorite thing in the whole world. and i finally found a book i need for my english literature class, so i’m happy with my decisions, in the end.
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
“Advanced” English Valentine’s Vocabulary
adoration - deep love and respect
comely - pleasant to look at, attractive
admirer - a person how had great regard for someone or something. A person who has a romantic interest in someone
bouquet - an arranged bunch of flowers
exquisite - extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate
amorous - showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
devotion - love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause
sentimental - of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia
beau - a boyfriend or male admirer
unrequited love - feelings of love that are not returned or understood by the admired
yearning - a feeling of intense longing for something
serenade - a piece of music sung or played in the open air in someone’s honor
swoon - faint from extreme emotion
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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Other Ways to Say Sick:
Enfermo(a) - Sick
Hospitalizar - To Hospitalize
Débil - Frail
Mareado(a) - Nauseated
I hope you all stay nice and healthy rather than sick this week. As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away and an onion a day keeps your friends away ;).
Something that I been slightly obsessed with lately is my thesaurus, and the specific use of certain words over others.  So today, I decided to make the words related to other ways to explain that someone is sick.  (I am also a huge fan of today’s color palette).  
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
english idioms
by heart – from memory
to pull someone’s leg – teasing
to put your foot down – insist on something with authority
cold feet – to abandon something you had decided to do before. “I’m beginning to get cold feet about the whole idea.”
to be tight-fisted – to be mean
to set your heart on something – to decide to achieve or get something
to rack one’s brain(s) – to think really hard about something
his/her heart is in the right place – to be a good person
eye to eye – to agree on something
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
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~ la primavera 
la flor//the flower
florecer//to bloom
chirrido//to chirp
el pájaro//the bird
el rayo de sol//the sunbeam
~ el verano
la playa//the beach
el helado//the ice cream
la quemadura de sol// the sunburn 
nadar//to swim
las gafas de sol//the sunglasses
~ el otoño
las hojas//the leaves
el follaje//the foliage
la bufanda//the scarf
lleno de color//colorful, full of color
~ el invierno
la nieve//the snow
ir en trineo//to go sledding
las bebidas calientes//the hot beverages
el carámbano// the icicle 
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
in brazilian portuguese we don’t say “ok, i understood”. we say “ata” and i think it’s beautiful
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
Polyglot Problems
Sometimes if I study Chinese in the morning and French later in the day I end up reading the accents as tone marks. So “je suis très fière de toi” becomes an angry sounding “I am very proud of you” and it’s kind of hilarious.
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poliglotar-blog · 7 years
Listening and reading
As an intermediate learner of Spanish and Italian I can’t stress just how much I improve when I maintain regular reading and listening habits.
You don’t even have to be in the country of your target language, but of course it helps. Take advantage of YouTube, online versions of newspapers and even Facebook pages. 
Discover the language’s memes and internet culture, observe how native speakers interact with each other in the comments sections.
Learn new skills and information directly in your target language and to recognise different text types.
The more you see and hear, the more easy it will be for you to speak and produce written texts. If you can check your understanding by asking natives or completing comprehension tasks accompanied by answer sheets then even better!
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