pirolia · 7 years
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Oh yeah I draw
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pirolia · 7 years
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That means free access to Photoshop CS2 - and that already has most of what you could ask for, really.
All you have to do is create a FREE ADOBE ID.
I am not sure about commercial use, but MAN. FUCKIN’ SWEET DUDE
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pirolia · 7 years
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have a nepeta >:33c
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pirolia · 7 years
Fantroll blog everyone :D
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pirolia · 7 years
Fantroll #3 blue blood edition!
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Coelat Sableu
*personallity: Coelat is a really happy go luckyand positive troll. He always supporst his friends. However, he hates lowblood, and is pretty cold to them.
*like: fishing(not good at it), water and rap music
*dislike: lowbloods(especially lillic), annoying peoples and animals
*lusus: bird-shark
*quirk: replace: w with uu
                       m with nn
link words with “~”
*Modus:fishing modus: you need to fish the object in order to take it back.
*Strife: fishingrodkind
*godtier: rogue of hope
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pirolia · 7 years
Ps: horine's name has change to Spetin :>
Fantroll #2 !
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Rommen Aweary
*personallity: Rommen is a really vain, and confident troll, to an almost laughable point. He likes cheering peoples up,especially his moirail, Plassi. He think of himself as a highblood because of his ancestor.
*like: himself, history, ruins and eagles
*dislike: vain people (HOW IRONIC), geography, people not taking him seriously.
*lusus: giant fly
*quirk: replace: -r by rr
                        -n by nn
                        -u by ou
*Modus: Ceasar code modus: when you capchalogue it, it instantly code the tablet, you need to decode it in order to take the object back.
*Strife: spearkind
*godtier: page of blood
Psitta Amazee:
*personallity:Psitta is a really serious person, and doesn’t get sarcasm, and jokes in general. He’s really protective and might get angry quickly. 
*like: animals, his lusus, rap music(he sucks at it) and flowers
*dislike: hunters, hunting, and animals who are predators
*lusus: tiger-snake
*quirk: -capitalize “T”
         -replace “i"with “î”
        - begin and end sentences with /îTî/
      *Modus: target modus
*Strife: clawkind/blowgunkind  
*godtier: knight of life
Spetin Chromi( JUST NOTICE THE MISTAKE IN THE DRAWING, don’t mind it :>>>)
*personallity: Spectin is a calm, solitary troll, and don’t really like being with other trolls, and mostly stays home.
*like: drawing,especially animals, being alone, fantasy books
*dislike: colors, musics, paint
*lusus: spider-fox
*quirk: begin sentences with “-”
           replace “o” by “*”
*Modus:pictunary modus
*Strife: penkind 
*godtier: mage of mind
next part this weekend, hopefully :D
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pirolia · 7 years
Finish the art trade for @loud-gay-noises =D
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art trade with @loud-gay-noises hope you like it :D
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pirolia · 7 years
Just letting you know, I made a new account =)
It will replace this one, in terms of activity I mean
a new begining
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pirolia · 7 years
Hey, I would love to ! I love your art style ! However, I wont be able to do it until this week-end, hope it's ok.
Whoop Whoop art trades open ya’ll
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pirolia · 7 years
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pirolia · 7 years
Fantrolls #1
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The first drawing of a 4 parts serie of drawing for introducing my fantrolls :>
this one introduce three trolls:
Lillic Obscou: 
*personallity:Lillic is a really psitive, kind and naive troll, she always smile, and rarely shows other emotions. 
*like: witchcraft, demons, candy
*dislike: water, fish and dogs
*lusus: Owlat(owl-cat)
*moon: Prospit
*Trolltag: sweetDemon
*quirk: o=ooo
*Modus: Spellmodus, you need to use a certain spell for each objects
*Strife:  scythekind
*godtier: witch of doom
Equett Noiset:
*personallity: Equett is kind , caring and protective, but is also short-tempered and can be really violent.
*like: plants, her matesprit Cerrus, nuts 
*dislike: herbivore and vegetarians, vain people 
*lusus: squeakybat (squirrel bat) 
*moon: Derse 
*Trolltag: vegetalMaster
*quirk: th=ff
*Modus: Climbmodus, in order to get the object, you need to climb up a tree that randomely shows up.
*Strife: nutcrakerkind (giant size) 
*godtier: thief of breath
Cerrus Fortis:
*personallity: Cerrus is really anxious and nervous, and refuse to go out with anyone, if Equett isn’t around, for unknown reasons. 
*like: peace, his matesprit Equett, being alone
*dislike: himself, fighting,being around people
*lusus: deer-rabbit 
*quirk: often links two words together with “-”
*Modus: punchingball modus, test the power of a punch, and free the object if it’s powerful enough. 
*Strife: Glovekind  
*godtier: heir of void
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pirolia · 7 years
Fantrolls #1
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The first drawing of a 4 parts serie of drawing for introducing my fantrolls :>
this one introduce three trolls:
Lillic Obscou: 
*personallity:Lillic is a really psitive, kind and naive troll, she always smile, and rarely shows other emotions. 
*like: witchcraft, demons, candy
*dislike: water, fish and dogs
*lusus: Owlat(owl-cat)
*moon: Prospit
*Trolltag: sweetDemon
*quirk: o=ooo
*Modus: Spellmodus, you need to use a certain spell for each objects
*Strife:  scythekind
*godtier: witch of doom
Equett Noiset:
*personallity: Equett is kind , caring and protective, but is also short-tempered and can be really violent.
*like: plants, her matesprit Cerrus, nuts 
*dislike: herbivore and vegetarians, vain people 
*lusus: squeakybat (squirrel bat) 
*moon: Derse 
*Trolltag: vegetalMaster
*quirk: th=ff
*Modus: Climbmodus, in order to get the object, you need to climb up a tree that randomely shows up.
*Strife: nutcrakerkind (giant size) 
*godtier: thief of breath
Cerrus Fortis:
*personallity: Cerrus is really anxious and nervous, and refuse to go out with anyone, if Equett isn’t around, for unknown reasons. 
*like: peace, his matesprit Equett, being alone
*dislike: himself, fighting,being around people
*lusus: deer-rabbit 
*quirk: often links two words together with “-”
*Modus: punchingball modus, test the power of a punch, and free the object if it’s powerful enough. 
*Strife: Glovekind  
*godtier: heir of void
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pirolia · 7 years
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Blue blood, lightbing-croissant horns, an owlmom ? Perfect, juste beautiful
You are now a troll.
This is your blood color.
This is what your lusus looks like.
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pirolia · 7 years
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Little Kanaya pen doodle :3
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pirolia · 7 years
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a little fanart for @princechain, his O.C. rex! 
made with love and msPAIN(t)
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pirolia · 7 years
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with cyclop girl
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pirolia · 7 years
nice! :D
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I WAS to ld you i MACK A gift FOR you UwUb AND I MACK IT ! SOOO HOPE YOU LIKE IT ! GReen : MINE! PINKY BIRDie :  @spacygalaxy
MY DA : https://joodyii.deviantart.com/
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