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By :  itechimemes
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Episode 42
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Honey, We Hung The Parliament
The Issue
The recent national elections in Donovanium saw declining support for the established parties and a big success for the unabashedly populist anarcho-communist party Death to the State. The extremist fringe party, despised by all other parties, gained a surprisingly high number of seats. The government is now in chaos as the more traditional parties scramble to block Death to the State from having any influence on the government.
“This is a travesty!” exclaims Lana Pound, MP for the Progressive Traditionalists, who lost several seats in the election cycle. “These lunatics openly state that they will do anything in their power to incapacitate Donovanium’s political system. We should ban anyone with a criminal record from running for political office. That’ll keep them out along with any other extremist and traitor with delusions of grandeur. I’m pretty sure I’m clean. Anyways, we’ll manage, I’d wager.”
“Are you insane? There’ll be no one left!” cries Rod Wickremesinghe, a Member of Parliament for the Liberal Conservatives, speaking to their bitter rival for the first time in years. “Let’s strike a bargain, Leader, you and me, stating that the biggest political parties form the government. Your party still managed to come ahead, of course, but you need us to ensure your political survival. We’ll be happy to support your government provided there’s an equitable share of cabinet ministers, you compromise on the omnibus spending bill, and you keep some of your more radical party members in line.”
“What utter nonsense!” rebuffs Yui Doe, a former Member of Parliament who lost their seat to a suspected arsonist. “The only real solution is holding a new election whenever a stable government can’t be formed. The people of Donovanium are smart; I’m sure they’ll realize what a mistake they made the first time around and restore the order of things. Doing the election over again will be costly, sure, but I really need this gig. I mean, the nation’s ability to be governed is at stake! Yes, that’s the one.”
“Or you just let us be a part of the government, or at least let be part of your group in Parliament,” says the belligerent Beavis Lee, leader of Death to the State, his body covered in gang tattoos. “The people voted for us, after all, and this blatant disregard for the popular vote is shocking. We’ll want something in return for our support, of course, but we’re not greedy. Just implement some of our campaign promises about cleansing the state apparatus of the bourgeois plague of bureaucracy, and you’ll get your majority.”
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You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (via quotethat)
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Mayan Calendar Day 4-25-2017
Yellow Spectral Human Green Central Castle of Enchantment Earth family- Core      Clan- Truth I dissolve in order to influence Releasing wisdom I seal the process of free will With the spectral tone of liberation I am guided by my own power doubled Kin 232 Harmonic 58: Spectral Process Formulate free will of liberation
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Called through the list of boarding house landlords.
Feeling demoralized all the return calls are outside of my price range and the only one that I can afford will eat up every last dollar of the income that I am lucky to be receiving...
Meanwhile the cheaper sober living boarding homes all require you to be in their meth/heroin or alcoholic rehabilitation programs to be able to stay there.
I don’t know how I’ll be able to eat or smoke or even afford a bus pass next month, but at least I’ll have a bed... And then I can get cleaned up and get to work on getting work.
I also looked into getting a private room for myself, but those all wanted references and for residents to have full time jobs or be full time students. Or they only want people who are of a different race than me, or they were only looking for single women to move in with them and be their fucktoy I guess.
*stomach growl*
Off to the breadline...
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Osho once said,
“I have 112 methods of meditation. And if a person can manage even 10 out of those, his life will be a sheer joy with no dark moments, with no frustration, with no tension, no anxiety. Whatsoever happens, he will be able to accept it, without any grudge, without any complaint. His gratitude towards existence will be infinite.
We are very ungrateful to existence. It has given so much to us, and without our asking. And we are such ungrateful creatures, that we don’t even bother to look around what existence is continuously doing for us— the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the birds, the animals, the people. You are living in a tremendously beautiful dream, but you have to be awake about it. Then only a gratefulness arises.
I call that gratefulness, true religion. A man need not be a Christian to be religious, need not be a Hindu to be religious. All that he needs is a deep gratitude towards existence — he need not believe in God, he need not believe in heaven and hell — just a simple phenomenon: a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you. That this vast existence needed you, no one else. And your place was empty before you, will be empty after you— it is irreplaceable. That gives a great contentment.”
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Neat read. :)
LSD can be used as a help, but the help is very dangerous; it is not so easy. If you use a mantra, even that can become difficult to throw, but if you use acid, LSD it will be even more difficult to throw.
The moment you are on an LSD trip you are not in control. Chemistry takes control and you are not the master, and once you are not the master it is difficult to regain that position. The chemical is not the slave now, you are the slave. Now how to control it is not going to be your choice. Once you take LSD as a help you are making a slave of the master and your whole body chemistry will be affected by it.
Your body will begin to crave LSD. Now the craving will not just be of the mind as it is when you get attached to a mantra. When you use acid as a help, the craving becomes part of the body; the LSD goes to the very cells of the body. It changes them. Your inner chemical structure becomes different.
Then all the body cells begin to crave acid and it will be difficult to drop it.
LSD can be used to bring you to meditation only if your body has been prepared for it. So if you ask if it can be used in the West, I will say that it is not for the West at all. It can be used only in the East - if the body is totally prepared for it. Yoga has used it, tantra has used it, there are schools of tantra and yoga that have used LSD as a help, but then they prepare your body first. There is a long process of purification of the body. Your body becomes so pure and you become such a great master of it that even chemistry cannot become your master now. So yoga allows it, but in a very specific way.
First your body must be purified chemically. Then you will be in such control of the body that even your body chemistry can be controlled. For example, there are certain yogic exercises: if you take poison, through a particular yogic exercise you can order your blood not to mix with it and the poison will pass through the body and come out in the urine without having mixed with the blood at all. If you can do this, if you can control your body chemistry, then you can use anything, because you have remained the master.
In tantra, particularly in “leftist” tantra, they use alcohol to help meditation. It looks absurd; it is not.
The seeker will take alcohol in a particular quantity and then will try to be alert. Consciousness must not be lost. By and by the quantity of alcohol will be raised, but the consciousness must remain alert. The person has taken alcohol, it has been absorbed in the body, but the mind remains above it; consciousness is not lost. Then the quantity of alcohol is raised higher and higher. Through this practice a point comes when any amount of alcohol can be given and the mind remains alert. Only then can LSD be a help.
In the West there are no practices to purify the body or to increase consciousness through changes in body chemistry. Acid is taken without any preparation in the West. It is not going to help; rather, on the contrary, it may destroy the whole mind.
There are many problems. Once you have been on an LSD trip you have a glimpse of something you have never known, something you have never felt. If you begin to practice meditation it is a long process, but LSD is not a process. You take it and the process is over; then the body begins to work.
Meditation is a long process - you have to do it for years, only then will the results be forthcoming.
And when you have experienced a shortcut, it will be difficult to follow a long process. The mind will crave to return to using the drugs. So it is difficult to meditate once you have known a glimpse through chemistry; to undertake something that is a long process will be difficult. Meditation needs more stamina, more trust, more waiting, and it will be difficult because now you can compare.
Secondly, any method is bad if you are not in control all the time. When you are meditating you can stop at any moment. If you want to stop, you can stop this very moment; you can come out of it. You cannot stop an LSD trip: once you have taken LSD you have to complete the circle. Now you are not the master.
Anything that makes a slave of you is ultimately not going to help spiritually, because spirituality basically means to be the master of oneself. So I wouldn’t suggest shortcuts. I am not against LSD, I may sometimes be for it, but then a long preliminary preparation is necessary. Then you will be the master. But then LSD is not a shortcut. It will take even longer than meditation. Hatha yoga takes years to prepare a body - twenty years, twenty-five years, then a body is ready; now you can use any chemical help and it will not be destructive to your being. But then the process is far longer.
Then LSD can be used; I am in favor of it then. If you are prepared to take twenty years to prepare the body in order to take LSD, then it is not destructive. But the same thing can be done in two years with meditation. Because the body is more gross, mastery is more difficult. The mind is more subtle so mastery is easier. The body is further away from your being, so there is a greater gap; with the mind the gap is shorter.
In India the primitive method to prepare the body to be ready for meditation was hatha yoga. It took so long a time to prepare the body that sometimes hatha yoga had to invent methods to prolong life so that hatha yoga could be continued. It was such a long process that sixty years might not be enough, seventy years might not be enough. And there is a problem: if the mastery is not achieved in this life then in the next life you have to begin from abc because you have a new body. The whole effort has been lost. You do not have a new mind in your next life, the old mind continues, so whatever is attained through the mind remains with you, but whatever is attained through the body is lost with every death. So hatha yoga had to invent methods to prolong life for two hundred to three hundred years so that mastery could be attained.
If the mastery is of the mind then you can change the body, but the preparedness of the body belongs to the body alone. Hatha yoga invented many methods so that the process could be completed, but then even greater methods were discovered: how to control the mind directly - raja yoga. With these methods the body can be a little helpful, but there is no need to be too concerned with it. So hatha yoga adepts have said that LSD can be used, but raja yoga cannot say LSD can be used, because raja yoga has no methodology to prepare the body. Direct meditation is used.
Sometimes it happens - only sometimes, rarely - that if you have a glimpse through LSD and do not become addicted to it, that glimpse may become a thirst in you to seek something further. So to try it once is good, but it becomes difficult to know where to stop and how to stop. The first trip is good, to be on it once is good; you become aware of a different world and then you begin to seek, you begin to search, because of it - but then it becomes difficult to stop. This is the problem. If you can stop, then to take LSD once is good. But that “if” is a great one.
Mulla Nasruddin used to say that he never took more than one glass of wine. Many friends objected to his statement because they had seen him taking one glass after another. He said, “The second glass is taken by the first; ‘I’ take only one. The second is taken by the first and the third by the second. Then I am not the master. I am master only for the first, so how can I say that I take more than one? 'I’ take only one - always only one!”
With the first you are the master; with the second you are not. The first will try to take a second, and then it will go on continuously; then it is no longer in your hands. To begin anything is easy because you are the master, but to end anything is difficult because then you are not the master.
So I am not against LSD, and if I am against it, it is conditional. This is the condition: if you can remain the master, then okay. Use anything, but remain the master. And if you cannot remain the master, then do not enter into a dangerous road at all. Do not enter at all; it will be better.
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Photographs of Japan’s Stunning Landscape That Look Like Watercolor Paintings by Takashi Komatsubara
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X Marks The Cult?
The Issue
A plot of land, which is simultaneously where the founder of the Order of Violet was allegedly born, where the Tranquility of Yellow claims the Goddess will descend, and where the Cult of Pizza plans to build its temple called The Pizza Church of Pepperoni, has been claimed by all three religions. The three religions’ leaders have cornered you after another ribbon cutting ceremony and have demanded that you settle their conflict.
The Debate
“The Dead Ocean Scrolls clearly state that us Violetists are the real owners of this land!” declares the Grand Purplmistress of Violetism as she makes threatening gestures towards you and the other leaders. “We deserve to be able to practice our hum, err, animal sacrifices, so why can’t we go along, take the land, and do it there? No one else is as cra- I mean, unique as we are. The only thing we ask are only a few million Lincolnlogs to build our temple, and everything else will be taken care of.”
“Those scrolls are nothing but mistranslated hogwash! All of this area belongs to us!” asserts Her Jaundiceness, the eccentric and indecisive leader of the Tranquility of Yellow. “Those idiotic Violetists and believers in a major religion only care about the majority of people in Donovanium. What about the minority, the ones that believe invisible dragons fly around, and that everyone should pay for, uh, make a personal sacrifice to the great Advertising Billboard? We would freely allow all of them to come in and listen to our completely objective teachings. Now as for the majority... they’ll just be banned from coming. What, you thought we would KILL them? We’re not that crazy...”
“All must hail His Immaculate Munchiness!” announces Bharatendu Mason, a former Luigi Bros pizzeria owner who claims that the franchise’s insane prices literally sent him to a mental hospital. “We are aware that other religions should be allowed to exist in this world, yet these two are claiming the land for inhumane and overall unusual reasons, in the Cult of Pizza’s opinion. The church we will build will have a free pizza buffet for all! The only cost? Well, we aren’t really building a real ‘church’ per se. We are actually building a pizza store with a church inside of it. That’s a small price to pay for His Holy Crustiness!”
“You know, you honestly don’t have to listen to any of these screwballs.” bemoans your politically ambitious cousin, who has been giving you poor leadership advice since you became leader of Donovanium. “You can use the area to do other things like, I don’t know, weave baskets? Whatever the case is, it would be much better to do this than let any of these insane religions take a perfectly viable plot of land. Oh, I will also own the plot of land, not you. You know, to avoid a conflict of interest or whatever. You do trust me, right?”
“Have you forgotten what I told you about sharing and compromise?” reminds your mother, who returned from a shopping spree at the store you just opened. “Why not force all those religions to share this plot of land? Divide it up into three separate spaces with a communal center in the middle. Some may not like sharing the ground with their mortal enemies and you’ll need extra police presence to curb potential violence, but fair’s fair, right?”
The Talking Point
Religious turf wars have caused frustrated police to pray for divine intervention.
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Cui Bono?
The Issue
Conservative media news source Brightheart’s recent exposé claiming that 25% of domestic terrorist funding comes from welfare fraud has sparked an earnest debate across Donovanium on welfare reform.
“It was bad enough that criminals and lazy bums were scrounging from the state, but now the government is directly subsidising terrorism!” yells Brightheart News reporter Tom Hesse, pursuing you down the street and trampling over a homeless man’s sleeping bag to keep up. “You have to end the free ride! Cut welfare completely, and make our nation safe!”
“Hold your horses there buddy, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater,” says single parent Bill Patel, ignoring the three mewling moppets trying to get his attention. “Donovanium just needs its welfare system to be fully managed, monitored, and policed. Give folks on welfare charge cards whose transactions records are sent to a searchable police database. Then anyone making a purchase that’s the least bit suspicious should be brought in for interrogation.”
“Sounds like a lot of expensive admin work to me,” complains Welfare Director Gertie Walker. “Wouldn’t you rather have a solution that reduces government spending but still helps those who deserve it? Here’s the thing, nobody wants to say it, but we all know that 99% of terrorists are from a handful of religions and nations. Just say that people from those groups don’t get welfare, and you can both save money and prevent terrorism!”
“I say unto to you that the answer is more welfare, not less!” offers unemployed youth Lars Violetsglory, pushing a shopping trolley of ammonium nitrate and diesel oil to the checkout till. “If you increase welfare, then maybe the resentful disenfranchised minorities will feel more supported by society, and become less prone to radicalisation. What have you got to lose?”
The Talking Point
More money is spent on policing the welfare system for abuse than on the welfare system itself.
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Power Problems Need Bright Solution
The Issue
The oldest power station in Donovanium suffered a catastrophic failure last night, plunging a third of Donovanium’s national power supply grid into darkness. There is no debate that it needs to be replaced, but the question is with what?
“The solution is clear,” says environmental activist Kimberly Sato. “Wind turbines and solar power stations are the cleanest there are. We must switch power production to forms of renewable energy, which will never run out. The only minor problems are that wind farms will take up a great deal of space and of course we can’t exactly rely on the weather. It isn’t as though we control it. But think of how much healthier people will be without all that pollution!”
“Wind power? Solar collectors? Bah! Have you ever wondered when the least amount of strain is placed on the national grid? WHEN THE SUN IS SHINING!” exclaims Southern Donovanium Electra official Randy Armstrong. “We need power under our control, and cheaply. Coal has been the cheapest and most abundant power source for ages. We don’t need this airy fairy wind malarky when we have cheap and reliable power available for all. True, pollution will be a bit on the heavy side but I’m sure that’s only a minor problem, with how well funded our health system is!”
“Now the way I see it is that it’s either green, expensive, and sprawling; or compact, polluting and cheap. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had the best of both worlds? Well, we can!” claims fission technician Whoopi Gibson. “Nuclear power is reliable, clean, and although it isn’t cheap, it won’t break the bank. There is a risk of deadly meltdown, but this is relatively small, and the only people who could be against this are anti-nuclear protesters, but what do we care about those tree-hugging hippies?”
The Talking Point
Protesters are up in arms over new nuclear power stations.
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Made In Maxtopia
The Issue
When ultra-cheap underwear imports from Maxtopia drove a local factory into bankruptcy, the newly unemployed factory workers surrounded you during a press conference to demand you protect local manufacturing by any means necessary.
“Save our jobs!” begs a recently unemployed worker, Steve Montgomery, who seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “I put years of my own sweat into that factory textile job, figuratively and literally. It’s the only work I know. Please, Leader, implement tariffs or subsidies to keep alive the domestic clothing industry. Otherwise we’ll be thrown out on our asses, forced to buy shoddy Maxtopian undergarments.”
“We have the freedom to know what we are buying!” exclaims an unusually patriotic consumer advocate, while barging into the crowd of workers and ferociously waving a Donovaniumian flag. “When I buy me a new pair of underpants, I wanna see that ‘Made In Donovanium’ tag to let me know I am getting the best of all possible underpants. Absolutely everything for sale should say where it came from. That way we’ll know to buy local, and this problem will probably fix itself.”
“Why have Maxtopian imports at all?” rhetorically asks Asok Svensson, who runs the local store where you used the toilet without buying anything the other day. “Or, for that matter, from anywhere? We’ve been dependent on foreign imports for way too long. Donovanium needs to strive to be an economically and ecologically self-sufficient nation, where everything is made by our fellow citizens. Other countries might be able to make things cheaper, but no one works with as much pride as us Donovaniumians!”
“Wait!” interrupts Fanny Carey, the owner of Donovanium’s largest department store, Humongo-Mart. “Okay, sure, maybe ‘Made In Maxtopia’ means slightly lower quality, but Maxtopian manufacturing is so very cheap! Sure, I had to replace my Maxtopian toaster three times last year because of a few teeny-tiny explosions, but that still cost me less than buying one locally-manufactured toaster! Have some common sense, Leader, and allow free trade.”
“There’s an easier way to appease the masses,” whispers your Minister of Foreign Trade, Ken Hopkins, while handing you the latest briefs. “Let’s keep importing things from other nations, but we can pretend that everything was made in Donovanium. Put flag stickers on every conceivable product, tell the people that we’re self-sufficient, and beef up the security at all ports. Then bam: the customers are happy, the department stores are happy, and our economy can keep importing essential resources. And of course anyone that mentions our hypocrisy aloud will be... punished.”
The Talking Point
The government raises tariffs on a weekly basis.
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