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plantahouse-buildatree · 1 month ago
White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit!
On the first day of the month, uttering the phrase "white rabbit" three times carries a sense of mystical, mysterious resonance, invoking a connection to the ethereal realms. Like a whispered incantation, the repetition of these words is thought to open portals to hidden worlds and unseen energies, as well as inviting synchronicity and guidance to our lives. In folklore, the white rabbit is a symbol of luck, magick, and transformation, leading those who follow into unexpected adventure and realms of wonder.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 3 months ago
Types of Divination
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A means of divination through the interpretation of atmospheric phenomena such as cloud formations, wind currents, rain, fog, lightning, thunder, cosmological events, and positions favorable or unfavorable to the planet.
A form of divination where you use cards to get the answer to your questions. There are different forms of cartomancy like playing cards, tarot, lenormand and oracle cards.
Or bone throwing. It's an ancient form of divination used by many cultures. This method consist of throwing the bones and then interpret the results and pattern.
This method consist of observing the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or situation.
Scrying is divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or reflective object and it's often done by crystal ball gazing, fire scrying, water scrying, mirror scrying, etc.
This type of divination interpret movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, and how they influence us. Astrology gives an understanding of situations in our lives, based on our individual astrological birth chart.
Also known as stone divination, is a form of divination that uses stones or crystals to gain insight into an individual’s future or to provide guidance on a specific issue.
Necromancy is divination through communication with the dead. In this method the practitioner summons or communicate with spirits of the dead in order to gain wisdom.
The practice of reading the flames and wax of a candle. The candle is lit and the flame examined for clues to the mood and energy surrounding the situation and then the wax is allowed to drip into a bowl of cold water or sometimes onto a piece of paper. The practitioner examines the shapes formed by the melted wax and makes predictions based on his or her interpretation of the shapes.
Is a method of divination where you read pattern and symbols from tea leaves or coffee grounds sediments.
Arithmancy is known as divination using numbers, while numerology is divination through using dates and words turned to numbers. Numerology doesn't require any psychic abilities, instead the method use calculations involving name and birth date numbers.
Palmistry is also referred to as palm reading and is divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand. It is common to read the dominant hand as a characterization and also predicting the future.
is the divination by randomly chosen passages in books, often religious books or Grimoires. This method consist of picking a random passage from a book to answer a question.
is a form of divination using sea shells. Placing a seashell on your ear and analyzing the sound counts as Conchomancy. You can also use seashells in Casting divination.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 3 months ago
Augury: Bird Divination
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Augury, also called ornithomancy, is the practice of reading birds and their behavior to divinate the past, present, and future. It is one of the oldest forms of divination, having been practiced by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, as well as the Celts and Native Americans alike. The reader in this case is referred to as the "augur", and reading the birds is often called "taking the auspices".
Birds are universally seen as messengers and sometimes, as psychopomps, connecting us to the other side and the divine. Augury incorporates the type of bird, the number of birds, as well as their flight patterns and behavior. One can gain powerful insight by incorporating this divination into their practice. Here's the interpretations for general types of bird, some basic movements, and more.
Bird type symbolism:
• Blue jay - Truth, communication, playful, high energy, loud
• Cardinal - Hope, joy, ancestors, loved ones, passion, warmth
• Crow - Magick, witches, transformation, power, omens, intelligence, mystery
• Dove - Peace, tranquility, love, connection, safety
• Duck - Friendship, good fortune, protection from negative energy
• Eagle - Power, leadership, freedom, manifestation, opportunity, adventure
• Falcon - Navigation, taking chances, travel, cooperation, courage, vigilance
• Goose - Love, partnership, home, protection, family
• Hawk - Spirit guides, bravery, awareness, intuition, instinct, higher perspective
• Heron - Strength, purity, longevity, knowledge, good judgment, transcendence, patience
• Hummingbird - The Fae, creativity, bliss, love, beauty, speed, rest is needed
• Kestrel - Consideration, stability, vitality, opportunities
• Owl - The gods, wisdom intuition, spiritual exploration, the unknown, observation, intelligence
• Raven - Mystery, magick, the Fae, knowledge, mischief, death
• Robin - Luck, prosperity, fertility, new beginnings, good things, rewards
• Sparrow - New love, relationships, team work, productivity
• Starling - Communication, adaptability, community, fun, freedom
• Stork - Longevity, fertility, new life, prosperity, wisdom, luck
• Swan - Grace, beauty, music, poetry, creativity, loyalty, partnership
• Vulture - Renewal, perception, creativity, death, patience
• Woodpecker - Hard work, advantage attention, progress, determination
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• Towards – Reception
• Away – Depletion
Crossing your path:
• An bird crossing your paths means boundaries.
• Crossing from left to right – Minor achievement
• Crossing from right to left – Minor obstacle
• A movement diagonally means transformation.
• Lower right to upper left diagonal – Weak obstacle
• Lower left to upper right diagonal – Weak achievement
• Upper right to lower left diagonal – Major obstacle
• Upper left to lower right diagonal – Major achievement
• Stationary means foundation.
• Stationary front – Stability
• Stationary back – Stagnation
• Stationary left – Separation
• Stationary right – Unification
• Clockwise – Major completion
• Counterclockwise – Minor completion
• Left - Bad
• Right - Good
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Number of Birds:
• 1 - The self, beginnings, manifestation, physical action
• 2 - Security, partnership, balance, duality
• 3 - Adventure, communication, trinity, raising consciousness, strength
• 4 - Wisdom, stability, home, protection
• 5 - Change, creativity, romance, humor and drama
• 6 - Peace, self-love, equilibrium, health
• 7 - Psychic ability, intuition, spiritual awakening, soul mates
• 8 - Transformation, finances, infinite possibility, struggle/delay
• 9 - Lessons, education, courage, pioneering energy
• 10 - Completion, higher powers, alignment, legacy
• 11 - Good luck, wishes granted, new friends, joy
• 12 - Introspection, other realms, the dead, the shadow
Finding feathers:
• Gray – A time of peace is arriving
• White – Focus on your spirituality
• Black – You are protected
• Brown – Strength and courage
• Red – Find and use your spiritual gifts
• Orange – You will be successful
• Yellow – You are on the right path
• Green – Healing is coming
• Blue – Use your voice
• Purple – Expand your psychic abilities
• Pink – Love, romance, or pregnancy
• Striped – Change will happen soon
• Spotted – Release the past
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plantahouse-buildatree · 6 months ago
2024 Witch's Calendar
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11th: New Moon
25th: Full Moon (Cold Moon)
2nd: Imbolc
9th: New Moon
24th: Full Moon (Quickening Moon)
10th: New Moon
19th: Ostara / Spring Equinox
25th: Full Moon (Storm Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
1st: Mercury Retrograde
8th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
22nd: Earth Day
23rd: Full Moon (Wind Moon)
25th: Mercury Direct
1st: Beltane/May Day
7th: New Moon
23rd: Full Moon (Flower Moon)
6th: New Moon
20th: Litha / Summer Solstice
21st: Full Moon (Strong Sun Moon)
2nd: New Moon
21st: Full Moon (Blessing Moon)
1st: Lammas/Lughnasadh
4th: New Moon
5th: Mercury Retrograde
19th: Full Moon (Corn Moon)
28th: Mercury Direct
2nd: New Moon
17th: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
22nd: Mabon / Fall Equinox
2nd: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
17th: Full Moon (Blood Moon)
31st: Samhain
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Mourning Moon)
25th: Mercury Retrograde
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Long Nights Moon) / Mercury Direct
21st: Yule / Winter Solstice
30th: New Moon
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plantahouse-buildatree · 7 months ago
Things that'll happen to you after seeing this post|future read
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Someone will stab you in the back or a relationship is coming to an end
You will visit a pond see ducks and see a man fishing ( i pulled a card with this image as well)
An argument is coming don't react stay unbothered
A road will be getting worked on i see a road block
A spider will be crawling near you
Kids birthday party at a restaurant I do see chuck e cheese but this can be anywhere
There will be movement a job will call you or you'll be approved for something you've waited on
You will see a an homeless person give them cash
You will lose something that could be a job cash etc something will be lost
You'll gain recognition for something
Something will be solved that you found hard at first
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plantahouse-buildatree · 8 months ago
Types of Divination
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A means of divination through the interpretation of atmospheric phenomena such as cloud formations, wind currents, rain, fog, lightning, thunder, cosmological events, and positions favorable or unfavorable to the planet.
A form of divination where you use cards to get the answer to your questions. There are different forms of cartomancy like playing cards, tarot, lenormand and oracle cards.
Or bone throwing. It's an ancient form of divination used by many cultures. This method consist of throwing the bones and then interpret the results and pattern.
This method consist of observing the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or situation.
Scrying is divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or reflective object and it's often done by crystal ball gazing, fire scrying, water scrying, mirror scrying, etc.
This type of divination interpret movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, and how they influence us. Astrology gives an understanding of situations in our lives, based on our individual astrological birth chart.
Also known as stone divination, is a form of divination that uses stones or crystals to gain insight into an individual’s future or to provide guidance on a specific issue.
Necromancy is divination through communication with the dead. In this method the practitioner summons or communicate with spirits of the dead in order to gain wisdom.
The practice of reading the flames and wax of a candle. The candle is lit and the flame examined for clues to the mood and energy surrounding the situation and then the wax is allowed to drip into a bowl of cold water or sometimes onto a piece of paper. The practitioner examines the shapes formed by the melted wax and makes predictions based on his or her interpretation of the shapes.
Is a method of divination where you read pattern and symbols from tea leaves or coffee grounds sediments.
Arithmancy is known as divination using numbers, while numerology is divination through using dates and words turned to numbers. Numerology doesn't require any psychic abilities, instead the method use calculations involving name and birth date numbers.
Palmistry is also referred to as palm reading and is divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand. It is common to read the dominant hand as a characterization and also predicting the future.
is the divination by randomly chosen passages in books, often religious books or Grimoires. This method consist of picking a random passage from a book to answer a question.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 8 months ago
Different types of water and their magickal uses:
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Sea water: good for curse/hex breaking, cleansing, healing, banishing and protection spells.
Dew water: beauty, love and fertility spells, as well as delicate magick. Also Good for Fae work.
Storm water: is great for spells and rituals that has to do with emotional strength, confidence, charge, motivation and force. It’s known for strengthening spells. Also good for curses.
Snow water: Spells and rituals that focus on purity, endings and change, as well as slow working spells.
River water: Good for creating changes, moving on and letting go of negativity, warding and focusing energy.
Rain water: Very multi-purpose, but specifically great for growth and rebirth spells. Great for spells that you want to keep gaining power over time.
Spring water: Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity
Moon water: Depending on the moon phase it was created in, it can have different properties.
Sun Water: protection, healing, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing and creativity.
Swamp Water: Used for banishing and binding.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 8 months ago
May 2024 witch guide
Full moon: May 23rd
New moon: May 7th
Sabbats: Beltane-May1st
May Flower Moon
Known as: Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Merry Moon, Moon of the Shedding Ponies, Planting Moon, Sproutkale, Thrimilcmonath & Winnemanoth
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini
Nature spirits: Elves & Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Cernunnos, Diana, Frigga, Flora, Horned God, Kali, Maia, Pan, Priapus & Venus
Animals: Cat, leopard & lynx
Birds: Dove, Swallow & Swan
Trees: Hawthorne & rowan
Herbs: Cinnamon, dittany of Crete, Elder, mint, mugwort & thyme
Flowers: Foxglove, lily of the valley & rose
Scents: Rose & sandalwood
Stones: Amber, Apache tear, carnelian, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline & tsavorite
Colors: Brown, green, orange, pink & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, creative energy, faerie & spirit contact, fertility, intuition, love, marriage, material gains, money, propagation, prosperity, real-estate dealings, relationships & tenacity
May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!
• “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
May’s Moon was also referred to as the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name. Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) over a period of time; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
Known as: Beltaine, May day, Roodmas & Cethsamhain
Season: Spring
Symbols: Eggs, faeries, fire, flowers & maypoles
Colors: Blue, dark yellow, green, light pink, orange, red, white yellow & rainbow spectrum
Oils/Incense: Frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, tuberose & vanilla
Animals: Bee, cattle, goat & rabbit
Mythical: Faeries
Stones: Bloodstone, emerald, lapis lazuli, orange carnelian, rose quartz & sapphire
Food: Beltane cakes, cherries, dairy foods, farls, green herbal salads, honey, meade, nuts, oat cakes, oats, strawberries & sweets
Herbs/Plants: Almond, ash tree, birch, bramble, cinquefoil, damiana, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, meadowsweet, mushroom, rosemary, saffron, satyrion root, St.John's wort & woodruff
Flowers: Angelica, bluebell, daisy, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lilac, marigold, primrose, rose, rose hips & yellow cowslips
Trees: Ash, cedar, elder, fir, hawthorn, juniper, linden, mesquite, oak, pine, poplar, rowan & willow
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Areil, Artemis, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Dôn, Eiru, Elen, Eostre, Fand, Flidais, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Maia, Niwalen, Rhea, Rhiannon, Var, Venus & Xochiquetzal
Gods: Baal, Bacchnalia, Balder, Belanos, Belenus, Beli, Beltene, Cernunnos, Cupid, Faunus, Freyr, Grannus, The Green Man, Lares, Lugh, Manawyddan, Odin, Pan, Puck & Taranis
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, creativity, fertility, lust, marriage, the otherworld/Underworld, pleasure, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, visions, warmth & youth
Spellwork: Birth, Earth magick, healing, health & pregnancy
• Create a daisy chain or floral decorations
• Decorate & dance around a Maypole
• Set up an outdoor altar & leave offerings to faeries
• Prepare a ritual bath with fresh flowers
• Light a bonfire or candles & dance around them
• Set aside time for self care
• Gather flowers & use them to decorate your home or altar
• Prepare a feast to celebrate with friends/family
• Make flower crowns
• Bake bannocks, oat cakes or cookies
• Hang wreaths decorated with ribbons & flowers
• Plant flowers in your garden
• Start a wish book/box/journal
• Go on a walk & gice thanks to nature⁸
• Cast fertility or a bunch spells
• Fill small baskets of flowers & small goodies, then leave them on your friends/neighbors doorstep as a gesture of goodwill & friendship
Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Also known as Cétshamhain ('first of summer'), it marked the beginning of summer & was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect cattle, people & crops, and to encourage growth. (Today, Witches who observe the Wheel of the Year celebrate Beltane as the height of Spring.)
Special bonfires were kindled, whose flames, smoke & ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around or between bonfires & sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused & then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire.
These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and livestock would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire.
In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: typically a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers, ribbons, bright shells & rushlights. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty & maintain youthfulness.
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite from Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was seen as a time when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our beloved dead, here at Beltane it’s the veil between the human world, and the world of faeries & nature spirits that has grown thin. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, the wells and in other sacred places in an effort to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season.
Some believe this is when The Goddess is now the Mother & the God is seen as the Green Man or the wild stag. It celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess & God & heralds in the coming summer months. It represents life rather than Samhain on the opposite side of the Wheel of the Year.
Other Celebrations:
• Rosealia- May 23rd
Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses celebrated on various dates, primarily in May, but scattered through mid-July. The observance is sometimes called a rosatio ("rose-adornment") or the dies rosationis, "day of rose-adornment," & could be celebrated also with violets. As a commemoration of the dead, the rosatio developed from the custom of placing flowers at burial sites. It was among the extensive private religious practices by means of which the Romans cared for their dead, reflecting the value placed on tradition (mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors"), family lineage & memorials ranging from simple inscriptions to grand public works. Several dates on the Roman calendar were set aside as public holidays or memorial days devoted to the dead.
Roses had funerary significance in Greece, but were particularly associated with death & entombment among the Romans. In Greece, roses appear on funerary steles  & in epitaphs most often of girls. Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth &memory, with the red & purple of roses & violets felt to evoke the color of blood as a form of propitiation
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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plantahouse-buildatree · 8 months ago
🌟 Types of Divination 🌟
🃏 Tarot Reading: Ah, the classic! Shuffle those cards, lay 'em out, and let the symbols tell your story. It's like a psychic storytime with beautifully illustrated cards.
🔮 Crystal Ball Gazing: Channel your inner fortune teller and gaze into the shimmering depths of a crystal ball. See visions, symbols, or just a really fancy paperweight – your call!
☕ Tea Leaf Reading: Sip your cuppa, but don't toss those leaves! The way they settle in your cup can unveil the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to decipher some leafy hieroglyphics.
🖐️ Palmistry (Chiromancy): Study the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palm. Each crease tells a story about your life path, personality, and potential. It's like reading a roadmap to your destiny right on your hand!
🕊️ Feather Divination: Feathers are more than just fashionable accessories for birds! They can carry messages from the spirit world. Find one, meditate on it, and decode its wisdom.
🌀 Runes Casting: Norse warriors used them, and now you can too! Grab some ancient runestones, cast them, and let the runic symbols weave tales of your destiny.
🕯️ Candle Scrying: Light a candle, focus on the flame, and let your visions come to life within the flickering glow.
🌿 Pendulum Magic: Swing that pendulum and ask it some yes-or-no questions. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and always keep your hand still to allow the energy to truly answer you questions.
🌗 Numerology: Numbers, man! They're everywhere, and they've got a lot to say. Discover your life path, destiny, and soul numbers.
🔍 Scrying Mirrors: Stare into the abyss... or, well, a special mirror! Gaze deep, and let the answers reveal themselves.
🌊 Water Scrying: Gaze into the reflective surface of water – be it a pond, a lake, or even a scrying bowl. Watch as ripples reveal the unseen.
🐚 Shell Divination: Channel your inner mermaid! Listen to the whispers of seashells and let them reveal their secrets. You can also collect a handful of different shells and cast them. Their placement, pattern, etc, can reveal important details!
🗝️ Key Casting (Cleidomancy): Gather a collection of old keys, close your eyes, and toss them onto a cloth. The position and arrangement of the keys will unveil symbolic messages or answers to your questions. It's like unlocking the secrets of the cosmos, one key at a time.
🎶 Music Divination (Alectryomancy): Play some tunes and let the lyrics, melodies, or even random song selections speak to you. The songs that resonate can offer messages or insights about your current situation. Let the music be your mystical DJ!
With this ever-growing list of divination methods, you'll have a magical tool for every occasion. Trust your intuition and let your inner seeker explore the mystical world of divination. Happy divining, cosmic explorers! 🔮🌠
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plantahouse-buildatree · 8 months ago
2024 Witches' Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2024 dates for the solstices, quarter days, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom.
Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed and check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what special events will be visible in your area. Enjoy!
Solstices, Harvests, and Quarter Days
February 1-2 - Imbolc / Candlemas
March 19 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
April 30-May 1 - Beltane / May Day
June 20 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer / Litha
August 1 - Lughnasadh / Lammas / Summer Harvest
September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon / Fall Harvest
October 31 - Samhain / Halloween / Final Harvest
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 25 - Wolf Moon ♌
February 24 - Snow Moon ♍
March 25 - Worm Moon ♎
April 23 - Pink Moon ♏
May 23 - Flower Moon ♐
June 21 - Strawberry Moon ♑
July 21 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 19 - Sturgeon Moon* ♒
September 17 - Harvest Moon* ♓
October 17 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon)* ♈
November 15 - Frost Moon (or Beaver Moon)* ♉
December 15 - Cold Moon ♊
*- Supermoon
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. Once again this year, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 11 ♑
February 9 ♒
March 10 ♓
April 8 ♈
May 7 ♉
June 6 ♊
July 5 ♋
August 4 ♌
September 2 ♍
October 2 ♎
November 1 ♏
December 1 ♐
December 30 (black moon) ♑
Special Celestial Events
January 3-4 - Quadrantids meteor shower peak
March 25 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
April 8 - Total solar eclipse
April 22-23 - Lyrids meteor shower peak
May 6-7 - Eta Aquarids meteor shower peak
August 11-13 - Perseids meteor shower peak
August 19 - Sturgeon Supermoon / Seasonal Blue Moon
September 17 - Harvest Supermoon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 2 - "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse
October 17 - Hunter's Supermoon
October 21-22 - Orionids meteor shower peak
November 15 - Frost Supermoon
November 16-17 - Leonids meteor shower peak
December 13-14 - Geminids meteor shower peak
December 30 - Black Moon
(Check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what will be visible in your area!)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
April 1 - April 24
August 4 - August 27
November 25 - December 15
Happy Witching!
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Full Moonology - 2024 Full Moon Calendar
AstroStyle - All the 2024 Full Moons
Your Zodiac Sign - Astrology Calendar 2024
Old Farmer's Almanac - Mercury Retrograde Dates 2023-2024
Lonely Planet - Best Star-gazing Events of 2024
Sea and Sky - Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events 2024
DarkSky International - Dark Sky Placefinder for Stargazing
Pagan Grimoire - Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar (2024 Edition)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Mercury is stationed direct on Jan 1st, 2024. The source I used which stated it was in retrograde until the 18th had a typo.
EDIT: Fixed the zodiac signs for the full moons using a new source.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 9 months ago
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Full Moons 2023
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plantahouse-buildatree · 9 months ago
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plantahouse-buildatree · 10 months ago
Water Energies
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Moon Water
It could energize crystals
Perfect for a magical bath
For bless yourself, your home or magical tools
Spring Water
Good for Fae work
Excellent for abundance
Used in love or fertility spell
Used in subtle magick
Snow Water
Recommended for spells that focus on purity endings and change
For slow working spells
Rain Water
Excellent for growth and rebirth spells
Good for spells that you want to keep gaining power over time
River Water
Recommended for rituals and spells that has to do with moving on.
Focusing energy
Breaking through rough times
Good for activating tools
Ocean Water
Good for cleansing
Used for protection rituals and spells
Cleansing crystals
Thunderstorm Water
Add a magical boost to any work
Good for spells and rituals that has to do with emotional strengthening, confidence and motivation
Virtuous for hexes and curses
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plantahouse-buildatree · 10 months ago
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Resources: Continental Heathenry / German Folk Practice
A scrabbled-together quick list of resources I like for anyone interested in german folk magic & continental heathenry. This is not Norse paganism. While the Germanic tribes and regions overlapped, 'Germanic' is a language family and not one monolithic culture. Continental Germanic practices are an overlooked and undersung path in neopaganism but hopefully we can change that.
--vetted sources! no frith with facists--
German Folkwitchery - Down Holle's Well (podcast) (spotify link)
A Hearth Witch (yt) (linktree)
HexMarie (tiktok) (linktree) (tweeter)
De Spökenkieker (yt)
Nordic Animism (yt) (Norse, but great content and many concepts apply to any Germanic practice)
Ella Harrison (yt) (Wiccan -> German folk witch)
Map: Gods of Gaul and Britain
Map: Pagan European Gods (make sure to check and uncheck the boxes)
Frau Holle, or Holda by @ivy-kissobryos (honestly one of the best Holda posts I've found)
Holda's Shrine
Who is Frau Holle?
Berchta: Ancient Alpine Goddess of Women, Children, and the Perchten (cannot vouch for blog but good intro by someone who works with Berchta)
The Matronae
Donar (jackson crawford, yt link)
Wodan (jackson crawford, yt link)
(My fav resources on Donar and Wodan from a practitioner perspective are from A Hearth Witch's patreon so I will not be sharing her content, I unfortunately can't find excellent free webpage resources)
Nerthus (good post for historical pagan info)
Nerthus (cannot vouch for the blog but another post)
Hearth Cult Guide (The Longship)
General Resources
The Longship: A Beginner's Guide to Heathenry
Gaulish Polytheism
Sidjus Reidarje Sauilis: A Tradition of Gothic Heathenry
Nemeton Eluêtion (Helvetii Tribe of Gaul and the Ancient Swiss People)
Map: German Folklore
Map: Pagan Sites in Germany and the Netherlands
What Is Rauhnact
No Frith With Facists: DNI List
This is in no way an all-inclusive list. This is a collection of online resources I'm aware of and have been learning from. I am not an authority.
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plantahouse-buildatree · 2 years ago
psychic witch by mat Auryn
Secret teaching of all ages encyclopedia of esoteric teaching
weave the liminal by Laura tempest zakroff
six ways by aidan wachter
the grek magical papyri in translation edited by dieter betz
the complete grimoire by lidia pradas
witchery by juliat diaz
spells for change by frankie castanea
celtic witchcraft by mabh savage
the althlone hiatory of witchcraft and magic in europe
the spell book for new witches by ambrosia hawthorn
kate freuler of blood and bones by mat Auryn
the kitchen witch's spell book by cerridwen greenleaf
love spells by anastasia greywolf
encyclopedia of magic herbs by scott Cunningham
guided tarot by stefanie caponi
the witch's journal by selene silverwind
the casting of spells by Christopher penczak
sacred essential oils edited by claire waite brown
the crystal bible by judy hall
the magical household by scott Cunningham
wicca in the kitchen by scott Cunningham
the house witch by arin Murphy-Hiscock
the heart witch's compendium by anna franklin
the heart witch's kitchen herbal by anna franklin
a spell book for the season
the complete illustrated book of herbs
italian folk magic by mary grace fahrun
the complete illustrated guide to palmistry by peter west
apractical step by step guide to herbs for the home and garden by Shirley reid
top 50 edible plants for pots by angie thomas
the mystical magical marvelous world of DREAMS by wilda b. tanner
the eclectic witch's book of shadows by deborah blake
plant witchery by Juliet diaz
the witch at thd forest's edge
subtle energy by keith miller
protection&reversal magick by jason miller
curses,hexes&crossing by S. connolly
modern witch by devin hunter
the complete book of incense,oils&brews by scott Cunningham
encyclopedia of 5000 spells by judika illes
the good witch's journal by selene silverwind
inner magic a guide to witchcraft
spell crafting by arin Murphy
the green witch by arin murphy
moon magic by diane ahlquist
protection magick by cassandra eason
the little big book by ileana abrev
herbal remedies by andrew chevallier
witchcraft for healing by patti wigington
complete book of correspondences by sandra kynes
poppet magick by silver davenwolf
earth medicine by kenneth meadows
earth power by scott Cunningham
a century of spells by draja mickaharic
positive magic by marion Weinstein
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plantahouse-buildatree · 2 years ago
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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plantahouse-buildatree · 2 years ago
Walnut spell for healing, peace, and growth
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I created this spell for a loved one who is dealing with some trauma.
I wrote it several months back after cracking a walnut into two perfect halves. I knew I wanted to use it in a spell.
*Note that this not intended to be a replacement for the therapy or medication needed. I’m just adding in some of my own magic and energy to aid in their journey.
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