poisonedjustice · 3 years
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Eyes followed the movements on the hybrid ‘mon from afar as they approached. They didn’t seem dangerous, aside from having a type advantage…clearly not inherently hostile. But of course, he knew he had an upper hand if anything went awry. So the amphibian sat out in the open so he could be seen.
“The Labyrinthine Woods, not surprising you got lost. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never find your way.”
Solanine can feel eyes on him even before he sees them, perks of being part psychic type. However he is relatively at ease despite it anyways. Why worry when there was nothing currently pointing to having any reason to worry. His hand does however idly rest on the hilt of his weapon, because  he also has no reason to act like he isn’t armed either in this case.
“I see. I’m afraid I must have gotten disorientated during my travels. Could you perhaps point me towards the nearest way to exit these woods?”
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poisonedjustice · 3 years
Solanine once again found himself in a new place on his travels, only this time he got lost and was no longer certain where he was going. Not a major problem, seeing as he wasn’t exactly picky on his destinations to begin with, however it was still good to actually know where he was and have an idea of his bearings at the very least. So it’s quite handy to see a pokemon nearby, not any he recognizes, but then he was hardly one to judge being a rather unique case. Solanine approaches quietly. 
“Excuse me. Do you happen to know where this is?”
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poisonedjustice · 3 years
Starter Call
[[Yups its the first official starter call of this blog! Go ahead and slap that like button or reblog this post and I’ll be sure to write something up for you! If you’re multimuse please specify who you want the starter for! I’ll get to them all as soon as I can.]]
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poisonedjustice · 3 years
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[[Liz has gone and done it again whoops. Was organizing the computer and found an old concept for a character I couldn’t help but dust off and finish. If you’re interested in another PMD/PKM oc then you might just like this blog.]]
[[Fresh off the presses here’s a serious wandering Gardevoir/Roserade man with a tragic and mysterious past. I’d really appreciate it if you’d reblog this to spread the word!]]
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poisonedjustice · 3 years
[[ Feel free to ignore this it’s just a tag dump. ]]
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