pleu · 2 years
thinking about the thematic implications of cinderella!hiyori bc i've always wondered why they chose that theme for hiyo when there were like, dozens of other princesses. well, aside from the obvious parallels between lipxlip being the stepsisters, etc. then i remembered how they portrayed hiyori's cinderella with her glass slippers off. so i thought, hiyori dreams to keep on running. but glass slippers will stop that dream because they'll break and shatter, or fall off like the tale itself. but the glass slippers were the most magical part of cinderella's story, it was what made her cinderella, what made her the heroine. but if hiyori takes off her glass slippers to run towards her dream, does that mean she can't be the heroine anymore?
which is why hiyori portrays her own version of cinderella, her story isn't perfect and it's no fairytale. the stepsisters of her story cared about her more than she thought, and the big bad villain of the story was the same as her, someone who wanted to be the heroine. and while her version may be different, she might take off the glass slippers every once in a while to run towards her dream, it never made her any less of a heroine, it never made her any less of a cinderella.
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pleu · 2 years
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Even if every other high school girl in Japan loves you… I don’t!
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pleu · 2 years
Cheer for You ~ Hiyori and the Tutor's After-School Lessons~
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Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
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pleu · 2 years
Watashi, Idol Sengen
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
pdf version
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pleu · 2 years
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新型ウイルスによって色々なものが遅れております…。  お仕事の告知もまだ先かな。 仕事の納期は動くことはないんですが、色々と延期延期…。 早く収束しますように。 今日はmonaの誕生日でした。 昨年はmonaの誕生日が発表されたのが5月か6月だったのでもう過ぎていてお祝いできなかったんですよね。 連載している「私、アイドル宣言」では大体3話次くらいの物を作画しています。 いや~早く描けるようになりたい。 monaともども私も頑張るので皆読んでね。 https://piccoma.com/web/product/16315 今年は個人的にハニワじゃない仕事も、個人的なイラストももっと頑張りたいと思ってたんですが、色々と詰まってきてどうなるやらという感じです。 何でもかんでも頑張りたいけど体が追いつかんのじゃ(老 仕事募集に関する納期対応期間を変更いたしました。 何かお力添えできそうなことがあればご連絡ください。
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pleu · 2 years
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hozuki satowa for @zuura / happy birthday anto!!!
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pleu · 2 years
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11.9.2021 | F L O W E R S ❀
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pleu · 2 years
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pleu · 2 years
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• チカ!✩
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pleu · 2 years
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— ‪S A N E Y A S U ★
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pleu · 2 years
i am EVIL!!! no I don't want to join your found family please go away,,
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pleu · 2 years
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17 notes · View notes
pleu · 2 years
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99 notes · View notes
pleu · 2 years
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inspired to draw this picture when i saw this post. this needs to happen soon or i’m gonna flip.
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pleu · 2 years
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hello would you like to join me in shipping these cute slayer girlfriends
thank u jellal for doing this to me
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pleu · 2 years
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140 notes · View notes
pleu · 2 years
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Fairy Tail Ending 4 Kimi ga Iru Kara
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