Millions Knives
636 posts
Affiliated with Isola Radiale Written by Beetle
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plantfell · 1 month ago
"It's possible we didn't, but now we have something new to discuss," Knives states, clearly growing slightly more agitated as the other plant plays his games.
"The value and condition of my possessions is determined by me and me alone. Put it back where it belongs or request proper permission to do whatever it is you're planning to do with it."
Purposefully, Knives slows his steps before coming to a full stop, as though to say to his predecessor: I could have kept going, but I've decided it's worth dignifying you with an answer.
"I wasn't aware we had more to discuss," he says, feigning aloofness. His eyes are still downcast toward the crude doll of Vash.
"safe!" it chirps again, in the very same cadence, when his thumb rubs up against a cotton-swelled cheek.
"It's clearly broken, anyway." Not to mention dusty. Knives gives the doll an unceremonious shake to showcase it, his expression of disgust unchanged by the way it flops around at his mercy. ("happy!") "I'm doing us both a favor."
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plantfell · 1 month ago
"Very little has ever been of much concern to you."
The comment slides past Knives' lips with little thought as he pushes himself up from his seat. One step forward, one step back. Even as he now actively tries to choose kindness, cruelty still comes to naturally to the plant.
"Come," He commands as he strides past the human, though he knows the human would follow at his heels without being told to. Knives also knows Legato needs no direction. As expected, the way to Legato's room is familiar. Not exactly the same, but close enough that memory alone should be sufficient for finding most things on the Ark. The only real difference is the addition of more utilities like a functional kitchen and a domed garden.
Legato's room is also as he expects. Nearly identical to his quarters back home, in fact. It might almost be as if it were just waiting for him to return home, if not for the fact that it's missing any sort of personalization Legato may have had.
Under any other circumstances, an interaction such as this would had fueled Legato for weeks, or even months going forward-- perhaps even a life time. With his devotion acknowledged, and his undying dedication laid out before his master's feet, Legato should rejoice as instructed, he should feel accomplished, he should consider this a celebratory milestone.
Instead, it rings hollow inside of his mind.
It's as deafening as the bullet that had cracked through his skull.
" I have been informed of the duplicate's existence. The Crimsonnail and I have crossed paths since my arrival to the island, " Legato drones, hands in the pockets of his coat, fumbling with whatever contents had been left there.
" -- And I intend to leave him well alone, he is none of my concern, master, " he remarks plainly, lidding his eyes and turning his head to glance back at the door from whence he came.
His quarters. If it was anything similar to the dilapidated ship that Knives occupied on their home planet, then he knew what to expect.
" Yes. Of course. "
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plantfell · 2 months ago
Luminous Status
Regeneration - Fully has the ability to heal from injuries, but still nerfed by the point in the story he's from. It's unclear how much energy regeneration actually takes/what would kill him, so I'm saying everything is free game except regenerating limbs and fatal injuries.
Flying & Telepathy - Belatedly bumping these from 30 min to 1 hour as per the Anniversary changes.
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plantfell · 2 months ago
"I would expect nothing less," Knives says, finding a surprising amount of pleasure in how predictably obedient Legato is. It was almost tempting to test the limits, and perhaps he would have in the past, but now he tries something new: leading with the carrot, rather than the stick. "Rejoice, Legato," He continues, spreading out his arms to the side somewhat, "Your years of dedication have borne fruit. You've earned your place in my home. An honor shared only with my duplicate."
A pause as he considers that, that might be a little more information than the human can process at the moment. Ah, well. Better to overwhelm him now than have him be set off by finding the other plant roaming the halls.
"But that can be a conversation for another time. You must rest to be at your best and serve me well. Shall I show you to your quarters?"
Nobody could say that Legato had flourished beneath the twin suns of that deep space desert. He 'thrived' the way that a weed grows between the cracks of concrete: through a stubborn determination to live.
If one were to ask the weed, however, it would gladly speak of how comfortable its roots were while entrapped beneath the pavement, for it knew not of its brothers who called loamy soil their home.
Legato only understand the world through that very same lens.
He expects a metaphoric hand to reach down and strike upon him for his uselessness. Instead, he's greeted with an open palm, but this wild animal does not know how to react to such a gesture. So he stands there, face pale, obscured by long locks of blue, silent for what seems like forever.
" You-- "
Religious indoctrinate had been an effective way to reign in a beast like himself. He could follow commands. He could carry out orders. But when his master states that the objective has been-- tossed out, and now asks if he would have a problem with laying down his weapons--?
It barely leaves room for him to comprehend that Knives had admitted to failure. Such an inconceivable thing to hear.
" No-- No of, of course not, I have no problem with what you ask of me, not now, not ever, " Legato stammers, trying to temper himself.
He bites the inside of his mouth until he tastes iron. Pain was always effective at grounding him. Legato looks away before continuing. This was a lot for a meek creature such as himself to digest. His voice trembles, attempting to quash his emotions.
" I have nowhere else to go, and nothing else to do with myself. If you would continue to have me at your side, I would be so very blessed. "
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plantfell · 2 months ago
Watching his doppelganger interact with the doll is a strangely fascinating experience. As different as they are, he can picture himself at a younger age looking just the same. It's odd seeing himself how others must have. Odd, but not nearly eye opening enough to result in any sort of self reflection.
"He and I are on good terms," Knives answers the question he believes the other implies, "And, as I said, there was an exchange. It wasn't one sided."
It takes a few shuffled steps before he fully processes the other's intent to leave. A knot begins to form in Knives' chest. A feeling it's been quite some time since he's truly felt: possessiveness.
"Where are you going?" He asks. Tonally, it hasn't changed much from how he was speaking just a moment ago, but there is a darker quality to it now. A certain sharpness reserved for those who displease him.
Impatient for the answer and curious besides, the younger Knives had risen from where he was sat to properly inspect the item in question.
His fingers handle the doll as though it is some alien object, capable of breathing or biting at any moment. As his fingers pinch its nubby blue left hand, he lifts it up higher to the light, away from the other trinkets.
Eyes narrow, teeth partly revealed in a displeased snarl. It looks… Nothing like his brother. Not at all the way he should be. It is a grotesque beady-eyed effigy of him, something rounded and soft and harmless. Manufactured. A miniature incarnation of everything wrong with him.
"He's willingly gifted you this?" His condescending disbelief is tinged with jealousy. Then, after a beat of silence, he readjusts his hold on it. Fingers nudging against its oversized head, the thing chirps "safe!", much to Knives' displeasure.
He says nothing, but is obviously taking the doll for himself, beginning to shuffle away toward his assigned quarters.
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plantfell · 3 months ago
Send 🍾 for the first thing my muse would say to yours while drunk.
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plantfell · 3 months ago
An apology isn't what Knives expects. For once, it's not even something he thinks he needs. Their last... correspondence hadn't gone well, but it wasn't necessarily apology worthy. Of course, it's entirely possible that's because every other disagreement they've had has been so much more explosive. What for? I'm afraid you'll have to be specific.
[ x. ]
With no one around to see it, Vash promptly smacks himself in the forehead and lets his hand drag down his face. The one time he hadn't actually been going for a joke, and he goes and sets himself up like this. Incredible. Maybe Knives is the funnier twin after all.
Um, he starts. Should he even attempt reaching for a punchline? Even if it were suited to the occasion to do so, he's not even sure he could really find one at the moment. Or if he did, if it would even be any good.
Apologetic brother?
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plantfell · 3 months ago
Even with Legato's chronological point confirmed, Knives is still unsure of what to make of the blue haired human, and it begins to frustrate him. In their world, the man was a weapon. There was little need to know much about him and the environment lent well to his destructive nature. Here and now, though? It was like looking at a nuke he didn't know how to disengage.
A light frown tugs at the corners of Knives' lips with that thought as it's quickly followed by one considering that this was, perhaps, how others from their world viewed him. Something to be examined later, perhaps. Much later.
"It is the nature of this world," The plant states, choosing to focus on the man's lack of power, for now. "When I arrived, I was, admittedly, lowered to a more human state, but your powers will return with time as mine have." Knives considers Legato for a moment, then continues, "My mission failed in our world, and I have little interest in wasting what life I have left on continuing it here. You may live on the Ark and stay by my side, but I have no use for a weapon here. Will that be a problem for you?"
In all of his years of servitude, of bending the knee and keeping his head craned as low as physically possible, Legato should understand by now to keep his expectations low. 'Do not expect anything beyond instruction, you are a weapon, after all.' That was reality. And yet, the selfish, undeniable reminder of his unfortunate humanity, always clashed with this sobering truth: he did not matter.
Perhaps he expected-- more. Nothing grandiose. Not even warm. Not a proper welcome, even. He did not anticipate any of these things.
Yet, the flat delivery of the question, brings-- something to the surface, something that Legato cannot name, or properly acknowledge, but it makes his shoulders stiffen.
Perhaps he wished that his master cared that he was able to get here at all, given the circumstances as he clung onto several measly strings both physically, and mentally. Legato looks across the dim room with an equally flat and hollow expression, first noting the dark hue of Knives' hair, and swallowing down the shock so that it didn't manifest on his face.
" . . . "
What did he have to report on?
He forced the hand, and made the empathetic protector of humanity know how it felt to take a life.
He failed to eliminate Vash the Stampede. The bullet to the skull was evidence, shot and taken out like a dog that had been struck on the highway.
Failure. Failure. Failure. And now he didn't even have the full range of his ability to be useful.
" Nothing of significance since coming to this place, Master, " Legato eventually speaks up, unable to look him in the eye as he mutters.
" I-- have lost the majority of control over my abilities. I don't understand why, or how, or when all of this happened, or why you are even here-- " he begins to ramble, and then pulls in his anxieties. There was no use for that.
" He killed me, master. Your brother. He killed me, and then I was here. I am sorry, I have little else to share. "
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plantfell · 3 months ago
It's hesitant. Both of them haven't exactly been entirely in the right with how they've chosen to handle the past couple of months, and Vash's last 'words' hadn't exactly been all too kind. Still, tentatively, through the aether ( because his is still a coward, all the same, not having gone back to the desert since-- );
Knock knock.
Back home, silence and isolation were so essential to Knives, and now it's been a difficult habit to break. In large part due to a lack of motivation or perhaps perspective. Things had been so bad on No Man's Land, his tentative relationships with everyone and the world of Spirale were a massive improvement. It's only when he feels his brother's voice reaching out to his mind that he's reminded of the state of things. A small flutter of discontent at it tickles his chest, though it's likely to die and be forgotten not long after this conversation.
Who's there?
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plantfell · 5 months ago
There's quite a lot left unsaid in response to the younger plant's appreciation. Largely due to the fact that it was not done for Knives but as the only one considering the consequences of actions. He tries not to stare at the scars or the fidgeting. Any time he does, a little anger flares in his gut and he knows it's a slippery slope of spiraling thoughts about Wolfwood and his choices.
No, all Knives does is give a quiet nod of acknowledgement. As much a statement of accepting it as recognizing the weight of the statement. A sign of respect that he doesn't dwell on it or force the plant to prostrate himself any more than he already has. It's sign enough that the gentle handling of his counterpart has born some fruit as far as trust is concerned.
What he won't let lie is the statement of steps. Or, at least, he wasn't planning on it until the other's attention is drawn away and towards something else. Confused, Knives turns and his eyes settle on the Vash plush. Ah.
There's a pause, then Knives calmly turns back to face the other plant and neatly fold his hands in his lap. "A gift from your brother," He states plainly. "It's an object unique to this world that bares his likeness. When hugged it gives a sense of his emotional state. There was an exchange. Vash has one as well that came in my likeness with similar functions."
"I appreciate your abstention; to let me attend to my matters as I see fit. …Rest assured, it was a very calculated risk, with more than satisfactory results."
If human filth were so keen to steal Vash away from him, to taint and wound him, then Knives was obligated to protect his brother by any means—even if it involved laying his own life down.
The way that Spiralian "death" had been explained was enough to put the option on the table, and worth prioritizing over the easy slaughter of the Punisher. Humans were such emotional creatures, so easy to manipulate. There was no doubt in this being another crucial success toward his larger schemes; now, Vash's loneliness would be harder for him to deny.
Knives' pale fingers haven't stopped idly rubbing at his new all-around neck scar as a result of this: like a choker, thick tissue remained wrapped and gnarled in the same pattern of his knives, despite the clean cut.
It's rare that Knives thought to explain himself to anyone, let alone imply he's in a subordinate position to anyone else, but if it was going to be anyone, who else would it be but this older self?
He's housed him, kept him informed of the ways of this new world, and kept out of his way. At the very least, he's owed respect.
"Just another step toward realizing our…" Trailing off, his legs uncross from his seat, leaning forward to point beyond the other Knives' shoulder. His eyes narrow at a familiar-looking object sitting on a shelf, before returning his squint to his predecessor. It sits besides a pair of novelty Groucho glasses. Bizarre.
"…What is that?"
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plantfell · 5 months ago
Almost immediately after sending the messages, Knives regrets his decision to have Legato come to his location. Not knowing what the human could be doing grates on his nerves. He knows what the man is like and what he's capable of. As well as the fact that the time from which he's pulled is sole determining factor for the severity of what he's capable of.
But… there's also wisdom in having Legato come to him. With his master as his focus, regardless of the era, it should reduce the human's inclination to get distracted by other matters. Having him at the ARK rather than some random district also reduced the potential for harm, should he have any adverse reactions to anything Knives might have to say.
That gets Knives dwelling on the past, present, and future. How much as changed, how much is left to change, and what could potentially be lost. By the time Legato does arrive, Knives is exactly where the human expects to find him.
"Come in." He commands flatly.
Inside, Knives is sitting slumped in a chair, one elbow resting on an arm of the chair, his cheek pressed against a closed fist. His expression as hard as it is distant. Despite all Knives has gone through, he's slipped right back into that cold persona. No doubt looking exactly as Legato last saw him, with the exception of his jet black hair.
"You made it." Knives comments, as his gaze lazily trails over to the blue-haired human. It's unclear to him, even with scrutiny, when the human's from. It could be before his revival or closer to his final moments, given that he's up and walking on his own. Unless, of course, the Stars were kind enough to return that ability to him. Knives tries to see if there's any sign at all. A wrinkle or a scar, but the longer he looks, the more he realizes how little he ever cared to really see his disciple.
"What do you have to report?"
Oh, joyous day.
This happiness is hollow and rattles through him like a derecho through an abandoned building, but it is enough to prompt Legato to crawl out of his apartment for the first time in days; he hardly recalls how he responded to the text message:
[txt] Right away, yes Master Knives.
The directions were simple to parse. His master had always been a no-frills individual, making orders and requests easy to fulfill. It was the route that was rather-- confusing. In the weeks since Legato's arrival to this alien place, he could hardly make any sense of the island's geography. In an almost miraculous divide between one reality and another, Legato finds himself in a much more familiar sort of topography.
Desert sands burn his face as he approaches what looked to be the ARK. But how could that be possible? Legato had learned that for every answer he received on Spirale, two more questions appeared.
And, just as a phantom would abruptly materialize, Legato meanders the halls, his boots creating a faint echo with every connection into the steel flooring.
The joyous sentiment would, unfortunately, be clouded with an irritating anxiety: he suddenly becomes aware of every single little ache and pain in his body, and with that, he recalls the intensity of his master's wrath when he had first disobeyed.
Was Millions Knives going to enact that same wrath, after discovering that he had yet again, made an attempt at Vash the Stampede's life, before he fell, and the other Plant's gun was pressed to his skull?
The cold chill at the back of his neck needed to be ignored. He finally stops in front of doorway leading to where he usually found his master preoccupied with his thoughts-- and he knocks.
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plantfell · 6 months ago
"Regardless of what occurred in our home world, this Ark was deserving of a fresh slate," Knives retorts right back with a flat tone. Despite the tone, the words carry a weight much heavier than is relevant to the conversation at hand. Reflections on the plant himself. Implications about his psyche.
But that's not what this is all about.
"I have little doubt that you will leave this place and make your mistakes. It is in your nature," He continues, giving the human an unimpressed, half-lidded stare. Almost as if he were looking through the man, rather than at him. There's a lot of things that Knives could do to slow Wolfwood down, if not stop him, but, unlike the other man, he's unwilling to accept the consequences any of those things might come with.
"I know, just as you know that killing him will achieve nothing of worth. If we should be so lucky that it does not radicalize my counterpart further, no scales will be balanced. What has been done, has been done. What we know does not speak the same volumes as what we do with that knowledge. I do not have to hasten the inevitable, just because I know it is coming," Knives' gaze shifts back into focus, and he stares down the human in that way like a god perceiving an ant. "Not for his sake, but in consideration of how much the inevitable will hurt Vash without adding my involvement."
Knives calling him Nicholas leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Wolfwood thinks he should punch him (again) for that, but he's not here to hurt this Knives. He rolls his eyes behind his sunglasses, heaving out an exasperated sigh. What a pain in the fucking ass.
Still, shouldn't Knives know that assassins under the Eye are relentless? When they hunt you down, they'll go to any lengths. They won't stop until they find you.
"Funny thing to say about this hunk of scrap metal," he retorts. "How much blood's been spilled here even without me?"
He looks at Knives over his sunglasses and continues, "Whether ya tell me or not, I'm gonna find him. Y'know that, don't ya?"
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plantfell · 6 months ago
"Don't treat me like I'm a fool, Nicholas," Knives scowls. Mostly in regards to the claims that Wolfwood needs to "talk" with the younger plant. He doesn't know what Naï has been up to, to be fair, but whatever it is Knives is certain that anything the human has to "say" to him is more likely to exacerbate the issue than solve it.
"There is a plethora of ways you could speak with him that don't involve strutting up to our home with that ridiculous thing like you're the Big Bad Wolf. You've stained my halls with blood once. I'm not interested in allowing it to become your personal hunting grounds."
"Your doppelganger. Watch yer fuckin' tone, asshole." Wolfwood glances over Knives' shoulder, into the empty corridor behind him, then turns his attention back to the other. They haven't really properly spoken since the wedding, what with Knives' whole penchant for being a recluse. Maybe not the best way to meet up again in over three months.
But Wolfwood doesn't particularly give a shit.
Knives must still think he's an idiot. Wolfwood rolls his jaw. He's not here to fight this one, he's looking for the other one. Whether or not this guy tells him where the other guy is doesn't matter, Wolfwood will find him anyway. Would just be easier to get a better idea.
He's sure the younger Millions Knives is anticipating his arrival, anyway.
"I need to talk to him." They both know that's bullshit. More like he's got a score to settle. "You got any idea what the hell he's been up to? He been talkin' to ya about it? Or do I gotta tell ya?"
Wolfwood curls his fingers tighter around the straps of the Punisher. His molars grind together. The look in his eyes is intense, burning, and he says nothing else. Just waits.
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plantfell · 6 months ago
Something must be in the air with the how many interactions Knives has been forced to endure in the last month. That is to say, he's had to deal with more than zero people coming to his home in the Land of Burnt Umber. How dare others force him to avoid a life as a hermit.
It's with that bratty sense of annoyance that Knives answers the door. Only to have his expression immediately flatten to a tight, but neutral affect when he sees who it is and what he's carrying. Memories of a similar, unaddressed, scene flash through Knives' mind, but he's quick to shove them in the same corner of his mind that he forces away any unpleasant emotions.
"That's a very vague question," Knives hums with a dismissively haughty tone as he leans his shoulder against the door frame, and crosses his arms. "My brother? His doppelganger? Or should I be concerned about one of your shadows yet again?"
Perhaps it's a little more aggressive than their tenuous truce might permit, but Wolfwood crossed the line first by coming to his home with clearly deadly thoughts.
The familiar weight of the Punisher on his back as he moves through the desert heat is an odd comfort. If it weren't for the dried patches of shrubbery and the singular sun he could even pretend he was back on that dry, dying planet.
He cuts the engine of his motorcycle and hops off. With his weapon, there really is no question as to why he's here in the first place. Righteous fury and vengeance and whatnot.
Wolfwood didn't tell anyone where he was going. Hopefully this guy can keep his trap shut. Or his mind. He and Vash have that freaky telepathy shit going on, don't they?
The Ark is a looming, foreboding presence. He never comes out this way, all his trips to Umber have been to visit the younger Stampede and the undertaker. On this island he only has one memory of the Ark, and it isn't pleasant.
As if any of his other memories of the Ark back home are any better.
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When the door opens, Wolfwood peers at Knives over his sunglasses. He puffs out smoke from the corner of his mouth, and without preamble he says:
"Where is he?"
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plantfell · 6 months ago
After the arrival of his doppelganger, Knives felt less inclined to keep track of the names that were added to the contact list with each passing eclipse. He already had one headache to deal with, he needn't burden himself with the responsibility of another one so quickly.
Legato Bluesummers Master Knives. Are you..
When he gets the text, all Knives can do is stare at the notification. Another headache. One that was clearly and more solidly his responsibility. Probably. Given the evidence so far, it seems like roughly a fifty-fifty chance to be one who is his responsibility and one who is his doppelganger's, but even then Knives would still feel like he shares some responsibility.
[txt] I could ask the same of you. [txt] Find your way to me, and do not keep me waiting.
Along with the texts, he sends his location as well as brief instructions on how to get there. Then he sets down his phone and rubs his temples with his pointer and index fingers. Dealing with Legato is going to be a delicate process, and Knives isn't sure what kind of man he'll have to become to deal with it. But, regardless of his feelings, it must be dealt with.
Master, I am sorry.
The blank, white walls of the apartment bedroom surround Legato while he sits on the provided bed. He had made no attempt at personalizing the space, for he was still convinced that this was all a complex delusion before finally falling into the recesses of the afterlife.
I failed.
In this vermin-infested existence, you had given me a second chance, and I failed.
Ah. I had hoped that you would had been the one to kill me. You would had accomplished the task, and gifted me a proper execution. Whatever your brother has done--
I do not know if I am dead, or alive.
Nearly a month had passed since his eyes snapped open in this strange city. Legato had shambled around like a fawn with broken knees, though that was not an unfamiliar sensation for him. Despite what he had learned about the island of Spirale, he felt as though he knew even less about his current predicament.
Through observations of human behavior, Legato had learned that the device he had found on his person was used for communication between two parties. Handling the 'smartphone'-- what an atrociously strange name for it-- was awkward, but it was a necessary function for acclimation into this 'society.'
Today, he switches it on.
" Messages, " Legato says flatly to himself as he opens the inbox. Many nonsensical texts and emails had been sent to the device. Business promotions. A crude 'welcome' message, a pop up video that makes him jump slightly--
And a familiar name of a wicked savior.
There, on the pre-programmed contact list, nudged between different names that he different recognize, was him. Millions Knives.
" . . . "
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He was here? Why?! Had HE failed as well?! Impossible--
The shaky digit presses onto the name, and he is given two options: Voice Call or Message.
Calling his master after such a pathetic display did not seem appropriate. Legato had vivid memories of the last time that he had abruptly reunited with Knives after disappointing him-- he could not shake the sound of every last bone in his body shattering, rattling between his ears. A suitable punishment for his insolence.
A 'message' seemed more apt.
One single sentence is sent out:
[TXT]: Master Knives. Are you compromised?
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plantfell · 7 months ago
He comes and goes as he pleases. Were it that I was more overbearing, it would cause more problems than not. We're dangerous, yes, but, like all fresh arrivals, there is only so much he's capable of. Knives counters.
Though, he does realize that there is more harm that can be done than just physical injuries, it's yet to become particularly meaningful to him. He's closer to recognizing it, but admittedly he tries not to use his imagination too much when it comes to his counterpart. It comes too close to fantasizing about what he can do to others.
★ --;; Vash's mouth draws into a thin line. Of course there's reason to worry, he thinks-- though he keeps it tucked away to himself. Part of him wants to take Knives by the shoulders and shake him, too, because had the past century and a half not been proof enough of what the both of them were capable of? He may not have the entire story from the other set's point of view, not with he way his counterpart is just as cagey as he knows he can be in turn, but he knows enough to know that he definitely does have reason enough to worry.
Have you seen him often, lately? he asks. Vash knows he's toeing a line here, uneasy about what all of this might mean for their own relationship, but there are only so many places to garner information from. I don't care all that much if he tries to bother me- which, despite how agitated it might make others, is at least the truth from him- but. I don't know what he might want from him. That's what I'm worried about.
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plantfell · 7 months ago
There's a part of Knives that knows it's a lie. It's too quick. Too short. A quick dismissal that tries not to dwell long enough to lead to other questions. With just one word it begs to move on, and Knives is content to oblige. That part of him also worried how he might react to any other answer or elaboration. He's gotten so good at controlling his anger, but how much of that is merely an illusion brought on by his self-isolation?
You have no need to worry about him, Vash. Knives reassures flatly. He's under my care, here at the Ark. It seemed safer than letting him fester in the housing provided by the Stars. Better for his unwitting roommates, if nothing else.
Of course, that says nothing of how safe the Stampede actually is. Nor of what's being done to stop him from doing harm to anyone else when he's outside of the older Plant's supervision.
★ --;; No.
The lie is instant, easy, one that's become so second nature at this point that Vash hardly even registers he'd 'said' it until it's already been sent. His brother doesn't need to know about the glass that had cut into the soft flesh beneath his eyes, that had gotten stuck beneath the lid. Any reaction that could have come from that bit of knowledge couldn't be a good one-- he hadn't even liked letting Wolfwood know, forced to ask for help as he had been.
But. Well. I'm worried about the little guy. Surely there's to be some understanding there, unspoken; prying at old wounds directly stings far worse than simply alluding to them, after all-- but poorly healed scars hurt with an intensity far less than that of fresh ones, and with the years and experience that separate them the two sets of twins are nothing if not on opposing ends of the scales.
Those posters didn't show up until he did, y'know. And it's not as if all the stuff that happened last year s'old news.
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