poisonbutch · 1 year
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for when you’re a puppydyke/kittyfag in some way.
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poisonbutch · 1 year
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[PT: Anjesque. /End PT]
🐈‍⬛ 🐈 🐈‍⬛ 🐈
(inspired by this post)
An identity related to grotesque, monstrous, gross, ugly, bloody, eerie, filthy, sinful, etc. angels (or related to being an angel like that). It can be an angel with any possible form and behavior, as long as they don’t fit the traditionally soft/cute image of angels
It is intended to be an alterhuman term, but can also be used to describe other aspects of one’s identity (like gender, orientation, etc.)
🐈 🐈‍⬛ 🐈 🐈‍⬛
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poisonbutch · 1 year
Monstrihuman [mawns-tree-human, mons-tree-human]
Name credit to @bees--on--toast
Mon - Monster
Stri - Stripped
Human - Human
An alterhuman identity where one's trauma/traumatic event stripped away their humanity. Thus, resulting them to be a monster [rather a specific monster, or just a monster].
[With and without nonhuman/alterhuman symbol]
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[Image ID: A 5 horizontally striped flag. the flag stripes range from medium, small, large, small, and medium. The colors from up to down are saturated pink, crimson pink, crimson brown, dark green, and green. In the middle is the nonhuman symbol, which is a small circle with a dot in the middle and two small lines coming off of it. It is surrounded by a diamond. There is a ring behind the diamond, and then another ring at the very edges of the diamond. It is filled in with greenish-white. End ID]
[Image ID: A 5 horizontally striped flag. the flag stripes range from medium, small, large, small, and medium. the colors from up to down are saturated pink, crimson pink, crimson brown, dark green, and green. End ID]
Symbol below
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poisonbutch · 1 year
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Devil + Angel + Kayic
A term for those who are devils that love angels, devils that wish to be an angel, devils that love angels and want to be one, etc. This can be for fun, or because the user feels like they SHOULD be an angel.
Requested by Anon!
Tagging: @accessmogai for PT/Flag IDs, thank you!!
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poisonbutch · 1 year
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[Image ID: Two images of an eleven striped flag, its colors going as follows, near-black brown, a thin stripe of dark brown, brown, orange beige, red, pale red, red, orange beige, brown, a thin stripe of dark brown, near-black brown. End ID] [Image ID: The second flag, while the stripes remain the same, there is a orange beige circle in the center with various black triangles jutting down or up, intended to mimic an open, fanged, mouth. End ID]
Feruvel: An identity centered around things connected to beastliness, animals, ferality, nonhumanity, etc. It encompasses things like predator / prey dynamics, primal instincts, wild animals, feral monsters and anything that someone might consider a part of beastliness and pure nonhumanity. This label is not exclusive to alterhumans, though one might feel this identity in a different way due to ones alterhumanity.
It is a non-xenine label, but it might be mixed with other xenine terms or just felt / present in a xenine way.
Themes that fall under feruvel umbrella are: - Aspects of ferality, nonhumanity and beastliness - Wild animals, Predator / Prey dynamics - Feeling of hunger, danger, fear - Sometimes violence and anger - Etc
Fera: A feruvel person Ferinity: An equivalent of femininity/masculinity FERIN: In-Nature term, Feruvel-in-nature Feruvelic: Feruvel Alignment Theratonian: A feruvel4feruvel, fer4fer or juvelic term for feruvelic being attracted to other feruvelic being.
✖ Tagging @petrichorvoices
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[Image ID: A red divider, on the left end is the Adaptus Symbol from Transformers, a gear-shaped symbol with circles where it is indented, and on right end is a triangle.]
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poisonbutch · 2 years
I'm grateful to have gone to a college that requires honorifics in class bc otherwise I'd probably assume like most that "Mx. [surname]" is the only nonbinary option. I personally hate the tendency to put x in every gendered term and call it nonbinary so here are some other honorifics (but certainly not the only ones) I've seen nonbinary people use. For the sake of simplicity let's say the surname is Jackson.
Ind. Jackson- honestly this one kind of fucks. Ind stands for individual, and it gets bonus points for being the nearest equivalent to literally just referring to yourself as comrade.
Misc. Jackson- this one is ok, runs the risk of being pronounced like Miss. Honestly a little too on the nose for my taste. Also not really sure what it's saying? Miscellaneous? It seems odd with my name so I personally stay away but go for it if it sounds neat.
M. Jackson- *chef's kiss* mwa. This is the one I use. It's classy, it's elegant, and I personally like how you have to form your mouth in an entirely different way than Ms. or Mr. It forces people to make more of an effort to learn it, in my experience. They can't really play it off easily when they misgender you. However M. is also used shorthand in some languages for gendered honorifics (ie. Monsieur is M. in French) so if you're not comfy with that association this might not be your best choice
Anyways! tldr: honorifics are important for nonbinary people to have for formal environments, but Mx. isn't your only option. If anyone has more they use hmu in the notes bc I'm really curious what yall use.
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poisonbutch · 2 years
I could write 20 pages against exclusionist arguments but nothing I could say would be as efficient as this
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[ID: a reddit comment by @/tomohawk12345 that reads:
"this sexual minority isn't part of the sexual minority group" 🤓🤓
/end ID]
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poisonbutch · 2 years
respect no op/no med trans people or die by my fucking sword b
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poisonbutch · 2 years
LIOM Accessibility - Intro post!
Hello! I'm Shaun, from @kenochoric, and this is a blog for improving accessibility and (hopefully) pushing back against ableism in the LIOM community. I use the term "LIOM" on this blog because I want it to be inclusive to the MOGAI / LGBTQ+ communities, alterhuman communities, system communities, and others. Here is a link that discusses what LIOM is, for the unaware.
Briefly, when I first made this blog, it was only to fix eyestrain flags, or flags that are either excessively neon/bright, causes strobe, or other issues that cause inaccessibility of varying degrees. However, after talking about it multiple times and realizing that ableism goes far beyond just eyestrain in this community, I've decided to "expand" this blog beyond simply eyestrain. Frankly, most of the time I would argue it is on creators to make their flags usable for disabled people in the first place.
So how does this blog work? Simply put, it will be discussing various accessibility and ableism issues within the LIOM community, and might talk about how to reduce these problems. I don't plan on having my voice be the only, or even main one, because I'm far from a hivemind and I will never be capable of perfectly understanding disabilities I do not have.
This blog is more for opening a dialogue and spreading awareness than it is about being an authority. Simply put: I am not an authority for disabled people, and no single disabled person speaks for all of us. This is a community effort, not a one-man show. I highly encourage discussion from people in my inbox, reblogging my posts with their own thoughts, or otherwise adding to the discussion. Ultimately this blog is for lifting up the voices of disabled people of all varieties. In the future, I might make this a group blog for those who are willing and capable of helping to run this blog.
This blog has no DNI, and no BYF. Accessibility and combating ableism is more important than discourse, and I'm not budging on this opinion. Rude people will be blocked, and will not be unblocked.
Eyestrain corrected flag posts will still occasionally happen, but it's no longer the focus. I'd rather push for people to be both willing and able to not make their flags inaccessible in the first place, but in some cases I will fix a flag.
Fixed eystrain flag tag: #anti eyestrain | General LIOM accessibility tag: #liom accessibility
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poisonbutch · 2 years
I think 2016-style "Men's rights activist" misogyny really did a number on our ability to talk about gender online in ways that we have yet to fully unpack.
At this point everyone is so jaded from dealing with those trolls that any time a men's issue of any kind is brought up the kneejerk reaction is "ugh, this again! Reverse sexism doesn't exist!" even if nobody said anything about "reverse sexism."
That's how we got into a situation where a statement like "trans men and tranmascs face specific struggles and prejudices. Maybe we should have a word for that so we can talk about how it affects us" sets off the MRA Troll Alarm and gets everyone on the defensive.
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poisonbutch · 2 years
Lots of people think the opposite of patriarchal messaging is “actually, men are bad and women are good”
When in reality, the opposite of patriarchal messaging is “there is no immutable difference between a man and a woman and no trait belongs only to one group or the other. Goodness or badness is entirely individual and not tied to gender in any meaningful way”
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poisonbutch · 2 years
i think i'm just about ready to snap and start unhinged yelling about generational neglect in the queer community
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poisonbutch · 2 years
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[Image ID :: Two flags side by side. They both have seven horizontal stripes, colored bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, off-white, pink-red, dull purple, and light blue. On the first flag is four claw tears going from the upper left to bottom right. /end ID]
Senratire :: (shen-rah-tire)
➼ Gender that feels completely exhausted, with a sinking feeling in it's chest that's only slightly negative. It simply doesn't know how to react to the destruction around it, and can only vaguely remember the rabid, animalistic rage which caused this.
Color Meanings ::
➼ Red / Orange / Yellow - Often associated with danger and caution
➼ Off white - Resembling something foaming at the mouth
➼ Pink / Purple / Blue - A sharp change in one's anger causing them to calm down
Entomology ::
➼ Sen- from Sentir (Spanish, meaning 'to feel')
➼ Ra from rage
➼ Tire from tired
Weird mix of the prompts "rage" and "destroy" from @epikulupu's coining event
It feels kind of weird to double up on prompts, but the prompts are so vague(?) that I was able to come up with a few ideas I really liked. So, I'm tempted to go back and make ones for specific ones (since the I have saved rn are just combos)
I'll probably only post one or two more, after the "main" ones are posted.
Also this sounds positively mad, but the reason I chose 6 for the main ones and 7 for things like this is because 13 divided by 2 is 6.5
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poisonbutch · 2 years
くコ:彡 ・ DEMONENiC.
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👿 ❝ DEMONENiC ❞ — A gender that feels like it ’ s radiating demonic energy .
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poisonbutch · 2 years
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[ID: a pride flag with four horizontal stripes. from top to bottom, the colors are dark red, magenta, dark magenta, and dark red. End ID]
↦ painvesi -
a vesil identity in which pain of any kind influences, affects, or defines every other part of one’s identity, or simply is their identity. whether emotional, physical, chronic, or temporary, the pain of which painvesi includes varies, and is all inclusive of all, and any sort of pain one may feel.
coined by: erik [the darling house/totallynotreal] on discord!
#SPXINcoining ✨
a few people have asked me to post terms for them so they can take part in the current coining event, so stay tuned for some cool terms by others! if anyone else wants terms posted for them, for whatever reason, please feel free to dm me here or on discord.
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poisonbutch · 2 years
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a gender that relates to the danger of interacting with toxic chemicals, this gender is TOXIN and CHEMIN. day 04 of @epikulupus event.
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poisonbutch · 2 years
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wilderic is an umbrella term, connected to forests, plants, wilderness, wonder, the natural world, ecology and nature.
wilderic is not a xenogender
some experiences / feelings  that could fall under wilderic :
a connection to ecology, wilderness, forests, plants, wonder, the natural world, ecology and nature
a connection to the feeling of freedom inspired by the natural world, feeling as free and wild as the plants and creatures
a connection to a feeling of thriving without human intervention. like an ecosystem turning and renewing, growing and surviving
feeling as though ones identity is as unknowable, awe-inspiring, wonderful and filled with raw power
a connection to decay and other remnants of life found in the forest (bones , feathers , shells , e.t.c)
a connection to the fullness of life, forests and other environments absolutely bustling with creatures and unseen activity
a connection to wild creatures, growing plants, alterhumanity or otherwise  
WILDIN : a term that stands for “wilderic in nature”
WILDERINE : the wilderic equivalent of masculine / feminine, this is to symbolize having the qualities of / relating to wilderic
FLAG IDs  flag one id: a nine stripe flag going from dark blue-green, lighter blue-green, medium toned green, slightly yellow light green, a pale yellow-green. this colour pattern is then mirrored.  flag two id: a five stripe flag that goes from dark blue-green, lighter blue-green, medium toned green, slightly yellow light green, a pale yellow-green. (edited)
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