pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝My hat has a cow.❞ Melody’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion, looking between Veda and the hat, then the door, finally deciding to just sit down in her chair, confused. “I bet Bobbi did this. She must’ve put a cow on my hat. Ugh, we’re trying to do some SERIOUS things here and she puts a cow on my hat!” Forcing herself to calm down, she finally focused her attention on Veda properly. “Okay, okay, anything on your end that needs to be paid attention to? I know we need to iron out more the guidelines for Squib children & youth, especially now, but do you have any muggle friends that may be willing to come in and talk about how we’ll be able to find and help any Squibs in the muggle world, legally? How do they even feel about knowing about magical people without magic around? This is all such a mess.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
@pixiepuffs |  Send me ☞ for a starter of my character giving your character instructions
Lorcan had known it was stupid, trying to wrestle an angry patient to the ground, but hell… He’d fought off worse when it came to Wraiths. His pain level was easily a 9/10 and he knew there was some broken bones. As Jane came skittering down the hall, he waved her close. “I’m gonna teach you how to do this spell…” He breathed, heaving for a normal breath. “And you are going to do it flawlessly because you’re brilliant, right? Right.”
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“Lorcan? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Rushing over to his side, an extremely concerned look on her face, Jane checked for any visible injuries over his body -- not seeing any. “Of course, go on then, before I ask for help because I’ve got no clue what’s wrong with you or how severe it is and I think it would be a lousy death to just die in a hallway at St. Mungos.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝You always hurt the one you love.❞ Rose mused to herself in front of the tattoo artist in front of her. “That’s why I wanna get something. I’ve already got a few, but I heard you’re one of the best around tattoo me. Next time I act like a real prat to my mum, I can show her the tattoo as an apology. Yes mum, I fucked up this time but I DO think about your thoughts & feelings. See! I have a tattoo with your face on it!”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝We so need to get out of here.❞ Referring to the chaos that had erupted at what was supposed to be a nice afternoon at Hyde Park with Athena. If only they were able to put a sound barrier around them, a quick easy charm, but a part of Octavia had to make sure she was aware of her surroundings -- ESPECIALLY as this was ruckus just seemed to grow. “Especially before I get a headache from all this ... yelling.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝I’ll scream.❞ Octavia sighed, running a hand through her hair, sighing. This event was not going as planned, a few of her vendors pulling out due to the fear the few muggles invited going to out them to the rest of the Muggle world. It was fair, but it was tiring. “I mean, OF COURSE I’ll keep my composure as I’m not a banshee but -- I’m ready to scream. I just have been working on this beginning of the summer gala for ages, plus there’s the Spring Tea next week. You’re still going to be there, correct? You and Adele? At least the attendance for the tea will be alright.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
An adventure was calling — and Lysander was more than willing, a little too willing, to answer the call. He didn’t even finish his morning coffee, when he stared down at his notebook, the cover painted over with intentional horrid colors, to give love to rarely used colors. But his body was alive with the need to get out, to explore, to seek out adventure. It was a lifestyle that he was fond of, always wanting more and more out of the vastness of the outdoors. 
He didn’t know how much time passed between getting dressed, leaving, and ending up at Jane’s. His flannel was buttoned unevenly, possibly from rushing to get ready. Brushed teeth, uncombed hair, different styles of socks, and he was ready to go. Appearances never really mattered to the younger Scamander twin, who didn’t yet decide what color he wanted his hair to be. 
He didn’t give himself a chance to knock on the door, almost as if it were a patter. One knock, four fast knocks, two knocks. He didn’t even give Jane time — if she was home, to open the door. He opened it himself, either unlocking it if it was locked or just allowing himself into the home. 
“Jane! Jane?” He shouted urgently, a wide smile flaunted across his face. “It’s adventure time. Get ready, nature is calling. Hurry, I say.” He didn’t care if he was shouting for her, he was already slouched against the door. “What about waterfalls? Or unicorn searching? Come on, let’s go.” 
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Jane wished she could be even remotely surprised when Lysander came barreling into her apartment on her day off, no less, demanding an adventure. She’d been in dreamland, sleeping, for once, resting her body & her mind -- excited to have a relaxing day to herself. At least, as relaxing of a day Jane could have -- a few errands were lined up, a few bills that needed to be paid, but a nice breakfast was ahead of her. “Lysander? Lysander, where are you? Don’t tell me you’ve got some sort of invisibility cloak on? Actually, no, tell me that this is a dream. I’m still dreaming. I’m asleep as I should be for the next,” she looked at her clock, “twenty-seven minutes, Lysander!”
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Starting to get up, Jane stretched, yawned, and curled her body into itself as she forced herself to get up. “Lysander, you can come in, just please let me get my robe and please PLEASE let me get some tea first? We both need a snack if we’re going to do this, and I’m putting my foot down, Scamander, you’re letting me have some of my morning before we go. You’ve already derailed my plans, mister!” Though she wasn’t nearly as agitated as she was acting, she was genuinely concerned & wanting to have the morning she’d so diligently planned. 
Walking over to her clothes rack, she wrapped her robe around herself, another thought occurring to her. “We wouldn’t go Unicorn searching at HOGWARTS, right? I’m not keen on going all the way out there to the Forbidden Forrest. I like the waterfall idea much more. Should I bring a bathing suit? I need to pack a picnic, Ly, I wish you’d at least give me a heads up or really, I should be prepared by now. I really need to make a Lysander Excursion Picnic Basket for when you whisk me off on these adventures as if I’ve got nothing better to do.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
Send me ☞ for a starter of my character giving your character instructions | JANE @pixiepuffs 
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“Ew, she’s a bloody cat person.” Lily had been nursing a grudge against felines ever since ‘the kneazle incident.’ When she was only six, a feral kneazle nearly gnawed her arm off, resulting in an overnight stay in St. Mungo’s Dai Llewellyn Ward for Serious Bites. Naturally, now all cats were dead to Lily – except lions of course. “We can’t set Albus up with someone who owns five cats. He’s going to wind up smelling like one.” She clicked on another candidate and started browsing his profile. “Not bad. Cute eyes.” she commented. “ – wait, his favorite movie is Fight Club. Massive red flag.” With a defeated shake of her head, Lily set down her phone. “Let’s just match him up with someone we already know. There must be someone we haven’t thought of.”
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While she didn’t approve of discrimination based solely on cats, she understood where Lily was coming from -- remembering the kneazle incident fairly well. Besides, five cats? That was fairly excessive and really, Lily was right, Albus smelling like cats was the last thing they both needed. Looking over Lily’s shoulder, Jane nodded, “ugh, Fight Club? I hate to be judgemental but that is a massive red flag. Plus, is that -- is that a? Is that a confederate flag? Helga, I can’t believe some racist AMERICAN found their way into this. Must be here on business or something,” though, the thought of bigots from America coming to England for the protests? Scary. As if they didn’t have enough people here who were doing so. “Hmm, there are a few people from work I could easily see Al hitting it off with. Hmm, I’d even try to set him up with Vi though .... we are god siblings so never mind that. Ew. Ew. I NEVER said that. Hmm, Ava Bones was also a thought but I doubt they’d hit it off as I think it might not be the right time for her. Bobbi and him would be .... -- hilarious on a date, methinks.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
“Are you saying that I’m lonely?” Ava had never considered herself to be lonely as she enjoyed solitude at times because it allowed her to think before treating a patient. She didn’t mind eating alone or glancing over her case files yet again just to make sure she didn’t miss anything. In high school it had allowed her to see details others missed because they were focused on socializing. Being alone also allowed her to see right through people and figure out their true intention, yet after all these years she still couldn’t figure Jane out. “Because I’m not; I just prefer sticking by myself that way I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not,” she stated as she grabbed a cardigan out of her locker. “But fine, only one hot chocolate and only one cupcake, Longbottom.” 
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“Well, you may have said it FIRST,” Jane gave a sheepish smile, trying to act as non guilty as possible in this situation, even though she did believe Ava to be extremely lonely. It wasn’t fair, she was smart, she was good, she deserved to have people who saw her for who she was around her and Jane was determined to make her coworker see what she did. At least, bring her out of her shell even a bit. It was a VICTORY to Jane, as she jumped up and down, ecstatic that she’d finally gotten Ava to go with her. “Yes! You will not regret it, Miss Ava Bones, I promise you! Plus, I make the best hot chocolate in all the universe. Alright, we’ll stop by my lab quickly then maybe go on the roof? We can sit outside somewhere too. As long as we get out of the hospital because I think a change of scenery is imperative.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝I don’t know you.❞ Rose looked away from Dorian dramatically as she went to sip the coffee she stole from her mother’s office -- not that mum would notice anyways, hard at work as usual. She’d decided to stroll around the Ministry, people watch, insert herself into other people’s business, eavesdrop, until Dorian came in. “SUDDENLY, I can’t read. Or see. I don’t know.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝You’re really starting to freak me out.❞ Rose said easily, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re doing this whole writer thing wayyyy to hard, Molls. Think about how sad it is, that I’m here, worrying about YOUR well being instead of the other way ‘round. Anything I can do to help? I’ll clean up any, if you need. Get you some real food, too.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
TEDDY LUPIN + ROSE WEASLEY |  @cavldroncake
❝The monkey is the only cookie animal that gets to wear clothes.❞  Rose took another bite, sliding the bag over to Teddy. “See? I went into muggle London and got EVERY sort of animal cookies I could find. The monkey, without fail, always has it’s clothes on! What’s up with that?”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
At the voice that greeted him, he froze up and tensed like he was locking himself into a total halt. Hoping he could blend in with the background of the wall. How was it that despite everything, he was always running into her even when he didn’t want to be. At her commentary, however, he shook his head completely unsurprised. “Of course I am.” He muttered before he reached in the desk drawer to his right and threw her cards up on the table beside him. “No worries. You’re safe and sound as usual.”
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You’re safe and sound, as usual. The comment felt backhanded, though she knew Lorcan to be as direct as they came. Regardless if it was deserved at this point --  it still bothered her. Rose being Rose, she didn’t have a filter either, making it easy now for her to dig the hole between them even deeper. “Thank you for keeping it. Thank you for saving my life, or least helping to do so, I really don’t know what else to say? I want to say more to you, like, I’m sorry? That you had to deal with my bloody mess again, after years of it, but I just? I know it’s NOT ENOUGH. I just hate this. I don’t like it being this tense and angry between us. I know I deserve it but I just don’t fucking like it, okay?”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
RIVER JORDAN + ROSE WEASLEY |  @cavldroncake
❝I kiss all the time, not that I’m a kiss slut.❞ Rose mused, “though, I’m just a regular slut, I think that’s it, actually. Even then, I don’t see a problem with it. I just --” truly, Rose tripped over her words because she was nervous being around River, zhe was as flawless as flawless could come, really. “I’m a kiss slut. A regular slut. A slut for the PEOPLE, really.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
“you worry too much. besides, it was just a little scratch, i was fine after i regained consciousness.” well it wasn’t entirely true. the scratch was definitely deeper than he had led on, yet he didn’t mention how deep because he didn’t want his cousin to add him onto a list of worries. “anyways enough about me. how are you? hows work?”
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“I worry the perfect amount considering the situation, Hades, don’t get it twisted,” rolling her eyes, she proceeded, “... a little scratch that rendered you unconscious is DEFINITELY worry worthy. I bet it was much worse than that, but, I guess since we’re not being honest with each other like good cousins are supposed to be -- I’ll keep all my work things to myself. I’m good. Everything’s good. A lot more help is needed now that we’re working trying to coordinate with more muggles. But that’s all I’m going to say.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
Nadia swore she felt her eye twitch as Melody said the word planner for what felt like the hundreth time—-working in the same building as the older Shacklebolt was proving to be an occupational hazard. “Let the muggles trample me now and put me out of my misery.”  She muttered not-so-quietly under her breath, “As fascinating as your middle-aged rituals like planner-keeping sound, Mel, I’m not quite bored enough to pretend to be invested in any part of your life, especially something as mundane as a sushi run.”
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“I’m sure that can be arranged if you really really wanted it to -- though I’d prefer you in one piece, as UNBELIEVABLE as that sounds,” this back and forth between Nadia and her was normal, hilarious most of the time, even. It had been since she was a second year and Melody was Head Girl. “You’re telling me someone as organized & brilliant as you DOESN’T keep a planner? Please. I might have to plot out when all these protests keep happening to see if there’s a pattern -- something my planner would help with. Where were you off to anyways?”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
“Okay, Vi, so, I think we need a trip to Disneyland! I’d say Disney World or maybe even the other one in the states, but, I think we need to get me, you, Da, Mum, and the rest of the clan to go? We’ve got to plan it.” It was so refreshing to see her sister, knowing she’d been busy with her Quidditch, Jane with her Healing, it was hard meeting up sometimes but the Longbottom family ALWAYS made time for each other. “We just need some fun! Happiness! Unadulterated happiness! We most definitely deserve it. Plus, I’ve been craving one of those churros.”
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pixiepuffs-blog1 · 6 years
❝Everything I feel, everything I touch. This is hell.❞ Rose groaned loudly, a pillow smushed onto her face. Was it a hangover? Was it the flu? Was it too much indica before bed? She just didn’t know, and with a shift coming up in two hours, the last thing Rose wanted to do was go to work. “Lily, Lily Luna Potter, Beater Up Of Fuck Boys, Sassmaster Supreme, my absolute Favorite Cousin in the Entire Galaxy, Miss Independent ... -- nurse me back to health! Or, at least, if you know any way to bring that toilet in the lavatory into your room, that would be ace. Fucking fantastic. Fucking hell.”
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