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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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my backup and my main got deleted
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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tumblr sucks now
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
Mother Stabs Two Year Old Son to Death.
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A violent murder occurred in the city of Medan in Indonesia on the fifteenth of January, 2017. A 32 year old woman, who was identified as Pretty Juliana stabbed her two year old son to death with a kitchen knife.
Juliana punctured the chest of the infant over twenty-eight times with the knife, and deeply lacerated the abdomen, causing the intestines to partially spill out. the length of time the victim suffered for, before succumbing to it's injuries is unknown.
Two other children were present during the vicious attack, they were Juliana's other children, ten year old Jafa, and eight year old Radit. According to reports, when Juliana initiated the attack, the other two sprinted from the house, screaming and crying for help, when questioned by neighbours, the children were in such states of shock, all they were able to do, was silently point at their home.
30 year old Dewi Melisa, an alleged neighbour of Juliana entered the home and discovered Juliana looming over her deceased son, wielding two blood soaked kitchen knives. Melisa would then seek assistance in apprehending Juliana from local residents.
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The laceration of the abdomen is visible within this photograph, the intestines are also visible, protruding through the wound.
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Another angle of the victim, this was taken after Juliana had been apprehended. The blankets are most likely from the scene of the crime.
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The two kitchens knives used by Juliana to murder her child. Judging by this photograph, one could speculate that the knives have been rinsed of blood, however there is no report of Juliana attempting to conceal evidence.
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Thirty-two year old Pretty Juliana.
When questioned about the murder, Juliana responded nonchalantly that she had not murdered her child, she had instead, murdered a man who wanted the abode she currently resided within back. To clarify slightly, Juliana believes that the child she murdered was a man who was apparently looking to take back his house...
As of this moment in time, Pretty Juliana is serving time in a psychiatric hospital, it is unknown whether she will be transferred to prison eventually.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
Mary Bell - Child Killer
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Mary Bell aged around the time of the crime at 11 Mary Bell was born in May of 1957, when her unwed, mentally unstable mother was, herself, a child of seventeen.
Though Betty Bell would subsequently wed the baby's father, marriage did not guarantee a stable home. Mary's father was frequently out of work, occasionally in trouble with the law. Betty, for her part, frequently left her daughter with relatives or acquaintances, once "giving" the child to a woman she met on the street, outside an abortion clinic. The Bell home, in Newcastle, England, was filthy and sparsely furnished. At school, Mary became known as a chronic liar and disruptive pupil. On occasion, she voiced her desire "to hurt people."
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The cruel urge surfaced on May 11, 1968, when Mary and Norma Bell (no relation) were playing with a three-year-old boy on top of a Newcastle air raid shelter. The boy fell and was severely injured, but the incident was written off as accidental. On May 12, the mothers of three young girls informed police that Mary had attacked and choked their children. She was interviewed and lectured by authorities, but no juvenile charges were filed.
On May 25, two boys playing in an old, abandoned house found the corpse of four-year-old Martin Brown, lying in an upstairs room. Mary and Norma Bell had followed the boys inside, and had to be ordered out when police arrived. With no obvious cause of death, it was assumed that Martin Brown had swallowed pills from a discarded bottle, found nearby.
On May 26, Norma Bell's father caught Mary choking his 11-year-old daughter; he slapped her face and sent her home. Later that day, a local nursery school was vandalized. Police discovered notes that read "Fuch of, we murder, watch out, Fanny and Faggot," and "We did murder Martain brown, fuckof you Bastard." Four days later, Mary Bell appeared at the Brown residence, asking to see Martin. Reminded of the tragedy, she told his grieving mother, "Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in his coffin.'' On May 31, a newly-installed burglar alarm at the vandalized nursery school brought patrolmen rushing back to the scene, where they found Mary and Norma Bell loitering beside the building. Both girls fervently denied involvement in the previous break-in, and they were released to the custody of their parents.
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Two months elapsed before the disappearance of three-year-old Brian Howe, in Newcastle. An immediate search was mounted, and Mary Bell told Brian's sister that he might be playing on a heap of concrete blocks that had been dumped out on a nearby vacant lot. In fact, he was discovered there, among the tumbled slabs, but he was dead, a victim of manual strangulation, legs and stomach mutilated with a razor and a pair of scissors that police recovered at the scene.
A medical examiner suggested that the killer might have been a child, since relatively little force was used. Detectives started circulating questionnaires among the local children, asking suspects to account for their movements at the time of Brian's death. Answers from Mary and Norma Bell were inconsistent, and both girls were brought in for questioning. While Mary claimed that she had seen an older boy abusing Brian, Norma soon broke down and told of watching Mary kill the boy. At trial, in December 1968, Norma was acquitted of all charges, while Mary Bell was convicted on two counts of manslaughter.
Described by court psychiatrists as "intelligent, manipulative, and dangerous," Mary proved herself a problem inmate. In 1970, she fabricated charges of indecent assault against one of her warders, but the man was acquitted in court. In September 1977, she escaped from Moor Court open prison with another inmate, but the runaways were captured three days later. I've read that she was released in 1980 and given a new identity. Mary had a daughter soon after and filed a petition to extend their security and identities for life.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
this is how i die.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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A dead body of a woman found in a river in Thailand. This woman went missing three days ago and a missing report was issued to the police. The corpse had been cut apart and messed with. An autopsy Dr says that she was also raped, sorry about the mosaic censoring.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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A women between the ages of 25 and 28 YO told her parents that she was going to her ex-husbands home to pick up her two kids but never contacted her family that she made it back. This was around 1/13/18.
The police were eventually notified and entered the ex-husbands home where he also ran a small restaurant from the front.
After some time searching investigator's made a horrid discovery. Her legs and arms were found in a large stewing pot on top of the stove and they had indeed been cooked for some time. The rest of her body was found wrapped up in a cooler-fridge and was semi frozen. Forensics believe that he had indeed been eating the flesh and meat.
The husband is still at large with a huge manhunt going on to find him.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
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Man C-Sectioned his wife beause she did not want to give her smartphone's password.
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plohie-novosti-18-blog · 6 years ago
face sliced
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