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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
9 Things You Should Expect From Your IT Copywriter
Anyone who’s ever tried marketing IT products or services knows that it’s a specialist field. Your customers in the IT industry have very unique and specific requirements, and that means you do too. In order to write compelling copy around your offering, you need a copywriter with a solid understanding of the IT world – someone who’s not afraid to call themselves an “IT Copywriter”.  Satta king
So how do you know when you’ve found an IT copywriter? And – more importantly – how do you know what to expect from them? The following 10 tips will give you a good understanding of the qualities to look for – the things that make a copywriter an IT copywriter. 
1) IT background
Perhaps the most beneficial quality in an IT copywriter is a solid background of some sort in the IT industry. If your copywriter shares an understanding of your domain, you’ll spend far less time explaining the benefits of your product or service. Remember the last time you watched someone glaze over as you waxed lyrical about the wonders of your latest technology? You don’t want that to happen when you’re briefing your copywriter. More importantly, you don’t want that happening when your potential customers read your copy! 
2) Technical writing experience
Good technical writers are experienced in bridging knowledge gaps. This means they have to understand the technology, but they also have to be able to talk about it in the layperson’s language. A copywriter with technical writing experience in the IT industry is likely to have domain knowledge and an ability to hit the ground running. They’ll be quick on the uptake, so they’ll understand your product or service more rapidly than most.  play bazaar
Of course, not every technical writer is a IT copywriter. You need to be sure they can write compelling copy – not just dry instruction manuals. Take a look at their samples and testimonials before making a decision.
The other important consideration – especially if you’re after a website copywriter – is, do they have online writing experience? Writing for an online medium is entirely different to writing for print. Readers have different requirements and objectives, and reading conditions are very different. Many technical writers have written online help, so they should know how to cater to these differences. To be sure, ask them to recommend a maximum page length or word count per page. The correct answer should include some comment on the trade-off between the problems of scrolling and the need for a high keyword count for SEO. Ask them whether they prefer long sentences or short (and hope to hear “short”).
3) Further Education
IT products and services are generally very complex in themselves. What’s more, the needs of the end-customer are also very complex and unique. This means there’s normally quite a steep learning curve for anyone new. Ask your IT copywriter if they have tertiary qualifications. It’s not essential, and – by itself – it’s no guarantee of quality copy, but it’s generally a good indicator of someone who’s been trained in the art of learning (i.e. researching, information filtering and modelling, knowledge retention, etc.).
The flip-side of that coin is to be wary of people who are technically qualified. Don’t discount them on sight (many technical people have made great IT copywriters); just remember that technically trained people have a tendency to take a lot of things for granted when speaking to lay-people. Your IT copywriter needs to be able to understand the technology and its complexities, but still relate to the issues of the non-technical customer.
4) Management Experience
Anyone with management experience – at any level – has dealt with decision makers. They may even have been a decision maker themself. In any form of promotion, you need to appeal to the decision maker. Your IT copywriter needs to develop an understanding of the needs, influences, pressures, problems, work environment, and constraints of your typical decision maker(s). The more understanding your IT copywriter brings to the relationship, the less time you’ll spend schooling them.
5) Marketing Experience
Actual marketing experience is a big plus. It brings with it a broader understanding of strategic marketing and the realities of working with a range of challenging people and evolving products and services. Look for an IT copywriter with corporate experience as a marketing manager or marketing coordinator, or someone who runs a copywriting business with a heavy marketing focus.
6) Testimonials
Anyone can call themselves an IT copywriter; few have the client testimonials to prove it. Testimonials are a great way to validate your IT copywriter’s claims. Ask to see some and read them carefully. Don’t just look at the company name and logo. You need to determine if the clients’ words back up the copywriter’s claims. And make sure the testimonial relates to the type of work you’re commissioning (or something with similar requirements).
7) IT Samples
The proof is in the pudding. ALWAYS ask potential IT copywriters to send you samples of their work. And – as with testimonials – don’t be fooled by flashy packaging, big names, and recognisable logos. Read the words. Are they relevant to your project? Do they convey a clear understanding of the subject matter? Do they convey benefits or just features? Are they written in a style that you find easy to read, yet compelling? And after you’ve read the words, double-check exactly how much input the copywriter had in their writing. Not all copy is written from scratch. Some copywriters work in teams, and others do more editing than writing. Make sure you get a clear understanding of your IT copywriter’s abilities and experience before commissioning them. 
8) Understand Benefits
Your customers aren’t interested in what you do; they’re interested in what you can do FOR THEM. In other words, they’re interested in what benefits your product or service will deliver. How will it make their day easier, more enjoyable, less stressful, safer, or more profitable? Identifying benefits is one of the hardest tasks in any advertising project. In fact, many people rely on their copywriter to help them uncover the most compelling benefits. Does your IT copywriter truly understand the benefits you’re promoting?
9) Contributes value
A good IT copywriter should have solid professional experience. They should bring value to your marketing push which goes far beyond the written word. Strategy, tactics, imagery, contacts, anecdotes, corporate identity… Your IT copywriter must bring more to the table than grammar and punctuation. Expect them to make suggestions, not simply take notes and say “Yes”. 
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
9Things to Expect from Your SEO Copywriter
From the perspective of a business owner, webmaster, or marketing manager, the change exhibited by the Internet is profoundly exciting, yet profoundly disturbing. The information (and misinformation and disinformation) it offers, the business benefits it promises, and the rules it is governed by change at such a rapid rate that it’s almost impossible to keep up.
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From the perspective of a business owner, webmaster, or marketing manager, the change exhibited by the Internet is profoundly exciting, yet profoundly disturbing. The information (and misinformation and disinformation) it offers, the business benefits it promises, and the rules it is governed by change at such a rapid rate that it’s almost impossible to keep up.
These changes have led to a growing appreciation of the value of quality web copy. This appreciation has, in turn, led to an influx of opportunistic ‘copywriters’ promoting themselves as website copywriters or SEO copywriters. Don’t get me wrong, there are quite a few excellent SEO copywriters out there, and you should definitely shop around. The purpose of this article isn’t to scare you; it’s to help you find the SEO copywriter who’ll deliver honest service and excellent results.
So with that in mind, take a look at the following ten tips. play bazaar These are the things you have a right to expect from anyone wearing a name badge that reads “website copywriter”, “SEO copywriter”, “internet copywriter”, or “web copywriter”… (See also 10 Things to Expect From Your Website Copywriter and How to Make the Most of Your Website Copywriter.) 
1) An understanding of SEO
Obviously, your SEO copywriter must have a solid understanding of the essentials of Search Engine Optimization. They must know that ranking is essentially the result of a website’s relevance (i.e. keywords) and importance (i.e. inbound links). There are a whole lot of other factors involved, but if your SEO copywriter doesn’t understand these two basics, you should look elsewhere. If you’d like to ensure your SEO copywriter knows a little more than just the basics, take a look at SEO for CEOs, Writing SEO Copy, Satta king SEO Trade Secrets, Web Copy - How Much is Enough?, and How to Top Google by Writing Articles for some clues as to what you might like to ask in order to assess their knowledge.
2) Proven experience
The proof is, as they say, in the pudding. It’s not enough that your SEO copywriter can talk the talk; they must also be able to walk the walk. Ask to see some examples of websites for which they’ve obtained some good rankings. Note that it may be very difficult to find an SEO copywriter who has actually worked on both keywords and link generation, so if you find one who has, and they write well, snap ‘em up! They’ll have a very broad and useful working knowledge of search engines.
3) An understanding of how many keywords to use
You don’t want to fill every page up with every keyword you’re targeting. This simply dilutes your site’s relevance and reduces readability. Ask your SEO copywriter how many keywords they would recommend targeting on each page. Hopefully they’ll suggest no more than 3, preferably 2. By targeting 2 keyword phrases per page, you can use them a lot without impacting readability.
4) Clear agreement on who will provide keywords
Someone needs to perform a keyword analysis in order to figure out what words you should be trying to rank highly for. Your SEO copywriter should be able to do this for you, but it’s quite often more cost-effective if someone a little closer to the business does it. Either way, make sure your agreement with your SEO copywriter makes it very clear who is performing this task. Don’t assume the SEO copywriter is going to do it, because they may assume you’re going to do it, and then you’ll blow your budget.
5) Keywords or keyword phrases
Expect your SEO copywriter to offer some advice regarding how specific you should be with your keywords. In most industries, the competition for keywords is so fierce that you’ll be forced to target very specific keywords in order to rank – at least at the outset. For instance, if you’re in IT, you probably wouldn’t start out by targeting the keyword “IT”. The competition is immense (at the time of writing, there were approx 3,240,000,000 results for this search in and the IT giants already dominate the search engines for this keyword. Instead, try using a more specific keyword phrase like “IT infrastructure consulting new york” (at the time of writing, there were only around 4,000,000 results for this search in The other benefit to targeting more specific keyword phrases is that you’ll generate more relevant leads.
6) Agree on word count per page
Always make sure your SEO copywriter gives you an indication of the number of words they expect to write per web page. While it’s necessary to have a decent body of words on most of your web pages, you certainly shouldn’t have too many. What “too many” is all depends on your industry, the objective of the page, and the needs of your audience. It’s always a delicate balance, but it’s certainly possible to rank highly with only 100-200 words per page. So don’t be fooled into paying for copy you don’t need!
7) Density targets & measure
SEO of a web page is NOT guess-work. A good SEO copywriter will talk about density measures. This is a measure of the number of time the keyword phrase appears on the page. It’s expressed as a percentage of the total word count of the page. So if your page has 200 words, and your keyword phrase appears 10 times, its density is 5%. As a rule of thumb, your SEO copywriter should be aiming for a density of approximately 5% for your primary keyword phrase and 3-5% for your secondary keyword phrase. If your density measures are much higher than this, readability will be reduced, and you’ll risk being perceived as spam by the search engines. Make sure your SEO copywriter understands keyword density, is prepared to state the target density for each keyword phrase, and is also happy to be measured by that standard (should you decide to measure).
8) Where to place keywords
The question of keyword placement has been the subject of much debate amongst SEO copywriters. While it is still unclear how much impact placement has, there is a general consensus that it has SOME impact. Be sure that your copywriter is aware of this impact. Popular opinion has it that keywords are more effective if they appear in headings, bolded text, links, and generally toward the beginning of the page.
9) Some comment on structure & links
Websites are generally better indexed by search engines if their spiders can traverse the entire site using text links. This means your SEO copywriter should be linking each page to every other page using text links. If your site is complex, this may be impractical, so your SEO copywriter will need to create a hierarchical structure for your site. First, they should break your subject material down into categories. Then for each category, they should write a summary page. These summary pages should be accessible from higher level pages via text links. They should also be accessible from each other. Each summary page should link – using text links – to a number of pages discussing the finer details of the category. And each detail page in a particular category should link to every other detail page in that category (once again, using text links). This way the spiders are able to travel from the top of your hierarchy to the bottom, and from left to right across any level.
An SEO copywriter is a valuable addition to your marketing function. But you need to make sure you choose wisely. When you know what questions to ask, the battle is half won.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
9 Tips for Better Copywriting
Do you use weak verbs?  Are you needlessly redundant, or robotic in your use of long sentences? Do you sometimes overstate the obvious? Here are 9 handy tips that can improve and economize your writing.
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We all learned how to write in school, but in advertising, there are some simple techniques that experienced writers use to convey messages with greater impact and brevity.  Without being too tutorial, you’ll find these 9 tips quite handy when writing your next sales letter, brochure or web page.
Avoid the wimpy verbs—is and be.
These “do-little” verbs only occupy space and state that something exists.  So don’t write “There is one simple omission that can transform a sentence from boring to brilliant.”  Do write “One simple omission can transform a sentence from boring to brilliant.” Similarly, avoid “We will be running the new program from our Dallas office.”  Instead, opt for “We will run the new program from our Dallas office.” 
Place the longest item at the end of a series. 
Start with the simple and work toward the complex.  It’s less confusing and makes a more memorable ending to the sentence.  If you have a series like “He was always later that Joan, loud and boring.”   Satta king Opt for “He was loud, boring and always later that Joan.” 
Specifics are more convincing.
Unless you must for legal reasons, don’t use words like many, several, approximately, nearly and other such mushy weasel modifiers. Specifics tell your audience that you know what your product can do based on tests, research, results, etc. 
Modify thy neighbor.
Neighboring clause, that is.  Make sure your modifiers apply directly to the pertinent clause in question. Do this and you’ll avoid such gaffes as “I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.  (The truck wasn’t coming the other way, it was stationary.)  Better to tell the judge “I was coming the other way and collided with a stationary truck.” (You’ll still pay the penalty for running into a truck, but at least you’ll come across as sober.)
Use single verbs to avoid doublespeak. 
Single verbs can often do the work of two similar verbs.  Instead of “The computer was operating and running smoothly,” go for “The computer was running smoothly.”  Or, instead of “He was empty and ran out of gas,” go for the more direct “He ran out of gas.” 
Vary sentence length.
A string of sentences all the same length can be boring.  Start with a short sentence or at least a medium-length one, then go long, short, medium or any combination thereof.  Imagine a person talking in sentences that are all the same length.  Robotic.  
Are your sentences like the Energizer Bunny?
They go on and on. Just because you’re conveying legal or complex technical information, doesn’t mean you have to use serpentine sentences that never seem to end. Instead of saying “Laser beams, which have many properties that distinguish them from ordinary light, result from the emission of energy from atoms in the form of electromagnetic waves.” Break up and re-phrase to “Laser beams have many properties that distinguish them from ordinary light play bazaar. They are produced when atoms emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.”  
Go short and sweet.
Why use a 4- to 5-word phrase when a 1- to 2-word version will do nicely—with no loss in meaning?  Statements like “in view of the fact that” can be easily reduced to “since” or “because.” Word economy is particularly important, especially when you’re paying for premium ad space in a major publication. 
Don’t overstate the obvious.
Redundancy is good for space travel, but not for clear writing.  Phrases like "anticipate in advance," "totally finished," or "vital essentials" will drive your readers crazy and communicate very little. The same goes for stringing two or more synonyms together like "thoughts and ideas" or "actions and behavior.”  It makes readers wonder if you really meant to say two different things or just wanted to reinforce one word with a needless synonym.  
So the next time you’re struggling with that sales letter, mailer or web page, follow these simple rules. They’ll help you communicate your message more clearly and with greater selling power. Remember, there are 26 letters in the English alphabet.  Use them wisely.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
9 Essential Items Your Website Copywriter Must Know About Your Business BEFORE Writing a Word…
It’s pretty much a given…when you hire a copywriter for your newly designed web site, your getting someone with above average writing skills. But the best copywriters are more than merely good writers. They are expert interviewers, researchers and marketers. Before sitting down to compose those lead generating or sales gems, they must completely understand all the benefits of your product or service, play bazaar your goals for the project, what makes your customers tick and what distinguishes you from the competition.
If your copywriter is not covering these topics and asking these questions before he begins writing your copy, you will not get the biggest bang for your buck.
Website copywriting components:
·        Project Objective 
Is the purpose to make a sale, educate your customers, raise market awareness of your product or service, enhance your company image…or perhaps , internally, excite your sales force, improve company esprit de corps, build company loyalty?
·        Target audience:
Who is the customer to whom we are writing? What are their sex and ages? What jobs they hold? What about their social status and economic circumstances? Where are your customers geographically concentration? What motivates them? What if anything do they already know about your product/service?
·        Product description: 
What are all the product’s features; its specifications, components, its manufacturing and delivery process? What efforts have een made to market it to date?
·        Customer benefit:
Why should the customer buy your product or service? Can you quantify savings in time, money and/or effort?  What is the relative importance of this product/service to the customer? 
·        Support for benefits claims: 
What proof is available to support your product/service claims; in the form of test data, focus group reports, testimonials? We are looking for specific, quantifiable facts here, not subjective generalities.
·        Competition:
Who are your competitors in the marketplace? How can I get an objective assessment of their features and a comparison to your product or service?
·        Creative consideration:
What are the limitations and constraints for the promotion; Satta king  such as budget, schedule, and overall requirements?
·        Distribution:
How do you intend to market this promotion?  What is the planned marketing campaign…ad runs when and where, brochure distribution and mailing plans?
·        Unique Selling Proposition:
What specifically makes your product/service unique in the marketplace? What separates you from the competition?
Copyright Alan Richardson
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
8 Strategies To Catapult Your Copywriting Skills To The Next Level
I am about to share with you 8 quick ideas and suggestions to dramatically help you improve your copywriting skills as you get going. 
You can use these tips when it comes to creating offers, E-mails and sales letters that grab people’s attention.
So without further ado, here they are! Satta king
Number one: 
Always write your sales letter with the individual in mind.
Whenever you’re writing a sales letter or an E-mail, you want to write that E-mail or sales letter as though you were talking to one person.
Number two: 
Pull them in with the first line. 
You’ve got to create interest with the reader, the very first line that they read.
Number three: 
Use bullets. 
People like to scan, they like to quickly read things as fast as they can, and using bullets makes that whole process a heck of a lot easier. So use them.
Number four:  
Just let it flow. 
When you’re starting to write a letter, it is very difficult to just start from top to bottom and write everything. When it comes to writing it and actually putting everything down in order, I want you to just write as it’s coming out. You’re going to have moments when inspiration hits you and your pen is going to go like crazy or your fingers are going to go like crazy on the computer keyboard, and I want you to just let it flow.
Number five:
Write like you speak.  play bazaar
I briefly touched on this in one of the earlier points. But it’s much easier for you to envision that you’re communicating with one individual as though you’re having a conversation with that person, because when that person reads your sales letter or your E-mail, they’re going to feel like you’re talking right to them, and that’s exactly what you want.
Number six:
Make your communication easy to read. 
What I mean by that is use short paragraphs. Use pictures. I want you to bold certain things. I want you to highlight important areas. 
Number seven:
I want you to stress the benefits and not the features.
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the person reading your communication piece
The number one question that they’re going to be asking is: What’s in it for me? You have to address those things, and you’ve got to stress the benefits of your particular communication piece that you’re trying to use.
Number eight:
I want you to keep the reader interested. 
How do you do that? On a sales letter there are a ton of ways that you can keep the reader interested, and I’m going to give you a few of them right now.
-     You can use graphs. 
-     You can use pictures. 
-     You can use audio. 
-     You can use video. 
-     Another one that people love to see are testimonials. 
-     Another one that you can always use is giving examples of proof. 
-     Do you have checks? 
-     Do you have screen shots of people registering for certain things? 
Whatever you’re trying to sell or promote, I want you to give proof that it works or that it would provide benefit to the person that is reading it – screen shots, pictures, testimonials – these are all great things of proof.
So there you have it… 8 quick tips to improve your copywriting skills. This is not the be all and end all of copywriting techniques but they will definitely help you jump over some of the hurdles that are standing in your way!
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
8 Steps To Irresistible Email Copy Every Time
Before you sit down to write your email sales letter, you`ve got to determine exactly who your audience is. This is a master key to getting results from email marketing. Satta king
Ask yourself these questions:
- What do your prospects/customers want?
- What frustrates your prospects/customers most?
- Who else is selling something similar to you?
- Why should your prospects/customers believe you?
- Why should prospects/customers respond to you instead of someone else?
- What kind of appeals will your target market respond to?
Before an email can generate results, recipients need to open it. But what can you do to spark their interest and get their interest "motor" revved up?
Your SUBJECT LINE is the key.
There are four types of email formulas you can use as a guide in crafting your email. Each has a different PSYCHOLOGICAL APPEAL that works like magic on consumers. Here are some examples: play bazaar
- State a powerful benefit - "Empowerism Satisfies Your Need for Leads"
- Pique curiosity - "Empowerism Has Uncovered the Secrets of Success"
- Write your subject line with a news angle - "Empowerism Launches RSVP For Those Who Want to Double Their Money Fast!"
- Offer Immediate Gratification - "With Empowerism RSVP, you can start the money wheels turning before the sun goes down tonight"
Here`s an important "homework assignment": Write at least 25 SUBJECT LINES before you decide on which one to use. Take the best two and test them against each other in your marketing campaign. (Save the "losers" to use for other purposes or spruce up later.)
Sit down and write every conceivable benefit your product has. Don`t know the difference between features and benefits? Features describe the product; benefits describe the results of using the product. Features appeal to logic...logic justifies emotion...emotion drives sales (see below).
Here`s a rule of thumb for benefits: ask yourself "What can my product or service do for my customer?" Then begin to write your letter telling your reader WHAT`S IN IT FOR THEM. Tell them how much better life will be for them after they buy from you. Tell them how much better they`ll feel. Tell them how their peers will respect them more.
When promoting anything to anybody, you must remember that buying decisions are based upon emotion and later backed up by logic. Before you write a single word, determine what emotional hot buttons you need to push to "jumpstart" your prospect.
Selling health supplements? Go for the "fear of illness" button with "A Natural Way to Save Your Eyesight." Selling political bumper stickers? Hit the "anger" button with: "Let the President Know What You Think of His Policies." Other buttons include: curiosity, greed, ego, vanity, hope, and/or fear of scarcity or security.
To convince people to buy your product or service, you must make them believe that your offer is credible and that you (or your product) will deliver as promised.
How do you do that? Here are three ways you can build credibility with the readers of your sales letter:
- Provide testimonials.
- Include endorsement letters from authority figures in your industry
- Make your offer and promises sincere and believable.
Nowadays, trying to sell without some type of guarantee is a losing proposition. You`ve got to have one. And the stronger your guarantee, the better your response will be. And, believe it or not, although most people will NOT ask for a refund, they`ll trust your offer knowing that you stand behind it.
You can offer a 24-hour, 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, or even a full-year. And here`s an interesting fact: The longer the time period, the fewer returns you`ll have! It`s human nature to procrastinate, so the more time someone thinks they have to get a refund, the more they`ll put it off or forget about the refund altogether.
It happens all the time. Someone makes a fantastic sales presentation, and then doesn`t close the deal because he/she didn`t clearly ask for the order or made the process confusing rather than simple.
- From the Research Department: Statistics show that you need to ask for the order at least three times to close substantial sales. (Some studies put the number at 7!)
If you can, offer several ways for your prospects to order -- consumers love choice. It tells them, "You`re talking directly to me and meeting my unique needs." If you only offer one way to order, make it crystal clear how AND how easy it is. Describe it in detail and ask for the order. Then ask again.
It`s a well-known fact: Large blocks of copy are intimidating and will often send people running for the hills or at least the Delete button.
The solution? Break up paragraphs into two to four sentences. Use several subheadings throughout the email letter. And use asterisks, dashes, and ellipses (...) to give your copy more rhythm. Bullet points are excellent eye-catchers - use them whenever appropriate.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
7 Essential Tips for Reviewing Copy
Nothing can turn a strong copy into a 97-pound weakling faster than a flawed review process. The result is severely handicapped marketing efforts and, alas, Satta king fewer sales.
How can you avoid this dire marketing situation?
By having a smart and consistent review process that preserves the selling power of your marketing communications. Following are 7 essential tips for reviewing and approving copy.
 .1. Review the copy from the customers’ perspective. 
On the first pass, read the copy (all of it) without your red pen in hand or editing hat on. That’s how your customers or audience will read it. Now, what do you think? Does the concept work? Did the headline grab your attention? How was the tone? Does the copy flow? If you begin by editing the first sentence or sweating the details, you will do your clients or customers a disservice.
 .2. Don’t get hung up on grammar and usage. 
If you think the copywriter broke a writing rule, 9 times out of 10 there was an excellent reason. Copywriters are sales people in print, so if we take liberty with the English language, it’s for effect. Plus, be aware that copywriters (and proofreaders) review and correct the copy before you see it. For example, I consider spelling, grammar, style issues, trademark usage, and more to ensure the quality control of every piece of copy I write. play bazaar
 .3. Avoid copy by committee. 
There’s that old joke that says if you want to kill an idea or project, start a committee. Copy by committee is no different. Conflicting and misguided comments put the copywriter and creative team in the awkward position of trying to please everyone except who matters most -- the intended audience. One way around this is to circulate informational copies to people who would like to see the copy. They can make comments without being part of the formal approval process.
 .4. Minimize the rounds.
Provide complete feedback on the first round, forwarding all your comments, suggestions, and changes to the copywriter. That way the copywriter can consider everything when he or she rewrites the copy and you can shorten the review cycle. Copy is typically stronger when it’s created in three or fewer rounds.
 .5. Provide specific comments. 
When you provide specific comments, the chances of succeeding on the rewrite improve dramatically. For example, instead of saying, "This isn’t strong enough," say, "The tone needs to be more authoritative" or "These are additional benefits the copy should cover." Often times putting your comments in writing will help you be more specific than if you just provide them orally.
 .6. Let the copywriter rewrite the copy. 
Instead of trying to "write" the changes yourself to be incorporated, tell the copywriter your concerns and let him or her address them. The copy will benefit when the copywriter does the rewriting.
 .7. Judge the copy based upon your objectives. 
In the end, the copy was written with particular objectives in mind: to build your brand, generate leads or sales, inform about your company, products, or services, and so on. Make sure the copy is technically accurate and factually correct. Then critique the copy based upon what you want it to accomplish, not on the number of superlatives, your competitor’s latest ad campaign, or how it compares to your previous brochure.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
6 Reasons Why Case Studies Are A Terrific Market For Freelance Writers
I remember the first time a client offered me a case study writing assignment.
I was petrified.
It was early in my freelance writing career and I didn’t even know what one looked like. I had a lot of questions. “What the heck is a case study?” “How long is it?” “What is the format?” “How much do I charge?” 
I didn’t have a clue.
Of course, these days, I know more. A lot more. In fact, I write dozens of case studies for clients each year. Satta king
Case studies now rank high on my list of the most fascinating — and lucrative — projects I handle. (I’m sure glad that client offered me the job all those years ago!)
If you’re unfamiliar with case studies, don’t worry. They’re really quite simple. A case study is just a fancy name for a success story – the tale of a happy customer and his or her experience using a product or service. 
Lately, I’ve noticed that more and more companies need case studies written, yet have difficulties finding writers who can do the job. 
That spells OPPORTUNITY for you and me. play bazaar
And it gets better. Consider the following:
1. Case studies are not difficult to write.
They are similar in style and format to a newsletter article. So if you can write one of those, you can write a case study.
2. Case studies are relatively short
Usually about 400-800 words in length. Once you’ve gained a little experience, you’ll be able to knock one off in less than a day.
3. The formats are standardized
Unlike ads and direct mail, you won’t get stressed out by having to come up with a dazzling new concept or killer headline. The basic structure of a case study is remarkably simple. All that’s required of you is to get the facts and write a good piece.
4. Case study writers are in demand
More companies are scrambling to get case studies written today than ever before. I can’t give you an exact figure but, in my opinion, the demand for case study writers has increased significantly over the past couple of years.
5. There is little competition
I’m not sure why, but few copywriters go after this market. Some may not know it exists. Others may mistakenly think that case studies are dull or technical. Not true! Case study writing is storytelling. It’s fun. 
6. Case studies pay well
Surprisingly well. Now you won’t get the superstar rates paid to big-league direct mail copywriters. But most clients do pay handsomely for case study writing. Earning $100 per hour is not an unreasonable expectation for an experienced writer. I know many who earn a lot more.
Right now the case study market is booming. Why not jump in and get your share of these fascinating and lucrative writing gigs?
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
5 Must Have Questions In A Sales Letter - Must Know
Article Body:
People have included all kinds of sales pitch in their sales letter but sometimes still wouldn’t achieve the results they want. The importance of a sales letter is likened to having a shop to sell cars. If the looks of your shop isn’t delivering a good impression, no one will be going to buy your cars. play bazaar
Thus, you must make sure that your sales letter have answers to the most basic questions, and instill interest in your visitors towards your product just with these five specific questions:
1. What’s in it for me?
The number one rule of salesmanship – people only buy for one reason, which is for getting the results from a product, what they will receive out of it. To achieve this, you must be quick in catching their attention since the beginning with your headline. Create a very convincing headline and tell your visitors what they will get in one shot through your headline.
2. How will my life be better?
This is where you have to understand the emotional appeals that attract your prospects like moths to a flame. Do they want to become richer, smarter, better looking, thinner or more popular? Do they want to save time, money or effort? 
Study your niche market until you know what emotional buttons to push and you’ll see a huge increase in your sales instantly. Use their desires to attract themselves, that’s where you will get them nodding their heads and continue reading right until the end.
3. Why should I trust you?
People are skeptical when it requires them to take out their wallets in order to buy a certain product. You need to clear their doubts by providing positive testimonials from your previous customers and emphasize the benefits of your product.
If you don’t have testimonials for your product, search for forums related to your niche and offer to give a complimentary copy in exchange for a testimonial – usually you will get a hot response in no time.
4. What will happen if I say no?
You are not going to let them say no, that’s it. Remind them about the problems that they are having, the frustrations, how much money will they lose, or how sad their lives are currently – and tell them how they can change all of them in one shot, just by a small investment in your product. Satta king
5. Will I be stuck with your product?
This is where you seal the deal. Tell them that you provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee, they must get it now. The most important thing is to make them buy, and the rest depends on their choices. 70% of the people who purchase a product will not refund it unless they have seen something similar before or they’ve planned to only “borrow” it since the beginning.
When you have all these points to answer your prospects’ questions in your sales letter, not only will you gain an unfair advantage over your competition but also let your prospect know that you care about their problems and you have the solution that they need.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
“Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success!
Copywriters often disagree on whether a short sales piece with lots of white space is better or whether long and detailed is the way to go.  The long and short of the debate is this… what type of buyer are you targeting?
There are basically 2 kinds of Satta king.
1. The Impulsive Buyer
This is the kind of guy with “places to go and people to see” and not a whole lot of time to do it in.  Typically, he’ll skim the headlines and subtopics, glance at the photos and captions, and make a snap decision.
2. The Analytical Buyer
This group of Satta king believes that the proof is in the details.  They’ll read everything… including the fine print.
It stands to reason that successful copy will address the needs of both play bazaar…  regardless of length.  Let’s look at what you need to do to reach both Satta king.
How to reach….
The Impulsive Buyer
1. Use attention getting headlines and sub headlines.
2. Capitalize of graphics that enhance your message…
Varying fonts and font sizes
Use Bold Headlines
Highlight with shaded areas or bullets
The Analytic Buyer
1. Use the headlines, sub headlines, and graphics for the impulsive buyer as guides.  Add the detailed information the analytic buyer needs under the proper heading, and you’ve got a winning marketing piece that is guaranteed to be successful
Inside knowledge of how your potential Satta king react is the key to getting their attention… and extra income.  The fact that the needs of the impulsive buyer and the analytical buyer overlaps is a bonus for you, the copywriter!
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
How to read satta king odds
For those of you who want to learn how to read satta king margins, the following guide will be a perfect, detailed breakdown of how margins work, how likely they are, and how to take advantage of this new information.
While there are many calculators out there that can sharpen the numbers for you, it's crucial to know how the lines work to become a skilled athlete, and the key to gaining a winning focus on the bets that pay you. Play Bazaar
To beat the sports books, you will need to develop this basic knowledge. Don't worry, this guide will be a permanent reference for you and you can read it again as often as you need to.
What do the Satta king odds do?
satta king options are complemented by three essentials. They tell you which team or player is most likely to win and give you an idea of ​​how many sports books you think will win and what to do by satta king on one outcome or the other.
Basically, the odds are there to help you make an informed decision, but keep in mind that this is just the opinion of the sports book based on complex algorithms that calculate the margins in the background.
What are margin play bazaar  formats?
There are three main formats in which margins can be displayed, including American, Decimal and Fractional. These formats may be just as appealing to you, or your favorite format may be and you will stick to it.
That's okay, and you can use any of the three formats at every sports book in the world, as they will always ensure that you can set the edges in the most intuitive format that you can bet. put on Satta king .
While the stakes have understandable odds, sports books offer something called vigorish or cut. The fee you pay for each bet is there to make sports books a profitable business, so make sure you take that into account when calculating your potential profit.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
Best Play bazaar Strategy Tips That Work in 2022
Play bazaar is one of the best versions of , and today we take a look at the best Pot Limit Play bazaar strategies available. Even the best stratagem has many core parts that explain most cases, such as the difference between playing a winning hand and misjudging your position.
That's why play bazaar is a game of skill, intuition, and maybe a certain amount of luck. However, a great strategy will quickly teach you that the traction mishap can be easily eliminated if you choose to follow proven PLO practices.
Pot Limit is easily the most popular iteration of Satta king, so we'll be focusing a lot on today's cover on how best to play at those tables. We'll see which front hands make the most sense and which hand combinations will influence your game. In this guide we will naturally touch on Hi-Lo Play bazaar strategy, the other popular version of the game.
Play bazaar PLO Rules: Crash Course for Beginners
Play bazaar is a game that requires skill and learning, which is why it has a huge following in the community, whether you play PLO or Hi-Lo. The game is played with a 52-card deck like Texas Hold'em, but unlike Hold'em, the Pre-Flop stage comes with four hole cards, meaning cards that only you can see. A game in Play bazaar can have between 2 and 10 players.
Because you have so many starting cards in Play Bazaar, the action is much more promising and players tend to Call, Rise or Return more directly from the early rounds and usually don't care too much. -More about them. - A lot about the site. Progress of the game in the stages familiar with:
Pre-flop: The blinds place their bets and four hole cards are dealt to the players at each table. Players can decide whether to call, raise or fold.
The Flop – The dealer deals the first three community cards and players continue to bet as they see fit.
The Turn: The spell brings another card into the community pool and allows players to continue making decisions.
The River - Finally, you have the river where you will see the final community cards. Once again, you will use your four cards and the five community cards to make the first five cards.
The Ceremony: If the players are still standing behind the river, each hand is exposed and the player with the best hand wins the pot.
Each stage of the game promotes action and reveals more information about what your opponent might have. The game of Satta king ends when the player with the strongest hands wins the pot, and this can happen during or before the game if other players decide that their hands are not strong enough to continue.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
Why online satta king is more dangerous than casino games
The Internet has certainly enriched our lives by providing information and entertainment for all. However, it has some worse trends and others have moved on. It certainly helped with education, but on the other hand, it provided more dangerous pastimes, such as casino games, without the need to maintain the necessary checks and balances that you would find in a physical casino. .
That naturally amazes us why online satta king is more dangerous than traditional satta king today and what we can do to mitigate the potential risks. We look at good and bad and tell you what makes internet casinos so attractive. Putting the risk of Satta king addiction aside, we examine valid concerns, existing concerns and consumer protection.
The dangers of online Online gaming
Online gaming is practically available to anyone with Internet access. It is perhaps one of the greatest entertainment revolutions in the world of entertainment, and is a relatively new phenomenon, beginning around 1993 with the launch of the first online casino for real money. Since the inception of internet casinos, they have been the main entry points to online satta king for many players.
However, as casinos grew, so did consumer protection practices. Some casinos have decided that it would be okay to operate without the necessary licenses and regulatory oversight, making them dangerous places to gamble your money. play bazaar
Not to mention the “bad news” and for unscrupulous businesses, online satta king has a draw that can be overly positive and resolute. To help you better read how online satta king puts you a little more at risk, we will focus on the key issues involved.
Is everything wrong? Not required. After all, availability is what makes online gaming attractive and should not be interpreted as an absolute negative trend. We will talk about some of the benefits of having online casinos just click away after listing all the potential risks first. Play Bazaar
That is the first problem that many people have with online casinos. They are too accessible, more so than traditional casinos. Even in the United States, where there are more than 1,000 casinos on land, both commercial and tribal, the number of online gaming sites is increasing. It has about 30 licensed internet casinos, but it has 3,200 casinos targeting players in the United States.
This means that there is no shortage of gaming options for online Satta king. Almost any quick search of online casinos will yield results. Of course, the best ones are the ones approved by a regulator where you live, but they are not always the first to show results.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
Best satta king Strategies That Work in 2022
Finding a Satta king strategy that suits your needs as a player is often a challenge. However, there are proven strategies that will work over and over again when you try different satta king games, and these are the ones you'll want to pay more attention to specifically if you want better results. get. outside.
Today we are going to take a look at the best satta king strategies, an alternative to the basic strategy for newbies, a list of tips to follow as a catechism every time you play satta king, as well as suggested actions based on the cards you have currently in hand
This strategy guide is designed to be used as a constant source of inspiration and for repeated navigation. It is a living document, but of course you can expect the basic principles set forth here to be true, accurate, and useful.
You don't need to memorise the information listed here, as it will always be available to guide you through your next Satta king strategy plan, whether you're playing single deck, multiplayer, or some other version of the popular game. . We will help you get to the house edge through the dealer, understand the dynamics of the game and the expected results.
Basic play bazaar Strategy: How to Play Better
The first thing you need to know is how a satta king table works. When you do, you'll probably benefit from choosing a version of the game that plays with fewer decks. 4 and 8 deck satta king is very popular, and all of the basic satta king strategies will cover this type of game.
Because they are less likely to draw attention to themselves, it is much easier to measure the next result. Remember, you won't be able to guess the exact card that will come, so don't misunderstand how this strategy works. Play Bazaar
Well, "guess" is not the most appropriate word here. You want to minimize the house edge through evidence that certain plays are statistically more likely to happen. There are slight differences in how you would play physical satta king and how you would play at an online casino.
We'll cover that a bit, but for now, the basic strategy we have here will serve you well, no matter how new or experienced you are to the game of satta king. We consider a number of scenarios, including where the dealer hits and stands on soft 17.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
How does satta king gamble work?
Satta king is one of the fastest growing entertainment markets in the world, and after the United States legalised satta king satta king in Mar 2020, things have improved. But because of its reputation and popularity, there are still aspects of the satta king experience that participants, casual fans, or even some "smart" do not understand as more experienced satta king bettors. . .
What are your chances of winning a bet and how do you interpret the satta king contracts the bread and butter each satta king bettor has on the activity. However, many people seem to be unable to talk about satta king with confidence and authority. Can you distinguish American margins from decimal margins and how do they translate into potential strengths?
A common saying about satta king is that good teams win, but big wins cover (the spread). It's important to be able to tell the difference and predict winning situations. First, let's look at how satta king works and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage.
What is satta king?
satta king is the practice of putting money into the potential outcome of a sporting event. The result can be something simple, like which team won the game, or something more complex, like how many points a team won. play bazaar
For any type of satta king activity to happen, you need to provide one party with your bets and accept your bets and another party willing to participate by giving the money and placing the bet. When a bet is placed, it is locked and not released until a team finds or meets some other condition, which sets the market and allocates the wins.
Every satta king book or bookmaker as a satta king operator will charge you a small fee which will be deducted immediately from the satta king amount. The game's term for this is "juice" or "vitality", and is a common practice at any satta king site or retail establishment.
Knowledge of energy and juice will help you better calculate not only your chances of winning a particular bet, but also adjust the expected value you expect to generate on that bet.
There are all sorts of Play Bazaar scenarios available in today's highly competitive satta king world, and understanding the bets that serve those purposes is a good way to ensure you get a better payout. From direct bets to points, there are many ways to make money satta king on sporting events.
The lines will change, as will the probabilities, but in the end if you understand the old types you will be able to be better prepared and have the opportunity to turn even a small amount into a big winner. Satta king With this in mind, we will now review some key types of bets.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
God of bets on different cultures.
People call them tricks and shenanigans and they are right. Across all cultures, ancient, ancient, and modern, every gaming god or goddess typically exhibits some form of playful wickedness. And yet, since both men and women believe they are playing dice against fate, their god of ordinary games prefers to play chess.
Today we look Satta king. at those gods who call themselves game gods or, due to their character flaws, who emerged as gods. Many players often tend to pin their hopes on old leaders, but is it really worth the risk?
We take a look at the known myths about the gods of the game and what led people to play bazaar believe that they can be trusted with their destiny. But here's a word of warning: free yourself from the fingers of losing fate, because after all, he is the God of the game, and you should direct your prayers to him!
Hermes is an archetypal deity. He raises the profile of the unassuming satta king god, and although he is associated with fertility, wealth and luck, this veteran had a racist side. Scholar's works always remind you that while he watched farmers harvest and trade, he was also known for his mischievous and clever nature. Play Bazaar
Lakshmi is a Hindu goddess of luck and prosperity, and a sweetheart in the Hindu religion. As one of Vishnu's advisors, she influenced the minds of men and gods. She enhances her magic to fight demons and gods over and over again to win her affection. Why, then, do mortal men think they can apply Lakshmi enough to win her favour at games of chance?
Egyptian culture is one of those great eras of civilization that is shrouded in mystery. Satta king The complexity of Ancient Egyptian writing has given rise to many anecdotal interpretations, but if one thing is certain it is that, as elsewhere, gods played numerous roles in Egyptian folklore.
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playbazaarblog · 3 years ago
Is satta king an investment?
What is investment and what is Satta king.
Investment and satta king are two activities that are often balanced because they involve risk. However, when the game involves a high level of probability, investing seems to mitigate that risk by allowing traders to perform technical analysis, risk management strategies, and select a specific set of stocks to buy first. down. Let's take a closer look.
Looking forward to investing
Investment has a clear purpose: to accumulate net profit based on market conditions and available information. Due to the maturity of the stock market, the purchase of shares of technology giants such as Amazon, Apple and, to a lesser extent, 
During the 2020 pandemic, a young cohort of investors flocked to investment platforms, exploring the stock market and looking for new Isa accounts and self-invested personal pensions (Play Bazaar).
Of course, what's going up must also come down, and stock price has fallen naturally after the low point of the pandemic has eased and restrictions eased. However, the shares continued to aloe at around $ 3,125, generating close to 80% of the investment return (Republic of Ireland) in one year.
Investing is a more organic way to manage your money where you can take risk into account, even if you need to spend more capital. For example, you can buy Amazon shares instead of buying a high-risk contract for difference (CFD) to bet on short-term share prices.
In addition, there are proven strategies that make the lack of a better word "the safest bet" for investment. Investment comes with many tools that allow you to mitigate your losses, such as spreading your capital over many assets.
To properly manage your risk, you also need to understand the nature of the stock. Micro-cap stocks will have a very different risk profile than the blue chip stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). It is best for the investor who has a well-diversified portfolio that has investments from different sectors and even regions.
It is also important to note that owning shares is a value in itself. It allows you to maintain a potentially expensive financial mechanism and receive additional payments in the form of dividends, depending on the company in which you are buying shares. Satta king does not.
So what's the game?
On the other hand, you have satta king. satta king is any activity in which you risk capitalising on an activity or event that has high volatility and high probability. More importantly, an uncertain outcome to the point that no technical analysis would help you define a good strategy.
The higher the risk, the better the reward, which often attracts inexperienced players to go out and focus on high-return games that do not necessarily succeed. Traditional games such as blackjack, roulette and baccarat are casual games.
Slots have interesting gameplay, but they are against the player. Any game you play against the house is already statistically disadvantaged. You have a higher chance of losing than you won. Casinos are designed to ensure that the house always wins in the long run, and it does.
The way it helps to think about the game is whether you prefer to have $ 100 or risk losing 50-50 coins to win $ 200. That's basically the game. You take your money without any contingencies or guarantees and are given the opportunity to earn a significant ROI.
On the other hand, raising enough capital to invest is necessary to see a much lower income. On the other hand, the potential risk to the capital you invest may be too high for some people. In 2018, Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors ever, warned investors not to spend money on the stock market like a casino. play bazaar
In short, satta king is an activity that the hodds do not favor, and no matter what you do, most of the games you play against the house will end with a potential negative outcome.
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