11 in numerology
• 11’s are old souls but they can still be emotionally immature if they’re at a lower vibration since 11 is the number of emotional energy and when emotional energy is at a lower vibration it can be exuded immaturely. when they’re at a higher vibration though then they will have very high emotional intelligence
• 11 is one of the main numbers of fame. They can be famous from anything
• 11’s have a good balance of both masculine and feminine energy since 1 is the number of masculinity and there’s two 1’s in the number and also 1+1=2 the number of femininity
• 11’s make great athletes. Example: Michael Jordan
• 11’s also have a strong amount of power to make other people emotional
• 11’s are usually very spiritual people but they can also be religious leaders
• 11’s are the most psychic number. if you’re going to get a reading from a psychic make sure they have 11 in their birthday because then they’re more likely to be legit
• 11’s have strong intuition and instincts
• 11’s have a lot of charisma that can take them really far in life as long as they don’t let their emotional energy get the best of them and ruin things for themselves. people are naturally drawn to 11’s because of their charisma
• 11 is the number of the occult
• 11’s can be emotionally unstable a lot when they’re at a lower vibration
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5 in numerology
• 5 is the number of beauty. they tend to be the most physically appealing according to society’s beauty standards. many people find them attractive. similar to being venusian but just like with astrology if they aren’t the most attractive person they’re still typically very attractive compared to others in their family
• 5’s are meant to travel a lot in life. it’s a huge part of their purpose in the matrix. staying in one place all the time will lead them to depression
• 5 is the number of sex. 5’s tend to have higher sex drives because of this and sometimes can be players if they’re at a lower vibration
• 5 is the number of the health so they tend to have the best health as long as they don’t have any other numbers that are bad for health such as 7 or 19
• 5’s have some of the best game (flirting wise). they’re really smooth talkers. They’re known for being extremely charming and witty
• 5 is the number of change so unlike 6’s they aren’t usually the type to be homebody’s. They like constantly doing things and changing their routine frequently. They party hard
• 5’s can be pretty unpredictable. Whether it’s in a good or bad way depends on their vibration
• 5’s are one of the most social numbers. Even if they have other numerical energies that make them introverted they’re good at socializing
• 5’s love and seek freedom and do not like people who try to restrict them in any way
• 5’s can be a bit irresponsible if at a lower vibration
• Going off the last one 5’s do usually have good health but they can be more prone to being drug addicts and alcoholics which can ruin their health of course
• 5’s are great entertainers since 5 is the number of entertainment itself
• 5’s are the most likely to be homewreckers out of all the other numbers
• 5 is the number of good luck so often 5’s tend to attract luck when they need it most
• 5’s are naturally jealous people if at a lower vibration
• 5 is the number of war so sometimes you see 5’s going into the military
• 5’s are extremely adventurous people
• 5’s make good salesmen because of their way with words
• 5 days are good days to exercise
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Ceres in the Signs & Houses
Ceres was the first to be discovered in the asteroid belt. It has since been reclassified as a dwarf planet, which would make Ceres at least as important as Pluto in the astrological chart since they are both dwarf planets.
Ceres was the sister of Zeus (Jupiter). She is the quintessential Earth Mother and rules over food, cooking and nutrition. Wherever she appears in your chart, she shows how best you feel nurtured. This is also the area where you can easily provide love and comfort.
Your Ceres Sign influences mothering, hard work, parenting, and gardening as well. It will show how well we go with the flow… the universal one, that is. This is the unification of both giving and receiving through ourselves as an exchange of energy. Ceres is associated with fertility, the uterus and stomach. On her negative side, she influences grief, work problems, eating disorders, custody issues and kidnapping. She may influence low self-esteem, fear of abundance, feelings of abandonment or unworthiness, over-attachment, possessiveness, parent-child complexes and barrenness.
Ceres in Aries
Ceres in Aries nurtures independence; they show their love through physical activities rather than cuddling. They help others become self-sufficient through encouragement. Those with this combination may feel inadequate or incompetent at times if they had to compete with their own parent at some point. They are very protective of their family. They are assertive and like physical action. They may end up with a challenging partner in some kind of relationship. Ceres in Aries must be nurtured in an active, independent way by their family and partners in order to feel loved. If they feel dominated or pushed to take on responsibility before they are ready, they may develop issues. They value self-determination and do their best to support that trait in those they care for.
Ceres in the 1st House
People will always be mistaking you for their mother, even if you are a guy. That’s because Ceres in the 1st house people just seem to be nurturing. This effect is lessened if Ceres is located more towards the end of the house, or in a different sign from the Ascendant. There can be a problem if you happen to have a lot of planets in Gemini, like a friend of mine. She would rather talk than nurture, but emotionally needy people gravitate towards her constantly.
Ceres in Taurus
Ceres in Taurus feels nurtured when they are fed and pampered. A good massage helps them feel grounded and cared for. They nurture others by giving them the necessities of life like food, shelter and financial stability. They may become overly dependent on their belongings or may equate self-worth with what they own. Touching is an important part of nurturing for this combination. If they can relax, it is beneficial to them. They feel worthwhile if they can provide for themselves.
Ceres in the 2nd House
If well aspected, your physical nurturing needs will always be provided. And you will tend to nurture others in the same way. And nothing makes you feel more nurtured than a large bank balance and a full refrigerator.
Ceres in Gemini
Ceres in Gemini feels nurtured when someone takes the time to talk or write to them. They need to communicate with others. Traveling with them or even going along on errands will make them feel that you care. They like to nurture others through education, sitting down for a good talk, and the gift of travel. They share important information whenever they can. When things aren’t going right, they may suffer from mental confusion or try to be intellectually superior. They love to learn and be listened to. They feel good about themselves when they feel smart or intellectually competent for the task at hand.
Ceres in the 3rd House
Nurturing could have been provided for you by brothers and sisters, or even neighbours. Conversely, you could have been the one nurturing them. Your words tend to be nurturing. This could be a good placement for a therapist or counsellor.
Ceres in Cancer
Ceres in Cancer creates a nurturing home environment. It is where they feel the most comfortable and nurtured themselves. They enjoy being mothered and mothering others. Hugs are popular. When they don’t feel nurtured, they can feel like the whole world hates them. They provide both physical and emotional support. Food can play a large role in nurturing themselves and others. They are very sentimental. Those whose needs were met at a young age will, in turn, take excellent care of others. Those who were deprived or smothered with too much affection may end up being overly needy. Self-acceptance is important.
Ceres in the 4th House
Being home nurtures you, and there is a tendency to nurture anyone and everyone in your home. It’s as simple as that. But you could also feel nurtured by the homes in general, so this is a good placement for dealing in domestic real estate.
Ceres in Leo
Ceres in Leo takes pride in nurturing others. They are cheerful and optimistic, at least in public. They provide a living example of the self-assured personality. They have a way of infusing others with confidence as well. While they aren’t the best at nurturing emotionally, they are dedicated. Nurturing others also helps Ceres in Leo feel good about themselves, especially when they receive accolades for it. They love attention, admiration and respect. They are creative and independent and foster these traits in others. When they feel down, they may feel inadequate and unappreciated. They help others find their creative muse and make the most of it. Self-expression is all important to them.
Ceres in the 5th House
The tendency with this placement is to feel nurtured by fun, sports, games, romance, children, gambling and speculation, you name it. Any form of excitement will do. There will likely be a need to feel nurtured by romantic partners, and, conversely, to nurture them. Be careful, though, about getting a nurturing feeling through gambling.
Ceres in Virgo
Ceres in Virgo don’t mean to be critical, but it may be the approach they take to nurturing others. They are really just trying to help. They feel good when they are busy, especially with detailed work. They can also take a nice detailed criticism in a constructive way most of the time. They want to nurture others through service. At worst, they become perfectionists who never can be satisfied with their work or that of others. They are well organized and can help teach this talent to others. They feel nurtured by good quality clothing, food and health. They can teach others to be competent, proud of their work, and to be self-disciplined.
Ceres in the 6th House
Work could easily give you that nurturing feeling. People with this placement would either tend to nurture co-workers or feel nurtured by them. This placement can also feel nurtured by doctors and other health care workers.
Ceres in Libra
Ceres in Libra is nurtured by beauty. They notice the small subtle things that others do to show they care. They do the same for others, nurturing in small ways and surrounding others with beauty. They like everyone to cooperate and share. Having a good relationship is very nurturing to Ceres in Libra. They may get caught up in need acceptance from others and forget to work on themselves. Good manners and sensitivity towards the feelings of others go far in nurturing this combination. They appreciate the effort. Luxury is not wasted on them either they truly appreciate fine dining, fine fabrics and beauty all around them.
Ceres in the 7th House
This placement would either tend to nurture partners (both marital and business) or attract partners who nurture them. Strive for a balance if you have this one, otherwise, either you or they will be doing all the work, and that could eventually cause resentment.
Ceres in Scorpio
Ceres in Scorpio feel nurtured through touch, especially intimacy. They enjoy anything mysterious or being part of something transforming. Healing others is fulfilling for them. They form deep bonds with their loved ones that make them feel whole. Emotional self-control is important to them, and helping others through transformational experiences is very powerful for them. They may become jealous, possessive or resentful when they don’t feel nurtured. Stable relationships are an important part of their nurturing. Isolation causes problems.
Ceres in the 8th House
You poor thing. You need sex to feel nurtured. Oh well, we each have our cross to bear. Carry on (and I’m sure you will). Actually, you might also nurture your partner with this one. The 8th house also rules other things besides sex. This placement is also good for nurturing people who are undergoing a process of rehabilitation.
Ceres in Sagittarius
Ceres in Sagittarius hides their nurturing qualities. They tend to reflect the drive and passion of those around them. They want those around them to succeed. They are not good at taking the initiative when it comes to nurturing. They prefer to share wisdom, adventure and knowledge as a form of nurturing. They may be excellent at giving advice or teaching. They may feel their life is meaningless when stressed. Part of their nurturing nature is to encourage optimism in others. They show their concern by taking part in social issues. They feel nurtured when they have the freedom to explore and broaden their horizons.
Ceres in the 9th House
You would tend to feel nurtured by taking long trips, either physically or mentally. Travel will do it, but so could study and discussion of religious or philosophical matters.
Ceres in Capricorn
Ceres In Capricorn feels nurtured when they are organized and in control. They help others learn how to succeed. They take great comfort in every achievement they make. They have learned to take responsibility, now they will teach this to others. When stressed they can be overly dependent on their status in an effort to make themselves feel better. Surprises turn their world upside down. Goal setting and working hard is more their thing. They try their best to get others to realize how beneficial this path is to meeting your goals. It is hard for them to accept themselves sometimes. They equate feeling loved with how well they perform in life.
Ceres in the 10th House
Well, this placement can make you popular (even if you don’t want to be). As soon as you set foot in public, people will start coming to you for nurturing. Not in private, thankfully. At least you will be safe in private. Even the boss could come to you for this (or you might have a tendency to nurture the boss). Conversely, you could tend to attract bosses who like to nurture you (hopefully with constant raises). You could also be attracted to careers ruled by Ceres, namely anything connected with food or clothing.
Ceres in Aquarius
Ceres in Aquarius finds their solace in the strange and offbeat. They also love being around friends. When they are down in the dumps, there is nothing better than when their friends show up. They may have felt abandoned as a child, and they taught themselves to distance themselves from that feeling. It is hard for them to admit that they need someone else. Intimacy may be difficult. When Ceres in Aquarius nurtures others, they help them develop a sense of social justice. They also want their loved ones to appreciate and accept their own uniqueness. They feel nurtured when they are accepted by a group or help out in a cause. When stressed they may feel disconnected or inept socially. They value personal freedom. They also love to serve their fellow man. This makes them feel they are doing well.
Ceres in the 11th House
The tendency here is to nurture your friends or attract friends who nurture you. Since the 11th house also rules your hopes and wishes, you could easily have a wish to nurture large groups of people, perhaps by joining (or founding) a humanitarian group of some sort.
Ceres in Pisces
Ceres in Pisces reflects the emotions of those around them. They want to understand and help people through emotional crises. They are truly compassionate and they supply this through nurturing. They love anything imaginative. It fills them with good feelings and makes them feel nurtured. When feeling down, they may feel helpless or abandoned. They need time alone to de-stress and re-energize themselves. Water is calming. Self-acceptance may depend on their ability to be selfless.
Ceres in the 12th House
This is the house of hidden things, psychological problems and “restrictions.” Whatever is in this house shows what we don’t want to show to the world, or even to ourselves. Ceres in the 12th house can show that nurturing needs were suppressed. This could also make it difficult to nurture others. On the positive side, this placement could channel these frustrations into charity work where you provide nurturing to the poor, the sick, and the unfortunate.
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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚘 - 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝 𝙰𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝





《《《《《 Here , we'll see aspects of Juno with planets in our Natal Birth Chart . This is just an overview , of what it means . If you want to know some of your personal aspects of your Juno then sent an Ask 》》》》》
♥︎ 𝗔𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you embody commitment and loyalty
♥︎ 𝗦𝘂𝗻 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you express your potential for commitment and devotion
♥︎ 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you nurture your serious commitments and relationships
♥︎ 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘂𝘀 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you show love and admiration in a committed relationship
♥︎ 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you express your commitment and devotion to others
♥︎ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you express your passion in a committed relationship
♥︎ 𝗝𝘂𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you find expansion and empowerment through your commitments
♥︎ 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do your traditional values influence your long term commitments
♥︎ 𝗡𝗲𝗽𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How does your spirituality influence your partnerships
♥︎ 𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 - 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗼 : How do you find deep transformation and share power in your committed partnerships

@alaezasmystery 2023
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The type of Romantic Partner you Attract by using your Birth Chart
This post is mostly for beginners and newbies who want to know more about their love life
You know the saying” we all have a type" well that saying is true in a way
To see the type of people we are romantically attracted too, we’re going to look at
1. Descendant (7h) + Ruler
2. Your Venus + Ruler
3. Your Juno
Descendant /7h
- the 7h represents all your close relationships but most importantly your partner.
-whatever sign is your 7h is usually the type of people you want to be in a serious relationship with.
-now this doesn’t always mean you’ll end with someone with that sign in their chart(although it can),but, they could still have aspects to that sign planet ruler or the sign house
- 7h ruler can give you more details on who you like
Example: you have a Gemini 7h; so you’re attracted to people who may be outgoing, funny, loves communication, intellectuals.
Further detail example: so you have Gemini 7h. Mercury rules over Gemini. You have Mercury Libra.
So now add the Gemini 7h to your Mercury Libra information to see what you’re attracted too
-you love partners who are air dominate. You love witty, intellectual, outgoing, great communication,adventurous, partners who are diplomatic, charming. You may attract people who are indecisive😅, dresses nice or has pleasing aesthetic
There’s more I can ad but you get the jift
-Venus rules over love and romance in general so whatever sign it’s in can tell you what type of love language you have.
Example: you have Venus Taurus, you may love to buy gifts, cook or just spend time with your partner
Juno(marriage asteroid)
-in Greek Mythology, Juno (Hera)was the Wife of Jupiter (Zeus)
-Juno represent the energy of our overall marriage/commitment to someone.
Example: Juno Pisces; you may have a marriage that’s very spiritual, creative or very secretive
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What Juno Says About Your Twin Flame ?
🪐 Juno is the astroid of marriage, love, soulmates/twin flames, jealousy and commitment 🪐
🪐 Juno, like any astroid, give information about life happenings and in this case your relationship with your twin flame and potential soulmates. Juno in houses such as 4th, 5th or 7th or conjunction between Juno - Jupiter - North Node, usually indicates twin flame in your life, compared to Juno retrograde which can mean three things, depending on other placements: Twin flame isn’t reincarnated, Twin flame is reincarnated but won’t meet them, Will meet twin flame but won’t stay with them. 🪐
🪐 Even with a retrograde Juno or a placement that doesn’t favors union, Juno still influences the soulmate bounding. And as individuals e have plenty of soulmates. So this still works 🪐
🪐 Who Is Your Twin Flame / Soulmate ? 🪐
Juno in Aries: Your person will be a motivator, someone that liked to start things, who’s assertive, active and in some cases even aggressive. They are usually big talkers, competitors by nature, they love sports and athlete world. Usually these people live in big cities and they are the popular type around others.
Juno in Taurus: If you have this placement, consider yourself lucky, because your person is someone that could provide you with stability and security (both financial and minded). They are physical people, they like to be touched, hugged kissed and cuddled yet they will take forever before committing. They are physically strong, stubborns, big eaters and good listeners, like a home during a rainy day.
Juno in Gemini: They are big talkers, they manipulate information around them, they are elegante and eloquent. Their power os persuasion and discussion is huge. So usually, your person will be someone working in law or business, workers where the speech is important. Unfortunately despite that being a good thing, these people can also manipulate their partner’s for their own goods.
Juno in Cancer: This is quite a lucky placement, because your person is probably the one that will give you a family, children, commitment and nurturing. They are captivating, you guys are easily attracted to one another and things come easily. This person is very domestic, very family driven, they like their home, their comfort zone and settle. Your mate can be clingy and mothering/fathering person, always trying to take care of others.
Juno in Leo: A little star to have as a partner. These people are yes indeed a little arrogant and full of themselves, they can be lazy and granted but they also have a big heart and they are the funniest people ever. They are born leaders, people love them, charming and passionate. They act like children sometimes, they don’t take things seriously.
Juno in Virgo: They will always try to protect you although they have a weird way to show it. That because they criticize a lot, they are perfectionists, they like things their way and get stressed out when things are out of their hands. Your person is a hard worker, they will work for you, for your relationship and to secure you happiness. So despite the harshness they do things for the common good.
Juno in Libra: Your person is beautiful, a standard, charming and so well mannered that people get easily jealous of them. Additionally this person feels like you know them forever, usually they become huge friends before being a partner. You guys enjoy each other company, do many things together, there’s a lot of common interests. Your relationship isn’t based on “we want a child and a house and a dog”, it’s based on your needs and dreams.
Juno in Scorpio: Obviously the sexual attraction is what gives you up, because this person just makes your knees weak, you are stupidly attracted to them in that physical way and the way they seduce you, isn’t even funny. Usually these relationships are secret, they are discreet, you guys keep it private and hidden from others. In another hand, there is also potential intense arguments and fights as much as hot passion. This person is highly jealous and possessive.
Juno in Sagittarius: There’s chances that your person will be from a different religion, cultural background and may be a foreigner or come from another country or have a different citizenship than yours. In some cases this person could be well known of the public, famous (either from artists to well known business person or teacher, ect). Some cases will meet them through traveling but would depend if you have a 9th house in this placement.
Juno in Capricorn: Usually with this, your partner can be older than you or at least more mature than you when you will meet them. They act like a parent, they are secure, well organized and responsible of their surroundings. This person is quite intense as well, they don’t talk much, they seem distant and cold but they are real providers and securer when it comes to your relationship.
Juno in Aquarius: Good luck, this person is someone independent, detached, different, unconventional. There’s chances that usually these relationships are queer or culturally different from what you have been raised into. This person is very sociable, they have multiple friends, they don’t like clinging or demonstration of affection. Age diference can also be a thing.
Juno in Pisces: This is kind of a sad placement, because usually to be together it will require a lot of sacrifices from both parties, and mostly of you. You put this person on a pedestal a lot, they are dreamy, soft and gentle but at the same time they always put themselves in situation that will break and hurt them. It’s kinda like a Greek tragedy to be honest.
🪐 How Will You Meet Your Twin Flame / Soulmate ? 🪐
1st House:
Fire: You can encounter them during gym days, when going outside for a walk or a jog, when doing competitions of some short. They usually will compliment you on your appearance and body
Earth: This is about first impressions, they are usually the first people coming and talking to you once you arrive somewhere new. They will give you that first impression good feeling
Air: Again, during new beginnings. Either you are moving works, city, country, or something else, they will apear in your life the moment you chance your grounds
Water: Your person will be meet usually after some type of event that will chance your self expression, your identity. After a crisis.
2nd House:
Fire: It will be during a moment or right after you do a very important purchase, usually after a house, a car, or anything that is extremely important for you. This person will appear on the moments or days after that
Earth: High potencial to meet them in your work or study place, they will be usually co workers, students or a partner you need for a work in general
Air: There will be one day where you will have to make a very important decision in your life concerning your finances, a project or a goal. This person will be the one giving you the answers
Water: Very random, this person will just pop out one day out of your daily routine. So you basically just have to wait until it happens
3rd House:
Fire: you shall meet them during social activities, so it can be during a party, a gathering, a night club, a bar, ect
Earth: Usually you will meet your partner through education, so in schools, university, formations, or anything related with education
Air: You will meet them through social media, through dating apps or social apps in general. It’s a nice connection
Water: It’s someone you have already saw in your mind, you have manifested them. They usually come after you went down therapy and fixed things in your life becoming more mature and secure
4th House:
Fire: Usually a family friend, someone you have meet as a child and that will grow close to your family
Earth: They are someone from your cultural background, someone from your childhood city or home
Air: After a day of spa, a day of gym, during a diet moment or self care moment, after therapy commitment and sessions, are usually when your person will arrive in your life
Water: It’s home related so this can be complicated, like far cousins in some cases. Other cases, it’s just linked with your family, so it can be someone close to your family or you have meet them in your early childhood
5th House:
Fire: This one is a little complicated, because it deals with creativity, so it can be related with expositions, museums, art galleries but also during the creation of something
Earth: It’s someone that will come talk to you after you have made some type of speech, or collaboration where you had to work for yourself and as a team
Air: You will meet them through a love affair. usually people with this placement will cheat on their partner with their twin flame or their soulmate
Water: This is usually your first love, the first person you ever fell In love with that is your person. Sometimes you might lose them to find them again later in life
6th House:
Fire: Fitness sessions, gyms, competitions in a more work level are usually the places you might meet them
Earth: Health and work related, usually you meet them through medical context, such as hospitals, clinics, ect
Air: Pets. That’s all I have to say, pets, you might find them through pets, like on a park, on vets, or anything related with animals is the moment you will meet them
Water: High chances you meet your partner on a medical context, so mostly inside a hospital per exemple, or when you are hurt and need saving by paramedics or fireman, ect
7th House:
Fire: They will be a friend with whom you have always shared everything with and slowly it shall become a relationship where equality is important
Earth: Your person will be a business partner, someone you will have to work with before it becomes something more intimate
Air: Again, you will meet them through cheating. You will be in a relationship and you will cheat on your current partner with your twin flame or soulmate
Water: This is random but you can meet them through a marriage ceremony, or anything marriage related. It can also mean that your person is the one person you will marry
8th House:
Fire: In this case your person is normally the first person you have lost your virginity with, it’s usually the first passions, the first troubles and the first times all-together
Earth: It’s really weird, but people with this placement usually meet their person after someone died in their close family, after an inheritance per exemple
Air: Usually the person that you used to cheat on someone else
Water: They will be that one person you started to be friends with benefits with and where you feel in love with.
9th House:
Fire: You will meet your person through a travel, no matter where or why you travel, it will be during that moment
Earth: Usually you shall meet them when you will be in university. If you aren’t panning to go to university, then they will be someone that teacher on a higher education system
Air: Your person is someone that has a different religion than you or in contrary they have the same religion than you, and you shall meet them through that context (so if you are catholic per exemple, you will meet them in church), or if you are Pagan, you might meet them through a festival ritual
Water: In many cases your person is someone that will be a teacher, someone that will teach you and make you learn something that will be helpful in your life. In other cases it’s a famous person
10th House:
Fire: This is someone that will appear in your life when you reputation is high. They will be attracted to you for it and they will have themselves a high status in public
Earth: You shall meet your person in your career, so during your work. This person will work in the same place than you, good moment to try and get that nice CEO
Air: Your person is someone that has influence in your surrounding, it can be an influencer, a YouTube, a famous person, ect. They have a high reputation at least and you will meet them either through a party or a club or something where they will need to be present for the public
Water: Most cases your person is someone famous to the public eye, so you will meet them through some type of social happening
11th House:
Fire: This person will be a friend that is close to someone in your friends group. So usually you meet them through someone else
Earth: A little bit more complicated, it can happen through social media, through work recommendation, through friend invitation.
Air: Your person is a friend of yours, they will be some that is part of your social circle
Water: You might meet your person through humanitarian travels, social work and associative work
12th House:
Fire: Again this could mean meeting your person after losing someone, after a complicated episode In your life where anger and relentless is around you
Earth: you guys will meet when you are going through a very harsh period of your life, where you pretend to be okay when loneliness if the only feeling you have
Air: It’s when karma will hit you hard and low that this person will appear in your life. After you pay for some consequences for actions you made in your life
Water: This person is lightly spiritual and usually you will meet them through that context, so it will really depend on the case. Either it’s trough a coven, a society, a tarot moment, a spiritual group or shop, spiritual awakening, etc.
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🫧🪩Juno in the signs🪩🫧



❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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Juno is related to marriages, partnerships, etc. The sign in which Juno is in the birth chart shows the type of person we are attracted to.
🪩Juno in Aries: Your ideal partner is energetic, active, enterprising and ambitious. But you can be aggressive, dominant or impulsive. Aries' competitiveness can cause confrontations in the relationship. You should look for someone who can keep it up with Aries fiery energy, as well as someone with a sense of adventure.
🪩Juno in Taurus: You need a partner who provides stability and security. Someone who is patient, faithful and trustworthy. Taurus is extremely loyal and expects their other half to be as well. Problems may arise related to attachment, possessiveness both materially and with respect to the partner.
🪩Juno in Gemini: You are attracted to an intelligent and witty partner, versatile and dynamic. Verbal communication is essential in the relationship. Gemini is a curious sign that tends to get bored with the monotony of life; It is necessary to find someone who can keep it up with your energy. There may be ups and downs or promises that are not kept sometimes due to the transformative nature of Gemini and their sudden changes.
🪩Juno in Cancer: You need a sensitive and protective partner who will cover your emotional needs. There may be emotional manipulation at times, due to Cancer's need to connect in deep ways with their other half. Family and home become very important.
🪩Juno in Leo: Your ideal partner is very creative, affectionate and self-confident. But Leo can also be dramatic, self-centered or immature, which can lead to problems due to pride or dignity issues. You should seek harmony and learn to listen to the other side.
🪩Juno in Virgo: The ideal relationship is one in which both share the same work interests and future plans; someone who seeks to grow and expand with them. With an analytical, detailed, efficient and hard-working partner. Virgo can be very critical and perfectionist at times.
🪩Juno in Libra: Looking for a long-lasting relationship based on commitment, respect and equality. Their ideal partner is sociable, fair, diplomatic and objective. They have a sense of harmony and aesthetics, they appreciate the beauty in their surroundings and expect their partner to do the same.
🪩Juno in Scorpio: Needs a passionate partner and if it is somewhat mysterious, even better. Sexually active and intense relationship. There is total commitment but problems of jealousy or possessiveness may arise. Scorpio can be very vengeful if they feel frustrated, they dont like mind games or their time being wasted.
🪩Juno in Sagittarius: The partner is probably a foreigner, or from different roots and cultures. Juno in this position seeks a relationship based on truth and sincerity. The search for answers motivates them and feeds the relationship. Someone talkative with an expansive minda that is not afraid of doing spontaneous plans, is a perfect match.
🪩Juno in Capricorn: Needs a practical, organized, responsible partner with a good social status. Although she may be cold, calculating or somewhat demanding. There are not many displays of affection or emotion in the relationship, but there is great loyalty and displays of love in her actions towards the other.
🪩Juno in Aquarius: The ideal partner is independent and detached, and respects her need for freedom. It is attracted to an original person, whether a genius or a madman, but one who is unusual. Juno in Aquarius seeks a relationship where both have their time and space.
🪩Juno in Pisces: May idealize their partner or find it difficult to open their eyes in some sense. Pisces is compassionate and knows how to forgive, but is extremely sensitive and emotional. There must be some spiritual connection with the partner.
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- asteroid tutorial
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 1h
good looking spouse, important life lessons surrounding marriage and commitment, marriage is a focal point in your life, spouse will approach you first, spouse will help you discover more about yourself, spouse will change your life direction, marriage will cause you to have new outlooks on life, passionate marriage, dominant spouse, masculine spouse, confident spouse, spouse makes you feel like you’re fully yourself, love at first sight/upon first impression when meeting your spouse, being committed to yourself
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 2h
spouse spoils you, stable and peaceful marriage, shares similar values with spouse, laid-back/chill/easy going spouse, financially stable spouse, trauma bonding with spouse, spouse is your emotional security in life, spouse improves your self worth, very protective or possessive spouse, needs a safe space to wanna be with someone long term, needs someone who protects them, being committed to your finances
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 3h
healthy communication with your spouse, shares a lot of similar interests with spouse, similar opinions to your spouse, charming spouse that has a way with words, outgoing spouse, possibility of spouse living in your neighborhood, meeting your spouse on social media, going to school with your spouse, aren’t afraid to speak your mind to your spouse, sharing the same political views as your spouse, needs a spouse that’s constantly showing them love through words of affirmation, being committed to your siblings or literature
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 4h
spouse is your comfort zone, spouse feels like home, shy spouse, immediate sense of comfort when meeting your spouse, spouse is sensitive to your emotions, having the desire to feel emotionally secure with your partner, spouse helps you heal your inner child, having a lot of similar childhood experiences to your spouse, growing up with your spouse, sensitive to your partners emotions, being committed to your family
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 5h
popular spouse, talented spouse, spouse that brings out the most creative side of you, flirtatious spouse, playing video games together a lot with your spouse, being interested in similar hobbies to your spouse, spouse with a fun and positive child-like energy, really pleasurable sex with your spouse, going on lots of vacations with your spouse, losing your virginity to your spouse, generous spouse, meeting your spouse through a hookup, being committed to romance or your children
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 6h
fit and healthy spouse, marrying a close friend, marrying a coworker, spouse loves animals, spouse is constantly working on improving themself and marriage, trustworthy spouse, needs consistency in a relationship to be happy, being clingy/wanting to go everywhere with the people you’re in relationships or marriages with/wanting to always be with your spouse, innocent spouse, spouse shows love through acts of service, being committed to your hygiene and health
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 7h
happy marriage, attractive spouse, charming spouse, hopeless romantic spouse, loyal in relationships/marriage, marrying your best friend, will have important life lessons involving relationships/marriage/commitment, thrives in relationships with loyalty, spouse will protect them and have lots of concern for their well being, may meet their spouse while their in a relationship or their spouse is in a relationship with someone, possible enemies to lovers dynamic with spouse, doesn’t like being in flings/situationships or having one night stands, has multiple very long term relationships, spouse is your business partner, becoming attached to lovers very easily, being committed to long term partners or your spouse
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 8h
wealthy spouse/marrying wealth, mysterious spouse, seductive spouse, really good and intimate sex with your spouse, spouse bringing major transformations to your life, quickly forming a deep connection with your spouse when meeting, loving the people you’re in relationships with more even after knowing the dark parts of them, keeping your love life and marriage very private, spouse helps heal trauma, becoming attached to lovers really easily, being committed to people you have close connections with
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 9h
marrying someone that’s very intelligent and wise, adventurous spouse, optimistic spouse, meeting your spouse while traveling, meeting your spouse in school (usually college), having similar beliefs to your spouse, foreign spouse, sharing similar viewpoints to your spouses, lucky spouse, spouse will bring lots of luck to your life/positive abundance, would never enjoy being with someone that’s close minded, being committed to college/school
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 10h
successful spouse, marrying a celebrity, meeting your spouse through your career, spouse is possibly your boss, dominant spouse, spouse helps you gain many achievements, responsible spouse, career-oriented spouse, spouse will remind you of your father figure, ambitious spouse, never settles for less, marrying someone of higher status, marrying someone that helps you achieve your long term goals, being committed to your career
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 11h
marrying someone who isn’t your ideal partner or someone you would have never expected to marry, unique spouse, marrying your soulmate, wealthy spouse, same hopes/wishes as your spouse, marrying a friend, meeting your spouse through social media or friends, spouse that parties hard, deep desire for marriage, manifesting your dream spouse, spouse is a humanitarian, friendly spouse, intellectual spouse, being very committed to friends
ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 12h
marrying someone who is interested in astrology/the afterlife/the unknown, shy spouse, spouse and marriage will heal you and your traumas, spiritual spouse, selfless/self sacrificing spouse, psychic spouse, marrying someone you have lots of karma with (can be good or challenging karma) and have known in multiple past lives, spouse that helps you fulfill your karmic debt, hidden enemies/secretly hating each other before marriage, good sex with your spouse (the 12th house rules over bed pleasures), secretly having a crush on your spouse for a while before pursuing them (or vice versa), immediate fascination with one another when meeting your spouse, being committed to spirituality
© novy2sirius
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Juno persona chart
jupiter in the houses


what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
jupiter represents luck, it expands anything it touches and gives prosperity in that area. in the juno persona chart, jupiter signifies the luck the couple has within the marriage, what possible expansions marriage life of the couple receives and what possibly wisdom the couple takes.
reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
**reminder no.2 that this can be used for signs as well, so for example if jupiter is in aries in 6th house, make sure to check out jupiter in 1st house also as it may resonate.
jupiter in 1st house: marriage may be full of quick decisions, not waiting around brings luck to the couple. acting right away is the way to go for this placement. the couple may find luck in cars, perhaps you always have access to transport, have access to cars, may even own lots of cars or some sort of quick transport. marriage may bring growth to developing how to cope with anger or short temper, this placement may bring expansion to have healthy coping mechanisms when it comes to short temper or raising voice. marriage may bless the individual with courage to show the real them for example showing off their real style, personality, likes and interests etc. these individuals may have a very nice and luxurious (a grand) home after marriage, exterior of home may look big and expensive so this may be an indication of having a big house after marriage. jupiter here may brings lots of movement to the individual after marriage, their life may liven up a bit and there may be lots of movement during marriage. life can be full of life, full of passion, desire and motivation so a sense of fulfilment may occur and make the individual feel alive.
spouse may have natal jupiter in aries, 1st house, fire sign or fire house.
jupiter in 2nd house: marriage may bring luck to resources, money, materialistic things and ones value. the couple may receive lots of gifts from other people, not cheap also, this placement just attracts gifts and luxury. also expect people offering you to go out for dinner or lunch after marriage, this brings expansion in areas of socialising and allowing oneself to destress and rewind. marriage can be full of relaxation, after marriage the native can have luck in having s stress free mind or a less one. jupiter here may bring growth to having patience with one another, adapting to foreign environments and finding comfort in anywhere one may go. marriage may bring luck in artistic fields related to the voice, the arts, dancing, cooking, food related and beauty related. this placement may have luck in those themes and may have a business or open up a store related to these themes.
spouse may have natal jupiter in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign or earth house.
jupiter in 3rd house: marriage may bring luck in communication, writing, expression of oneself and getting to the point. this placement bring expansion to speaking so couple much talk things out even if they are the tiniest of little misconceptions they should be sorted out rough communication. i feel like this placement also gives luck in education, so this placement go back to school, college or university after marriage or they decide to study something they have been interested in after marriage. marriage may bring this placement extreme motivation and inspiration from their partner so they may want to complete everything at once as ideas keep coming and coming. this placement may find lessons to do with trust and talking behind each others backs, also learning how to stay within each others energy levels and keeping up with each other ideas and supporting each other in that sense.
spouse may have natal jupiter in gemini, 3rd house, air sign or air house.
jupiter in 4th house: marriage may bring luck in family relations. perhaps getting closer to family through marriage, visiting family more often after marriage, spending more time with the mother especially after marriage. this is also an indication of having luck in having a family of your own, so having kids may bring more luck in that field. having a comfortable home of your own will expand your luck, being comfortable in your own home is very important for example, having every detail of the house according to the way that makes you feel warm and cosy can make a different in your growth as a person. this placement is spiritually gifted with their intuition and learning to believe in themselves. Jupiter here has a lesson to never diss oneself and always believe in your abilities after marriage. through marriage connecting with ones ancestors may bring great fortune also.
spouse may have natal jupiter in cancer, 4th house, water sign or water house.
jupiter in 5th house: the couple may have luck in children. this placement really enhances the amount of children the couple may have, so most likely people with this placement have lots of children. also the couple may find happiness and expansion with children, perhaps it helps with their mental health, their spiritual journey, their mindset and their luck in general. also this placement may find growth in their confidence may grow in confidence and have their own way. also this placement most likely will be quite well known whether its within the community, neighbouring, worldwide etc. This placement finds growth in their ego, so usually after marriage their views of life and their mindset may drrastically change for the better especially after having kids.
spouse may have natal jupiter in leo, 5th house, fire sign or fire house.
jupiter in 6th house: marriage may bring luck to health and fitness. this placement may have fortune in their health for example getting more fitter by going to gym, eating more healthy, changing unhealthy life style, changing up their routine for the better after marriage. the couple may find expansion in the field of taking care of something, perhaps taking care of each other, taking care of pets, taking care of friends, taking care of grand-parents and so forth, however, that will bring luck. jupiter here may bring lessons it terms of criticality, judgement, lack of mentality and perfectionism after marriage. jupiter here brings luck in routine, their day-to-day life may be lucky for example someone with this placement may just get opportunities when going to the store or finding a valuable item while walking a dog and so forth.
spouse may have natal jupiter in virgo, 6th house, earth sign or earth house.
jupiter in 7th house: marriage may be favourable in having good relations to each others grandparents. this placement may experience lots of luck in law situations such as legal matters related to the government and documents. the couple may never be involved in problems related to the law or always have luck in that field. marriage may bring luck to connections and relations in general, you may have more ease connecting with other people, you may get on with people more easily. this may work to this placements favour as it can expand the amount of opportunities one can receive, getting more compliments, being liked by people you thought disliked you and so forth.
spouse may have natal jupiter in libra, 7th house, air sign or air house.
jupiter in 8th house: couple may have luck in keeping secrets, what i mean by that is they keep things private very well so that comes to an advantage to them because it shocks the people around them and question things like 'since when??' or 'whatt?' that sort of vibe. this placement keeps people wondering, guessing and interested in your marriage and this placement never gives them the satisfaction. this protects the couples privacy and protects their energy also. this protects the couple from negative energy which protects their luck. this is a very powerful placement to have since this expands the spiritual bond between he couple also. strategizing goals and researching and just planning in general may bring luck to this placement for example, planning outings, shopping, researching contracts and the background of the contract before signing, researching what holiday you'll be travelling to and so forth.
spouse may have natal jupiter in scorpio, 8th house, water sign or water house.
jupiter in 9th house: this placement brings luck to those who travel abroad, living outside of the environment that they grew up in will bring growth and extreme luck. another thing is that the couple may find luck in being enthusiastic and charismatic, also making jokes and taking things with a grain of salt, not over exaggerating stuff will be favourable for this placement. also marriage may be full of discovery, always learning, always exploring. being in a good relationship with parent-in-law brings luck to the marriage so being in good terms with spouses parents may be very favourable for this placement and may bring lots of opportunities related to travel, fulfilment, study and spiritual growth. another thing with this placement is that jupiter being in its home house, this is very expanding and broadening in terms of their conscious mind, jupiter can guide the couple in marriage and incline their mental and astral growth. basically, marriage is spiritually guided by the higher energies, marriage was meant to happen in order for this placement to achieve and complete their mission of this physical realm.
spouse may have natal jupiter in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign or fire house.
jupiter in 10th house: marriage may bring luck in image of this placement. the couple may find luck in their career, may get promotions, upgrades, bonuses, movement to higher position etc etc. jupiter here gives luck in other peoples view about you, the vast majority of people may have a different perception of you in a good way after marriage. also marriage may bring reputation to your image that expands your opportunities and respect from other people. also people may find you more serious after marriage. an honourable thing to keep in mind with this placement is that over a certain period of time, jupiter brings severe luck through hard work and determination for this placement during marriage, marriage may strengthen and jupiter offers its full expansion later in life in this marriage. this is also an indication of a very long lasting marriage, even a marriage that last until old age.
spouse may have natal jupiter in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign or earth house.
jupiter in 11th house: marriage may find luck in social gatherings, groups and outings. couple may face extreme luck on social media and technology, for example may have a successful social media platform or have extreme luck with technology, long-lasting, fast running and so forth. marriage may expand social groups also, this placement may find more accepting and understanding friends after marriage especially. may also find their true friend group after marriage. this placement may also experience growth in expressing themselves the way its most authentically true to themselves and being comfortable about it after marriage. this is also a placement that brings unplanned events and turns it into the most luckiest thing ever, this placement may find the most luck through spontaneous events, events that happen through spite for example getting calls from an old friend to go to a café the next day, that day turns out to be one of the best, or another example may be getting invited to an important event having only a short period of time of notice, when arriving at event you see people that are well known and receiving offers from them and so on.
spouse may have natal jupiter in aquarius, 11th house, air sign or air house.
jupiter in 12th house: this placement may have luck in spirituality, the couple may be spiritually guided by the universe and have luck overseas. for example when travelling pay just have the best luck ever and may feel complete when travelling long distances in general. this placement often brings luck when it comes to sleeping, for example you may be guided when in bed with your partner if that makes ant sense, like you may feel better you may sleep better and you may even dream better. marriage may bring luck in artistic areas of life for example having luck in being an artist, singer, model, teacher, poet, also tarot reader. this placement may get oversea recognition in these artistic areas. marriage may expand the mind to prioritise mindfulness in order to not fall into dangerous addiction tendencies so it is very important to find peace and a healthy coping mechanism through spirituality.
spouse may have natal jupiter in pisces, in 12th house, water sign or water house.


thanks so much for reading, have a nice day ahead!🌛⭐🌼
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Pallas in signs 🎯♖ ♛ - Strategy, Creative Intelligence, Problem-solving (unraveling asteroids in astrology #2)

Pallas Athena, often referred to as Pallas, is one of the four major asteroids used in astrological analysis. Pallas is associated with wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence.
Its placement in your natal chart can provide insights into your approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and how you express your intellect. Here's an overview of Pallas in each sign, including both the positive and challenging aspects of each placement:
Pallas in Aries: Pallas in Aries individuals are quick to take action and initiate solutions to problems. They are bold, fearless, and assertive when it comes to making decisions. They value their independence and prefer to work autonomously. They are self-reliant and don't shy away from leadership roles.
Challenges: Aries can be impulsive, and those with Pallas here may act before thinking things through, leading to hasty decisions. Conflict-Prone: The assertive nature of Aries can lead to conflicts, as Pallas in Aries individuals may be confrontational when asserting their ideas.
Pallas in Taurus: These individuals approach problem-solving with practicality and a focus on tangible results. They are patient and persistent in finding solutions. They have a talent for managing resources effectively and can create strategies that lead to financial or material success.
Challenges: Taurus can be resistant to change, and individuals with Pallas here may struggle to adapt to new ideas or approaches. Their persistence can sometimes turn into stubbornness, making it challenging for them to consider alternative viewpoints.
Pallas in Gemini: These individuals are adaptable and versatile problem-solvers. They excel at gathering information from various sources and synthesizing it into creative solutions. They are excellent communicators and use their intellect to convey ideas effectively.
Challenges: The versatility of Gemini can sometimes lead to scattered focus, making it difficult for them to stick to one strategy or decision. Superficiality: There may be a tendency to stay on the surface of issues and not dive deep into problem-solving.]
Pallas in Cancer: These individuals possess strong emotional intelligence and use empathy to navigate complex situations. They are protective and nurturing, often finding creative solutions to care for and support others.
Challenges: Their emotional sensitivity can sometimes make them overly cautious or defensive, leading to challenges in decision-making. Cancer's attachment to the past may make it hard for them to let go of old strategies or approaches when they no longer serve.
Pallas in Leo: These individuals are creative problem-solvers who enjoy using their talents and charisma to lead and inspire others. They approach challenges with confidence and can rally people around their ideas.
Challenges: Leo's need for recognition can sometimes make Pallas in Leo individuals ego-centric, leading to difficulties in collaboration. They may have a tendency to add unnecessary drama or theatrics to their strategies.
Pallas in Virgo: These people excel at paying attention to details and organizing information to create effective strategies. They have strong analytical skills and a practical approach to solving problems.
Challenges: Virgo's desire for perfection can lead to overanalyzing and overthinking, causing delays in decision-making. They may be overly critical of themselves and others, which can hinder collaboration in problem solving.
Pallas in Libra: Pallas in Libra individuals are natural diplomats, seeking fair and balanced solutions to conflicts and problems. They excel in partnerships and are skilled at finding compromises that benefit all parties involved.
Challenges: Libra's indecisiveness can sometimes make it difficult for Pallas in Libra individuals to make firm decisions. They may prioritize harmony to the extent that they avoid necessary confrontations or assertiveness.
Pallas in Scorpio: Pallas in Scorpio individuals possess a deep understanding of complex issues and can uncover hidden truths. They have a knack for uncovering secrets and using that information strategically.
Challenges: Scorpio's intensity can sometimes lead to a tendency to be overly secretive or manipulative in their strategies. They may be drawn to power struggles or situations with hidden agendas.
Pallas in Sagittarius: Pallas in Sagittarius individuals think big and are open to exploring a wide range of ideas and possibilities. They approach problem-solving with optimism and a belief that solutions are possible.
Challenges: Sagittarius' love of adventure can sometimes lead to impulsive decision-making without considering all the facts. They may overestimate their abilities or overlook important details.
Pallas in Capricorn: These natives are disciplined and methodical in their problem-solving approach. They excel at creating strategies that lead to long-term success and achievement.
Challenges: Capricorn's rigidity can sometimes make it difficult for Pallas in Capricorn individuals to adapt to changing circumstances or new approaches. They may become workaholics, prioritizing career success to the detriment of other aspects of life.
Pallas in Aquarius: These individuals are innovative thinkers who embrace new technologies and unconventional solutions. They have a strong sense of social justice and may work on strategies to benefit society or a group as a whole.
Challenges: Aquarius' detachment can sometimes lead to a lack of emotional connection in decision-making, making them seem aloof.
Pallas in Pisces: These people have strong intuitive abilities and can tap into their creative and spiritual sides to find solutions. They approach problems with a compassionate and empathetic mindset, considering the emotional needs of others.
Challenges: Pisces' love of escapism can sometimes lead to avoidance of difficult decisions or a tendency to be overly idealistic. They may struggle with setting boundaries, which can make it challenging to assert themselves or make firm decisions.
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Vesta: Your inner flame


⚶ Vesta asteroid [4] can show our talents, abilities and in which area of our life we should focus our energy or in which we usually focus our energy. Commitment and dedication, as well as the area of life or the aspects in which we focus our entire being. It is the area of your life in which you are willing to make sacrifices no matter what, in order to achieve the goal. In this post I will talk a little about the attributed talents. By sign I will speak of the way in which we do what we are most passionate about. By house, the area of our life in which we focus the most. ⚶
🟤Vesta in Aries: They are very passionate and active people who put all their energy when they have an idea in mind. The idea can arise spontaneously and as soon as they have it they can put it into action. They dislike doing things with a set routine and prefer to act creatively and figure things out on the go. They make their ideas actions and it bothers them to feel that they are only daydreaming about something instead of doing something. They may have a talent for a particular sport/physical activity, motivating themselves and others, and leadership. People with this placement are very focused once something captures their attention and they are quick to carry out an activity that they like. These natives dislike that others want to control how they do things or what they do, they stand out for their independence when it comes to carrying out a project of any kind.
🟫Vesta in 1st house: They are people who are very focused on learning more about themselves, getting to know each other from head to toe, and having a clear idea of who they are. They are true to themselves, they seek to stay productive and do what they want without caring much what others say. They put their energy in themselves, have a clear self-concept defined and they enter the journey towards that search for their true identity. They may have a talent for leadership, the ability to charisma, can help others find themselves and follow their own path and heart. They are focused on achieving independence, expressing themselves in an uninhibited way, and distancing themselves from the opinion or expectations of others.
🟤Vesta in Taurus: They are people who take their time to do things, they find it difficult to focus at first, but once they do, they are persevering, constant and determined to complete that activity or task. For them, achieving security, stability and comfort is the goal. They may have skills and talents for activities that require concentration and the use of their hands, such as drawing, crafts, pottery, painting, or playing an instrument. It usually takes some time before they decide to start bringing an idea to life, for fear that they won't be able to do their idea as they have it. Working on things they like makes them feel better about themselves, and when they finish something satisfactorily they feel a boost in their self-esteem. They may have a talent for handling money, for some art or as I mentioned previously, in an activity that has to do with the hands.
🟫Vesta in 2nd house: Some of the talents they may have are singing, for organization, investing [or for business related topics] and looking for creative ways to earn money. They are people who work daily on their self-esteem and know that hard work will lead them to have the economic stability they desire. They stand out for their loyalty and for that way of, even without realizing it, giving a lot of security to those they love. They do not go into projects, jobs or work on ideas that they know have no purpose, they like the tangible and the real. They protect what they have worked hard to achieve and are very focused on improving what they already have. They like to know that they have a safe place and always seek to do what makes them feel happy and more complete.
🟤Vesta in Gemini: They can have multiple ideas at the same time, their mental energy is high and they tend to be very productive and restless intellectually. They prefer to use their reason over their hearts when it comes to making an important decision, as they can be very objective. They are great communicators and highly capable, have a unique ability to verbalize their ideas, are resourceful, creative, and perform wonderfully when it comes to teamwork. They do not have a defined style of work, they can alternate between being spontaneous or organized. They may have many interests in mind, making it difficult for them to stick with one in particular. Multi-talented, they may have skills in many different fields. Great ability to connect people. They can get a lot of happiness if they make their hobby a job or vice versa. Talented writers or speakers.
🟫Vesta in 3rd house: Passionate about learning, they love learning about new ideas and concepts and are easy to understand. Great talents to learn new things quickly, talent for writing, public speaking and everything that involves communicating effectively. Their mind is restless, but that allows them to be able to focus on many things at once, that is, they run the risk of being easily distracted. They can be socially skilled, but they need some alone time afterwards, their alone time is something they enjoy doing many different activities. They can be passionate about reading and they can always have something to read on hand [books, notes, or internet articles]. They can help others by contributing unique ideas, as they are very creative.
🟤Vesta in Cancer: They tend to put their whole heart when it comes to doing something they are passionate about, they are tenacious and get a lot of emotional comfort when they do what they love the most. Their hobbies can be their safe place and can bring them a lot of satisfaction. They may have a talent for psychology, cooking and some arts, as they capture emotions in a satisfactory way. They take their emotions and those of others very seriously, plus they have a very special way of understanding other people's needs with ease. They highly value their space and may feel more comfortable and more creative when alone. Some of them can see their performance affected when they are not emotionally well, they can even take a break, because they want to be one hundred to dedicate themselves consciously and totally. They deeply care about the well-being of those they love.
🟫Vesta in 4th house: Their family is very important to them, and not necessarily the biological one, but the people they consider family (friends for example), they are very devoted to people who feel a very strong emotional bond. It is important for them to understand their own emotions and the emotions of those they love. They spend a lot of time doing activities that make their inner child feel happy, perhaps doing things they enjoyed doing as children or eating things that remind them of their childhood. They are very protective people with children or people they perceive as vulnerable. They may have a talent for making others feel comfortable and happy, dealing with children, cooking, or writing. They focus on healing their inner child.
🟤Vesta in Leo: These natives are highly creative and very spontaneous when it comes to getting going when doing something. The gratitude of others upon noticing the native's good deeds can greatly motivate them, they can get annoyed if they feel that others don’t appreciate them, their efforts or if others don’t give as much energy in the matter / work / relationship as them. They will always look for the key to happiness and they will do many activities to feel happy. They put a lot of energy into feeling satisfied with themselves and with what they do. They feel the need to do things their way and although authority doesn't bother them, it is more that they need to feel that they can express themselves through doing what they are passionate about. This placement can give charisma and the power to stand out doing what the person is most passionate about.
🟫Vesta in 5th house: These people put their all into it when it comes to their hobbies, they may excel at more than one activity and have many artistic interests. Usually seen as multi-talented, passionate, as well as very good at whatever it is they do. To be efficient and work excellently, it is necessary for them to really enjoy what they are doing, so it is recommended that they look for jobs or study things that they are really passionate about. In case they decide to be parents, they will be excellent and they will put all their attention and care in seeing their children grow and love unconditionally. Very devoted people in love and at first they can be somewhat shy/it can be difficult for them to open up, but they can be very understanding lovers and willing to support their partner.
🟤Vesta in Virgo: Regardless of other traits of their personality, if they are really interested in or passionate about something, they can be very perfectionists and demanding of themselves, they will always want to give their best in everything related to what they are passionate about. They will seek to be the best version of themselves and feel competent to perform whatever they like. Despite this and how independent they may seem, they will not hesitate to lend a hand if the other needs it. They give themselves body and soul to causes they feel worthwhile and like to feel useful and productive. This is a very productive placement of Vesta, as it feels comfortable in this sign. They prefer to work in a quiet place, in order and efficiently, noise or very chaotic environments can stress them out. They are capable of giving absolutely everything if the situation requires it. Silently passionate.
🟫Vesta in 6th house: They like to be there for others and support them. They probably have a job that they are truly passionate about or at the very least, it is important for them to work on something that they genuinely love. They may have a gift for understanding and caring for animals and may like them very much. Talent for design, organization, healing and understanding of complex ideas. It's crucial for them to do a great job, otherwise they don't feel good about themselves. They take great care of their body and their health, for them there is nothing more important than their emotional and physical well-being. They are very detailed when it comes to doing something, they put a lot of time and effort.


🟤Vesta in Libra: It is necessary for them to function in places with harmony and peace, tense and angry environments can make them nervous and deteriorate their performance. They actively work to have an internal balance and seek to find that middle ground between channeling their energy into themselves and others. They are people with a talent for relating to different types of people, a talent for any branch of art and for giving beauty to anything. They take their relationships seriously, are highly committed, and expect that same level of devotion from the other person. They may prefer to work together or make their work space aesthetically pleasing, for example, by decorating their surroundings. They are passionate, but they do not go out of their way or work more than is considered healthy for them, they prioritize their well-being and comfort. Perceived as elegant without trying.
🟫Vesta in 7th house: They have a great ability to understand the other very well, great diplomacy, charisma and talents to mediate any type of situation. They are somewhat selective with whom they leave within their closest circle, but they like to give their all in their relationships of any kind, especially those in which they see themselves in the long term. They work to maintain harmony and make both the other person and themselves feel comfortable in the relationship. If problems arise, they will seek to resolve them effectively. They do a lot of introspection and are able to see all sides of themselves even if it might be difficult. It is important for natives to create a balance between what they give and what they receive.
🟤Vesta in Scorpio: They give their all when they are passionate about something, giving 200% in everything they consider important. They are private when they have plans, projects or passions and they only confide them with people they really trust. They may prefer to undertake ideas or projects on their own, especially if they are very personal or significant to them. One of the most loyal placements of Vesta, they respect privacy and constantly care for their relationships. Passionate, they immerse themselves in their passions, falling into the risk of distancing themselves from other issues in their lives or not giving them the indicated attention. Talent for spiritual matters, especially healing people or for the tarot. Highly developed intuition. Much wisdom. They are very sexual people who are not afraid of touching topics of this nature, intense and attentive lovers.
🟫Vesta in 8th house: They are fascinated by topics that others do not dare to touch or explore, mysteries can attract a lot of attention. Criminology, psychology, occultism, spirituality or sexology. They possess great curiosity and may not rest until they know the truth. These people consciously or subconsciously seek emotional intensity. As for sex, they tend to seek a deeper connection with their partners and enjoy the idea of knowing and stimulating every corner of their beloved's body. They may have a more spiritual vision of death, believe in reincarnation or beliefs of that nature. They are aware that death is something we will all go through, so they may have the idea of wanting to enjoy themselves without inhibition.
🟤Vesta in Sagittarius: It is easy for them to feel motivated to start a project, do what they are passionate about or make their ideas a reality, the complicated thing can be to finish the action. They are very enthusiastic and creative people when it comes to doing what they like, no matter how serious they are in their day to day, you will see that sparkle in their eyes when they talk about what they like or when they do their favorite activity. They focus on acquiring more knowledge, more wisdom, on their dreams and ideas and on enjoying life. They may have a talent for learning new languages, generally for learning many things quickly, for teaching and for motivating people. They are people very devoted to their ideologies and with a strong sense of what is right. They enjoy learning about and experiencing new things and stand out for being open minded.
🟫Vesta in 9th house: Many of these natives feel a desire and an itch to learn about the complex issues of life, to see beyond what the school or their parents may have told them, to search for a deeper meaning or a reason for what happens to them. around. They may have skills in the humanities, learning new languages, debating, and teaching others. They may have an interest in the law and may fall under the label of a knowledgeable and curious person. They love all those activities that allow them to continue acquiring knowledge. They may love to travel or experience different cultures. They like to continue acquiring wisdom and spirituality can be very important to them, they will be very devoted to their beliefs.
🟤Vesta in Capricorn: It is crucial for these natives to be in a calm environment to feel completely comfortable, ironically they project to others the ability to work efficiently regardless of the chaos of the place. They are very constant and if they consider that something can augur something stable and f they see a purpose, they will give absolutely everything. Another Vesta placement commonly attributed to loyalty. These people are very hard workers, if you have a lot of tense aspects, especially Moon or Saturn, they don't let their emotional upset get in the way and can suppress their emotions in order to do what they have to do. Talents for organization, planning, strategy, they have a privileged analytical mind. They resist temptations easily, have great abilities to concentrate and to make people under their charge complete a task successfully. They give stability to others.
🟫Vesta in 10th house: For these people it is crucial to do something to get what they want, they like to feel productive and have a rational approach to their passions. They believe in hard work, especially if they are looking for a reward. They put a lot of their energy into things that can be useful to them in the long term, they like to play it safe and fight for things or people that are really worthwhile for them, because they don't waste their time or energy. High chances of working on something they really like. They can help many people through their work, or throughout life they can help many even without realizing it. Skills to bring comfort to people, leadership and to organize and put order in any chaos.
🟤Vesta in Aquarius: They like the idea of doing things their own way and are often drawn to activities that allow them to express themselves freely and at the same time do not make them feel as pressured. They can work just as well in a team as on their own, but may prefer to do things independently. They may have a talent for astrology, branches of science, or anything related to the humanities. They tend to do things with their own rules and do not like to follow a scheme, a plan or an order, as there is a tendency to get carried away when it comes to following a passion. They may have writing, computer, or digital art skills. They have this spark that allows them to unite people, they have a certain social charm. They are always willing to help others, and although they are not quick to trust, their friendly and charming personality makes them make favorable impressions on others.
🟫Vesta in 11th house: They are people with many aspirations and long-term goals, they actively work on them. They stand out for their creativity and ability to come out with innovative and intriguing ideas. Friendship is something that they value with all their soul and they will always try to be there for who their friends are, they can play the role of counselor and they will have an attentive and caring personality towards them. They are very compassionate with people and they like to unconditionally support causes that need it, they can give them a lot of support through social networks or by spreading the word. They may spend a lot of time on the internet and may have hobbies or a job that allows them to connect with many through it.
🟤Vesta in Pisces: These natives can lose track of time and what is happening around them, because they immerse themselves entirely in topics that they are really passionate about, they put their soul, all their attention and all their emotions into it. Actively seek to make the world a better place. They empathize with others and love the idea of helping others overcome difficult situations. They devote themselves to the task of supporting those they consider vulnerable or offering their support and understanding to those who love. A remarkable talent for art and spirituality, it is difficult for them to express their emotions but they do so in a remarkable way through these media. Easy to connect with the emotions and psyche of other people. Unique ability to heal the discomfort or sadness of others, great listeners and excellent counselors. Focus a lot on dreams and have a rich imagination.
🟫Vesta in 12th house: They are passionate about what is not easily perceptible by others, what goes beyond, what each person keeps in their heart, spirituality, the deep meanings of life, art or music they listen to, the root of social problems and their own emotional problems. Major healing placement of Vesta, a comforting person who knows how to understand and guide people. Great wisdom, altruistic and sensitive to their peers. They work hard when it comes to their dreams, they are very creative people with an interesting inner world and a mind full of complex and fascinating ideas. Interest in introspection and a need to constantly analyze their past and the things that have happened in order to understand themselves better.


🟫Vesta aspecting the Sun: These people are very devoted to things they are passionate about, have a loyal personality, and are very reliable and trustworthy. For them it is important to work on themselves, be it improving themselves, getting to know themselves better or developing their individuality. They may seem shy or focused on their own matters at first, as they don't really mind being on their own. They are very creative people and can tend to put a bit of themselves, a piece of their soul into everything they do.
🟫Vesta aspecting the Moon: These people need good environments, harmony both in their surroundings and emotionally to be able to concentrate. Emotions can direct the outcome of their actions and level their productivity. Unique way of understanding both their own emotions and those of others. These aspects show us someone who is very devoted, loyal and attentive to their personal relationships. Constant and balanced emotional world.
🟫Vesta aspecting Mercury: These aspects give a brilliant mind, full of ideas and always seems to be active, sometimes too much. They love to share their ideas with others and that others do the same. These people become very devoted to learning, either always trying to be good students or keep learning about various subjects that interest them. Tense aspects may indicate that the native is easily distracted.
🟫Vesta aspecting Venus: They can have many artistic talents, a lot of charisma when it comes to relating to others and even skills in managing finances. Honesty and transparency are crucial for them in a relationship. Very loyal in their relationships and always work to make them better. Tense aspects can cause the native to alternate between wanting a relationship and not wanting it, so they think better if they open up to having a relationship. They respect their space and their partner’s without forgetting to seek the relationship.
🟫Vesta aspecting Mars: They have excellent abilities to focus their energy in a healthy and constant way on their goals or actions, they are very energetic when it comes to doing things they like. Sex for them is important, but it isn’t something they feel they can have with just anyone, because they want it to mean something deeper for them. They may work hard or keep busy to cope with inner tension or anger. Very good at working under pressure.
🟫Vesta aspecting Jupiter: They possess much inner wisdom and have a natural attraction to the complex and spiritual issues of life. They can be very lucky if they decide to work on things related to their passions. Talent to learn languages and easy to connect with people from other cultures. Very devoted people to the idea of always doing the right thing, fair and considerate of people. Good karma may come quickly to them.
🟫Vesta aspecting Saturn: They are very persevering, constant and responsible people once they commit to something or someone. They can be very perfectionists with themselves, because they want to do their best and be the best version of themselves. They may take time to do things, but the results promise to be very good. May have a hard time starting some things for fear of not being prepared or not having enough skill or knowledge.
🟫Vesta aspecting Uranus: Need to put their own touch on everything they are passionate about, may prefer to work independently and feel inspired suddenly and when they least expect it. Difficulty concentrating on just one subject, tendency to multitask and be easily distracted. May procrastinate, especially with hard aspects. Difficulty focusing on day to day activities. They do not like to be ordinary, nor the routine.
🟫Vesta aspecting Neptune: They tend to be artistic people with a lot of potential in this area, in the same way they can have a great spiritual world and be very devoted to their beliefs. They are people with a lot of compassion who believe that by contributing their grain of sand they can help improve the world. They have high emotional intelligence and easily understand others. They put a piece of their soul into everything they do.
🟫Vesta aspecting Pluto: They keep their passions private, but feel more joy and satisfaction when they put one of them into practice. They have a lot of inner power, they can influence, change or transform others/their minds through doing what they are passionate about. Very sexual despite the impression they may give, sex is a memorable experience with them. May have an interest in the occult, mysteries, astrology, tarot or similar topics.
🟫Vesta aspecting Rising: With a loyal, constant and productive personality, they always seem to be on the go or with something in progress. They are passionate about the idea of knowing themselves more and more, they can seek to know everything about themselves and have a realistic and positive self-concept. Independence is something crucial for them, they need their space. They have a strong sense of identity, not easily influenced.
🟫Vesta aspecting Midheaven: They can be seen as very reserved people, there is a touch of purity mixed with confidence and certainty of where they want to go. They give the impression of being very productive and professional. They give their all when it comes to their career, they are hard workers and can make a job out of their passion. They are very productive and prefer to believe in making their own miracles happen.
🟫Vesta aspecting North Node: They live in the constant search for their life purpose, this may be linked to work or dedicate themselves to what they are most passionate about, either professionally or as a hobby. Their mission in life is related to forming a hard-working, devoted personality. They can achieve great things doing what they are passionate about. Helping others also seems to be an important issue in their soul development.
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Asteroid Vesta (4)
Asteroid Vesta (4) in astrology represents devotion, focus, and dedication. Its placement in a birth chart indicates where one channels intense concentration and commitment. Vesta governs purity of purpose, self-discipline, and the pursuit of spiritual or personal goals. Understanding Vesta's position offers insights into areas where one may excel through diligent effort, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering dedication.
Vesta in the Houses
Vesta in the 1st House This placement suggests that devotion, focus, and dedication are integral to your identity and self-expression. You may project an aura of commitment and discipline, and others may see you as someone who is dedicated to personal goals or causes. Vesta in the 2nd House Values, possessions, and material security are important themes in your sense of devotion. You may dedicate yourself to achieving financial stability or to preserving what you value most. Your investments and resources may reflect your focused commitment. Vesta in the 3rd House Communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits are emphasized in your dedication. You may dedicate yourself to acquiring knowledge, teaching others, or advocating for causes through effective communication. Siblings and neighbors may play a role in your dedicated efforts. Vesta in the 4th House Family, home, and emotional security are central to your sense of devotion. You may dedicate yourself to nurturing your family, maintaining a harmonious home environment, or preserving traditions. Real estate and ancestral roots may hold deep significance for you. Vesta in the 5th House Creativity, self-expression, and children (if applicable) are emphasized in your dedicated pursuits. You may dedicate yourself to artistic endeavors, hobbies, or activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Romantic relationships may also be a focus of your dedication. Vesta in the 6th House Service, routines, and health are integral to your sense of devotion. You may dedicate yourself to a career that involves helping others, maintaining order, or promoting well-being. Your work environment benefits from your focused dedication. Vesta in the 7th House Partnerships, relationships, and collaborations are key areas of dedication for you. You may dedicate yourself to fostering mutual support, fairness, and harmony in your relationships. Legal partnerships or contracts may reflect your dedication to balanced interactions. Vesta in the 8th House Intimacy, shared resources, and transformation play significant roles in your sense of devotion. You may dedicate yourself to deepening emotional bonds, managing shared finances, or facilitating personal and collective transformations. Crisis management may be an area where you excel. Vesta in the 9th House Philosophy, beliefs, and higher learning influence your sense of devotion. You may dedicate yourself to exploring spiritual or intellectual pursuits, advocating for social justice, or traveling to broaden your perspectives. Cross-cultural exchanges may deepen your sense of dedication. Vesta in the 10th House Career, public image, and achievements are important in how you express your sense of dedication. You may dedicate yourself to achieving professional success, assuming leadership roles, or making a lasting impact in your field. Your reputation reflects your focused commitment. Vesta in the 11th House Friendships, groups, and social causes are emphasized in your dedicated efforts. You may dedicate yourself to supporting community initiatives, advocating for humanitarian causes, or promoting collective goals. Networking enhances your sense of dedication. Vesta in the 12th House Spirituality, hidden strengths, and unconscious patterns influence your sense of dedication. You may dedicate yourself to mystical pursuits, charitable endeavors, or healing practices that operate behind the scenes. Your inner life and spiritual growth are deeply tied to your sense of dedication.
Vesta in the Signs
Aries: Vesta in Aries dedicates itself with courage, initiative, and independence. You are driven to pursue personal goals and causes that require bold action and leadership. Taurus: Vesta in Taurus dedicates itself with patience, persistence, and practicality. You commit yourself to preserving stability, building material security, and nurturing enduring values. Gemini: Vesta in Gemini dedicates itself with versatility, curiosity, and adaptability. You focus on acquiring knowledge, sharing information, and exploring multiple interests through your dedication. Cancer: Vesta in Cancer dedicates itself with empathy, intuition, and nurturing care. You devote yourself to supporting loved ones, creating a secure home environment, and preserving emotional bonds. Leo: Vesta in Leo dedicates itself with creativity, passion, and self-expression. You commit yourself to artistic pursuits, leadership roles, and projects that showcase your talents and charisma. Virgo: Vesta in Virgo dedicates itself with precision, analysis, and practical service. You focus on improving efficiency, organizing details, and providing reliable support through your dedication. Libra: Vesta in Libra dedicates itself with diplomacy, harmony, and fairness. You devote yourself to fostering balanced relationships, promoting justice, and advocating for equality. Scorpio: Vesta in Scorpio dedicates itself with depth, intensity, and transformation. You commit yourself to uncovering truths, managing crises, and empowering others through your dedication. Sagittarius: Vesta in Sagittarius dedicates itself with optimism, exploration, and philosophical inquiry. You focus on expanding horizons, promoting freedom, and advocating for global causes through your dedication. Capricorn: Vesta in Capricorn dedicates itself with ambition, discipline, and long-term goals. You commit yourself to achieving success, assuming responsibilities, and building enduring structures. Aquarius: Vesta in Aquarius dedicates itself with innovation, humanitarianism, and progressive ideals. You focus on advancing social change, supporting diversity, and promoting collective empowerment through your dedication. Pisces: Vesta in Pisces dedicates itself with compassion, imagination, and spiritual insight. You commit yourself to artistic creativity, healing practices, and charitable causes that uplift humanity.
Vesta in Aspects
Conjunctions: A conjunction of Vesta with another planet intensifies the influence of that planet on your sense of dedication and focus. For example, Vesta conjunct Mercury emphasizes dedication to communication and learning, while Vesta conjunct Mars highlights dedication to action and assertiveness. Sextiles and Trines: These harmonious aspects indicate ease and support in integrating the energies of Vesta and the other planet involved. For example, Vesta sextile Venus suggests dedication to harmony and creativity in relationships or artistic pursuits, while Vesta trine Jupiter indicates dedication to growth and expansion through optimism and opportunity. Squares and Oppositions: These challenging aspects can indicate tension or conflict that needs to be addressed in your sense of dedication. For example, Vesta square Saturn might indicate challenges in committing to long-term goals or facing restrictions, while Vesta opposition Uranus could highlight a need to balance unconventional thinking with stable dedication.
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🥀𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲🪓
astrology observations #19 (love edition)
astrology observations #18 (real life experiences)
astrology observations #17 (placements i wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy)
✄ water mars people can get really annoyed and upset with people who show no empathy, remorse, or compassion
✄ aquarius placements (mainly big 6) get annoyed when something that was underground and that no one else knew about, gets popular
✄ aries and scorpios can tend to be hated for no particular reason
✄ aries asc,mc, or in 11h be hated by the public or multiple people in general
✄ sagittarius placements get annoyed when people aren’t open minded, or completely shut down their opinions. they hate when they can share their thoughts, while also hearing someone else’s opinions
✄ taurus mars individuals hated being rushed. they like to take their time and they like diligence
✄ mars aspecting uranus can make someone who’s unpredictable when it comes to anger. you will likely have to walk around eggshells around this person. and when they’re mad things can get chaotic fast
✄ mars in 9h can indicate getting really annoyed or fed up with politics and may not enjoy conversation about the government in general
✄ mars in 7h or 12h can mean that you have enemies who really dislike you and are aggressive towards you
✄ mars aspecting mercury can mean your words are quite hurtful to others and you may come off angrier than you intended. people may often think your trying to be rude or disrespectful when you’re not
✄ fire mars people can hate when others have no drive or passion in anything. they can see it as laziness or just someone who have no sense of direction
✄ aries/mars in 5h can indicate having a love hate relationship with romance
✄ aries/mars in the 7h can show that you tend to have enemies to lovers relationships, or lovers to enemies
✄ pisces mars people can be incredibly passive aggressive, and will get easily emotional. they’re also good at sensing tension in the room or between two people
✄ mars squaring or opposite moon can show that you have a hateful mother or you don’t like your mom very much. there’s a lot of tension between you two

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₊˚⊹♡ venus can actually be considered a sex planet as well since it’s associated with our pleasures in life. this includes sexual pleasures. i personally relate more to venus when it comes to my more vanilla kinks but relate more to mars when it comes to my freakier kinks. someone who has a mars ruled venus though (aries/scorpio) may not have many vanilla kinks. they may be on the freakier side
₊˚⊹♡ random, but lots of people that have strong uranian energy masturbate in a unique way rather than with their hands/a vibrator. many i know use pillows, stuffed animals, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, or other random objects
examples: uranus dominance, aquarius mars, aquarius venus, chart ruler in aquarius, etc
₊˚⊹♡ venus/mars to neptune aspects often enjoy using their imagination to masturbate more than p*rn or their own sex tapes they made with someone
₊˚⊹♡ venus/mars shows how we flirt. fire venus/mars tend to be very confident when flirting or at least come off that way, air venus/mars tend to be smooth talkers when flirting and very charming, etc
₊˚⊹♡ when your mars is in someone else’s 6th house you may feel bad for having any lustful thoughts about them since the 6th house is associated with innocence and mars represents your lustful feelings
₊˚⊹♡ people with mars at 11°/20°/29° are not the type to ever hook up with people. they don’t do one night stands because they know they’ll get attached too easily. mars represents lust and these numbers in numerology are associated with emotional energy. they only lust for someone if they have strong emotional energy toward them romantically usually
₊˚⊹♡ i’ve noticed a lot of asexual people tend to have a capricorn/aquarius venus, mars, or venus/mars aspecting saturn/uranus
₊˚⊹♡ venus/mars/jupiter at 6°/15°/24° can indicate being really good in bed compared to most people. 6 in numerology is a numerical energy that’s really good in bed because they love pleasing their partner before them. that’s why degrees that reduce to 6 indicate this
₊˚⊹♡ venus/mars in your composite chart with someone can tell your sex style together and what types of kinks you mutually enjoy
example: aries venus/mars composite will enjoy passionate and rough sex together
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what area of life u feel excluded in.
important note - not everyone will resonate with this bc not everyone will take on the negative traits of all their placements
₊˚⊹ sun in 12h: these ppl tend to feel excluded a lot in general. they probably struggle with things like depression and seeing others happy makes them feel excluded bc they’ve never felt long term happiness before
₊˚⊹ moon in 12h: these ppl may have felt excluded a lot when seeing other ppl with picture perfect families or other ppl seeming emotionally stable in life bc that’s something they’ve never experienced
₊˚⊹ mercury in 12h: these ppl could’ve felt excluded a lot in school. many ppl ik with this placement got bullied by ppl at school and didn’t fit in well no matter how hard they tried to. they could’ve also felt excluded from ppl who were smart in school bc they struggle with learning problems
₊˚⊹ venus in 12h: these ppl may have felt excluded when seeing others get into relationships early bc they didn’t start dating until later in life. they could’ve also felt excluded when around ppl who constantly get complimented on their beauty bc they didn’t themselves
₊˚⊹ mars in 12h: these ppl could’ve felt excluded from others who were more athletic than them. they may have felt as though they weren’t as good at sports as others
₊˚⊹ jupiter in 12h: these ppl could’ve felt excluded from others who were more knowledgable and wise bc they possibly struggle with learning problems or they could feel excluded from others in their family who have college/uni degrees when they don’t
₊˚⊹ saturn in 12h: these ppl may have felt excluded from others who had set goals in life and lots of determination. this could be bc they never felt set on what they wanted to do or what they wanted to accomplish
₊˚⊹ uranus in 12h: these ppl could’ve felt excluded when around others who were always being their unique true self bc they didn’t rly have a strong sense of self and know who they truly were. they could’ve also felt excluded a lot during social situations/interactions
₊˚⊹ neptune in 12h: these ppl could’ve felt excluded when around those who had strong spiritual beliefs or around ppl who were naturally rly creative and had a strong imagination
₊˚⊹ pluto in 12h: these ppl may have felt excluded from others who lost their virginity young. this placement can be indicative of losing it later than most (venus/mars in the 12h could as well)
₊˚⊹ nn in 12h: these ppl constantly feel excluded from the world in general. while others have figured out their purpose these people tend to struggle to figure theirs out until later in life. they experience a lot more loneliness than the average person and are loners at heart
© novy2sirius
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✨ 11th House & your friends
︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵︵‿︵
In this post , I will be explaining the 11th house's significance towards friendships & the type of friends you attract!
11th house in the signs
✨ Aries:
You may notice that a lot of your friends have Aries dominance in their chart. A lot of them may be younger than you or slightly immature. You attract stubborn, hotheads that are passionate and bold. What you see is what you get and they are not the type to sugar coat it.
✨ Taurus:
You may attract a lot of Taurus dominant friends. The laid-back type of friends who are patient and slow paced but can get very stubborn too. You might see them get into a lot of relationships or have a lot of crushes. They are the kind down to earth types most of the time but can be as equally crazy as you.
✨ Gemini:
You attract the gossipers, the talkative nerds and the language geniuses. You might act like siblings with your friends. They are smart and quick-witted. Most of your friends will have prominent Gemini placements. They could also be younger than you or you've befriended them online/through school.
✨ Cancer:
You attract the soft, sensitive types. The mother figures of the group. They maybe tend to be easily hurt. Usually the very shy & reserved type of friends. They could also usually be younger than you either in months or years. You'll notice a lot of your friends tend to have prominent cancer placements.
✨ Leo:
Theatre kids. You're friends with theatre kids lol. You are usually friends with the artistic types. The talented romantics that loves sharing the things they can do/are interested in. You may be friends with the popular people too. The ones with a lot of charisma & admirers. You'll notice that a lot of your friends tend to be Leos. Might be a little braggy but has a heart of gold.
✨ Virgo:
The practical friend. You might be friends with the ones who are always on schedule, actually doing what they're supposed to do. Usually very reasonable & realistic. They may have a habit of nitpicking others. Very caring and will keep track of things for you. You'll notice that a lot of your friends bare these traits or are literally Virgos.
✨ Libra:
You'll find yourself being friends with the popular kids. The pretty friends everyone has a crush on. You could see them get into a lot of flings and crushes just *snap* like *snap* that. You're also friends with the good morals, the indecisives and the debaters. They may put a lot of focus into their appearance. You'll find that a lot of your friends are Libras.
✨ Scorpio:
You are usually friends with people who have very intense emotions. They could also like to keep to themselves i.e are very private. They could be gothic too. Loyal friends who tend to have very obsessive habits. You may be very competitive with them too. May attract very toxic people/manipulative people especially if pluto is here. However it could also mean you'll go through a lot of hard times with your friends.
Note: Hard aspects to mars, pluto & uranus could mean they smoke or drink.
✨ Sagittarius:
The wild friends. The class clowns, the one you talk about life & philosophical beliefs with. You may make most of your friends through church or school (although it's how most people would make friends). You'll find that your friends are quite wise or street smart. They may get a little preachy at times. They could have Sagittarius in their big 3 but it usually manifests as their traits.
✨ Capricorn:
You may find that a lot of your friends are much older than you. You could have a lot of friends who are more mature or wiser than their age. Could be very responsible & distant at times. Very goal oriented friends. They could also literally be Capricorns.
ex: I have Capricorn in my 11th house, and most of my friends are either Capricorns or literally older than me. My earliest childhood friends were 3 & 5 years older.
✨ Aquarius:
You may as well find it easier to make friends online. A lot of your friends may be quite rebellious, preferring to go by their own rules rather than following tradition. They may be very intelligent especially in STEM or IT. People may find them very strange or unique. They are usually very genuine with how they present themselves.
Note: You could attract friends who are openly queer as well especially if Sappho (80) & ganymede (1036) are here!
✨ Pisces:
You're friends with the dreamy idealist. They may be very spiritual or religious. They could come off as someone who isn't completely 'there'. They could be very talented or into occultism as well. A lot of them could also be friends from church. Some of them could have unhealthy habits. Might be a little delulu ngl but usually has their heart in the right place.
Notes: If Chiron, Mars & Pluto are also in the 11th house, you may find that the people with similar traits as the sign also tend to be your enemies/bullies. You'll also find that your friends will have the sign that any planet in your 11th house is ruled by.
⭐ Planet rulers
Note: Any asteroids here may also tell you about your friends/ enemies.
Sun : Leo
Moon : Cancer & Pisces
Mercury : Virgo & Gemini
Venus : Taurus & Libra
Mars : Aries & Scorpio
Jupiter : Sagittarius & Pisces
Saturn : Capricorn & Aquarius
Neptune : Pisces
Uranus : Aquarius
Pluto : Scorpio
Chiron: not a planet but attached to Pisces & Virgo traits i.e healing, service, trauma
ex: I have chiron in my 11th house. Many of my friends are also Virgos. Since Capricorn is in my 11th house, older people & Capricorns also tend to be the ones that criticise me.
︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵︵‿‿
***entertainment purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
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moon sign observations
Aries Moon:
Becomes recalcitrant under stress (beware)
Has no problem asserting themselves
Resourceful af and knows how to use adverse situations to their advantage
Supportive and hearty
Taurus Moon:
Becomes hedonistic under stress (no rules)
Desires and hopes to embody loyalty
Seems cool, but keeps grudges
Unyielding and independent
Cautious of new situations/experiences
Gemini Moon:
Struggles to stay in a ‘deep’ state of mind for too long (needs change, don’t worry they’ll get back to it later)
Approaches everything with intellectualism
Feelings are confusing if they can’t be rationally understood
Grows when in a learning environment
Reacts to most things in a jokey way to cope and can be forgetful
Cancer Moon:
Can turn cold when you don’t react the way they want
Will humiliate you if upset or angry
Insightful and internally aware
When put to productive use, has an intense inner focus
Leo Moon:
Actually suffers from many episodes of burn out
Guarded and self-protective
One of the most sensitive moon signs imo
They let nothing (I mean NOTHING) stop them from shining their light
Bossy and feels like they need to be in control all the time
Virgo Moon:
CEO of worriers inc.
Rumination leads them to depression and anxiety
Helpful and enjoys communicating their worries (moreso in a notepad than speaking)
Conscientious and wants to do meaningful things with their life
Never takes things at face value; will 100% analyse everything said and shown to them
Libra Moon:
Manifests love because it’s a major topic in their lives that they focus on
They are your go-to when it comes to aesthetics
Approaches most things with grace and fairness
Intelligent, can handle debates and many sides to a conversation
Heavily influenced and motivated by femininity and women
Scorpio Moon:
Major psychologist/counsellor vibes from this placement, can handle any topic thrown at them
Can guess how you’re feeling without you having to say anything
More sensitive than they let on
Very caring and affectionate
Seeks out truth and intimacy in their relationships
Sagittarius Moon:
Can be oblivious to people’s emotions
Restless emotionally, runner up to gemini moon (not quite 1st place)
Can easily manifest in the physical due to Jupiter’s influence
Actually very intuitive
Capricorn Moon:
Either in control of their emotions or let their emotions run wild
Seems to be a sadness to them
Uses humour as a defense mechanism
Aquarius Moon:
Will rationalize their emotions to the point of no return
Sharp and intelligent
Loners at heart
They learn and grow a lot from their friends
Pisces Moon:
Can actually be cold and turn nasty if they feel like it
Lets their emotions rule their behaviour
Boundaries are blurred when they need something
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