plasticdroiid · 6 years
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That’s how I SURVIVED. Time and time again. That’s my secret. I survived because I willed it to be. Time and time again I’ve seen tyrants crush the powerless. I’ve been crushed by them myself. How did I survive apocalyptic fire?  I simply REFUSED to feel the flames.
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
Ive been thinking it for 3 days and i might remake and make this blog more private.
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
never talk to me on discord. im scandalous.  
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
☆ Other: because BIG
If   you   want   to   interact   with   me   and   don’t,   tell   me   why:  |  @chaoscoded​
You mean big like Tony? I mean, he ain’t BIG, but he can punch big like Tony tbh. Hard enough? Yeah, he can pop off heads and make it rain red. 
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
If you want to interact with me and don’t, tell me why:
☹ I’m an anxious mess who’s too scared to approach people
⚠ I’m intimidated by your writing
⌚ I have no time right now and need to wait until I’m less busy
☯ I can’t see how our muses would meet/interact
✂ I sent you something and you never replied
✒ You’re mutuals only and you don’t follow me because I’m a side blog
✑ I’m a side blog and I’m worried you don’t know about my blog or don’t want to interact with a side blog
☢ Your rules intimidate me
❧ I feel like your blog is too organized compared to mine
☒ I’m worried my blog isn’t fancy enough for you
⌇ Your face claim makes me uncomfortable
✎ I can’t write long enough replies and don’t want to annoy you
☾ I feel like I bother people
⚔ Our headcanons don’t align to the point where our muses couldn’t interact
⚖ I see you interacting with a select group of people and am worried you don’t want to interact with new people
⚐ English isn’t my first language and that makes me nervous to approach people
✉ I don’t know how best to contact you
☆ Other: ____________ (write in your own reason)
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
Sometimes i wanna engage in soft things but hes not there yet. (Or rather as 'soft' as he will get)
Kakashi vc: you gotta look underneath the underneath
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
kisses him and by kisses him i mean punches him in the fucking face
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And he caught his fist, his knuckles ghosting against the bridge of his nose. “So,” Came after a pause. “I assume, you weren’t very happy about your sleeping arrangements. I’ll leave you a pillow next time.”
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
and finally gavin reed was dropped in a dumpster. 
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
sinday more like the only nsfw i write is gore. 
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
"read my motherfuckin' lips: don't you /ever/ do that again." you asked for this
Set sometime when RK900 is deviant and doing shit, maverick shit. Shit that maybe makes it dangerous for Reed to be around him. Shit that i haven’t thought through yet, or maybe its during a mission. Point is, its is a vague point in time and its a dire situation and RK900 keeps Gavin safe….in his own way.  /  @addicktcop
Reedstressed abhorrence in every syllable and 900 cocked his head after abeat.
     “Youfuck your mother with those lips?”
Sucha salacious question bore witness to furl of wrinkled skin andshadows that sieged his brows. An obstruction of the Detective’sthoughts as emotion flooded his face. It was like witnessing theforce of water unleashing behind an exploding dam.
Itwas also within that moment, an idea sprung and before his chargecould get a chance, he apologized. Not for the comment. No, thecomment had made for a clever, inadvertent, distraction. Theapology was for the pressure point he struck on his neck thatrendered Reed slack in his arms.
Scoopinghim up beneath the crook of his knees, the android hefted him up and turned hisattention towards the dumpster, recently emptied but wafting with a cesspool of particles. The perfect safety net.
Noone would think to look there nor dare to. He could count on the delicacy of humans and their need to possess a healthy hygiene. So, ever so carefully, the android dropped him in. Manufactured strength granting him the feat and closed the lid. 
He’d hear it later. Maybe he’d even have a gun pulled on his head, but RK900 didn’t care. Gavin was out sight and in a dumpster for safe keeping. 
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
you ever laugh at your own reply? bc me rn. 
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
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my name is collar. i am the android sent by cyberlife.
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
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Arrest me
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plasticdroiid · 6 years
Hey, psst, you, yeah you, don’t go spreading it around but.... you’re valid
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