pixiesluver · 1 month
chapter 7: my bitch pose is NEASTY.
“… so? is that it?? he left you on read?” monoma was currently sat on your couch, his blonde hair was lying on his head like a mop and he still had his hero costume on, if he was caught in the wrong district at night, people would most definitely get the wrong idea about him.
“can you at least pretend to be interested?! i’m pouring my heart out here and you’re just making me feel like my conversation with him didn’t matter!” you shouted from the kitchen, your habit of baking whenever you were stressed was currently coming into play as you used one arm to stir the bowl of cookie dough together.
“i mean.. i think you’re being a bit dramatic. all he did was talk to you. that’s literally what any normal person would do.” he spread himself out on your couch, lying down as if he paid the bills.
“whatever, just say you hate to see me happy.” he heard the ding that signaled that the oven was ready from where he was reclined.
a knock was heard on your door, and you could hearing monoma groan as he lifted himself up off the couch, going to answer your door.
“what?” monoma said as he grabbed the door handle, hoping the person on the other side could hear him. he’d nearly shut it when he saw who was outside your residence.
“who is it, neito?!” you yelled from the kitchen, your visitors being able to hear your voice.
“just some solicitors! don’t worry, i’ll tell them to get lost.” he smiled, his pearly white teeth on display for the group to see.
they’d pushed their way past him, inhaling the scent of cookies baking as they took in your residence in all its’ glory.
japan didn’t have many gated communities, so for you to have lived in one was something rare. each house was about two stories, and for you to afford it on a streamers’ salary was insane.
“how the hell do you afford this by playing video games?!” bakugou spoke, breaking the silence that enveloped your home.
from where you stood in your kitchen, you couldn’t see who had entered until you heard his voice coming through your ears.
you’d quickly come outside, setting your timer as you very obviously ran outside, almost tripping over your feet as you straightened yourself up.
“hello everyone!” you smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks as you looked at bakugou.
“hey! we brought you some medicine for that wrist of yours. got it straight from a friend who specializes in medicine.” kirishima smiled wide, holding up a bag in one hand.
you’d grabbed it, mumbling a quick oh thank you as you stood there.
“so um, this is kinda rude but. what are you guys doing here?” you asked as they looked at you.
“well baku-.” kirishima began as bakugou subtly nudged him.
“oh. well we wanted to come see if you’d wanted to watch a movie with us.” he spoke, giving his friend a knowing grin as the latter glared at him.
“sure! i’ve got cookies baking and you guys can set up in the living room. neito will help you.” you smiled, and the group made its’ way to your array of couches.
tonight was going to be fun.
i hate this
tags!: @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @kanvis @brbwritingfanfic @pixiesluver
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pixiesluver · 1 month
chapter 5: well sorta kinda
so scratch that, your wrist was totally undoubtedly dislocated, and you were currently in the er at 2 am, waiting to see a doctor for the throbbing pain emitting from your arm.
the worst part? a bunch of people had now seen the viral video of you hitting the fence.
the best part? probably dynamight replying to your comment that you’d made on twitter. that or the fact that monoma was currently writhing next to you because he’d managed to trip and injure his shoulder when he was home alone.
the pain in your wrist hadn’t let up since you left the party, insisting on driving yourself home because it was way too embarassing to ask anyone for a ride, but thankfully ashido was super persistent and drove you in your own car, kirishima following behind in their vehicle.
meanwhile, just fifteen minutes away from the hospital where you were currently on painkillers, a group was crammed into a car. many of them were too drunk to drive themselves, opting to have their friends to take them home.
“did you guys know she could do that?! cause i didn’t!” kaminari spoke, small shocks were currently coming out of the palm of his hand due to his intoxicated state.
“you know as much as we do, kaminari. we just met her for the first time tonight.” kirishima was the only one who hadn’t a drop of alcohol in his system, he was also the designated driver.
“speaking of, is she okay?” uraraka spoke, this seemed to get bakugou’s attention as he raised his head from where it rested on the window of the car, the cold air outside combined with the heater creating the perfect atmosphere.
“well, sorta kinda? they said she had a dislocated wrist, so i’m guessing she won’t be streaming anytime soon. at least not gameplay.” ashido smiled softly, trying to rest against her seat.
“tch. maybe next time people shouldn’t let her do stupid shit like that.” his raspy voiced mumbled as he leaned against his headrest.
bakugou sobered up about two hours after he’d been dropped off at his apartment where he currently sat on his couch, looking at the ceiling and wondering if you were alright.
you weren’t, of course, due to the fact that tokyo was such a big city, the doctors and anyone else capable of snapping your joints back into place safely were unavailable.
neito had gone home by now, leaving you writhing in pain as you were laid out on the hospital bed, and somehow the one thing in your mind was to post on twitter.
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your phone dinged, and you thought it was neito texting you as you unlocked your screen. upon opening twitter back up, you nearly launched your phone at the poor intern who had come to reset your wrist.
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tags!: @pixiesluver @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @kanvis @brbwritingfanfic
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pixiesluver · 2 months
chapter 3: stupid, stupid game.
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“so how sure are we about your boyfriend not wanting a boyfriend?” the sudden voice made you jump, you’d forgotten how often monoma liked to show up uninvited, especially when it was late at night and you were already weary of intruders.
“what? i don’t have a boyfriend.” you poured the blueberries into the mixture beforing combining them with the batter.
“i know that. i meant bakugou.” monoma made his way to your fridge, opening it and picking out a snack you’d frequently bought just because of how often he was over at your place.
“oh. well what makes you say that?” you were quiet, too quiet for monoma’s liking. he frowned.
“well, he’s always rambling about stupid deku this, stupid deku that.” he spoke while eating his food, a pet peeve he knew you had.
“hey, are you okay?” monoma asked once he finished, you’d been silent and your main focus was watching your muffins rise in the oven.
“m’fine.” you mumbled, eyes not once leaving where your pan sat on the second rack.
“is this about that shindo thing? you’re not over him?”
“s’not about shindo. s’about the fact that he was able to go pro after everything he did to me. just not fair.” you sighed, rubbing your eyes.
“well, i can assure you that he’s a second rate hero at best. nothing special. and i would know, i’m the most special in terms of heroes. also think of it this way, if you do end up getting bakugou, you could totally make shindo feel like shit.” monoma head to where your dishes were sitting in the sink, turning on the water and grabbing the sponge. after all, he was the one who ate most of your treats, he should be the one to clean up.
“i guess you’re right.” you sat on the counter next to the sink, monoma’s blonde hair sticking out in contrast to your dark themed kitchen.
bakugou didn’t know what urged him to watch your stream. he didn’t really know how he got to your page, seeing that your profile picture was a manga panel of gojo, perfect for your username.
he didn’t know how he ended up staring at his phone at night, nor how he ended up actually laughing at your commentary.
at first, he’d only watched your stream because kirishima had put him onto it, saying how you were genuinely a pretty funny person aside from all the thirst comments that you’d make about pro hero dynamight.
of course, he couldn’t let your ego get inflated so he was under a screen name.
you didn’t know that. so you’d continued to speak freely about the pro hero, even while you were in the lobby waiting to respawn.
“as i was saying, lowkey dynamight would make a great father. but i-.” your voice was cutoff as you were killed by someone under the username phant0mth1ef on fortnite, your bestfriend’s laugh echoing through your headset as you stopped, your viewers watching as your mouth dropped open. bakugou watching as your mouth dropped open.
you ended the call with monoma, and closed the fortnite app as your face stayed the same, your mouse racing across the screen as you put your headset down, getting up from your chair to go grab a snack.
“why do people play fortnite. it’s a stupid, stupid game it does not work.” a fake german accent in your voice as your door open and shut. your viewers continuing to talk in your chat.
and for the first time since watching your streams, bakugou let out a genuine laugh.
tags! : @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @pixiesluver @kanvis
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pixiesluver · 2 months
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I'm so proud of myself c:
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pixiesluver · 2 months
love having absolutely nothing to contribute with like my beautiful sexy mutuals write the most intelligent insightful posts and im in the tags like #yeah
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pixiesluver · 2 months
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breaking news 😱 joe biden drops jjk 😕😔😱💔
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pixiesluver · 2 months
“who do i look like thirsting over a guy who still has a galaxy s6?”
part 2 to the little streamer drabble i posted!
“girl look at your twitter.”
the voice that your phone was emitting rang in your ears, pro hero by day, your longtime bestfriend by night, monoma neito. also known as, phantom theif.
“what? what happened?” you quickly tapped off the call screen, your finger rapidly going to find the app with the blue bird logo, trying to see if you were getting cancelled, or worse, if you were getting shipped with neito.
you quickly tapped the topic that showcased your name, wondering just what all the fuss could possibly be about at 2:53 am on a tuesday morning.
of course, the gossip magazines have now caught onto what you said and they were sure as hell never going to let it go, at least not until you provided them with some details.
“oh my god. neito you told me he wouldn’t even see it! you fucking liar.” you pinched the bridge of your nose while one hand placed your phone on your countertop, the sound of the man laughing echoing throughout your household as you went to open your fridge.
“you had to have known he’d see it! you’re not exactly an underground streamer y’know. although, you’ll never be in the spotlight the way i am.” how the hell was he a pro hero with this attitude? no way his approval rating was high.
“well yeah! but i didn’t think he’d reply to it. d’you know how embarassing this is for me? it was just a joke! it’s literally a lyric from a megan thee stallion song.” you groaned as you cracked an egg over your bowl, whisking it in.
“wait. what’re you doing?” he heard you shuffling around.
“baking a cake. i can’t sleep.” you murmured softly, grabbing your flour.
“i’m coming over.” the man had always had such a sweet tooth, and he was more than happy to indulge in the treats that you’d bake whenever your mind was fully occupied.
“i’m here!” you jumped, forgetting that you had given the man a key in case he was ever on night patrol and needed a place to crash.
he was in his hero costume, his patrol had just finished and the stupid tailcoat that he had followed his every move as he waltzed into your kitchen, a bright smile on his face.
“god, neito! knock or something, i could’ve been naked.” your voice revealed to him just how startled you actually were.
“nothing i haven’t seen before.” oh right, that’s how you both got so close. you used to hook up with the man before becoming bestfriends.
“anyways. back to the main subject. what the hell do i do? he’s seen it. so it’s not like i can delete it and pretend it’s never happened.”
the man handed you the sugar from your pantry before sitting on your countertop right by your stove.
“well no, you can’t delete it now. honestly i say live up to it, what’s the worst that can happen?” he was always so confident, it made you like him and hate him at the same time.
“i don’t know, neito. i mean that’s embarassing! who do i look like thirsting over a man who still has a samsung galaxy s6? i’m so stupid sometimes, this is why i need a media manager.” you poured the cake mix into the pan, tossing neito the bowl so that he could have the leftover mix.
“mm. thank you. chocolate cake mix.”
“can you be serious?” you threw a wooden spoon at him, the man letting out a small ow! before getting back to your conversation.
“i am being serious, sweetheart. unfortunately this is just something you’ve got to live up to. i’ve met the dude y’know, and he’s a cocky little shit but he’s not that bad.”
“so he’s basically like you?”
you sighed, setting your timer for your sweet treat. this was just an interaction you couldn’t keep on avoiding.
tags: @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @pixiesluver
new character unlocked: monoma neito
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pixiesluver · 2 months
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pixiesluver · 2 months
Messaging people for the first time is so hard. What am I supposed to say? Like, "You seem really odd and your blog intrigues me. Do you want to have philosophical conversations or perhaps talk about fictional characters?" What! Whatever. I will just follow you back and stare at your blog with my big beautiful brown eyes.
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pixiesluver · 3 months
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MSBY 4 PHOTOSHOOT (1/4) ☀️🏖️
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pixiesluver · 3 months
if i cannot be wanted
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i will be needed
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and if i cannot be needed
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let me be used until there’s nothing left of me
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pixiesluver · 3 months
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6K notes · View notes
pixiesluver · 3 months
Iida, trying to help: I also have an older brother.
Shoto: That is not the same thing. That is not even remotely the same situation. Get out of here with your normal-ass family memories.
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pixiesluver · 3 months
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˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ ˊ˗
eren, armin, jean, reiner, connie & levi x fem!reader
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ ˊ˗
You’re a famous woman. You’re a wealthy woman. And you went through several marriages to achieve your star status.
In Los Angeles, your life as a celebrity consists of flashing cameras, adoring fans, and money. However, there’s an ugly side of Hollywood — and the dark side of love and romance: obsession, manipulation, rumors, and death.
One of your lovers was your childhood friend. Another one was rich and dangerous. Two of them were musicians. One was an actor. Another one was your manager.
As you go from marriage to marriage and lover to lover in the midst of being in the public eye, only one person can have you. In the end, one of your admirers will end up being the true love of your life.
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ୨୧ ˊ˗
18+ ONLY // {N}SFW // MINORS DNI - modern au, fem!reader, smut, fluff, angst, dark content, violence, toxic relationships, stalking, swearing, mentions of alcohol/drinking, death, pregnancy/children, unrequited love. any other potential warnings will be posted at the start of each chapter.
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ୨୧ ˊ˗
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 ୨୧ ˊ˗
Five Husbands Headcanons
The Trial - extra scene
The Tour - extra scene
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♡ This series is complete!
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pixiesluver · 3 months
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the perfect solution
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pixiesluver · 3 months
He is so kitty cat coded
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pixiesluver · 3 months
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Naoya 🚃
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