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planetal1 · 2 years ago
Mike is nervous that this serum can have effects and can cause him to die. The President decides to take his powers away or lets him keep it but will have to stay forever and be tested and be an experiment. Mike lets them take the powers and he's happy with his decision only because he kept a small amount of it and has created more samples of it. Years go by and the world needs a hero, another invasion is happening and citizens are asking for the Green spirit to come but he's not there anymore and Mike devices to use these samples and now has More powers than before and not only is he a hero but hes a wanted criminal for stealing government weapons. 
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planetal1 · 2 years ago
 He looks around and sees his new home burning down to the ground and That's when Mike realizes he can finally do something And not just run away as before. He screams and releases a huge amount of wind and Attacks the Devil of the galaxy and causes a huge battle which will decide the fate of the earth. Mike cant keep up but he knows he's earth's last hope which is the reason he keeps getting back up but he feels likes a god, no he feels like superman and Goku he knows he's a hero with a dangerous amount of power and he strikes and as the fight goes on he's getting use to this power and knows his worth. The demons fly up and Mike is doing his best to fight them all. There must be at least 1000 demons going after him and He can't keep going and still has to figure out how to kill this devil. Countries are sending troops to help fight and for the first time the world is working together and saving their planet. Mike Flies up to the ship and as he enters there's containers filled with bodies and that's when he sees his brother and his family and more people, Friends from his old town and family. This devil was surviving on their blood. Mike unleashes Anger and he unlocks a new power level and goes out of the ship and flies straight into the devil and takes out his earth like it's nothing. Days go by and everyone is talking about this mysterious human being with powers who is he and some say it's a demon who became good but others are saying it was a boy but they named him the Green Spirit. MIke Walks around knowing he is the Green Spirit But he decides its best not to say anything as it can affect his life, he only says that because that's what happened to spiderman so he lives his life following comic heroes. Mike does decide to go to the president and tell him the truth.
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planetal1 · 2 years ago
Green Spirit
Mike Rivera, A young boy Born and raised in Mexico,Puebla. Son of Isaac Rivera and Ellie Rivera and older brother of Joel Rivera. His parents were killed when their home town was set on fire, He managed to escape and take Joel with him. After fleeing Mike and Joel had nowhere to go and led them to escape Mexico and cross the Mexican Border. After months of strong heat and cold weather at nights Mike and Joel manage to make it out alive and start fresh in the United States. Joel was only 6 when they made it across and Mike was only 14 years old when he made it. It was Very challenging for them to adjust to the surroundings and having no parents with him. Mike was able to get a small part time job at a cinema and raise enough money to get his little brother everything he can to make life easy for him. One day While Mike was working and Joel was in school there was a big earthquake and that's when America stopped and looked at the sky to see a big planet with rings and fire. Mike ran to get his little brother but when he got there it was too late Joel had died because of the earthquake. His brother's death causes him to lose control and be full of anger but he can't do anything. Mike would find a soldier and ask him how he helped and that's when the soldier told him to come with him. It was like America was coming to an end as alien ships were coming down and Demons were Crawling out of the big hole caused by the earthquake. Mike Had flashbacks from the fire in his hometown and realized this exact thing happened then and it's happening now. While being driven to safety from the soldier he sees a Serum in the back of the Army truck and wonders what it does. Demons attack the truck and kill the soldier as they drag him out of the window and Mike runs to the back but falls and as the truck flips and loses control Mike thinks he's going to die.MIke Drinks the serum Praying it does something and boom,  a beacon of light shines in the sky and Mike flys up glowing green, his eyes were bright white and his energy felt hot as if the sun was closer to earth. Mike Realizes he's not normal and panics thinking that he's dead and it's just a dream. That's when someone out of ship comes out flying, tours him and presents himself as The devil of the galaxy. Mike is young and scared and is not sure what's going to happen.
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planetal1 · 2 years ago
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Interviewer: Cassie, You seem to feel offended and I apologize ( speaking out of fear) in this world we move forward but in the end, we bring back the past, But millions of people are terrified of you and it's all over the internet such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. Do you know what they are? Have you been on these platforms?( The interviewer is trying to calm things down and move past the questions she asked, Only because one wrong answer can get him killed) Carrie White: I'm sorry I let my anger get the best of me…(she takes a deep breath and proceeds to speak) Well as I said before im living in a generation where everything is advanced from my time, Im old and never had the chance to fit in or be part of the world, I was left behind. Interviewer: Cassie, there are many people out there who hate you and look at you differently but you will be surprised by how others look at you. You have a fan page and some look at you as their mascot for Halloween. (interviewer pulls out his phone and pulls fan pages for Cassie) Carrie White: is this real? People think of me as a celebrity… Who are these people? (Carrie has a smile and starts to feel butterflies) Interviewer: Nowadays kids or teens see things differently, they don't realize that others feel some type of way. Carrie White: Millions of people are watching this right now is that right? Interviewer: Yes, why? ( they are concerned about what's going to happen) Carrie White: I would like them to see you die…( Carrie proceeds to destroy the studio and throw a camera at the interviewer and open his head having his brain slide down the camera and having the whole world see it live) Carrie White: Hello mother, I know you are out there and I'm going to find you and for those who are in my way ill murder you just like I killed everyone who made me look weak and Stupid.
The camera falls and shows Carrie walking away and pushing everything to her side and leaving the room. The screen cuts to a black screen with the words (will be right back)
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planetal1 · 2 years ago
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 Carrie White: I can't say much but I can say that I'm here and alive with powers, I just want to keep going and when my time comes it will. Interviewer: This is a little personal and if you don't feel comfortable answering we can move past it alright, do you ever plan on having a family yourself? Or do you plan on staying alone? Carrie White: It's crossed my mind a few times, but I always end up telling myself no, why would I want another human to suffer just like I did or let them get made fun of for being the kid of a killer? Interviewer: You are very smart to think this through and make such a hard decision, which I know wasn't very easy for you but are you satisfied with your choice? Carrie White: yes, but as I said before I have brief moments where I change my mind. I'm not sure how interviews work but I'd like to ask you something if that's okay with you. ( The interviewer looks at the camera with a smile, but behind that smile there is fear.) Interviewer: Well of course you can ask me something, for me I want an interview to be a discussion. Just me and you talking about getting to know each other. Carrie White: You could have interviewed those who survived or my victims' family members, but you decided to talk to me. Why is that?Why did you make me come out of hiding just for you to be in front of the whole world to see and keep bringing up a moment many are trying to forget?( Cassie is speaking with anger but holding back. The camera crew seems terrified and a few of them walk out of the studio and others stay and proceed to film and still go live)
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planetal1 · 2 years ago
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Good afternoon Carry White, Thank you for this great opportunity. Before we start with this interview, I'd like to make sure you feel comfortable and feel welcome, which is why if you ever feel like we are asking too much just let us know and we can move past the question. Shall we get started? After everything that's happened, how do you feel after killing so many victims, and do you feel any regret after their deaths? Carrie White: No. Interviewer: Correct me if I'm wrong but after getting bullied by classmates for so long did any of that what make you feel nothing after violently murdering all these people? Carrie White: Nobody understands how I feel and did what I did. You all see what you read or hear yet nobody ever wonders if it was the correct thing to do. Yes, I killed them, and Do I regret it…I'm not sure. Since then I've been in hiding and just today I decided to come out and try something new. Interviewer: You are right, which is why I want to understand how you think about your past and get the real answers. I want to leave this room knowing that I'm the only person on this planet who can be on your side. Carrie White: Do you mean that or is that just something you have to say so this can be seen by many and make me look worse? You are bringing up what I did and not asking what im doing now, I Have been moving forward and looking for a new path in life, Im Known as a weirdo, serial killer, murderer, boogyman, and much more, than hearing them speak about my mother. Interviewer: Well then why don't you tell me about your present life? And tell me what made you change?
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
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.Their relationship has had their ups and down but in the end they both have to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t good for each other and they eventually have to let each other go. It's a good story on how the directors and screenwriters played their cards right to have such a drama and make sure their audience gets the message behind this.This is just season one maddy in the next season we witness a better and much different side of her, as her relationship came to end her best friend went behind her back and started to date Nate.This leaves the audience wonder how maddy would react when she finds out and the outcome was very good. When maddy finds out she reveals to her friend that her crying and getting hurt by Nate is just the beginning and which shows that maddy finally understood how badly she was treated.This is why i chose Maddy her character had the biggest turning point in the show and as a guy i was able to understand more on how girls feel in a relationship.
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
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Maddy isn’t a typical teenager, with her makeup and fashion. She dresses to impress herself and uses her sexuality to get whatever she wants, which would  usually attract attention. Maddy has an off and on relationship with Nate Jacobs. Maddy and Nate love each other in a fun way. Through breaking up, they make each other jealous, and then get back together right after. Nate sees Maddy as his property, and when anyone else attempts to get with her, his answer to it is his fists.Maddy, for some reason, feels safe with him. Throughout the show she spends time figuring out if she and Nate are going to make their relationship work. Maddy always thought they were in it for a long time, but he has been destroying her self-esteem little by little. He is hurting people half to death to prove his points and leaves Maddy to question that feeling of her safety. Like before, Maddy is bold, honest, and occasionally sometimes sweet. Maddy also seems like an angel until she opens her mouth. making people feel incredibly special about themselves, or feel humiliated. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks and that doesn't change. Maddy and Nate were newly broken up during the time of the first episode but Maddy had encountered a guy named at a party and she lied to Nate saying she was blacked out meaning she was assaulted. Nate attacks out of revenge, which leads to Nate and Maddy getting back together. Nate is physically abusive towards Maddy. Their relationship shows a toxic and abusive relationship. Maddy doesn’t realize how she is being controlled because she thinks that's what love is. Maddy didn't grow up with parents that were able to show the most love in the household so this could be a reason why she thinks she loves Nate. She is a character that is loved but has her flaws. Which makes her  relatable because some teens have been dealing with abusive relationships and have been controlled by their partners. This show was able to show that side of the story and connect with the viewers.Maddy is just like all teens who deals with family issues and boyfriend issues yet keeps going and shows how strong she is. I've never met anyone with an abusive boyfriend and if I did i wouldnt know what to do or what to say. Maddy was able to open up and show teenage girls how to deal with this problem even if it means showing your weak side to others
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
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Euphoria is a show that has a consistent of teen sex, drug use, and violence to grab teens attention and show them a point of view that shows how adults such as our parents see us. It’s made for young people, about a younger generation.Seems to be a teen drama that shows a group of high school students dealing with all types of ups and downs in those four years, As I watched the show I was able to see many characters who represent their own side of the stories, and the way their roles play is just a masterpiece. Of Course it's all acting and not real but when you see this show it feels as if you lived it yourself. As a guy you think I'll choose to pick a male character as it will be easy but I wanted to get out of my box and try something new. It was very difficult to choose due to the fact that I was having trouble understanding some of the characters but I made the right choice.In the show euphoria we come across many characters who play a big role in the show. Today I will be talking about Maddy, a latina character who's played by Alexa Demie. Many people have fallen in love with this character due to the way she dresses and is mainly known for her attitude in the show. Maddy finally feels like a good representation to the Spanish race, while she does things at times that almost feel like they fall into a stereotype. Maddy has come off as a very independent woman in the show, but we see how quick she can be vulnerable.she has  parents who have never really understood her, which led to Maddy growing up entering beauty pageants her mother could find. Maddy’s confidence never wavered. Then she realized she was beautiful at a young age and her looks became her own power. In the show, Maddy is a high school student and cheerleader. Her purpose in the show is to be there to provide drama to her boyfriend, Nate.
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
what to expect 
Throughout this blog, ill be making sure to have good content and post that will keep you entertained. I'm A shy guy and feel very nervous doing all this but I have so many crazy ideas in my head I can't wait to share with you all. Last time I shared ideas with someone they ended up moving to a whole new town, Did I chase them away maybe im not sure, but I do remember talking a lot and a lot and never shut up. You are now on a crazy adventure with me and just want to say take a seat and get some snacks(maybe a Torta) and be ready to have your brain stressed out and tired of me. Welcome to planet Alex or as we name my Blog planetal1
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
last meal
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A torta was my last meal and will also be my last meal on this planet. The taste and the ingredients match so perfect and the size of it its perfect to have you feeling lazy for the whole day. This is a meal I recommend you and other to try, run to any Mexican restaurants and order it now!
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
Last game and last thing I created
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Last game I've played will be Fifa 22, one of the best games to have come out in my opinion. Only if your a fan of soccer, I try to play and kill time so the day can go by faster and sometimes I just play to argue with friends of mine. Last thing I created will be a character in this game who's supposed to be me but I kinda made him taller, But its fun because I get to experience the life style and what it takes to be a soccer player.
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
last show I watched 
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Im a big nerd when it comes to Anime and one of my favorites is Dragon Ball, Im watching it while posting this. Dragon ball has been on a roll this year with the release of there new movie and teaming up with one of the biggest games in the world Fortnite. I did grow up watching this show and will always be part of gokus team, Just saying he solos anyone and thats the end of debate.
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planetal1 · 3 years ago
Alex Rivera
Hey everyone, I'm Alex and this is my very first blog. Never imagined myself to be making one but things happen.I went to middletown high school and graduated back in 2019. Ive enter Suny orange community college right after and started to major in cyber security, but didn't go as plan. I lost interest in it and wasn't motivated to keep going. Which made me change my major and studied physical therapy. As you can imagine I was also not interested in this career path. One last time I change my path and stayed with New Media, Has to be one of the best decisions I had ever made. Rather than being all over Photographs and video making, MMA has been a dream of mine and Always found it interesting.
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