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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• COMBAT STANCE • Hi gang, today let's talk about body stance and how it affects shooting. . Preface: - green line: represents the ideal vertical line starting from the ground. - White line represents the structure of the body - Red line: represent the weapon recoil line. Before talk about stance we must understand the principles of biomechanics behind it. As you can see the predominant figure in the picture is the triangle since it is a virtually indeformable figure therefore it is the one that is best suited to absorb the impulse generated by the gun recoil. Furthermore, this position also allows the legs to keep the maximum mobility when required, but at the same time the maximum rigidity when it's time to shoot. equipment influence: The equipment limits the body movements, taking away mobility in favor of ballistic protection and in some cases it is not possible to properly shoulder the rifle , so We cant keep it below the shoulder line to absorb the recoil. But this is where having a good stance is essential to better control our weapon and avoid the muzzle over rising . Considerations: - always keep the legs staggered and never parallel (Parallel create imbalance) - Keep the torso slightly extended forward so as to have the best control effect on the recoil of the firearm. -Keep your feet pointing forward (guarantees stability and speed in case you need to move) - Keep the support arm bent (if the arm is held straight you will feel fatigue sooner and will not be able to hold the position for a long period of time ) STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤙🏻 @poinstrikertactical Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹 (presso Verdansk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHvEfRCpx-t/?igshid=28cty6cycrpf
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• FORCE ON FORCE GUN WITH MANTIS-X • hi gang today we talk about the @mantis_tech (Mantis-x) mounted on force on force weapons the mantis is a device that gives instant feedback on the management of the weapon during training, configurable both in dry fire , live fire and fire with co2 weapons. Often in the F.O.F. Training all the deficiency of the shooter's fundamentals emerge, but unlike when you are in the shooting range the instructor cannot intervene to correct them instantly and very often because of the speed of the actions he has no way of even seeing them. This is where the mantis-x comes into play, which gives a chronology of the handling of the firearm throughout the exercise, this allowing in the analysis phase to analyze not only the procedural part but also the shooting itself . in a nutshell, the correlation of the 2 things creates a synergy capable of giving big advantages to the shooter in future exercises thanks to detailed feedback. Stay cool be consistent🤙🏻 @poinstrikertactical 🇮🇹 • ciao gang oggi parliamo del mantis x montato su armi da force on force • il mantis-x è un dispositivo che da un feedback istantaneo sulla gestione dell arma durante l allenamento , configurabile sia in in bianco sia a fuoco che con armi a co2 . spesso negli esercizi diF.O.F. emergono tutte le carenze dei fondamentali del tiratore, ma a differenza di quando si sta in poligono l istruttore non puo intervenire per correggerli istantaneamente e molto spesso proprio per la rapidita delle azioni non ha modo neanche di vederli. Qui entra in gioco il mantis che da una cronologia della gestione dell arma durante tutto l esercizio permettendo cosi nella fase di analisi di analizzare non solo la parte procedurale ma anche quella legata al tiro. In poche parole la correlazione delle 2 cose crea una sinergia in grado di dare grossi vantaggi al tiratore negli esercizi futuri grazie ai feedback dettagliati. (presso Force-on-Force Defence Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHcjDjJJICS/?igshid=13zliej49y666
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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Hi gang today let's talk about how to set the sling on the Rifle according to your needs. First of all, there are 3 macro types of sling : 1 point sling 2 points sling 3 Point sling Each one of these sling has different characteristics of use, but basically they all have the same objective, that is to keep the weapon tied to the body. Pros / cons : 1 point -maximum mobility of the weapon. -Easy shoulder transition -Poor control of the weapon bow -Weapon instability when hands are off -If the weapon is long,compared to the body, it touches the ground when kneeling Excellent for very compact weapons or for a confined environment 2 points -good weapon mobility -Shoulder transition more complicated than the 1-point -Good control of the weapon bow -Possibility to modulate the anchor points according to needs * see below An excellent compromise between stability and handling 3 points -possibility to use in 2 configurations - reduced weapon mobility -Excellent control of the gun bow -Maximum transport balance -When the constraint is active it can cause difficulties in using the weapon controls A mix between the 2 sling, now considered almost obsolete. * the 2-point sling in our opinion is the most efficient and versatile, since it allows us to anchor it in various points of the weapon, obtaining different effects based on the placement: -maximum stability (white circles) by positioning the anchor points in these 2 positions you get the maximum stability of the weapon (useful during transport over long distances) but all this is to the detriment of handling as the distant fulcrums do not allow large movements -Maximum mobility (green circles) by positioning the sling here you will obtain an effect similar to the 1-point, since the 2 fulcrums are close together, but still retaining the classic stability of a 2-point sling (useful for more types of situations) -Mobility with increased stability (orange circle) a small variant that always allows great mobility but adding a little more stability. Obviously it is possible to customize the anchorage point of the sling even outside those listed, obtaining various results, moreover, thanks to the use of the (presso Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHKe1ieJeDf/?igshid=cu19p4o1qv9q
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• TOURNIQUET AND TRAUMA SHEARS PLACEMENT • hi gang today we talk about the placement of the tourniquet and the trauma SHEARS. Let's start by talking about the tourniquet. The first question that arises is: "how many tq should we bring with us ?" 1 evaluate the context 2 evaluate the risk factor 3 always bring at least 2 because even if you buy a good tq it is possible that this will damaged in action. The second question is: "which type of tq is best for me?" We use this scheme -off duty - ccw RAT -Duty CAT & SOFT-T -Sea CAT (because it floats, the other metals are corroded by the salt and do not float) -winter mountain SOFT-T (CAT plastic tends to break at very low temperatures) In our case we bring 3 tq 2 cat (one on the belt and one on the plate) 1 soft- t (above The ifak) So as to be able to meet multiple needs for both self aid and others aid Characteristics of the placement: -easily accessible -accessible with both hands -accessible by ourselves and by others All this serves to guarantee maximum flexibility in case we need to use the tq. The most recommended places are: • on the belt -On the front -On the back -In front of the holster with a polymer support • on the plate carrier -On the front -On the first side buttonholes -On the shoulder straps (can be annoying with neck movements) -On the back together with a possible secondary ifak (obviously it is impossible to use it for self aid ) • on the buttstock of the rifle (although this generates problems whit shoulders transition) trauma shears We use the @leathermantools RAPTOR because we consider it among the best solutions on the market for its versatility and efficiency. We carry it over the holster on the right side because ,thanks to its compact characteristics it does not interfere with the dare of the pistol from the holster. Obviously it will not be possible to extract it with both hands but if we need to use it we certainly cannot do other things at the same time. As you can see from the photo we keep it next to the tq so as to maintain a mental scheme of the positioning of the medical material. STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹 (presso Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7IgzKJeWA/?igshid=1a244eo3kda90
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• TOURNIQUET AND TRAUMA SHEARS PLACEMENT • hi gang today we talk about the placement of the tourniquet and the trauma SHEARS. Let's start by talking about the tourniquet. The first question that arises is: "how many tq should we bring with us ?" 1 evaluate the context 2 evaluate the risk factor 3 always bring at least 2 because even if you buy a good tq it is possible that this will damaged in action. The second question is: "which type of tq is best for me?" We use this scheme -off duty - ccw RAT -Duty CAT & SOFT-T -Sea CAT (because it floats, the other metals are corroded by the salt and do not float) -winter mountain SOFT-T (CAT plastic tends to break at very low temperatures) In our case we bring 3 tq 2 cat (one on the belt and one on the plate) 1 soft- t (above The ifak) So as to be able to meet multiple needs for both self aid and others aid Characteristics of the placement: -easily accessible -accessible with both hands -accessible by ourselves and by others All this serves to guarantee maximum flexibility in case we need to use the tq. The most recommended places are: • on the belt -On the front -On the back -In front of the holster with a polymer support • on the plate carrier -On the front -On the first side buttonholes -On the shoulder straps (can be annoying with neck movements) -On the back together with a possible secondary ifak (obviously it is impossible to use it for self aid ) • on the buttstock of the rifle (although this generates problems whit shoulders transition) trauma shears We use the @leathermantools RAPTOR because we consider it among the best solutions on the market for its versatility and efficiency. We carry it over the holster on the right side because ,thanks to its compact characteristics it does not interfere with the dare of the pistol from the holster. Obviously it will not be possible to extract it with both hands but if we need to use it we certainly cannot do other things at the same time. As you can see from the photo we keep it next to the tq so as to maintain a mental scheme of the positioning of the medical material. STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹 (presso Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7IgzKJeWA/?igshid=1a244eo3kda90
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• DUTY GUN • Hi gang, today we talk about service weapons and their customization. Unfortunately not in all states/agencies it is possible to choose your service weapon so it is very important to customize it until you find the best feeling with it, for customization we consider as factors: Primary: -installing a torch under the weapon, in our case we used a @recovertactical .this is an essential tool when you have to worki in low light environments and having it under the weapon gives you an enormous advantages compared to having it separate (this doesent mean that you should not always have it both ) -Visible sights even in low light (for a situation where using them is essential) Optional: High performance ammunition (guarantee better weapon performance and are more effective against the target. -non-slip grips (or where you could not change it,using the tape) .having a firm grip is essential, to ensure maximum efficiency and accuracy in shooting. Negatives: - Lighten the weight of the trigger (Possible accidental shots) -Change the springs with types calibrated only for specific cartridges (The gun has malfunctions when you change the type of cartridges so you can use only your own ammunition) Maintenance: It is essential to fully know the functioning of our firearm and therefore be able to recognize and deal with any breakages or damage, as in the case of the Beretta in the photo, to which we replaced the firing pin. following its breakage, it continued to perform its function. If we hadn't noticed, we could have been in serious danger situation with a non-functioning weapon. The knowledge of our weapon must not stop only at the field strip !!! We therefore recommend always doing this type of checks: Weekly: thorough cleaning to remove deposited dirt or post training residue. Monthly: visual inspection of the main parts of the firearm (barrel, firing pin, recoil spring, receiver, slide, magazine) Annual: complete disassembly and verification of every single component. DON’T BE LAZY, PROTECT YOUR LIFE Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹 (presso Gardone Val Trompia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG1-qWkp7dg/?igshid=1moxq6a1otlf2
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• PISTOL RED DOT RETICLE • Hi gang, today we are talking about the various types of reticle that we find on the red dots, specifically we used a @holosunoptics H507c V2 which has 3 types of reticle (image 4) on a glock 19 gen 5 with @tonisystem_official base plate (image 3). The test we did consists in firing 5 shots with a split of 1 second in each circle at a distance of 5 - 10 - 15 meters using the 3 available reticles, that are: - circle and dot - only circle - only dot First of all , we zeroed (only by convention) the dot at 10 meters (figure 3) using only the dot with a light intensity just sufficient to make it seen clearly. then We carried out the exercise with these results: - CIRCLE AND DOT Positive: Easy to acquire and maintain, very intuitive to predict its movements and reacquire it after the shot. Negative: It covers the point of impact consistently and from a long distance it is difficult to acquire a clear image of the exact point of impact . A GOOD MIX BETWEEN THE NEXT 2 - CIRCLE Positive: very easy acquisition and maintenance, intuitive to predict its movements and reacquire it. Also you can look through and see the point of impact very clearly Negative: at a great distance it can become larger than the target and not guarantee an accurate point of impact. BEST FOR SHORT DISTANCES AND FOR US ABSOLUTELY BETTER ON A PISTOL USE - DOT Positive: easy to accurately predict the point of impact, keeps the contours of the target always visible even at a great distance. Negative: Standard acquisition but more complicated management than the others, not intuitive to predict his movements. BEST FOR LONG DISTANCES AND PRECISION SHOOTING Stay cool be consistent 🤜🏻🤙🏻 Follow @poinstrikertactical DESCRIZIONE IN ITALIANO NEI COMMENTI 🇮🇹 (presso Holosun Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGR4azcplMU/?igshid=1khqeqs93hkpq
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• RIFLE SETUP •🇺🇸 Hi gang, today we talk about Rifle setup for an urban environment. MAIN ACCESSORIES: (in order of importance) - torch (with instant control) - sling - red dot (or similar) - ambidextrous charging handle (Optional) - laser device , only if you have night vision goggles - flip-up metal sights, we only use the front sight that we collimate inside the red dot tube and we like that it is not visible when it is not needed so as to have a better field view. (Caution) to used this technique, the rear sight must be at the same height as the red dot tube. - front grip (depends on the length of the rail and the grip you want to get) - muzzle brake or flash hider? (You can decide based on the use you make) consider that if you work in a team use a brake it will not be liked by your colleague. In this regard surefire produces a great middle ground which is called warcomp FEATURES: - ambidextrous commands - the sling must not interfere with the loading or the hold open - it must be operable even with the folded sling. - the red dot mount must be high enough not to have to contract the neck to aim (increases the fiele vision and decreases the tunnel vision) - the flashlight must be able to be used with both hands using the same grip ADVICE: - we applied thermal tape to insulate the support hand from the heat produced during prolonged fire actions (it costs few cents and offer a great help) - rail cover to increase grip stability - handle stop positioned forward to take advantage of corners and barricades. ALL THE REST ARE GUCCI’S GEAR Stay cool be consistent DDESCRIZIONE IN ITALIANO NEI COMMENTI 🇮🇹 (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHi6Mtpaio/?igshid=1qs9y5n2ujwaa
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poinstrikertactical · 4 years ago
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• SIGHT ALIGNMENT & RECOIL MANAGEMENT • 🇺🇸 Hi gang today we talk about the correlation between sight alignment and recoil management, comparing the Beretta model 92 (service pistol of many armies and police forces) with the glock 19 (red dot) Guidelines - BLACK: indicates the base line of the beavertale - RED: indicates the height of the barrel -GREEN: indicates the line of sight -WHITE (image 2): indicates the position of the body and the inclination of the arms in respect to it. Obviously a lower axis between barrel and grip helps to improve recoil management, however, it leads us to raise the weapon higher to aim. This leads to a significant misalignment of the arms in respect to the ground line, negatively affecting the recoil management. As you can see from figure 2, having a higher line of sight involves a lowering of the axis of the arms in respect to the ground and therefore a better recoil management, given by the discharge of kinetic energy in axis with the shoulders, which together with a low profile of the barrel, The red dot's ability to deliver instant target acquisition creates a perfect mix for stable, easy-to-use pistol. ATTENTION: As a negative effect of the distance between the barrel and the sight we will have a greater gap between the poa (point of aim) and the poi (point of impact) as the distance varies. Stay cool be consistent 👊🏻🤙🏻 🇮🇹DESCRIZIONE IN ITALIANO NEI COMMENTI (presso Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFyznxVpjZm/?igshid=15mdy2d6wc9xw
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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Ciao gang eccoci al nostro primo appuntamento dopo lo stop estivo. Per ripartire alla grande cominciamo con un corso dedicato all arma corta nel quale andremo a rinfrescare i fondamentali spiegandone la biomeccanica che c’è dietro e poi a curare tutti gli aspetti dell impiego dell arma in ambiente urbano, con particolare attenzione allo sfruttamento dei ripari balistici, delle coperture e dell ambiente circostante. Il corso è di livello avanzato, e richiede una solida e pregressa conoscenza dei fondamentali dell arma. Il corso si terrà nel poligono “2 nel mirino “ situato a Cavaglia (Biella). Il corso è aperto a tutti i regolari possessori di porto d armi in corso di validità. Non perdete questa occasione di ricominciare ad allenarvi alla grande, allenatevi con @poinstrikertactical . Equipaggiamento richiesto: - pistola - cinturone con fondina e 2 porta caricatore -cuffie e occhiali . Per qualsiasi informazione non esistete a contattarci : - 3291849768 - [email protected] . STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • ____________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent ____________________________________ •PARTNERSHIP @bersaglio_mobile @zeta_tailoring . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy @italian_tier1 @maxfrombo @marinai.inmissione @storiadeiservizisegreti @carabinieri_special_units —————————————— #corsiditiro #formazione #psd #security #pistola #fucileapompa #fucile #poliziadistato #polizia #carabinieri #armadeicarabinieri #esercitoitaliano #esercito #militariitaliani #addestramento #folgore #paracadutistifolgore #paracadutisti #9x21 #biomeccanica #biella #milano #torino #piemonte #lombardia #nord #alpi #altaitalia (presso Biella, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoLv9sqOE0/?igshid=bibolxxtzaht
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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🇺🇸 our trusty blade the @extrema_ratio_s.a.s Contact c. We chose this blade because is so versatile, light and strong and alouse us to carry it without having any issue also for a long period of time. The holster is also very well Made because alouse the operator to attach it everywere on the molle system and create a level 1 retention on the knife itself. This item Its definally an icon of the italian quality. . 🇮🇹 la nostra fidata lama @ extrema_ratio_s.a.s Contact c. Abbiamo scelto questa lama perché è così versatile, leggera e robusta che ci permette di portarla senza problemi anche per un lungo periodo di tempo. Anche la fondina è molto ben realizzata perché permette all'operatore di fissarla ovunque sul sistema molle e crea una ritenzione di livello 1 sul coltello stesso. Questo articolo è sicuramente un'icona della qualità italiana. . A special thanks to @extrema_ratio_s.a.s for developing such a great product. . . . STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW • @poinstrikertactical • _________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent _________________________________ •PARTNERSHIP @bersaglio_mobile @zeta_tailoring . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @virgo.fidelis_ @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy @italian_tier1 @maxfrombo —————————————— #knife #blade #edc #knives #knivesout #extremaratio #knivesofinstagram🔪 #combat #military #platecarrier #loadout #setup #tactical #tacticalgear #tacticaltraining #bodyarmor #airsoft #softair #airsoftitaly #army #samurai #ninja #ronin #cosplay #ar15 #training #workout #leatherman (presso Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmS7CkK7lF/?igshid=1inghse5ssldm
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
🇺🇸When the range master says last 5 minut and you catch the chance to take the last fly........ . 🇮🇹 Quando il range master dice ultimi 5 minuti e tu cogli l'occasione per prendere l'ultimo volo ........ . . . STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • _______________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent . repost from: @tactical_cash_ _______________________________ •PARTNERSHIP @bersaglio_mobile @zeta_tailoring •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @neroskull @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @virgo.fidelis_ @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy @italian_tier1 ———————————— #pewpewpew #riot #flyer #shooting #ar15 #triggercontrol #thinblueline #thinbluelinefamily #tacticool #tacticalgear #tacticaltraining #training #lawenforcement #military #gunporn #gunsdaily #guns #warrior #vikings #haleystrategic #trexarms #trexarmskydex #warriorpoets #fight #ronintactics #glock #tacticalgear #tactical (presso Kenosha Wisconson) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYqGauq3UT/?igshid=1moqr64poxpxh
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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Ciao gang eccoci qua con il nostro primo giveaway!!!! . VERRANNO PREMIATE A ESTRAZIONE 3 PERSONE: . -1 LA PRIMA ESTRATTA AVRÀ IN REGALO LA NOSTRA MAGLIETTA CON LA PATCH GRIGIA (UTILIZZATA SOLO DAI MEMBRI DI POINSTRIKER) . -LA SECONDA E LA TERZA AVRANNO IN REGALO LA PATCH NERA. . REGOLE: 1) mettete mi piace alla foto 2) condividetela nelle stories taggandoci ( @poinstrikertactical ) 3 se non lo fate già, seguite la pagina 4 taggate sotto la foto 3 amici che non seguono la pagina e fategliela seguire. . L’estrazione sarà svolta in diretta domenica mattina alle ore 11.00 e segnerà il termine ultimo per poter partecipare. . #giveaway #free #gift #tactical #challange #war #warrior #regalo #sfida #softair #airsoft #softair #cinema #breachandclear #callofduty #warzone #apes #apx #beretta #glock #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent #all_shots #picoftheday #instapic #tshirt (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKufgqqGTz/?igshid=nn14aiptnjw4
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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Out of ammo? Not a problem when your buddy watch your six 💪🏻👊🏻 STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 😜🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • ____________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent ____________________________________ •SPONSOR @bersaglio_mobile . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @zeta_tailoring @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @virgo.fidelis_ @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy @italian_tier1 —————————————— #training #tacticaltraining #specialreconaissance #reconexpert #recon #boomstick #forwardobserver #biomechanics #tactical #tacticalgear #tacticalbelts #lawenforcement #military #swat #tccc #direcaction #tasmaniantiger #activeduty #sheepdog #armedresponse #picoftheday #motivation #specialforces #ambush #ar15 #trexarms #haleystrategic #thepewpewlife (presso Poligono ATF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHSHeLq34c/?igshid=1bgy06qlzyazu
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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🇺🇸Rain, mud and heat cannot stop our training. What are you waiting for , come and train with us, join the @poinstrikertactical team 🇮🇹 Pioggia, fango e caldo non possono fermare il nostro addestramento. Cosa aspettate venitevi ad addestrarvi con noi, unitevi al team di @poinstrikertactical STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • ____________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent ____________________________________ •SPONSOR @bersaglio_mobile . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @zeta_tailoring @neroskull @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy @italian_tier1 ————————————————— #shooting #shootingday #tacticaltraining #boomstick #pewpewpew #trexarms #garandthumb #warriorpoets #ronintactics #instructorzero #aptac #knockoutlights #swat #police #lawenforcement #military #marines #army #sniper #airsoft #haleystrategic #specialforces #firearmstraining #firearmsinstructor #freedom #weapons #guns —————————————— (presso New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCSfXqUq8R0/?igshid=12gk55tnmzrqn
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
BERETTA 98fs + colt AR15 Vs GLOCK 17 + Dallera M5 . @emanuele_cash_cascianelli @mr.grigiocool . STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • ____________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent ____________________________________ •SPONSOR @bersaglio_mobile . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @zeta_tailoring @neroskull @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @virgo.fidelis_ @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore @edc_life_italy —————————————— #beretta #glock #trexarms #ronintactics #trexarmskydex #warriorpoet #instructorzero #firearmsinstructor #shooting #shootingdrills #tacticaltraining #police #swat #lawenforcement #military #warrior #wiking #army #boomstick #boogalouatl #haleystrategic #shootingrange #mindset #counterterrorism #antipoaching #airsoft #softair #specialforces (presso Mama's House) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdVgJZnufj/?igshid=1cwj6cdj3x052
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poinstrikertactical · 5 years ago
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Ciao gang 🇮🇹 Giornata addestrativa incentrata sui fondamentali con arma corta insieme ad alcuni ragazzi della #marinamilitare . Gli abbiamo fatto provare il nostro bersaglio consistency e dobbiamo dire con orgoglio che è stato un grandissimo successo. Voi cosa aspettate a provarlo? #sanmarco lead the way🤙🏻 . Hi gang 🇺🇸 Training day focused on fundamentals with handgun , together with some #navy guys. We made him prove our consistency target and we must proudly say that it was a great success. What are you waiting for to try it? San Marco lead the way🤙🏻. STAY COOL BE CONSISTENT 🤜🏻🤙🏻 FOLLOW •@poinstrikertactical • ____________________________________ •SEGUITECI ED ADDESTRATEVI CON NOI!!! CONTATTATECI al n^3291849768 oppure sui social @poinstrikertactical #poinstrikertactical #staycoolbeconsistent ____________________________________ •SPONSOR @bersaglio_mobile . •FRIENDS . @shooterstorekydexholster @silvio_montani @bluemindsetitalia @zeta_tailoring @neroskull @naja_brutalis @non_dolet_italia @virgo.fidelis_ @nei_secoli_fedele_ @militarydiscipline @overseas_oss @thinredlineitaly @brigataparacadutistifolgore —————————————— #shooting #shootingday #training #trainingday #trexarms #warriorpoet #ronintactics #haleystrategic #northamericanrescue #italy #glock #ifak #loadout #setup #police #swat #military #army #warrior #wiking #tacticaltraining #sheepdog #airsoft #rangeday #italian (presso Huston) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBFtm-9Ke5p/?igshid=13lqybwfljxfv
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