Vada and Amelia - The Fallout
Just think that the sister relationship in this film needs more attention tbh.
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pitchperfectfiction · 4 years
Snapshots of the 18 months, 4 weeks and 3 days without the Earps. 
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pitchperfectfiction · 5 years
I need to find something to better do with my time. 
If you have twitter please RT / Like ! 
this is so messy, could have done better tbh
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
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Hi guys, if you haven’t heard about it yet, Wynonna Earp is nominated for a Best New Show Award at the E! Online TV Scoop Awards 2016. We’re right behind Shadowhunters by a few percent and I believe we can still catch up! 
If we win, this will definitely help with the renewal for season 2! Reblog this post for a signal boost and tell all yo frends to vote to show the cast and crew some love.
Vote here. It ends Monday, July 4, 5PM, PT.
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
I enjoyed seeing your observations, especially about Callie and who comes into the room. However, in one of the promos for the two part episode I think there was a hand reaching for Callie, and it wasn't AJ. So that would lead to Jude, Brandon, or Nick. I don't think it's nick though. My guess is Brandon.
Are you on about the hand reaching for Callie whilst she is laid on her bed? Because if so, I believe that is AJ. I can’t get a decent enough screenshot but when the figure is walking towards Callie on the bed you can make out the strap of a backpack over their shoulder - which is then the same strap as seen in the screenshot of AJ in the room. But who knows
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
4x02 Observations (cont)
Okay so to put things simply - it looks like for part of the episode Nick is hiding in the upper level of the garage? We see this shot here;
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Which at first I assumed was the attic, apart from the window right in the bottom left of the shot. The window in the middle of the shot, fair enough sometimes you get windows in upper levels but to have two, or to be fair two levels in an attic to begin with is slightly odd. We then see this shot;
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With the sofa in the bottom right - indicating that Stef is in fact in the garage - yes they ‘cleaned’ it out but they only ever cleared the middle section, in recent shots of the garage you can see that the shelves around the outside are still clustered. And finally we have this shot;
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Which is continued from the last - Stef holding the torch and looking up onto the oh look, it’s the next level. See that lamp in the bottom corner? That is also in the first shot, which leads me to believe that Nick is hiding in the garage. Now I doubt Nick is still there at the point Stef is searching, but he was there at some point. Another point to add is that whilst looking in the attic Stef was wearing different clothing - a plaid shirt. 
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
there is literally nothing that the writers could do to make me like brandon 
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
4x02 Promo Observations
Just two of the main things I thought I would point out. If you don’t want any sort of spoilers at all I suggest you stop reading now. 
Firstly - The shots of Lena going up into the attic and jumping are because it’s Stef who is already in the attic. Although in other shots later in the promo she is also in the garage and Jesus/Jude’s room. 
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Secondly - Callie and Mariana’s room. Nick seemingly enters the room when it is empty, or at least when Callie is not there as you can see via the mirror in the shot. 
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The bed is empty. The promo originally mislead me, I thought maybe it was just something to do with the camerawork and space of the room when they were filming because in the next shot Callie is laid on her bed facing the wall. 
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With someone who you would assume is Nick due to the shirt - however this then links back to the fact that Callie isn’t in the mirror in the prior shot. These two moments are entirely different timings and who is the figure you may ask? Who just so happens to be wearing a shirt that is the exact same colour as Nick and also the same style and colour jeans? Well my friends, it could only be one person. 
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Obviously there was other stuff I picked up on, you can break it down very easily by just watching the promo at a 1/4 speed but these are the two main things I thought I would point out. 
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
Haven't seen Brandon yet
This might be a good episode.
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
It's cause he's white. Jesus does dumb shit all the time but he never gets the same amount of slack as Brandon does. It's transparent.
I don’t know if that’s it, I’m not going to comment on race at all but it’s true. Jesus has always had to face some sort of consequences for his actions, has had the lecture from Stef and Lena - Brandon? No. In fact he even just walked out on them trying to talk to him on more than one occasion and whenever Stef goes to talk to him, it always ends up with her having to apologise and make things up to him in some way even though it’s him that is the issue.
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
Brandon is so problematic. Says he would rather get shot then have to talk to his moms - once again never taking responsibility for any of his actions. When has he ever? Oh right, never. But the very next second he’s helping people and ya’ll will forget all about how problematic he is - until someone brings it up and you’ll then use that as an excuse. It’s always the same, he doesn’t something extremely shitty, doesn’t take responsibility, does the smallest nice thing and you all praise him. I’m so done with his character in general. 
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
I'm terrible at explaining things and will probably end up making this worse for myself but I'm trying to say that the definition of sibling makes it appear as not incest (each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.) but I didn't take into consideration the definition of *incest* -- but this doesn't justify Brallie in any way because incest isn't even the main problem with the relationship.
I think I get what you’re saying now. They may not fall under the category of ‘siblings’ but they’re still legally related under ‘Adoptive siblings’ so I don’t really understand people who use that argument either. ‘’Adoptive siblings are legally related but need not be blood-related or biologically related’’. Especially when the whole premise of the show is ‘’DNA doesn't make a family...’’ and so on. 
And honestly, we all knew Callie was going to end up getting adopted from day one. It’s just one of those shows, the minutes Stef and Lena took both her and Jude home, arguably before that you knew they were going to become a part of the family. 
But yes you’re right, incest is just one thing on a list of many problems about why Brallie shouldn't happen. There are definitely major problems, such as the controlling nature and so on. But let’s not get into that now hey? 
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
Twitter Bias
Something that i have seen talked lately on Twitter is the Twitter Bias surrounding The Fosters twitter account and Brallie.
Keep reading
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pitchperfectfiction · 8 years
"I saw a post earlier this morning whilst browsing Tumblr on my phone saying something along the lines of how Incest is only between blood relatives and how that in the definition of the word it states that. I’m not sure if that post has been deleted now as I can’t seem to find it but I would just like to point out" This might've been from me. The definition of siblings don't apply to anything other than blood and California laws state that Brallie could legally be ok (ew, though). I never -
- bothered to look up the definition of incest, though. (And I'm not /new/ to Tumblr but new to interacting, I guess? I mostly look through posts and I don't know how this ask stuff works so I don't know how this will look receiving it)
I’m not sure if I understand what you’re trying to say? Although if you’re saying they’re not actually siblings because they’re not related then firstly ‘’Adoptive siblings are legally related but need not be blood-related or biologically related’’
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pitchperfectfiction · 9 years
Dude honestly I have mad respect for you after that last post. People just get so out of hand.
Thank you! Some people really do and as much as I understand how they may be feeling, some people go about expressing it the complete wrong way. Don’t take it out on each other guys, we have are differences. Be kind, respect one-another.  
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pitchperfectfiction · 9 years
The Fosters, 3x19. "The Show"
A quick reminder; In preparation for tonight's episode, which from all the promos seems to heavily revolve around Brallie. I would just like to remind everyone to please, please try to be respectful of others. Like I have said before, I do not ship Brallie and I know a lot of people don't either but we still need to be respectful of others no matter how strongly we feel about the situation. Saying that, I hope everyone enjoys the episode. (Guys someone please come scream with me about the promo and Stef and all the guns and shooting oh god. Please no)
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