Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Sam and Clint are discussing conspiracy theories and end up talking about the JFK assassination. Steve is adamant that it wasn’t an inside/CIA job. Natasha’s pretty sure the KGB had nothing to do with it. Clint is microanalyzing all the details like shot trajectory, line of fire, etc. Steve sees Bucky sitting off to the side Googling everything and wants to include him in the conversation, so he says, “Hey, Buck, who do you think shot President Kennedy?”
And Bucky just looks up and very quietly says, “I think I did.”
And the whole room goes silent.
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Yes I support gay rights.
Yes I would care if you died.
No I’m not going to reblog that post.
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more young avengers
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Gee, after-life sure has been busy lately. I've hardly done anything on here in a while! Maybe if some one could send me some questions, it would help.
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sad little ghost boy with his ghost hand guardian
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There’s this odd idea in the posts debigotizer has covered recently, where “one can be racist without being hateful” is a pervading theme.
Extensively, I suppose, “one can be ____ist withou being hateful” too.
The thing is, this sort of writing misses the point. While we certainly care about the actors of racism, sexism, or elitism, we do not observe them as being “hateful” or “not hateful”. Rather, we look at whether the effects of their oppression generate hateful attitudes toward those who are oppressed.
Historically, this has always been the case.
The spirit of separate-but-equal may have been to allow racism without hatred, but it allowed people to perpetuate double standards, which in turn allowed a sense of superiority in one race over the other. That in turn translated very quickly to hatred.
The spirit of the Han absorption of ethnicity in China was one that not only wasn’t hateful, but was about inclusiveness. In practice, it eliminated a lot of the cultural diversity of China, banishing ethnic groups who wouldn’t conform to the “Han lifestyle” to little corners of the country. It perpetuated the idea that Han was superior, and thus promoted and excused existing paradigms of racial hatred.
Many slave-owners may have been fair to their slaves. “I am a just man, therefore my racism is not malicious,” could have been how they excused their own contribution to slavery. However, they still put a cap on their slaves’ worth and development, and whether that cap is motivated by actual hatred or simple apathy regarding the status quo, it is unfair, unjust, and hateful.
I bemoan the failures of an impact-over-intent consequentialist ethical system when dealing with semantics, but it applies here. In spades.
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hey cis people it's me again
mentioning that you’re cis and putting your pronouns in your sidebar/about make you like 500% more trustworthy bc it means that you’re a) likely educated about trans issues and b) working to denormalize being cis [bc generally only trans people are expected to mention their pronouns and gender]
it’s also really helpful in terms of accessibility for disabled people like me and for folks on mobile
so like
if you can then
maybe do that please
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((Hey guys im back after a weekend away))
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Can work as an ice breaker, starter maker, or just a simple little ask meme.
"Am I dead?"
"Another one?"
"And what if I don’t?"
"Are you afraid of God?"
"Are you crazy?”
"Are you lost?"
"Are you really that shallow?"
"Are you sure it’s okay?"
"Are you sure there were no...
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Have you always wanted our muses to meet, but didn’t know how they would first interact? Send me one of the following ice breakers so we can embark on our roleplaying adventure!
"Good morning, sorry I’m late!"
"I’m not late am I?"
"I don’t think we’ve met before…"
"You look familiar, have we met?"
"Do I know you?"
"Sorry! You dropped this!"
"Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else, I didn’t mean to hug you!"
"Watch where you’re going!"
"Are you okay? You didn’t fall too badly did you?"
"I should have said something earlier, I’m-"
"I’ve seen you around, I’ve just never had the guts to say hi."
"You must be new…"
"Do you need a hand?"
"Have you just moved in?"
"If you want me to show you around, I don’t mind helping."
"I saw you from across the room and I had to say hi."
"I wouldn’t buy that if I were you."
"Do you need some help?"
"Is this yours?"
"Sorry, I’m not from around here, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?"
"Hey, have you got change for a note?"
"Want some gum?"
"Ah, sorry. I’ll move my bag, this seat is free."
"Not every day you meet someone with such a smile!"
"Thanks for holding the door open for me!"
"Uhm, excuse me. Hey, wake up! This isn’t your stop is it?"
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PJ! High five!
Oh, um, I need Lefty here first, unless you are a spectral or spirit or ghost of course!
Alright he's here!
*Lefty high fives you"
0 notes
PJ shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore his pain as he settled on the bed lightly. "If that exists, it would be nice." he admitted. "But I don't think it does. I'll just go somewhere else and heal up on my own. I'm sure you're busy."
"You hurt your leg?"
PJ looked down at his leg-like area. “Well, it was more like my tail, Mr. Max…” he mumbled, biting his lip as he winced in pain. A point in his spectral trail seemed a much brighter purple than usual, almost like it was leaking spectral energy. “Some spirit was being aggressive. Lefty drove him off, but… It’s fine. I can take care of it on my own.”
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"You hurt your leg?"
PJ looked down at his leg-like area. "Well, it was more like my tail, Mr. Max..." he mumbled, biting his lip as he winced in pain. A point in his spectral trail seemed a much brighter purple than usual, almost like it was leaking spectral energy. "Some spirit was being aggressive. Lefty drove him off, but... It's fine. I can take care of it on my own."
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Wow, it's been a slow couple of days, hasn't it? That's fine. I mean, it's what was used to until Max showed up. 
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Anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me.
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Send me "black bird" for a darker memory of my muse's past
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((Guys where did all my rping partners go??? And I want to rp with non paranatural people but i have no idea how to go about it))
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