Long ago I was struggling with depression. I didn't have anything to do much of the time. And then a lady from church taught me to make plarn sleeping mats. *gasps* Where has this amazing Plarn been all my life?! And so I devoted my whole being to making plarn sleeping mats for the homeless.
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This is how I've felt my whole life. I'm mainly only competitive against myself. I'm constantly trying to beat my own top score.

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I've been very busy lately making beanies.

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I'm making beanies since I learned how a few weeks ago. I've made 14 so far.
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I'm #plarndude now. I've started making beanies since I learned how a couple weeks ago. #justserve

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When I wear a mask in public, or decline an invitation to a party or to come inside, I want you to know that:
🔵 I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
🔵 No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
🔵 I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me;” I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach others the same.
🔵 The world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s not all about me and my comfort.
🔵 If we all could live with other people's consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
🔵 Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid, or even “controlled.” It makes me considerate.
When you think about how you look, how uncomfortable it is, or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you - a child, a father, a mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle - choking on a respirator , alone without you or any family member allowed at bedside.
Ask yourself if you could have sucked it up. Was it worth the risk? Do you feel the same?
Copy and re-post.
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Yay for Capitalism! Isn’t Greed Awesome?! :s
AND a race one since the most affected regions will be Africa, Asia and Oceania
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So this is Stabby, from the human’s are weird tag on tumblr. Let me know if you wanna see the process of making him, because it took me forever.
And it might surprise you, but I’ve never seen a roomba before. So I may or may not have traced over the shape of one and just colored it in (and maybe the knife too) but it’s progress!!! Stabby has been approved by my friends, so here it is in its full glory.
(I scrawled sergeant stabby on its side for lols)
@hp-nerd07. Don’t think I forget my promise to tag you in my art. I just procrastinate alot.
@sepulchritude the person who brought the joy of Stabby the space roomba to us all.
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You didn’t really believe him when he promised he wouldn’t touch Social Security and Medicare, did you?
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A Ghostly Life
A man and his wife lived quiet but happy lives together. Each had their own room and their own bed because of the difference in their schedules. The man worked at night and didn't want to disturb his wife when he came home, and she didn't want to wake him during the day while he slept. One day they were in a terrible accident that each thought the other had not survived, but which each had survived by some miracle. They each entered the house through a different entrance, and proceeded to mourn in shock, quietly. For three days they each mourned, and each carefully avoided the rest of the house, remaining quiet and crying quietly. Each lived a Ghostly Life, quietly avoiding living life, mourning the other, not realizing the other was alive. When one glimpsed the other they believed it was just a memory coming to them during their mourning. They cried, and they mourned, and they stopped living life. Finally, on the third day, each quite unintentionally met in the main living room of the house, and saw that they were alive. They each felt a rush of relief and joy, they shouted and hugged, they kissed and embraced each other. Then the same realization dawned on them of how foolishly they had each lived ghostly lives while they mourned. The couple promised, then and there, to change their lives and cease to live quietly. They promised each other that they would gladly disrupt the other's life, to remind them that they live. They promised that if one of them dies, the other will live life Twice as loud, and Twice as boisterous, that they would live life enough for both. They promised that instead of crying softly they would shout out their sorrow loudly, that they would stomp the floor, and rush into every room, and never again be so foolish as to live a ghostly life. The couple kept their promise to each other, the man changed his line of work and matched his schedule to hers. They lived life more loudly together, and slept soundly in each other's arms. And when the day came when the man's wife died, he kept his promise and shouted his grief, he stomped the floors, he rushed into every room, and he lived his life enough for two. He refused to live his life foolishly, never again a ghostly life. His neighbors may have thought he'd gone mad, but he felt his sorrow and grief as fully as he could, then lived his life to the maximum. He celebrated her life, and celebrated his own. He enriched the lives of all around him for all his remaining years. And when he died everyone who knew him threw him a Wake instead of a quiet, mournful, funeral. They were loud, they stomped, they shouted, they lived life enough for two. They celebrated his life, they celebrated their own life, and never lived a ghostly life.
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