polar-ponies · 9 months
Happy new year everyone, hope you all are well and will have a great year!
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polar-ponies · 10 months
Hey, I know I have been kinda dead as of late but I was thinking about starting on somewhat a fresh slate with the characters you know on this blog of mine and possibly other bogs of mine that you may or may not follow. I want to try and be a bit more active to try and grow a bit more on the creative side of things. On top of revamping my blogs I think I’m also gonna try and have commissions and possible requests open. I had a lot that changed recently, hopefully you guys can join along the journey once more. I’m gonna be trying to make a picture for each of my blogs by hopefully next week. If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)
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polar-ponies · 4 years
What's with the horns?
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Cherry: Well, just like other males in my species we have a chance to have horns. I was just lucky to grow some, my brother didn’t. It is just apart of us, we all also have different kind and styles of horns. I have a cousin who has larger horns then me and uses them to protect his herd.
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polar-ponies · 4 years
What does Cherry look like shaved?
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Cherry: A nice shave does well in the summer, though Leo doesn't like being shaved.
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polar-ponies · 4 years
Here, eat my cheek.
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Aqua Frost: Wah wah wah, hold it right there! My brothers won’t be eating anything from strangers.
Cherry: Aquaaaa why did you have to push me aside :(
Leo: Sis! You’re here, I missed you.
Aqua: Idiots, Cherry were you even taking care of Leo!?!
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polar-ponies · 4 years
I wanna live in the fur.
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Cherry: Darling everyone wants to live in this fur <3
Leo: I’m almost better, Cherry. I’ll be answering questions soon.
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polar-ponies · 4 years
I bet you are really soft
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Cherry: Yes, I am quite soft. I pride myself in my fluff just like my sis, Leo has a natural softness to his fur I get jealous about it.
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polar-ponies · 4 years
A very fluffy poofy haired pegasus waves and brings you peach pie poptarts "howdy new friend your soft and fluffy like me, my names peach pie pop tart but everyone calls me pop tart what's your name?".
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Cherry: well hello darling, it’s nice meeting you I am Cherry twist. My brother is the one who usually answers questions but I’m stepping in for a while.
Leo: your a pain.
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polar-ponies · 4 years
Poof, you now have the coronavirus.
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Cherry: Your a bit too late with that, Leo doesn’t have corona but has fallen ill. We are safely away from the virus don’t worry about him though.
Leo: CHERRY!!! *starts coughing*
Cherry: Oh dear I better check on him.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
*eyes full of wonder* Oh you fluffy like me.. do you think maybe I am part polar pony.. I never knew my real parents, I was adopted. (( From @peachpiepoptart))
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Leo: you could be though you do look like your part bunny to me as well, you remind me of a friend of mine. Sorry you didn’t know your real parents.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
How big are you???
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Leo: personally I am 6 foot 7 inches, though my species come in varies of sizes I just happen to get the tall genes. Mod isn’t happy about that.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
Consume it with your butt.
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Leo: I will not do that, I may not be a bananza wiz but I know it dont go there.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
Do you generate static electricity?
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Leo: I could but technically every living thing has... oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t ramble.
Mod: sorry again I’m now working on asks and drawing as well as some side projects. My job has been shut down so for now I’m filling my time with trying to catch up and projects I pushed aside.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
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I forgot to post Leo’s brother here after I made him. But here he is, I am working hard to catch up with you guys feel like I’m falling behind.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
Is polar ponies a closed species of pony?
No the polar ponies are an open species, I just want to be tagged when the species are used or a character is made from the species.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
How often do you get things stuck in your fur?
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Leo: usually depends on the job you are given or do. For me I tend to get quite a bit of things in my fur.
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polar-ponies · 5 years
gives u a banan
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Leo: *tries to eat it with the peal* ... it’s not that good... oh wait *takes peal off then takes a bite.* eh not bad.
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