Mr. Gargrave
59 posts
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plutogargrave · 10 days ago
having a pen name is so fun because its never used for anything so i can just have it as a username without adding anything extra
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plutogargrave · 22 days ago
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its funny cause people have actually written (satire) fanfiction about me
open tags idk
Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this:
Make this picrew of yourself
Take this uquiz (How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character)
Thank you for the tag @machiavellli !
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plutogargrave · 2 months ago
i have way too many names 💔💔
Pluto- inspired off the God since i have a lingering hyperfixtation on him AND the planet since its my fav
Valentino- literally just Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. thats all
Bug- i kin maggots and like bugs in general
Myers- no idea where this one came from actually
Violet- just my birthname that i kept since it makes me seem like the pretty boy i am🔥🔥
open tags cause idk who to tag
Why is your name that?
Mine is this because when I first started tumblr I was hyperfixating on an OC called Oscar who got kidnapped by an evil doctor/ringmaster. (He was called Valentine which was ironic because Saint Valentine was a doctor who was a beloved figure and all of the people Dr. Valentine kidnapped to be in his show hated him. But also because he’s aroace and loves all his victims like pets but he’s namesakes with a holiday about non platonic love.) Valentine would do a thing where- You know how some taxidermists will make mythical creatures out of several different animal species’ parts? He would do that with living things. He would use surgeries and chemicals to combine living creatures together to make monsters for his show. There was also a carnival that he also owned that traveled with the circus/was part of it. And in that carnival was a “zoo” thing for artificial monsters who refused to perform. Like Oscar. So Valentine turned Oscar into a have snake. (Like the shape a mermaid is, but with a snake instead of a fish.) Valentine has chemicals that can make things grow more than they should to fit whatever creatures they’re supposed to be attached to. So he did that with the snake and mixed up it’s organs so that it’s brain could go in in its back somewhere and be connected up to Oscar’s brain so that they could communicate mentally. Now Valentine put the snake’s fangs, tongue, and vocal cords into Oscar’s mouth and throat (so now he can’t talk and he’s venomous.) But you understand. It’s still the snake’s brain controlling all the snake parts. And the snake would have conflict with Oscar at first. But then they would slowly meld into one consciousness because they can both feel each other’s physical sensations and emotions and they’re aware of all of each other’s thoughts, so like. Intuitively, I felt like they would stop being able to tell the difference eventually and just become different facets of the same person.
Anyway, Oscar really, really likes plants. He’s a gardener professionally and on his own because he grows a lot of his own food. (Made his own rain catching irrigation system.) So Valentine offered him a bunch of options for a new name. “Oscar” simply isn’t exotic or snakelike enough. And while Oscar wasn’t going to respond to anything other than his real name, Valentine was going to name tag him with whatever he chose, so it did actually matter. There was one single option for a new name that was anything related to a plant. He decided he would choose that one out of. I guess it was some sort of tie to what he used to do? The name was Basil. Oscar thinks of it as the snake’s name.
So Basil the snaking thing. Now I think I would rename myself “Parsley the Crow” since that’s more accurate to me, but everyone knows me as this and I have friends and branding to keep up with.
(Oscar eventually managed to grow a bunch of plants in his cage as an act of rebellion. Mostly ferns.)
okay, first of all, that lore is FIRE. second, branding is very important so good on you for maintaining your brand.
now, regarding myself, I am, as has been proven, a nerd. I am such a nerd, in fact, that my favourite band of all time is 2CELLOS, a cello duo comprised of Luka ��ulić and Stjepan Hauser that has since broken up. I grew up OBSESSED with their music (I used to beg my mother to watch their music videos every day). they basically designed my pop culture taste. I got into AC/DC because 2CELLOS covered Thunderstruck. they covered the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, so I watched the films. I became interested in time travel (now a dear obsession) because one of their music videos involved them doing rocking cello solos in the Georgian era, and I began hc-ing that they travelled back in time to do it (this was when I was maybe nine). I loved them SO MUCH (still do, but now I also have other interests music-wise and pop culture-wise).
when I was around twelve or thirteen years old, I finally got the chance to go to one of their concerts; my grandparents were in town for my birthday, and as a gift, they bought me tickets to the 2CELLOS tour. at that point, I had just gotten into the internet and didn’t really have a brand or a consistent url, and I didn’t know what I wanted it to be. and then, at the concert (which was AMAZING), Luka played the cello so hard his bow broke. the coolest thing my tiny child self had ever seen.
that was the moment I forever became Luka’s Broken Bow.
funnily enough, for my birthday this year, I got tickets to go see Luka solo in concert in April. who knows, maybe he’ll break his bow again.
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plutogargrave · 2 months ago
New account jumpscare
ew a faggot
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plutogargrave · 2 months ago
i just got jumpscared by this but UAEGGEBBSGSH thank you bro‼️‼️‼️‼️
having a mutual who’s a good artist literally feels like beyonce saw me at a supermarket and decided to make me her best friend
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plutogargrave · 3 months ago
Gay 🫵
but yeah i am fruity
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plutogargrave · 3 months ago
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silly goofy
cute thing im coming up with
this picrew of yourself and your current hyperfixation !!
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no pressure tags @pearlzier @julesssyy @reidsfavoritegirl @whitney23317 @willowsblanket @flowercrownsandtrauma @rottenletter
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
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pov im cool 🤑 (i would’ve made how i look in headspace but idgaf im lazy)
uhh open tags
Found this picrew and thought its cute
Here is me atm
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Npts: @t3mpest98 @varpusvaras @tinyduckies @insertmeaningfulusername @ihaventpiickedausername @cookiemonsterv3 & anyone who wants to do this (u also dun have to if u don’t want to kdkdkdk)
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
i guess i’m kind of a mix between The Phantom of the Opera and The Picture of Dorian Gray 💔
@olivespjskaddiction i have no idea if you even use tumblr anymore but i sacrifice you for this 🔥🔥
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I'm either Jekyll and Hyde or Franknstein. Reblog to tag yourself!
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
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thanks for the tag @tinzeliink (i can't add my own to the reblog chain 😭)
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can you fight god?
tags ☆ ::
@ihugmomo @homuradefender @ktamina @nasstyssanktuss @goths4christianslater
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
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Edgar from Electric Dreams (1984) needs a kiss! 💋
Requested by Anonymous
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
idk who to tag
tag game!
Your last emojis are your gender
@erikaskblog @fymo-blogs
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plutogargrave · 4 months ago
me n (slightly inaccurate) human Austin cause this picrew doesn't like nonhumans </3
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idk who to tag,,, feel free to join
Been tagged in several of these now, so imma start my own: Bam, picrew creator. You + the first OC you think of
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This one, stylistically, looks more like how I see myself than any picrew I’ve ever seen before so I had to make a game with it, thems the rules.
@whataboutsimple, @murkystarlight, @giantbonfirestars, @lukas-broken-bow, @sillysnaildraws to start with, obviously, but also anyone. Everyone. Fucking do it.
Edit: I just remembered that I can tag @mildlybizarrecorvid and possibly get the entire horde summoned on here which might make it actually break containment. It would be so cool if this does anything.
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plutogargrave · 5 months ago
uhh . . . 1?
I have pet rats
I only know one language
I’ve almost gone to jail
uhh idk who to ping other then @drh3nryj3kyll
Two truths and one lie! Tag someone else to play!
1. I have a fake eye
2. I have a calico cat
3. I have killed 47 people!
@yippe3allthedamnnamesrtaken @number-2-hero-hawks
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plutogargrave · 5 months ago
just realized i haven’t been posting
hi guys
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plutogargrave · 5 months ago
mama's gun
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plutogargrave · 5 months ago
and here is Austin from A Gunslinger and a Conman 🤑🤑🤑
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