B's Poems
15 posts
where my queerness and spirituality mix
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poems-by-b · 12 hours ago
Bred from shock waves in tectonic plates—
megathrusts, landslides, volcanic eruptions—
emotions on the sea floor.
Little disturbances
when they start in the deep, reaching
barely to the surface,
They travel, in minutes or hours, to
swallow up my coast,
At times crossing the entire expanse of me.
At others crossing only part.
I am left, drenched, in an
impersonation of low tide.
I look to the beach;
the dwellers are dry.
They ask me why I wore my clothes into the water.
Maybe the ocean did not crash down on me.
how to explain why I could not breathe,
why my body was tossed around?
Maybe I am the one who carelessly waded in.
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poems-by-b · 4 days ago
I walk through this desert of life—
scorching and exhausting,
it burns my nose.
I would not notice the pain,
except it's the feature of mine which
itches the most often.
There is a treasure somewhere, here,
I have been promised,
but the map was written by men
who speak in riddles.
Long gone,
I can not ask them to interpret.
My eyes lift to the one
who told them what to say,
but His words do not come out
any clearer.
I have not learned to speak
each language He has created.
Rather, I must gather His meaning
from gestures, must believe
He will let me understand.
What does it say that I dream,
of losing the map and
leaving the desert?
If only,
if only.
I am more than a traveler.
I am a creature unknown, roaring,
with shackles on her wrists.
Those that bind me make me plod along.
Their whips crack against my skin,
searing, slicing, sharp
reminders that I must walk
or die.
What would my rampage be
if I was released?
They are afraid to find out.
What breed am I?
What beast?
Displayed for publicity:
"Look what we have tamed!"
"Far from human!"
"Aren't you amazed?"
in this cage I reside,
stored away when there is none
to gawk,
to mock.
How dare I ask to be saved?
you sit there, and you think
of how to bear your purpose.
It was made just for you.
Be grateful!
This is love in its highest form:
you, contained.
It is the only way,
the righteous way.
We have begged to conquer,
in days where your kind is too free,
to be unified.
This oneness can only take place
with you,
yet still part of us."
To belong is a wish I regret faithfully.
I miss my own culture,
the one my ancestors gave
flesh and blood to form.
I miss my own people,
the ones who taught me,
with intricacy, how to be.
I miss a home I did not live in long enough,
one without conditions.
My heart cries for them, but
I cannot go back.
Oh, how I would be known there,
yet I am here,
drops of my soul drying up.
It's a quiet insanity I am left with.
They do not let me be loud.
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poems-by-b · 8 days ago
"Never" is a word people don't know
how to swallow.
Like "forever", it is not a thing we
Like "eternity", it is not a place we
can sail to the ends of.
I have wondered many times if it
can be explained to me.
How do I grow to accept it?
How do I come to not mind it?
Do I dare ever think I'll be glad of it?
Repeatedly, I am reassured
with the idea that I cannot know
if "never" will ever happen.
I have no control of such things.
This is supposed to be better than it.
I am meant to avoid it,
yet I want to know how to live with it.
It seems the only way to live with "never"
is to constantly hope it doesn't afflict you.
Does the same sentiment work
on someone who has been smoking
fifty years
and for whom cancer is as inevitable as
their next cigarette?
Can they, too, hope it away?
I am not addicted to nicotine,
just to loving the only people
God does not want me with.
Why has He made them so desirable
when something can "never" come of it?
He knows the way my heart longs
for who I cannot have.
He sees the way her soul shines.
Why must it "never" shine for me?
My own is made dim from the way
hers sparkles for a man.
He is God's beloved,
but he is no one special.
I would wish to be a man,
but then my love would not be
so tender, so sweet.
I am made to care for her
in a way that only hurts me.
Is it pure to spend a life aching
for someone
with no satisfaction?
If the grief runs out,
have I made "never" my friend?
Is the war over?
Do we retreat to our own sides,
weapons stowed away,
so there are no more casualties?
Is a treaty drawn?
Do we let the blood seep
into the ground
as if it was never there at all?
What becomes of "never" if the grieving
doesn't cease?
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poems-by-b · 11 days ago
I am on my own exodus.
I have thought this before,
bitterly thought there was no manna
for me,
no water
because it was not amassing
abundantly in my hands.
I am an Israelite.
I am confused,
full of complaint and distrust,
was convinced God was not there
because I could no longer feel full
from the delicacies of my past.
I was brought out of my own Egypt,
my body bound by desires I clung to.
Some still stick to my skin.
I was so furious the Red Sea
did not wash me clean
that I did not notice
I was spared from
every drop of water.
This was not enough for me.
I camped,
thirsting for water,
hungering for food.
Displeasure danced from my lips:
I left for God,
why was I not seeing the flowing milk and honey?
I fled for Him,
why am I not cared for in the ways I deserve?
I thought He wasn't listening,
thought He'd never respond to my discomfort.
Did this Promised Land even exist?
Did its Maker?
I wished I was back in Egypt,
that I'd never left,
that I'd lived a long life ignoring the wilderness
or died from what I was enslaved to.
It would've been better that way.
But He heard my anger.
He sensed the underlying fear.
Every Moses and Aaron who told me
to trust Him
was made sincere by the manna
He sprinkled on the ground.
I wasn't sure what it was.
I'd never seen it before.
Moses told me it was what I needed, but
there was only so much meant for me.
I had to go collect it every day.
My hands began to gather more
than what filled my stomach.
The doubt crept in;
I didn't think it would be there tomorrow.
I rested, finally full, finally calm,
and when I woke,
my stores were no good.
I needed more, needed new.
I had to go collect it every day.
I am still learning to do this,
but there are forty years left in my journey.
My feet have not yet been carried to Canaan—
they might never be—
but I will freely drink the milk
and feed off the honey
when I am led to eternity.
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poems-by-b · 14 days ago
A soul does not become colored
on its own.
Purple and blue and black and yellow can
paint a nice picture but
not if they are added with
sharp stabs of the brush that
relent only when the
artist is choosing which shade to
use next.
He does not stop to catch His breath,
does not stop to let me.
The clay I am made of
is thrown to the surface,
the force reverberating through my body.
The people watching call it art,
but really it feels like assault
to have the air pounded out of me.
I am the reason it has to be this way.
His creative process has no faults, so
it must be that my canvas does not
accept light strokes,
must be that I am filled with
earthen impurities.
I am not allowed to be put back
on the shelf or
in the bin.
Who else would bring Him
He must make me into something worthwhile
or I will be painted over,
my colors forgotten altogether,
so I can become something else.
I will explode in the kiln,
my detonation piercing every
project around me.
The other pieces promise there will
be a moment
where He will begin to add tiny details
and smooth His thumbs over me.
They promise it will be worth it,
that I should have hope.
I have no reason to believe it won't happen.
when I look up at Him,
I do not see a loving craftsman.
I see a looming presence who has
control over my finality,
movements that make me flinch,
more power to wield against me
than I can ever level with.
He is loving and tender to them.
I am the recipient of His violence,
the one who continuously
fuels His rage,
His burning hatred.
Telling Him this only stokes His fury.
If the others could see what happens,
if they knew what He does,
if they believed me,
they would tell me to get out.
If they did not think
I was stretching reality,
if they understood this is not just a metaphor,
they would tell me to run.
But I stay and am scarred forever,
grooves etched deep into my fabric,
lines cracked so widely,
they cannot be covered.
I am supposed to change the lens through
which I view Him.
I practice gazing up at Him in every
way I can,
but He is the same
I am told this as reassurance.
Instead, it solidifies my fear.
They tell me if I survive,
I will stay with Him
for eternity—
their artist,
my abuser.
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poems-by-b · 16 days ago
My life is perpetually lived in a valley.
The rocks rise around me,
It's for my good—
to keep picking my way through the desert—
but I don't believe in good anymore.
I will live in guilt if I climb the
canyon walls;
my feet will continue bleeding if I don't.
I stumble over the cracks,
skin split,
trying to learn something new from
a fact I already know,
a point already proven:
my life is nothing without God and
nothing with Him either.
Vultures circle above me, their wings
beat loudly in my ears. They are
waiting for my body to decay
just enough, for my bones to return
to dust.
Hope used to be my companion, but it
in the night.
I woke up,
it was gone.
I am alone.
Where is the pillar of cloud
at daybreak
or the pillar of fire
when the sun falls?
I am on my own exodus,
making my way in the wilderness,
just me.
There is no manna,
no water from the rock
making me trip.
Quietly, so silently I
didn't notice,
a creature skitters up beside me.
I cannot understand what it says.
It is too small to make a difference,
but it is there,
so it does.
I am too tired to go on,
so the creature does for me.
It stays just ahead,
calling back over its shoulder
that everything will be okay.
I can't imagine how.
I want to.
I sit and stand and lay and
this is supposed to work out.
How can it?
Only if the evil are no longer vile,
only if their lonsdaleite hearts
soften to talc,
only if they stop trying to play God,
but how can I believe those things
will happen when
God has never been so kind to me?
What a selfish way to see the world.
None of this is crafted for my benefit,
it all belongs to Him.
My days are treacherous, unrelenting,
not my own.
They belong to Him.
My suffering belongs to Him.
My fear,
it is all His.
I exist and endure to polish His image,
to spread His words.
He can do everything except these things
Isn't there so much joy in this partnership?
Isn't it wonderful He entrusts this to us?
These saccharine explanations do not
excuse this imbalance of power
wielded over my head like
the sword over Damocles.
At what point does this relationship become abusive?
At what point does the ice melt
so it can no longer soothe
the purple and blue and black and
yellow marks coating my soul?
When is enough too much?
Is there a way I can divorce myself
from the beatings
and get the court to award me anything
other than death?
The vultures are descending.
I have not gone on.
My flesh bakes in the heat.
They carry pieces away in their beaks.
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poems-by-b · 18 days ago
My life is composed of testing waters
after problems rise around me in waves.
I rotate through a list of people,
Can I tell you how this bothers me?
Can I tell you how this hurt me?
You agree but don't mean it.
I can tell by your silence.
You wish I never spoke at all.
If only my eyes could meet yours—
maybe then I would know if you
have saved me any empathy,
if you meant to make me feel so
My words slow; I move on,
down the checklist of what grieves
my soul.
I tire of the repitition.
So must you.
More than once, I have heard of
parents defending their children,
educators speaking for their students:
emotions can be small to us—
but fit so snugly within their
sense of the world.
I wish I was still a child,
wish my hyper-reactivity
was allowed to
push itself to new limits,
wish it was okay for
each paper cut
to be the gash from which I bleed out.
Have a childlike faith, but
don't be childlike?
If I have been born again,
then I am not yet three years old.
A loving parent works through
their child's emotions,
the process complex,
completed together.
God loves me,
but do I love Him back?
Do I let Him crouch on the floor beside me
as I scream and cry that I'm dying
after an innocent glance from a stranger?
This turmoil,
so present in my head,
in my close relationships,
remains invisible to my acquaintances—
thirty-eight girls placed in one room,
all because we want to change the world.
Gossip is everywhere,
and talk of boys, so many
The line I walk between
transparency and a double-life
remains taught.
I long for truth,
to be known,
to be seen.
But with what opportunity?
My life, my agony
is shut tight behind a door.
I want to open it,
am filled with a restless hope,
but no one will undo the lock.
No one will slip me the key.
I wait, losing oxygen,
breathing silently as I listen for
the right time.
It never comes.
I am misunderstood—
I am told I am the same,
whether the door is
It doesn't change my personality,
but it changes me.
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poems-by-b · 19 days ago
The people around me
tell me
church is vital.
The sermon
is great,
is powerful,
is convicting,
is about them.
Analogies and references crowd the words
God uses
to teach
to shape
to correct
to relate.
But I do not have a place among them.
from marriage, from dating
push and elbow their way in.
My heart cries out,
I seek comfort.
My heart is batted away.
What the pastor said is
not pointed at you to make you feel
to make the breath leave your
to make your muscles turn to
What the pastor said makes sense.
I search for someone who will hold
my quivering,
I find them—
one single leaf in a forest—
latch on—
My clinging brings me life.
For all others,
a sense of pity,
My affection is misplaced again.
A glimpse of support,
ever vague,
is carelessly tossed my way.
The dart lands on the board this time;
it does not pierce the wall.
What the pastor said is fine.
You are just searching
for something to be upset about.
How else can he explain God's desire for us?
How else can we understand our relationship,
except through the gift He has given us?
Because we all
want that,
all have a chance to
have that,
all of us can
understand that.
Where is my understanding, my gift?
Am I left with a faith,
half formed,
because he forgot
to think of me?
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poems-by-b · 20 days ago
Friendships change
and reform—
it happens all the time.
But then—
why is it so startling?
I cross my heart,
give it to someone
I want to hold it—
But forever is not a thing we understand.
Eternity is a thing that stretches
wide, expansive,
unending on all sides of us.
We pretend we know its reaches,
yet all we have really met is
the dust settling behind us.
We paint a picture through the haze,
choosing our best
crafting the smoothest
8.2 billion different
concepts capture
the clouds of our past,
starting at different points.
Who was there for
half of my painting?
Whose artwork am I standing
in now?
The dust ripples also
our sense of those
beside us.
We see them so unclearly,
we must create them, too.
Memories stuck together,
more good than bad if you like them,
more bad than good if you don't.
Both shape someone into who
they are not.
They cannot live up to
all their best moments—
will not live up to
all their worst.
we are disappointed.
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poems-by-b · 23 days ago
I have heard recently
that to be unknown is to live
while dying on the inside.
But how to live again?
I have not heard.
I have not been instructed on how to be seen,
on how to smash the glass
that seems so clear but is
grimy and streaked,
filmed with the mire that my tears pour
out of my soul,
dusted with the mud buried in the cracks
of my palms.
I am a hummingbird,
fluttering feverishly,
drinking my fill from the flowers I hover next to.
Satisfied, but only for a moment.
I dart between petals and stems,
draining what sweetness I can
before my wings are pinned to my sides.
The flowers inspect me
only when I am near.
They have taught me to hate my colors,
to strip my feathers
so I am barren before them.
I fight to keep myself aloft on naked wings,
returning to drink more frequently,
needing sustenance,
seeking it from places I have already emptied.
I have no other choice—
no one has ever been willing to set out nectar for me.
Raw, plucked, pink,
I settle into a state of torpor.
I am passed but not prodded,
witnessed but not touched.
Living still
but dying on the inside,
easily seen
but not really known.
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poems-by-b · 27 days ago
My emotions pool like water,
dirty and thick and full of disease.
Hands desperately reaching, scoop into the mirror.
The image distorts, my sense of self shaky,
rumbling, unclear.
Back out again, trying, trying to hold onto the liquid.
Suddenly thin, it slips out again.
Why won't it stay in the cup I form?
Why won't it stay in my makeshift bowl?
I need it to show those I cling to,
those I call my friends.
They stand at the edge of the glass,
paying more attention to each other than to me.
I'm not trying to be a spectacle,
not trying to be the most important.
Just somebody.
If only I could show them what only I seem to see.
These feelings run through the cracks in my resolve.
They ooze and drip in snatches I can't hold together.
But they are never enough to show the whole picture.
All that is left when I turn
is my slippery palms,
clumps of mud made impure by algae and clay.
The onlookers peer in when I catch their attention.
Fleetingly, they glance at my prize.
Unimpressed, unmoved, they nod their heads.
They do not reach to take the mud from me.
I dip my hands once more to rinse them clean,
to remove the crowd's discomfort.
Another presence watches from over my shoulder.
Silent, He waits for them to walk away
towards bigger and better things.
I am His bigger and better thing.
Except He gives no signal, no sign.
I meet His eyes but cannot read them,
see His gentle smile but cannot feel it
touch my heart.
He's the one I should have invited,
yet He shows up only as an afterthought.
With Him only.
With people, too.
Lines I am unable to cross,
a dichotomy I cannot unify.
One who is always there, but I never remember,
ones who I always remember but are never there.
My mind spins
as I try to make a decision:
who to go to,
how to go to both.
Is it wrong to want more
than the God of provision is willing to provide?
We stand unspeaking but still staring.
I open my mouth for words to come out,
but they don't.
It seems they never do.
I was taught how over and over,
taught there is no way,
taught I have to make my own way.
Examples swirl around me, all working for someone,
but not for me
because I am nobody.
A new group makes its way through the trees,
looking for me.
Is this what it is to be desired?
I face them, watching them move, studying them.
Maybe one day, I can do what they do,
turn my examinations into application.
Where did they learn?
Who taught them?
They come to the water;
I forget the presence behind me.
I scoop my emotions into my hands again,
watch in vain as they disappear once more.
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poems-by-b · 29 days ago
Do people really know the depths of their hearts?
Can they put word to feeling,
to sensation?
Is there a lens that they look through
to sharpen and clarify,
to prune and cultivate
the exact word that in my head
can only be pictures,
that in my body,
can only be reaction?
I am not trained to name
the reactions or the pictures.
I am not trained to assign them words,
except by a list of synonyms—
a list full of no real variation,
just shades of meaning that I can't discern.
Each one falls under a theme:
happy or sad,
angry or anxious or fear.
The theme is as far as I get.
I am only ever uncomfortable,
only ever excited.
I cannot explain why.
I cannot verbalize,
only depict.
Will I go on like this forever,
wondering how to communicate,
how to speak,
how to be
any way that doesn't confuse me,
how to lay my soul out bare for my friends
in a way that doesn't force me
to get out my paints
and pencils
and paper?
Conciseness is not possible,
I can only give more
than what is wanted.
I can only give so much
that it never
ends up being
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poems-by-b · 1 month ago
I'm beginning to gain an appreciation
for a life lived solely with you.
I'm beginning to see it's not all bad,
all pointless,
all wrong.
I can appreciate the quiet,
the mundane.
I can make my own decisions,
my own life.
I do not have to defer or check.
My heart can seek you out unhindered.
I am not forced to think about how or
my discoveries impact another.
I can be free to think about how I can grow,
can learn,
can worship.
If I want people and all their opinions,
then, and only then,
do I feel pushed to go looking.
The trouble, of course,
is that I go wanting often.
I look out of habit,
searching not in you,
or even myself,
for what is good,
for what will make me feel whole.
I am beginning to get comfortable with boredom and quiet.
My life may never be this busy again,
but I'd rather fall back
on a God I'm familiar with
than a God I don't know at all.
The woman across the street is alone,
but she is not lonely.
I see her dogs and cat,
I see cars in her drive,
I do not know her story
but I know things are calm,
and I do appreciate the calm.
So I will search for the calm,
get to know solitude well,
get to know God even more.
My future is beautiful
because it is planned by the one who made beauty.
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poems-by-b · 1 month ago
There are not quite words
to form around the sensations that overtake my body.
I am furious,
in anguish,
drowning in what inhabits my soul.
I don't understand it.
I swear it's something serious,
but then it's gone before I can put my thumb on it.
I wish it made sense.
I wish there were steps to follow,
but I am left with my feelings
rising around me in a murky haze.
The only way to decipher it is
to put it in images:
a force pushing me down,
holding me to the ground;
water filling my lungs;
screaming as loud as I can
in the middle of a thousand trees.
The force beats me in the chest,
holds my arms,
yanks on my legs.
It stops for nothing,
does not pay attention to how I beg.
I am in the thick mud,
trying to wade my way through.
Why is this impossible?
I watch the world move from behind a plate of glass,
so thick that it's a wall.
It cannot be broken,
it cannot be moved,
but it follows me everywhere,
hiding me from the world,
letting me see out,
stopping anyone from seeing in.
I dance for an audience
that is still waiting for its performer.
The force conceals me so well that it's almost like
I have never existed at all.
I used to think
my life was a nightmare.
I used to think
I would wake up one day
and it would all be gone.
All of the confusion,
all of the sickness,
all of the missed chances
would all be
opportunities I haven't taken.
This is not what has happened.
It's all too real,
too fast,
to be a dream.
I have too much control,
too much awareness
to get to go back
to do it all over again.
I am still expecting
to wake up
and be eight years old.
I still feel as though I don't understand
what's happened to me,
what I've done,
how I've ended up here.
It's like I can pinpoint the moment that it all changed.
I could find it on a timeline—
the instant my life was no longer my own.
Most of what I remember is this new one,
this new one that is not mine.
I don't belong in it.
Something about it is wrong.
Who would I have been
if I continued to be the one in charge?
All I know is that I was never in charge,
at least not when it mattered,
not when I was expected to make all of this my own.
Why have I not yet joined the land of the living?
Is this why I cannot shake
that which urges me to end this?
Is this why death
criss-crosses through my mind,
leaving its footprints
where they cannot be ignored?
Is this why I want to grab my head,
shake it like an Etch-a-Sketch,
hope the lines will be erased?
Is this why my thoughts
are like a wild animal
on a short leash, always making itself known
whenever it pulls on the chain?
Is this why
I cannot imagine a life
where my brain is clear, and it does not feel too heavy
with the weight of what I cannot ignore?
Is this what's stopping me?
Will it be over when I wake?
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poems-by-b · 1 month ago
The right word for this
may not be a poem,
it may be a plea,
a desperate cry.
The summer is long,
and hard,
and painful.
It is lonely,
The silence sweeps over me
so loud I think my ears may burst.
I do not know how to grow used to
it being like this.
I do not know how to make
solitude my home.
How do I make them love me,
make them care,
when I am not the one they raised?
Two years have passed,
I have learned to raise myself in the ways that I am called.
Is it calling or oppression?
My mind cannot tell the difference—
one day I am full of peace, of hope;
the next, guilt rains on me like the perfect summer storm.
Shove it down, block it out,
who told you that was necessary?
Who told you to feel shame?
There is no place for it,
don't talk about it,
hold your tongue.
My mind flips and turns,
shoving words into my friends' mouths.
They are not here to deny them.
There is no one to quiet the unbearable thoughts.
They rattle in their cage,
angered at having
no way out.
There is no one to listen,
no one to tell them
they are so very untrue.
The din rises
Why doesn't anyone care?
Of course they care—
it is you who hopes they won't
care too much.
Don't send me away,
don't expose me.
Death lingers longest of all,
outlasting simple tortures.
No one sane keeps their mind this way.
They tidy and prune and expel.
Teach me to do that,
how did you learn?
What is the secret to asking God?
How can I copy your authenticity?
I remember to try
when there's no time left,
when I'm caught without a distraction,
when I can't drown out what's in my head.
The attempts don't stick.
They are scattered,
No cohesion, no consistency.
I busy my body
so my mind is the right kind of loud,
so I won't have to wonder
if I'll have parents today,
if my friends can stand to hear from me,
if I am selfish and cruel.
I think I must be—
all I can hear is myself,
all I can feel is my own anger,
Where is everyone?
Why can't they come home?
It's only after they slink and trudge into the house that
my body calls for isolation.
It rebels against them,
wielding frustration and hurt,
as they remind me
over and over
of why my soul is used to being alone until
I am crippled with fear
that I may not outlast this.
I scream and scream,
am met with the ringing of my own voice.
There is no answer.
When will someone hear me?
I hope it won't be too late.
I hope the measures won't be too drastic.
I want out,
get me out.
See me,
hear me,
love me,
heal me.
Won't anyone do anything?
I'm looking in the wrong place.
In an empty box,
there is only meaningless air.
I cry out for help, but it doesn't change.
When will it change?
I fix my eyes on the end of summer,
not on the one who can end my anguish.
I wonder how anyone can stand these months.
How can they take it?
How can they let it rest on their shoulders?
What am I doing that is so wrong?
How do I try?
I haven't learned how.
I need their help.
But it's my relationship,
my faith.
I feel like I'm supposed to know this.
They trust me to lead,
but I cannot take myself to the feet of God
to empty out my brain.
I must rely on pencils,
This part of me is broken.
Intimacy is impossible.
I don't know how to do this, God.
How much clearer can I say it?
My thoughts are clouded in darkness.
I want your light to break through.
This is my submission,
my plea,
my desperate cry.
Lead me out of my head and into your loving arms.
I cannot take another day without your embrace,
but I am too afraid to die.
It's not what I want.
I want to find my place with you.
I cannot do it myself.
Please show me, please show me.
I want to turn the silence
from a mark of my misery
into a chance to hear your voice.
I trust you,
now help me act.
Reveal my steps.
Please show me, please show me,
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