pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
((This is going to apply to this blog as well. I will tag everything the same way.))
(( hey so big BIG tw for the upcoming arc. if you've played Pokemon Reborn you probably already know, but this arc is gonna have some uhh. pretty dark themes. warnings for death, suicide (i'm going to try not going too deep into detail about it though), also memory loss if that's something that bothers anybody.
this arc will be tagged as Fading Memory Arc if you'd like to block that tag! ))
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
His name was Leo Ren. Believe it or not, he went to school with me. He was a couple years ahead of me and Keith.
He…was a great Ranger. I remember all of our teachers praising him my first year.
What happened?
...the ranger was dead when I found him.
we'll... we'll inform the union once we deal with Meteor and get out of here.
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
Stay where you are, I’m on my way.
oh... shit.
uh I. I found the um. the last missing ranger. shit fuck-
I. ffuck. @pkmnrangerkaita you- you might want to come here I- I don't think- I don't know what to do
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
that’s a weird lookin’ dog
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i'm taking a break in the Coastal Biome rn GUYS WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
[[If you saw me post TAZ stuff on here instead of my main blog, no you didn’t ❤️ -Mod K]]
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
[ Attatchment: A video. In a place that seems to be underground, Kaita with her hand on her hips, staring at a ranger in a cage.
“Keith, is that you?”
The ranger looks up, squints, and says. “Kaita?? What on Earth are you doing here??”
Kaita sets to work trying to open the cage. She is visibly relieved. She smirks. “Saving your ass, aparently.”
The ranger’s-Keith’s-eyes widen. “Did Miss goodie-two-shoes-Kaita just swear?”
“Shut up.” Kaita says, rolling her eyes. Finally, she gets the cage door open, walking inside.
“Besides, I don’t need saving.” Keith continues, “I’m doing totally fine!” He tries to stand, puts weight on one foot, and yelps, falling back down with a thud.
“Yeah, you look fine.” Kaita teases, but her face is back to looking concerned. She walks over to him, kneeling down and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “C’mon, let’s get you up.”
They manage to get Keith standing, though he’s obviously in pain. “Seriously, what are you doing here? I thought you got assigned somewhere in Almia.” Keith asks.
“My first mission was to provide back up here in Reborn.” Kaita says, then pauses. “Actually, no. My first mission was to help a rampaging Turtwig who’d lost his peanut butter snacks. But that one was so small it barely counts.”
Keith snorts. “Sounds like a great time.”
“How are you liking Reborn, then?” Kaita asks.
Keith sighs. “The other guys at the station keep telling me it’s not usually like this. But honestly? From what I’ve seen it’s not much to write home about, even on its best day.”
Nodding, Kaita helps him over a rock. “Tell me about it. My train crashed as soon as we got here.”
Keith’s eyes widen once again. “You were apart of the train crash?”
“Yeah. Blake and I both were. But we’re okay, though one of Blake’s pokemon is missing. You remember Blake, right?”
“How could I forget? You’d turn on their champion matches every Saturday.”
Kaita smiles fondly. “I miss those days.”
Keith rolls his eyes. “I don’t. You always hogged the TV and I never got to watch Saturday morning cartoons.”
Kaita laughs. For a few seconds after, they’re silent as they walk, until Keith spots something on Kaita’s belt.
“Kaita. Lockhart.” Keith says, feigning shock, “Is that a pokemon on your belt??”
Kaita smiles sheepishly. “Three, actually. The ranger station made me get at least one for this mission, and the other two just followed.”
“I never thought I’d see the day.” Keith says, “I remember you adamantly refusing to keep a Pokémon for more than ten minutes back at school.”
“I know, I know. But it was time. I…” Kaita’s free hand goes to thumb her necklace.
It’s silent for another moment. Finally, Keith speaks once more. “It’s okay. She’d want you to, y’know?”
Kaita blinks several times, nodding. “Y-yeah. I know.”
“You should introduce them to me, when you get the chance.” Keith says.
Suddenly, a huge roar cuts them off. The cave shakes intensely. Kaita’s hand immediately goes to her belt.
“We might get that chance sooner than you think.”
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
[ATTACHED: A video. Cain is lying back on the grass inside the cage, eyes loosely shut as he dozes off. Meanwhile, the green Misdreavus is still thoroughly searching the space of the cell, looking high and low for any kind of flaw in the Nuzleaf pack's well designed holding space.
"Misssss..." it hisses once its search comes up fruitless, again. Rotom's camera follows it as it drifts off to pout somewhere off to the side.
"Bzzt? No luck?" Kaita's Rotom asks, only to flinch back when the larger ghost type shoots a glare back in its direction.
"...Dreav misdreavus." It grumbles as it turns away to stare at the wall. Kaita's Rotom shares a concerned glance with the other before letting out a defeated, low murmur and plopping onto the ground.
Minutes tic by, with Rotom's eyelids beginning to slip shut as it grows weary. Eventually, the screen goes black, and you hear it begin to snore. "Bz-bz-bz-bzzzz..."
There's a rustling sound outside. Rotom stirs a little, but doesn't wake.
"Psst! Rotom!"
Rotom shoots awake, zipping up into the air and glancing around frantically. When it turns to the left, it stops when it finally notices Blake standing at the cage entrance, looking through the wooden bars.
"Bzzzbzzzt! User Blake!!" Rotom cries out, immediately zooming over to greet its trainer. Kaita's Rotom is awoken by the ruckus as well, and quickly follows.
"Hey, buddy!" Blake greets the two little phone-shaped ghosts with a relieved smile. They're a bit covered in dirt, and there's a few visible scratches littering their skin, but they appear relatively unharmed. "How'd you two end up here?"
"Captured..." Kaita's Rotom explains, looking over Blake's shoulder for any sign of its trainer. "Where's User Kaita?"
"She's hanging back a bit and trying to find us a way out of here-" Blake explains, nodding back down towards the path they likely took to get here. They pause, though, when they notice what's- or more accurately who's- behind the Rotom. "They got a hold of Cain, too?"
"He was in here already when the Nuzleaf threw us in," says their Rotom. "Says he was looking for Victoria, bzzt!"
Blake stares his way for a moment, as if wondering whether or not he was gonna get up and notice them himself. When he remains asleep on the grass, they raise their brows and lean forwards through the cell bars. "Hey, sleeping beauty."
Cain jolts awake, the sits up to see who's addressed him. "Huh? Oh," He blinks a bit blearily up at them, rubbing his eyes to try and get a better look at who it is. "Oh! Blake?"
"Nope, Arceus." Blake replies sarcastically, a smug half-grin curling at the corner of their mouth. "Yeah, it's me."
"Didn't expect you to be coming by," Cain adopts his usual flirtatious tone again as he props an arm up on one knee. "So... This is my place..." He gestures around casually to the cage interior. "Make yourself at home~"
Blake gives him a silent, deadpanned stare.
"...Nah, just kidding." He chuckles, rising to his feet and brushing the dirt off his jeans. "I heard Victoria is still missing and came up here to help... and immediately got caught by some Meteor Grunts and tossed in here."
"They're using the Nuzleaf traps to hold people hostage, huh?" Blake sighs, looking around for a way to open the door. Their eyes land on the lever off to the right. "Bunch of bastards."
"It's kinda clever," Cain shrugs, sticking his hands into his pockets as he watches them attempt to pull the lever. "More convenient than building their own, I guess. Anyways, how'd you get out?"
"A Chatot," Blake replies, grunting as they yank on the lever and successfully get the cage door to swing open.
"...A Chatot let you out?" asked Cain, quirking a brow curiously as he stepped out. The Rotom phones come flying out right behind him, beeping and buzzing in excitement after finally being granted freedom. "Wild."
"Well, at first Fern came by, but he mostly just taunted us..." Blake said as they wiped the sweat off the brow. "Told 'im to fuck off."
"Fern? Can't say I know him."
"Pray to all the gods that you never have to."
Cain just let out a bemused huff, before sauntering over and leaning an arm on their shoulder. "Well, thanks for coming by and setting me free. I was beginning to wonder when a knight in shining armor would show up~."
Blake just snorted at that as he slipped his arm off and let it fall back down to his side. "Better you than some bird. No offense to the bird. Speaking of birds, where's Kaita?"
"She- wait, what does Kaita have to do with birds?"
"Well- I dunno, she has her Rowlet. I guess that's what made me think of her."
"It's actually a Dartrix now, but-" Blake offhandedly mentioned, glancing back down the path. "She's waiting up ahead. I think she found a gate that leads out of here, but we've been struggling to open it. Think you might be able to help us?"
"Mm, I can try," Cain replied as he began to follow their lead through the dense jungle. "'M sure it's nothing a little bit of force can't fix~"
Blake visibly rolled their eyes at his suggestive grin. "Well, I did try prying it open, but even that wasn't-"
"Bzzt! Wait!"
The two turned to face the camera, giving Rotom a look of confusion. The little ghost whirled around, gazing back into the cage. You could tell it was probably searching for the Misdreavus, but the bigger ghost was no where to be seen... "What about Viva...?"
"Who?" asked Blake.
Rotom continued to stare for a moment, glancing back between its trainer and the cell. "Uh- bzzt... never mind."
End video.]
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
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wip. god knows if i'll finish it but JHGFGHJ
kaita belongs to @kikimcgee
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
sick and tired of seeing these ace trainers brag about their super smart badass level 100 shiny mons.
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This is Sol. She is a fucking idiot. She regularly forgets that she is a flying type and sits at the bottom of cabinets n such crying cause she doesn't know how to get up. I would die for her.
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
You receive a package, it's a jar about the size of a large pickle jar, inside is a red liquid, in which floats red orbs about the size of a golfball. Tied to the jar is a note.
"Howdy there, hope this finds you well. I figured I would share a taste of the Ohrken region with some of my fellow bloggers. These are a berry native to Ohrken called Cran Berries. These ones have been pickled so they may be a bit tart. Stay safe out there."
-- Ranger Sveppir
Oh my goodness, thank you!! They look delicious! I appreciate it so much. I’m going to share them with my team!
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
Kss, calm down! It's just one Nuzleaf. Nothin' I can't handl-
...oh. Never mind.
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
-Kaita’s Rotom
Oh would you CAN it you little bozo?! They're fine! They just fell into a Nuzleaf trap. We just have to go into the Underroot and find out which cage they were thrown in! It'll be way faster to go grab them ourselves instead of waiting for a couple o' humans to get here, kyeheheh.
[ ...Ro-to-to-to... Update, I have also unfortunately been forced to cooperate with a shady character by the name of "Viva" in order to mount my User's rescue... ]
Hey! Watch it you pesky little wisp! Like I said, I'll have you for dinner if you don't help! Zipping around in a a panic like that IS NOT helping! Ksss, Rotom...
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
📱: a text exchange
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
📸: an image
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
🎥: a video
[ATTACHMENT: A short clip. It's a video of when Blake was still on the train. In the background, you can catch a glimpse of Kaita's hair, but the main focus is on Blake and another familiar face- Kappa.
"You excited you be on a train again, boy?" They ask their Pokemon. The Inteleon makes a small noise, tilting his head at the camera with curious eyes. "We haven't done this since our Galar days."
Kappa trills, and the video ends with Blake giving him a gentle scratch on the head.]
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pkmnrangerkaita · 2 months
Roto Leak!
Send a ⚡ along with one of the emojis below to receive a file from this user's Rotom Phone!
📸: an image
🎥: a video
📝: a text file
🎙️: an audio recording
📧: an email
📱: a text exchange
🗣️: a voicemail
🔎: last 5 search queries
🎶: last played song
⏯️: last watched video
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