pointtopoint1 · 7 days
Passive House Builder
We build houses that are super smart about saving energy! These houses use special ways to stay warm in winter and cool in summer without using lots of energy. That means they help the Earth by using less power.
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pointtopoint1 · 7 days
Custom Home Builder
We make homes that are made just for you! We listen to what you want in your home and make sure every part is perfect. We help you design and build a home that is all yours
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pointtopoint1 · 14 days
Design and construct 
Design and Construct means one company does both the planning and building of the house. This makes sure the design and the actual building work fit together perfectly. It helps the house get built faster and can save money.
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pointtopoint1 · 19 days
Sustainable home
A sustainable home is designed with the environment in mind, incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems. These homes minimize their ecological footprint by using renewable resources, reducing waste, and conserving water and energy. Sustainable homes often feature solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and high-efficiency insulation. They not only benefit the environment but also provide cost savings on utility bills and a healthier living environment. Building or converting to a sustainable home reflects a commitment to responsible living and long-term environmental stewardship.
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pointtopoint1 · 28 days
Sustainable home
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