Pamela Isley
92 posts
... Just One Kiss ...
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
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take over the city with your wife, give her weeds and sweep her off her feet
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
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but its important
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
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✨keep up w my art on insta ✨
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley could not help but love Ivy a bit more each time she was patient with her. Something no one else had ever been, and it truly touched her. There was truly no one else quite like Ivy and maybe that was why they ended up together. 
“You don’t mind doing that? It could be several times a day depending on how I feel.” 
It was a relief to have someone that not only appreciated her but really made an effort to keep things even between them. She was so used to feeling like the one that had no power or say when it came to interactions with others. Granted most of the mistreatment from men was due to one source but it was not the only one. 
If she was being honest looking for plants sounded about as exciting as watching paint dry. But Ivy had been patient and kind to her so she had to return the favor one way or another. “Fine. But then we do something I want to do.” 
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“ I can look at plants another day, let’s do what you’d like to do first - if there’s time, we can swing by the market later. “ 
Ivy grinned and squeezed Harley’s hand reassuringly. No, it didn’t bother her. 
Why should it ???
As she saw it: people needed love & acceptance from others. It didn’t take time out of her day to dole out encouragement & adoration for someone she cared so deeply for. 
Harley had the unfortunate luck of an abusive past & Ivy refused to mimic any part of it in her own actions. It was one unspoken rule that hung between them, even in the worst of times. 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley didn’t have any kids but if she did they would not be out fighting people like her. But she doubted the bat would listen to either of them on the subject matter. So hopefully they wouldn’t have as many issues as the rest of them did. 
“You don’t have to tell me twice beautiful. I will be right behind you.” 
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Ivy took Harley’s hand & started to move toward the fire escape ladder. It seemed well maintained for downtown & besides that - if they could reach the community greenhouse at the top, she could fashion a much more suitable means of healing her wounds, maybe Harley’s too. 
( Her body ached in a way she had not imagined it could after a severe thrashing from an adolescent !!! )
“ Are you okay enough to climb ??? “
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley knew her well enough to sense she was telling a lie but did not call her on it. Ivy was just like her so once her mind was set there would be no changing it. She would have to figure out a way to keep herself busy. Besides a certain cat kept the bat busy usually anyway. If Harley asked Selena would keep doing so and she could get up to plenty of trouble. 
“I’ll probably just go see a certain cat, Red.” 
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Ivy smiled as much as she could given the circumstances. 
She’d be out soon enough, she’d just decided. 
Then again, perhaps love made you come to crazy split-second decisions ??? It’s not exactly like she had much experience in this particular department before now. 
“ I think that’s a good idea. “
She opened the window and sat on the ledge as a thick tangle of vines fashioned themselves into a seat of sorts. The Batman took a seat - confident in her word, certainly. Right now ??? She didn’t mind going quietly. 
She turned her head slowly, a lingering glance over her shoulder:
“ I love you. “
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
“Pretty sure you like that about me.” 
She watches the other amused and quietly thinking that Ivy was beautiful no matter how she looked. But there was something about when she got all scientific that in her opinion was quite hot. 
Blue eyes looking into green with an open amount of love and affection for the other before pulling Ivy on top of her. “I will sleep better if you stay right here.” Thinking a nap did sound good right about now but doubting Ivy would go along with such. 
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Ivy allows her body to slump onto Harley’s gently - lying still for a minute before she lifts her head a little. 
“ ... I have to get back to looking over those results. Jonathan Crane had an interesting idea last time I was in Arkham & I think it could help us too. “ 
Of course, she was intending to expand their arsenal of weapons - for the times they needed them. 
Still, red locks fall back against Harley’s pale skin. 
This was very comfortable, come to think of it. 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley couldn’t help but laugh once she spotted the pout on the other’s face. It just looked so comical since Ivy was usually the one chiding her for what she called childish behavior. Still she had enough sense to stop laughing after a moment or two since Ivy seemed upset after all. 
She moved over to her and grabbed a hold of her hands starting to play with her fingers. Some part of Harley was always in motion but at least that way she was showing affection to Ivy instead of just being antsy. “We are a team daffodil. You can’t go off alone. Did you forget that?” 
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“ No. “
The sour expression fell from her face and she sighed in something kin to ‘ frustration ‘. Harley’s rare emotional instability was always looming over their partnership. While Ivy did not hold this against her, it was a challenge she had to meet head on. 
The evasion of the question was enough to make Ivy wonder if she shouldn’t soften up ... just a little.  
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley let out a sigh once she felt Ivy learn her forehead against her own. She tried her best not to be insecure but after everything she had been through it was hard. Especially since Ivy could of picked anyone and sometimes she had to wonder why her. Since she was so damaged and had hurt her plenty and yet Ivy still wanted her. 
“I’m trying to believe you Red. Sometimes my brain is the worst, honestly.” 
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“ It’s alright ... eventually I’ll have proven it enough you won’t need to question it. Until then - I’ll just remind you as often as I can, sound good to you ??? “
Ivy leaned over and kissed Harley’s head.
It was nice having someone around who did not try to ‘ outshine ‘ her own accomplishments. As a matter of fact, they were quite complimentary to each other. ( If you had asked Ivy, anyway !!! ) 
“ Now, why don’t we find something else to focus on ??? I really would like to go look into a few more succulents for the balcony ... “ 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
I can’t hear you over the sound of one half of my otp deciding to risk everything for the other even though they haven’t even kissed yet
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
"How to find the right glasses for your face shape", oh, bullshit. You pick ones you think a hot scientist in a bad horror movie would wear and then you just go do whatever.
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Sometimes Harley wanted to pinch herself because it was hard to believe she got to be happy. After so much pain and misery it just seemed like a dream she had yet to wake up from. Sure she was now officially grinning like a fool once Ivy said about her being that better half of her. 
Letting out a sigh before nuzzling Ivy’s neck committing her scent to memory just in case. Sure when they were apart for whatever reason it usually wasn’t long. But for her it might as well be forever. “Sure you tell that to all your girls.” 
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“ ... What do you mean ‘ all my girls ‘ ??? There’s just you. “ 
Pamela being tender ??? She never thought the day would come, but here she is - standing up, taking Harley’s chin in her hands, placing her forehead against the blonde’s own. 
“ I mean it, okay ??? “
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
me? using sex as a coping mechanism? it’s more likely than you think.
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley tensed up almost expecting Ivy to react negatively to her statement even though she knew nothing would happen. It seemed old habits died hard after all and more time would be needed to get past old wounds that never quite healed right. Letting out a scoff as she mentioned about getting her into trouble. 
“Don’t tell me you have gone soft, Red.” 
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“ Perish the thought, madame clown cupid. Besides - I’m supposed to be having this crisis alone, remember ??? “
Was she teasing or was she genuinely a little hurt - who knows ??? 
Instead, she folded her arms over her chest and pouted. While it wasn’t the most mature thing she could do - it made the most sense, currently. 
“ Do you always jump to conclusions, or is that just because it’s me ??? “
Nope, she was definitely a little hurt. 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley loved the fact that no one else got to see the side of Ivy like she did. Sure they had a rocky start but it got better in time. She was lucky to have someone like her that was so patient and loving. Even when she had hurt her in ways most would not have forgiven. A giggle when she noticed the pause curious what had caused such. 
“You were laying right beside me sunflower. Why don’t you tell me?” 
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“ A bit cheeky - even for you, Harls. “
- But, Ivy finds herself sitting up a little more straight and dignified in her seat to dispel her awe ... and look very scientific & regal all at once.  
“ I might have slept better if you didn’t toss and turn so much !!! “ 
Ivy’s voice takes on a sudden softness: 
“ ... are you sure you slept okay ??? “
Ivy places the clipboard on the arm of the chair & sinks to the floor - crawling over to Harley and stopping next to her, so they’d be on the same eye level. 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Of course she knew that Ivy would come back since she always did. But it was hardly any comfort to her currently if she was being honest with herself. All she wanted to do was make Ivy change her mind if possible. Since she knew with a bit of pleading she just might be able to accomplish such. Then again Ivy was known to be rather stubborn on certain matters. 
“I don’t trust them.” The top of said list was certainly a certain bat but the statement applied to the staff at Arkham knowing how terrible they were. She bit her bottom lip starting to chew on it in thought. “Can’t you just have one of your babies eat the bat and stay?” 
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“ ... I’ll be okay. “
( It was an easy lie to tell. She’d spent much of her time in Arkham & besides, some of their other friends were there too. Time would pass, slowly - - - but, it would pass. ) 
“ Promise you aren’t going to try to get thrown in too. Please ??? The stress of worrying over that might kill me, Harley. “
She smiles as she makes for the window. She promised to go quietly & she damn well intended to do so. Batman was gracious enough to let her say her goodbyes, why not wait a week to break out - pretend like she meant to make good on her promise to stay ???
Why should she make good on her word to Batman of all people. 
She had more important things to worry about. 
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poisoned-isley-blog1 · 6 years ago
Harley had seen what seemed to be plenty of Robins ever since she first put on a costume and started to cause mayhem. It seemed the Bat could not seem to keep one long at all. Before she knew it the next time out a new one was prowling the streets and trying to beat her up. 
“I guess. But he needs to keep them on a leash. What kind of parents have them out and fighting people like us. I could kill any of them easily.” 
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Alright, Harley has a point actually. The Bat has his ‘ offspring ‘ out at all hours tracking & actively combatting the villains of Gotham. 
“ If I were in good standing with him - I might broach the subject, but it seems every time we meet he’d rather punt me through brick walls. His loss, I guess.“
She stands and extends a hand to help Harley up too. 
“ Speaking of, let’s get out of here before they show up with good ol’ papa Bat, eh ?? “
Ivy glances around them nervously as she states her newest thought. 
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