poisonenvi · 9 years
“I think one kender will become a hero,” Laurana said seriously. “He will be the kender who broke the dragon orb, the kender who fought at the siege of the High Clerist’s Tower, the kender who captured Bakaris, the kender who risked everything to rescue a friend from the Queen of Darkness.” “Who’s that?” Tas asked eagerly, then, “oh!” Suddenly realising who Laurana meant, Tas flushed pink to the tips of his ears and sat down with a thud, quite overcome.
Dragons of Spring Dawning (Dragonlance Chronicles) - Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman (via misssamnew)
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poisonenvi · 9 years
“I don’t suppose you could…sort of swoosh me somewhere, like you did the last time? It’s great fun…” Checking a sigh, Raistlin obligingly “swooshed” the kender into a duck pond, to Tas’s vast amusement. The kender couldn’t recall, in fact, when Raistlin had been so nice to him.”
Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Dragonlance -Time of the Twins (via selenepersephone)
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poisonenvi · 9 years
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(PSoH Tokyo Sidestory 1 vs Sidestory 2)
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poisonenvi · 9 years
I like how everything Leon and Count D do together can pass as one of those “Imagine your OTP getting together aus”:
You run a shady place of business and I have to spend an unhealthy amount of time with you as part of my investigation
We can’t stand each other, but my little sibling wants you to come with us on vacation so the three of us will spend a week together in close quarters
I think you’re a horrible person, but I can’t find anyone else to watch my little brother
I tried to save you from terrorists, but got captured too. Guess we can be hostages together
So you sold the wrong pet to someone. I’m going to sneak into some guy’s house with you and get it back because I have time to kill, not because I feel anything for you
I hated you until I saw you with boobs and now I’m confused about my sexuality
We’re trapped in a dreamscape together and we’re the only 2 people in this land
My enemies kidnapped you because they thought we were friends. Now I have to get you back
I’ll search the world for you. I don’t care if you’re not human.
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poisonenvi · 9 years
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This definitely happens, doesn’t it? I think they’d be really gracious at first when being amended/corrected, but eventually it all goes to hell…
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poisonenvi · 9 years
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(PSoH Tokyo Sidestory 1 vs Sidestory 2)
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poisonenvi · 9 years
There should be a psoh fanfic where D and Leon fake-date to throw off an unwanted vampire suitor, but the vampire keeps coming back and eventually Leon gets in a fist-fight with him over D. Wait a minute. 
This doesn’t need fanfic.
Because it happened in canon.
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poisonenvi · 9 years
whether you listen to the dialogue without video or watch the video without sound it’s all the same
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poisonenvi · 9 years
Okay, just hear me out for a second.
Muggleborn kid with a talent for magic. Not real magic. Like, sleight of hand magic. And then a prefect catches them doing something like making a ball appear to vanish or whatever, and just loses their shit because this 11 year old kid has utterly mastered Vanishing Spells and what the hell how is that even possible.
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poisonenvi · 9 years
Fusion For Everybody!
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poisonenvi · 9 years
The reason aang and katara are great friends is because they started with a good ice breaker
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poisonenvi · 9 years
I told one of my students that his oral presentation was on the 3rd of december
He seems to have slightly misunderstood me - I just received an email titled “here is the assignment about the 3rd of december”
He’s literally written me a short essay about the 3rd of december
he’s explained what the 3rd of december is as well as every important historical event that has ever happened on the 3rd of december
what do I do omfg
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poisonenvi · 9 years
About Vivienne
I was thinking of her the other day, she’s my mainstay mage in my Seolta playthrough and I noticed some things while I was playing
She says a lot of shit to Cole, and some to Dorian if I remember right,but if you read between the lines it says a lot about her experiences 
She’s more than suspicious about Cole, she outright doesn’t want him with the Inquisition, and I think she might be as suspicious of Dorian.  But why?  She calls Cole a demon, specifically, especially when he talks to her - and often refuses to talk directly to him, but working through the Inquisitor as a medium - and seems to think Dorian is bein foolish with his magic 
One of the convos with Cole has him speaking about her Harrowing, or so I think, and I think that’s the bi clue as to why she’s like this, why she supports the Circle so strongly, why she’s so staunchly against apostates and spirits.  In this memory, she is clearly terrified of being possessed, the event traumatized her, and i think this fear informs her entire life
Vivienne is someone who craves control, she keeps herself under such a steady leash and I think it has to do with this fear of possession.  If she loses control, she could lose herself, could hurt someone.  That fear is behind all her opinions re: mages.
It’s a lot like Bull, I think - she’s so afraid of what she could become that she constantly reigns herself in and lives by a strict code of how mages should exist that includes ‘all spirits are evil’ and ‘the circle was a good thing ’ 
which in some ways it was, but not to the extent Vivienne believes, I think in a way she copes with what happened to her by saying to herself, it was necessary, it had to happen to protect herself from demons, to protect others from her.  Because if that suffering wasn’t necessary, then why?  It opens a pandora’s box on her pain that I don’t think she wants to touch.
Vivienne is so scared, and spends her whole life and so much energy hiding it, and it breaks my heart :c
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poisonenvi · 9 years
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poisonenvi · 9 years
you know what i really want? a modern dudebro vampire. just a typical obnoxious straight boy in a neon tank top and cargo shorts who also happens to be a creature of the night.
“okay, dude, i’m only feeding on you ‘cause i’m starving and there aren’t any hot girls around. no homo.” “wait, you’re gonna suck my blood?” “no, i’m gonna drink your blood. i don’t suck, that’s gay. don’t make this weird, bro”
“ah, i see you’re staring pensively out the window, chad. ruminating on the curse of your newfound immortality?” “nah man, it’s just… i got, like, some flecks of blood on my adidas while i was feeding and they haven’t come out…”
“we do not drink… wine.” “okay but is beer cool? and can we still smoke weed?”
he joins a 24-hour gym because being undead and allergic to sunlight is no excuse for skipping leg day. tragic music swells as he looks over his “sun’s out guns out” tanks (he has seven of them). his coven is a fraternity. someone make this happen
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poisonenvi · 9 years
person: today was a bit of a cheat day for me haha, i went on my morning run at 8 instead of 7 and had a little bit of whipped cream on my fruit at breakfast ;)
me: i haven't eaten anything but lemonade oreos for the past 2 days
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poisonenvi · 9 years
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