plasticfreeattempt · 6 years
Crowdfunding projects I like
Hey, from time to time I post crowdfundings that I like to support. So make sure to check them out and pledge:
https://www.startnext.com/lovestorm - A project to train people to react on hate comments (racist) and start a “love storm” to make the web a better place.
https://www.startnext.com/hansbaer - a documentary about Hans. He had to leave facist Germany when he was 14 and would like to return for the first time.
https://www.startnext.com/abfuellbar-wendland - package free supermarket in Wendland
https://www.startnext.com/wunderbarunverpacktgoettingen - package free supermarket in Göttingen
https://www.startnext.com/frea - first vegan and zero waste (!) supermarket in Berlin
https://www.startnext.com/lepicerie-bio - package free supermarket in Bremen
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plasticfreeattempt · 6 years
Social Media for plastic free attempt / your opinion
Hey everyone, I was thinking to evolve my activity a little bit in the future. Since it’s fun and it’s a topic I really like. So I was wondering if you guys were interested in seeing an Instagram for this account or if you have any wishes?
I was thinking about the following:
- Create an Instagram with Stories about everyday plastic free things, like shopping etc. It would be linked with this tumblr.
- Maybe create a patreon for picking up litter everyday on behalf of my patrons.
- Q&A on a regular basis on topics that might interest you. 
- Please drop me a message if you’re interested in a special topic.
- Since my last post about my bathroom items sparked some interest, I was thinking to make a video about my bathroom routine and every other item that’s in there. How about that? Maybe I should also create a youtube channel, or maybe I upload the video on Instagram?
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
zero waste campaigns on startnext
There are a couple of startnext-projects (that’s the german kickstarter) tackling waste problems. Make sure to pledge:
Straws made from fruit that you can eat:
A company that saves old bikes and offers a vegan kitchen:
And, I’m excited, a package-free supermarket in Bremen! Yeah!
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
plastic free bathroom
Hi everyone,
as I posted last time I wanted to show you how to be /almost/ plastic free in your bathroom. This time I focus on traveling.
This is what I take with me when I travel: 
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It’s super simple, very minimalistic, extremely convenient and covers all your needs.
My travel-package contains:
- Soap bar for men (you can work up a layer of foam that’s thick enough to shave easily. Also you can use it just like a regular soap.) by nurme
- Razor with disposable metal blades. The disposable blades aren’t plastic free, but it’s the best compromise between minimal waste and safety as far as I know. The razor itself is made from metal and wood. I got mine at kostkamm - check it out if you’re based in Germany. The have plenty of plastic free goods.
- solid handcreme (by ponyhütchen) 
- solid parfum / Deodorant and shampoo by Lush 
- lip balm by cremekampagne
- a wooden brush
- tooth tabs (that I carry in a little recycled tobacco tin)
- Toothbrush by Hydrophil which I get really cheap for a donation at a vegan fair. I love the package that’s made from wood.
- a washcloth that doubles as a pouch.
If I only get away for a weekend I even take less with me. It saves me a lot of stress when packing to always know what I really need. And stripping it down to the essentials also saves you some money.
Most of it I ordered online. There’s a plastic free online store called monomeer where you can order some of it so you don’t need to order everything from different shops. If you do order online - that’s mostly how I do it - wait until you need more than only one thing, so you can order a couple of products at once, and ask your friends if they are interested in purchasing something anyways, so you can order together. That cuts down on packaging.
Some products you might find at vegan fairs or specialized shops around your area. I get some products from Lush for example. I do know it’s controversial amongst plastic free people, but at least we have a shop in town and I don’t need to ship packages around. Also I have to admit that I found my favorite deodorant there, that I don’t want to miss anymore.
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So yeah, that’s pretty much it. If you want to know more about the products or have any other questions regarding other areas, feel free to drop me a line.
By the way: I don’t get any money for writing about the products. I wish! Those are just the products in my bathroom and I’m really happy using those. I tried other products before (also DIY as mentioned in the blog) that didn’t served my needs. Just hope this helps other plastic free enthusiasts out there and sparks interest in companies to pursue a more sustainable design.
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
Hi fellow plastic free enthusiasts.
I wasn’t writing a lot lately. I’ve been rather busy in my personal life. Job-wise especially.
In the plastic free regard I had the feeling, that I didn’t do much lately. I do mostly regular shopping and have the feeling that I created much waste. So I felt pretty bad about it and didn’t want to use the blog for a while.
It was only after I stumbled upon a blog entry by another plastic-free person, that I actually felt more positive about my last weeks. 
I realized, that it’s not about the waste that I still create at the moment, but that I does not. And I noticed, that many of my habits changed for the better and I simple don’t think about it so much anymore, than I did before.
Sure you can always do better. Don’t create any waste at all, don’t buy from big corporations, don’t buy new stuff all together, move in a smaller flat, move out in the woods... you get the point. But really, also a lot of little things add up to something noteworthy. I don’t even think about getting certain items in plastic if there’s an alternative in paper or jars. Our bathroom - from which I would love to post some pictures in the near future - transformed in some kind of plastic free zone, which I really love. We still get food from the farmers market that otherwise would be wasted and share it via foodsharing with the community. So in a sense we are already doing a lot, but only it became so integrated in our normal daily routine, that one isn’t feeling a lot of progress anymore.
Now circling back to the beginning of this post: I would love to quit my job right know. Only do what I would like to do, as so many probably know this feeling. So I was looking into some possibilities to earn some money on the side and were thinking about creating a webshop for plastic-free merch. I was interested to hear if somebody would be interested in purchasing Shirts, hoodies or mugs with a sustainable / plastic free statement on it. Of course it would be printed on organic cotton & be plastic free. Drop me a comment if you would be down to that. More to come soon I hope! :D
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
omg vegans know other people can’t go vegan but ARE YOU one of those people? No? Then stop using others as an excuse!!!!! Look at your damn lifestyle and level the fuck up honestly.
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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Loss of Species Biodiversity [Infographic] – ecogreenlove
→ https://ecogreenlove.com/?p=8917
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
OMG! I love broccoli!
How to make a good bacon sandwich? Replace the bacon with broccoli! Omfg
listen……i fucking hate bacon culture SO much……..bacon isnt even that good please calm down
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
while I’m here:
aspartame does not give you cancer
gluten is not bad for you if you’re not allergic/don’t have celiac disease
superfoods aren’t real, they’re just healthy things with maybe some nicer levels of certain vitamins
vaccines do not cause autism or really anything else and the chemicals present in them that typically scare you are in such minute amounts that they do precisely fuck-all in your body (we’re talking scales of one part per million)
you cannot do a cleanse or diet to “rid your body of toxins,” your kidneys and liver have that covered
GMO foods will not kill you; most genetic crop modification just makes our crops hardier and produce more food (and genetic modification doesn’t inject more chemicals into your food, it’s just minor altering of DNA that is made of the exact same stuff your DNA is made from)
if you feed your cat a vegan diet I will personally come to your home with the skull of a long-dead predator, point out the shape of its jaw and teeth as indicators of predatory feeding habits, and then beat you with it
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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From Andy Warner.
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
i will literally give $1000 to anyone who can tell me why trans women are real women without saying “because they said so”
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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As January approaches, many people look back at all that has happened the previous year. Being a photographer for 30 years in Belize, I am always looking back. And in most cases, I am, well, sad is the only word I can think of for what I see. Man-O-War Caye is a bird reserve in the South Water Caye Marine Reserve, and a favorite of tour guides to proudly present nature at it’s most raw and beautiful to visitors. In 1979, my brother and I visited the island for the first time and estimated about 700 birds, frigates, brown boobies and terns flying above the island, not counting those nesting and roosting on the island. In 2006, a group of us estimated 400 birds flying above, easily the same amount nesting and roosting. Last week, we estimated about 150 birds flying, almost all frigates, and maybe half that number in the trees and very few nests. The island is disappearing before our eyes. In 2006, a sign labeling the island a reserve was located on the SE edge of the island; last week the sign was half underwater, a good 30 feet from the island. While a couple hurricanes did impact the island minimally, I believe the rising sea level has done the most damage. Not much Belize can do about the rising seas, but we need to begin thinking about and adapting to the reality of what climate change is and will do to our beautiful little Belize. Drilling for oil and contributing to the rising global temperatures is not one of those things to do … #Belize #sealevelrise #climatechange #islands #ThisIsYourBelize (at Man of War Cay (ö i Belize, Stann Creek))
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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Conservatives are black-hearted, shitty people. #FOX
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
Plastics bags: the urban tumbleweeds
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plasticfreeattempt · 7 years
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