planetseph · 1 day
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planetseph · 3 days
black lesbians brainrot.
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- this post was made by a minor, mdni accs dni!
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planetseph · 6 days
dear black femmes,
you DO look femme enough, your allowed to be hyper feminine and want to get your nails or wear makeup 24/7, your allowed to be angry and mean! your allowed to call out the disrespect you face as a BLACK women first! your allowed to feel however you think you should, your allowed to react how ever you want, your allowed to be loud, laugh loud and love loud! your allowed to embrace all the parts of you that society forced you to hate. you deserve to crave love and happiness just like any other femme! 🤎
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planetseph · 6 days
love a black fem today love a black fem tomorrow LOVE A BLACK FEM FOREVER
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planetseph · 9 days
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Remember Khaliifah Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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planetseph · 2 months
it’s only “let platonic relationships stay platonic” when it’s a couple that a black girl is the object of the white man’s affection. just another way racist can claim they aren’t racist. cause all white ships have the same exact bulid up and yall say nothing. miss us with that bs.
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planetseph · 2 months
I currently have 700+ followers. And I will urge all of you to read about what is happening in Bangladesh. What has happened in Bangladesh. I am adding irrelevant tags of the fandoms I follow to garner more attention. I apologize in advance.
The government of Bangladesh killed 950+ people, innocent people, students, all because they demanded a system that will give them government jobs based on merit rather than quota. To suppress the students Sheikh Hasina and its government imposed 5 days of total internet blackout. While imposing this blackout they killed off anyone of the streets. They killed people from helicopters by shooting and throwing grenades. Many kids died in their own homes as the bullet shot them through their window.
Sheikh Hasina and its police took away all the dead bodies and the death registries from the hospital. The official death toll is only 200.
That monster of a PM didn't acknowledge the death of the students. Instead she is crying over the infrastructure vandalism. I request you,rise up and speak out about this. Educate yourself and let other people know. The internet blackout have suppressed the truth at large. The Bangladeshi people are in deep surveillance and the government have made 2000+ arrests on false charges just because they have shared the Information. There is mass fear mongering. I know most of you people are not Bangladeshis and that's why you need to help us and speak up about it. Join your local protests, share the news in your social media, twitter Instagram. I beg you, don't let my people's murderers get away with it. Don't let my people's death be forgotten.
I am attaching some links for you to understand the horror of it all.
This Facebook page Bringing justice to you has documented all the horrors and the massacres that happened on Bangladeshi people. TW : all kinds of blood, gore, death bodies, every single horrible things imaginable but shows what went down.
This ig page is also another page that brings you the horror stories.
Al-Jazeera has been a very credible news source while the Bangladesh was under blackout. They have made several segments. I am attaching the latest one.
UN Human Rights have called out Bangladesh for explanation regarding the crackdown
Amnesty International's report of Bangladesh government using lethal weapon against its people and mass murder
There are many more contents, proof and videos to show you the horrors that was unfolded in the crackdown. Sheikh Hasina killed her people like insects and violated every single human rights imaginable. Please share these. Support us. Help us. I beg you all.
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planetseph · 2 months
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planetseph · 2 months
I will never not believe in BLM. Sure, the movement has become fraudulent as hell but for most black people, this shit is a way of life. This is OUR LIFE. Ain’t no movement or the way people feel about it gone ever make me change how I feel about black lives. Its more than a movement, it’s more than a fucking statement.
I am a black woman. My daughters are and will grow up to be black women. My mother, my grandmothers, aunts and uncles are black people. And their lives matter.
Sonya Massey’s life, fucking mattered! And they shot her in her own fucking home!
Say her name!
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planetseph · 2 months
sonya massey was killed in her own home.
she called the police for help, and they killed her over her pot of water and her trying to banish evil spirits from her home (there was a intruder suspected)
she apologized, and they shot her.
“she had boiling water” that doesnt mean sean grayson should have killed her.
sonya massey.
sonya massey.
sonya massey.
sonya massey.
we black women cant even be okay in our own home, who are we supposed to call now?
police officers are supposed to protect and serve the public. but they only protect themselves.
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planetseph · 3 months
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VIA Palestinian Youth Movement
Walid Daqqah left the world today due to medical neglect by Occupation Forces in Israeli prison 7/4/2024
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planetseph · 3 months
inside your love
III. Drunk In Love
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plot: It’s 2024 in Gotham City, NJ. Bruce Wayne is a college student (for no real reason but Alfred insisted he get out of the house during the day for once). (Y/N) (L/N) is a somewhat stable college student with a whole bunch of personality. These two might change each other’s lives.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x black!reader
words: 1.5k
cw: this chapter deals with roofing, its not too explicit but its there so if you're uncomfortable with that please don't read!!
a/n: aaaaand here's chaper 3 yall!! i hope yall enjoy 😊
Gotham City is a dirty, dirty town and that only becomes more obvious to (y/n) as she trudges through the nasty streets in her heels. What provoked her to wear heels in Gotham City? She’ll never know, but she hopes that tonight will at least be worth the pain. In Gotham City, the nightlife is tightly intertwined with the underworld. If you go to a club, it’s almost a given you’ll either see a mafia member or the club will end up being owned by one. The Iceberg Lounge is no different. It’s owned by Oswald Cobblepot, and if you know anything about anything, you’ll know he’s got his feet planted deep underground. 
“Girl, can you put some pep in your step and hurry it up? I’m trying to get in line before it gets long.” Autumn yells to (y/n) who’s struggling to get to the club in her poorly chosen heels. 
“I’m coming girl, I’m coming.” She runs up to Autumn, breathing a bit harder than usual. 
“Girl, breathe and get ready because I’m trying to be on the dance floor alllllll nighttttt. We ain’t got no work tomorrow and no school tomorrow, so we got a whole day to think about the poor decisions we’ll make tonight.”
“You ain’t wrong girl, but don’t overdo it. This place gives me the creeps, seriously.” 
“I won’t, I won’t.” She reassures her. They move up in line and soon enough they make it inside. 
The music is booming, the bodies are dancing, and the substances are being spread throughout the establishment. As they walk in, they can see the bar, which surprisingly has more young guys than old men trying to hit on young girls, and they can see the array of alcohol right at their fingertips. It was no secret that Cobblepot was rich, but this was a whole new level for them. This place was like the Ritz but in club form. 
“Let’s hit the bar first, I wanna get me a drink.” Autumn yells to (y/n), trying to speak over the music. (y/n) nods and they make their way over. 
As they approach the bar, a man eyes (y/n) and they briefly make eye contact. She, however, looks away before she can look deeper into what his stare might mean. 
“Hey, let us get two shots please.” Autumn says in the sweetest voice possible (obviously a ploy to get the shots at a cheaper price). The bartender moves fast and makes their shots, which they down quickly trying to get the alcohol into their system. They talk and hype each other up for a night of flirting and dancing. As they speak, a man approaches them. 
“Excuse me.” He says politely. 
They look at each other and then back at him. 
“Yes?” They speak at the same time like a set of twins. 
“I was wondering if I could maybe dance with you if that’s alright miss…?” He points to Autumn. 
“Oh uh Autumn, Autumn’s my name. I wouldn’t mind a dance if that’s alright with you (y/n)...?”
“Girl, go ahead, I’ll be fine.” (y/n) smiles at her friend trying to reassure her. Autumn nods and takes the man’s hand as he leads her to the dance floor. 
(y/n) sits at the bar and silently watches her friend as she dances with the man. It’s nice to finally have a night to themselves, especially as junior year is kicking their asses. As she watches, a man slides into the chair next to her. It was the same man she saw earlier. 
“Uh, a gin and tonic please.” He orders. He hasn’t addressed her yet, so maybe he’s just here for his drink, at least that’s what (y/n) tries to think. He receives his beverage and sips it quietly until he says:
“So what’s a lovely lady like you doing at the bar? Someone should’ve swooped you to the dance floor by now.” He chuckles. 
She looks around for a second making sure he's talking to her. She points to herself. 
“Yeah you, miss…?”
“...You’re a woman of few words aren’t you?” He watches her.
“I mean I wouldn’t consider myself that, but you haven’t asked me anything that I feel I would need to expand on.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He takes another sip. “I’m James, I’m new to town, just moved here from Bludhaven.” He holds his hand out for a handshake. 
She shakes his hand tentatively. “Bludhaven? Why’d you move here then?” 
“Ah, work, you know higher pay.”
“And lower chance at survival.” She chuckles.
“True…so why are you here? You don’t give me Gotham native vibes.”
“College, got a scholarship.” 
“Oh, so you're an educated lady huh?”
“...I suppose.” 
He wraps an arm around the back of her chair. “So why don’t I buy you a drink?”
“Oh, I’m good.”
“You sure? I don’t mind (y/n).”
“Well if you’re insisting…”
He smirks and orders her a gin and tonic. He hands it to her overhanded. 
“So miss (y/n), tell me about yourself.”
“Well, what do you want to know?”
She looks slightly surprised but chuckles. “Uh okay.”
The two of them talk and talk until she gets a striking pain in her head. She rubs it to try to soothe the pain. 
“You alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine, my head just hurts a bit.” 
“Here let’s try to get you some fresh air.” 
He helps her off the chair and walks her outside. When they’re finally outside, he leads her to an alleyway. 
“Um, where are we?”
“Oh, just an alleyway, you don’t mind do you?”
“Uh, I mind a lot actually.” She tries to move back to the street, but he grabs her by her shoulder and pushes her back onto the wall. Suddenly things start to become a little clearer. 
“What are you doing, James?” Her voice a bit higher out of panic. She starts breathing a little faster and tries to move one more time but he pulls out a gun. 
“If you try to leave one more time, I’ll blow your fucking brains out. Nod if you understand.” 
She nods and begins to panic silently as he points the gun dead in her face. He forces her to move deeper into the alleyway. 
“Sit down. They’ll be here shortly.”
“Shut up, you don’t get to ask the questions.”
He forces her to wait until they hear voices and footsteps. 
“Yo.” Three men walk towards them.
“Hey guys. I found the perfect girl.” He forces her to stand up. “The boss will be happy with her on his list.” He smirks, she wants to vomit everything she ate today. This can’t be happening.
“Well let me get a good look at her.” One of the men grabs her face harshly and forces it to move around, inspecting her. “She’s a pretty little thing, maybe I got jungle fever.” The man laughs. He smells of cigarettes and gasoline. She finds herself trying not to breathe in his scent for fear of throwing up on their shoes. She wants to look around and get a good look at everyone's faces. Who were these people?
“Let’s get a move on, she came with a friend.” James, if that’s even his name, pulls her up and forces her to walk, brushing the gun against her every few seconds as a stark reminder of the severity of this situation. 
They lead her to a van and she’s about to step inside when something sharp hits the car.
“Let her go.” 
Everyone turns and they see a masked figure. He has a cape and weirdly pointy ears. Her eyes widen in recognition.
The men all laugh. “And why should we listen to you?” 
He simply throws another sharp object which pins one of them to the van. The other two and James hold up their guns. 
“Who the fuck are you?!”
The Batman doesn’t respond but simply moves in and out of the shadows, it’s very creepy and very cool. 
“Show yourself!”
He appears right in front of one of them and kicks the gun out of their hand. The other two start shooting but he blocks it with his cape. The one without the gun tries to punch him, but he blocks and knocks him out quickly with no issue. He moves forward and snatches the guns away from both of them. He punches both of their noses and grabs (y/n). 
“Go inside, grab your friend and leave and never come back here. This place is dangerous.” 
Her ears are ringing in shock. He gently grabs her shoulders and awkwardly tries to console her. 
“Look, you have to leave to be safe. Go and get your friend.” 
She stares blankly for a while, but slowly nods. 
“Ok, I’ll grab her.” She says with a newfound determination. He silently nods and lets her go. 
She enters the club to get her friend.
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planetseph · 3 months
inside my love
II. Heart to Heart
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plot: It’s 2024 in Gotham City, NJ. Bruce Wayne is a college student (for no real reason but Alfred insisted he get out of the house during the day for once). (Y/N) (L/N) is a somewhat stable college student with a whole bunch of personality. These two might change each other’s lives. 
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x black!reader
words: 915 words
a/n: ok y'all this is chapter two. also sorry that the first three chapters so short im still trying to figure out where i want this story to go, but i promise as the story moves along the chapters will get longer!!
chapter 3: drunk in love
The coffee shop, expertly named “Gotham’s Finest”, was beyond cold. As Bruce and (y/n) entered the frigid shop, the air of awkwardness only seemed to increase. They both rubbed their arms and tried to forget about the person next to them, and by extension the project that would determine their grade. They look at each other and then look away quickly as if they were high school kids on an awkward first date. (y/n) made a grimace patched up as a smile, and Bruce replied with a gesture telling her to order first. What a gentleman, she thought. She approaches the cashier and begins her order. 
“Hi, I’ll have the caramel macchiato please.” She smiles at the worker who does a painfully fake smile back.
“Alright, we’ll have your order ready in about five minutes.” 
She moves away from the cashier and goes to find a seat as Bruce does his order. Her eyes dance over to Bruce as he orders. His body language is so stiff she’d be surprised if they didn’t lock in place, the worker looks positively bored, and both of them seem ready to get this painful conversion over and done with. Maybe he was just this way with everyone? It seems like he’s just an awkward guy. Lucky her. 
When he comes to sit down, the tension is right back. Their eyes meet and then they both look away, unsure of what to say to start a conversation. She sighed and decided to put her awkwardness behind her and become the extrovert for today. He certainly wasn’t. 
“So, um, any ideas on what our project should be about?”
“No…not yet.”
“Oh…well I was thinking maybe we could talk about corruption in the city. I’m sure we’d find loads of things to talk about.”
“That’s not bad.” He nods as he speaks. She smiles once she sees it, maybe this project wouldn’t be hell after all. 
They continue their discussion about the project, though she leads the conversation. Despite his awkwardness and random silence, Bruce Wayne is obviously an intelligent guy and surprisingly has a lot of ideas that she liked. The tension from before is only a distant memory as the two create some form of academic camaraderie, they both know their grade depends on this project and both of them want a good grade. 
They research as much as they can until Bruce gets a call from a name she can’t make out. Al- something. It’s not her business anyway.
“I have to go.” He grabs his bag before she can respond and departs. 
“Rude.” She thought. “Well, there’s no point in staying if my partner’s not here. Might as well go home.”
And so, she packs her things up quietly, and leaves “Gotham’s Finest.”
The walk home is strangely peaceful, and the sky is beautiful. (y/n) always enjoyed looking at the sky, seeing the clouds, and admiring the colors it produced. The sky reminded her that she could do anything she wanted to, the sky was the limit. She gets home in under 20 minutes since it wasn’t that far from her apartment. 
“(y/n) you back?” Autumn yelled. 
“Yeah, I’m back.” She takes her shoes off and immediately falls onto the couch. 
“Girl you had me worried, you usually come back the moment that class ends” She chuckles. 
“I know, I know, but today he decided to ‘surprise’ us.” 
“Suprise y’all?” Autumn quirks her head at (y/n)’s statement. 
“Yeah, ‘surprise” us. We all got paired up with somebody and we have to work together for three months on some project.” She rolls her eyes remembering the foolishness from before. 
“Oh my god, y’all’s teacher actually hates y’all.” Autumn laughs at her friend's defeated face. “Well, who’s your partner? Maybe I know them.”
“You might. Seems my whole class did. His name is Bruce Wayne.”
Autumn stops moving and her jaw drops. “Bruce Wayne? THEE Bruce Wayne.”
“You know him?” 
“Girl, how don’t you know him? He’s Gotham’s prince. Heir to everything Wayne. You know Wayne Enterprises?”
“He owns it. He’s filthy rich. His family’s one of the founding families of Gotham. 
“What the hell? Then why did he act so…strange? He would barely talk at first.”
“He’s a bit of recluse, at least that’s the papers say. I’m surprised he’s even attending college in person.”
“Well whatever, all I know is he better get his side of the project done.” (y/n) falls deeper into the couch. So she had a celebrity as her partner, could life get any worse? 
“I’m with you when you right.” Autumn sighs, but then suddenly perks up. “But you know what’ll cheer you up?” She smirks, the key indicator that she was up to no good.
“GOING OUT GIRLLLLL. C’mon, let’s go dancing! We ain’t been in a while and I wanna shake my ass on the dance floor ok?” 
“Girl, I am tired. Today drained me completely.”
“Girl get up and put some clothes on. We going to the Iceberg Lounge.” 
(y/n) stiffens at that name. Wasn’t that place involved in shady business?
“The Iceberg Lounge? Um, aren’t they involved in that underworld mess?”
“What place in Gotham isn’t?”
The two girls get up and get ready for a night out. The club is the perfect place to release your inhibitions and forget about that assignment you have due in the morning. Hopefully, her night would be better than her day. 
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planetseph · 3 months
inside my love
I. Hello, I Love You
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plot: It’s 2024 in Gotham City, NJ. Bruce Wayne is a college student (for no real reason but Alfred insisted he get out of the house during the day for once). (Y/N) (L/N) is a somewhat stable college student with a whole bunch of personality. These two might change each other’s lives.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x black!reader
words: 904 words
a/n: hey y'all!! this is my first ever ff (that ive posted), so i rlly hope everybody likes it!! updates might be slow moving but ive already posted the first three chapters on ao3 under jasontoddsdayone, so im gonna post them all here. this was written with a black girl in mind, but anyone can read it!! i hope yall enjoy mwah <3
chapter 2: heart to heart
Being a junior in college is just about as hellish as being a junior in high school. Both times you should be on the verge of “success”, but instead you feel like everything’s collapsing on you at once and you’re being thrown into a world you don’t know yet. At least, that’s what (y/n) believed. How could all these years have passed and she still felt the same? Shouldn’t she have something to show for her supposed growth? She was 21 now, she was able to legally drink, gamble at casinos, and even adopt a child. But despite it all, she still felt like the 17-year-old girl she was four years ago. 
She shook those thoughts out of her head and got ready for class. Her earliest class is at 8 A.M which is a particular type of hell, she swore the administration had it out for her. 
“(y/n) you want some breakfast?” Her roommate and best friend, Autumn, asked.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll just get a granola on the way there or something.” 
“Girl if you say so.” 
Autumn and (y/n) had been friends for years, going back to kindergarten. Growing up it's important to have some sort of comrade by your side, lucky for them they found each other quickly. Autumn’s full name was Autumn Sinclair which was a rather unique decision on her parent’s part, but the name fit her. Her brown skin always shimmered incandescently in the autumn sunlight, it was as if the world knew she was meant to be the epitome of fall beauty.  
(y/n) throws on a simple outfit because it’s too early in the morning to try to look nice. She wears a simple red crop top paired with mid-length gray shorts and some sneakers to make it look sorta cute. As she makes her way out the door and says her goodbyes to Autumn and their cat, Baby Blue, she grabs the granola as promised and steps outside to feel the spring weather. 
Her walk to class is short since her apartment is only a couple of miles away from the building. The class is decently sized and she recognizes most faces, except for the guy who sits in the back all by himself and never wears any color except black. He’s probably just as fed up as her with the excruciating morning class. She sits down in the third row, close enough for her to see while still maintaining some distance. Her professor, Mr. Dulmtin, finds great joy in “surprising” his students and keeping things “exciting”. (Y/n) doesn’t mind the man, but he gotta read the room sometimes. 
“Class, our assignment today will be a bit…adventurous.” He chuckles at what she guess is his wording. 
Everyone’s eyes raise a little and they wait to hear what torture he’ll inflict on them next. 
“Yes, you see for this project, it’ll take place over a span of three months, so mostly until the end of second semester.” Gasps could be heard around the room, this would be a huge part of their grade then, is he some sort of sadist? “And not only will it be over three months, but you will also work with a partner that I have specifically hand-chosen for you all.” He smirks a dirty smirk, the smirk of a man who loves to ruin the day of 20-somethings. 
Everyone has pretty much the same reaction, groans and mumbles. He, however, shuts everyone up by naming the partners on a list he has.
“...Bruce Wayne and (y/n) (l/n)”
A hush fell over the room. Everyone was quiet, most people had their eyes widened. (Y/n) quirked her eye and tilted her head. Who the hell was Bruce Wayne? He must be known since everyone was muttering about it, but she had never heard of that man in her life. His name did sound familiar though. Mr. Dulmtin shuts everyone up again and continues reading down the list. He finishes it up quickly and lectures about the assignment and what the requirements are. (Y/n) wanted to slam her head against the desk. 
Soon, the class ends, and everyone meets up with their partners. Well, everyone except for (y/n) who still has no idea who the hell Bruce Wayne is. 
“You’re (y/n) right?” A deep voice behind her asks.
“Yeah, I’m-” She turns and it’s the guy from the back of the class. He’s Bruce Wayne? Why was everyone so excited about this guy? He seems like a regular dude to her. “Sorry, yeah, I’m (y/n).”
He does a little nod as he hears that and a tight-lipped grimace. He’s obviously uncomfortable and out of his element, but for the time being he was going to have to suck it up because both of their grades depended on it. 
“Well if you have nothing to do for the next hour or so, maybe we could go to a cafe or something and discuss our plan for the project?” She asked him tentatively. 
“...Alright then.”
The two left side by side in the most awkward way possible. They made no eye contact and didn’t speak to each other until they made it to the cafe. Anyone who passed them would know that they were just punished with Mr. Dulmtin’s annual “duo” project which was known to cause great horror among all students.
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planetseph · 3 months
I am Mohammed,
a father of three children. I lost my father and siblings at the beginning of the war on Gaza. I suffer from a severe chest condition that worsens at these times, and I cannot breathe without artificial respiratory devices 😔.
This device that helps me live and breathe.
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I am unable to move without this device, and I have become visually impaired due to the crisis.
These are the treatments I take:
- Eye drops
- Allergy inhaler
- Blood pressure medication
- Diabetes pills
- Very strong painkillers
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I plead with a broken heart for you to help me by donating and sharing my story, the only way I can help my children. My children assist their mother in fetching food and water from very distant places,
and witnessing this scene makes me wish for death, unable to see them suffer like this. I cannot provide any assistance to them. Please, stand by me hand in hand to protect my children.
@nabulsi @sar-soor
@dimonds456 @i-am-aprl
@faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @three-croissants
@communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @palipunk @stil-lindigo @vakarian-shepard @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
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planetseph · 3 months
hello everyone, i genuinely hate to do this but my job just terminated me with no reasonable explanation. my rent is due this friday and my job erased all of my money from my dailypay app and is withholding my check until the 19th. it’s extremely illegal in my eyes and i truly hate to ask of a favor. i’m behind on rent because of dental bills and was already given an extension after my accident, but i cannot keep being late. if anyone could help me out to cover for bills i would be extremely grateful. please reblog this as much as you can if you aren’t able to help out. thank you. my cashapp is $AnazyahR.
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planetseph · 3 months
Writing advice/resources links
floorplan + 3d of aziraphale's bookshop, + list of aziraphale's books (2020)
On using epithets
Flowchart of when to use epithets
Filter words
Writing dialogue
Punctuating dialogue
Using "said"
Varying sentence length
Guide to naming conventions in different cultures
Resources for describing physical things in great detail
Guide to adding "cool things" to AO3 posts, eg. footnotes, custom dividers
Writing chronic pain
Dialogue tips
Timeline of what foods were available when
Historical fashion references
Improving plot
Communicating time passing
When to use an apostrophe
Who vs whom
Using a semicolon
Describing characters
Gestures and body language
Reverse dictionary
Personality traits
Body language
Commonly mispelled words
Ending sentences
Show, don't tell
Punctuation grammar (another)
Etymology dictionary (often including date of first recorded use)
See when words first appeared in books
origins of idioms
Stanford model of the Roman world
Purchasing power / conversions dating back as early as 1207
YouTube channel dedicated to historical clothing
Military history/weaponry combat [youtube channel]
Medieval armour and weaponry [youtube channel]
resources on the napoleonic wars
life in the regency era
wide variety of info on victorian england
ancient egypt
medieval studies
search engine for historical maps
Youtube channel on various history things
massive resource list for historical fiction
slang timeline
historical theasaurus
developing minor characters
multiple bible translations from different eras/languages
thesauruses & similar (thank you @actual-changeling!) one two three four + grammar checker
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