ᴛʜɪs ʙᴀʙʏ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴄʀʏ
16 posts
pippa andrews. twenty five. sagittarius. “some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea."
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
         ` + * ⋅﹒、bogum  felt  awkward  being  caught  staring, but he thought he recognized pippa behind that laptop screen . she had been typing away so furiously and so courageously that bogum really just wondered what she had been doing . but when he had gotten caught, he wasted no time in basically bluntly asking her what she was doing on her laptop . ❝ you just look like you are on a mission — you know you can get doxed in places like this on a public wifi . ❞ that was the criminal side of bogum talking though she would never know that … he also had to be mindful striking up conversation with her . he had to be back home to his mom in just a little bit .
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        it wasn’t until her eyes fully settled on the person she had just called out that she realized who it was. his blunt question made her bite her bottom lip for a moment, not totally used to being asked outright she was doing like that. usually her rbf made whichever poor soul that was about to come up to her totally rethink their actions but of course bogum wasn’t phased. “just booking an appointment” pippa said simply, it wasn’t a lie but something about his added phrase made her acutely aware that he may know she wasn’t telling the whole truth. “not if you have a good security system you won’t” a hint of a smile made itself present on the corners of her lips as she circled to top of her coffee cup with her thumb. it had almost happened to her twice now, when she was still young and dumb, before she decided to invest in a good security system to add to the one she had of her own creation already in place. “what are you doing here though? i definitely haven't seen you at this place before.”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
        phillip could tsk at her comment regarding coffee ;;; he wouldn’t interrupt her of course but in his experience, finding decent coffee in the usa was quite the struggle ( in south korea too, to be fair ), most drinks being too sweet or watered down for his taste. still listening attentively, the man shook his head a few times in acknowledgment. “ i can imagine, new york is pretty crowded and fast, i guess there’s not a lot of time for friendly chats under the snow on your way back home. ” he let out between a smile, a hand catching a few snowflakes in illustration. being his turn to answer, phillip toyed a bit with the black patch of hair that fell on his forehead as wet snow kept falling– “ i could say work. but mostly family. being close to them. ”
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        “oh i promise you, if you ever tried to hold any sort of conversation with a random stranger on the street in new york city you were bound to be on the receiving end of a very nasty look” a small hint of a smirk played at the edge of pippa’s lips as she shifted her gaze from the street in front of them up to phillip for a moment. if she was being honest, she would have admitted to being one of those people handing out the nasty looks but that didn’t need to be brought up at that moment. “mmm-” the sound left her lips before she really had a chance to process his statement.  family. the word stuck out in her mind like a bright blinking red beacon in the darkness. if there was one thing she was probably never going to fully understand it was the pull that family had on some people. why were you just expected to blindly follow them somewhere just because they were your ‘family’ when there was a very good chance they wouldn’t do the same for you. usually pippa wouldn’t be afraid to voice her thoughts out loud, not caring about the repercussions but something in the back of her mind was telling her to bite her tongue so she obliged.  “what do you think you’d be doing if you didn’t need to be here for them?”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
                  pippa was sat behind her laptop at one of the local cafe’s, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she started intently at the screen. she only had 30 maybe 45 more seconds before this doctors office realized she was switching around appointments to accommodate her own (having to wait four months just for a check up was maddening). sure, the blonde head knew she wouldn’t be caught (oh the beauty of public wifi) but the waitress that kept coming over was starting to look at her bit suspiciously. after a few more moments pippa shut her laptop victoriously and lifted up her cup of coffee to her lips, only to notice one of the fellow patrons staring at her. “…you know, i’ve heard if you take a picture it’ll last longer.”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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Charlie’s Angels (2000) dir. McG
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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“Dude, what the hell?” Knox called, jogging up to meet his friend ahead of him on the walk. “You left without me? You were just gonna let me suffer in the snow alone? How could you be so heartless?”
     all pippa was trying to do was get home. the day had been long, it was snowing and she brilliantly decided to walk to work that day. so when she heard someone behind her shouting she internally groaned, thinking about quickening her pace but they caught up before had a chance. “i’m sorry you got ditched kid but i don’t actually know you.”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
      phillip could easily be found sharing moments of silence with others– not that he wasn’t sociable or that he didn’t want to talk but more often than not, he’d be the one listening. if you’d ask him, he’d say ‘ that’s just the way i’m wired ’, trying to justify with something other than the lack of interest he felt with himself. what could he add that wouldn’t just bore the other person to death? still, these moments of silence were comfortable with pippa. it was just a moment that neither felt like they needed to say something in order to make it less awkward. “ well, you are not wrong– but seattle has its charms. what did it for you? was it the ferries? or… maybe the coffee? ” lip asked, a playful smile resting on his lips.
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     his question stuck out in her mind. if she really did hate the weather up here so much what had even made her stay in the first place? it wasn’t like she didn’t have the means to pick up and move somewhere new, pippa had done just that when deciding to make seattle her new home two years ago. so why was she still here? the answer was probably lying dormant somewhere deep in her body, not ready to make its intentions known yet and somehow that didn’t bother her. at the end of the day it was one less thing to weigh on her mind while her insomnia made it impossible to sleep at night.  “i mean the ferries are nice and i feel like i could get decent coffee anywhere if i’m being honest-” she began, her mind running at a mile a minute as she tried to come up with some sort of answer as a real one actually slipped out “but the people here are ... interesting. i think i’ve met more people here in my short two years than i ever did in new york.” as the last words fell from her mouth she chewed on her bottom lip, a flurry of memories of her time in new york suddenly filling her mind. pippa did not want to deal with that right now. or ever. “what about you? why are you still here?”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
phillip chuckled at the woman’s words, debating over how appropriate would be to comment on her physical drawbacks ( for lack of a better word, really )– she looked tiny and very light. at least to him. the internal debate did not last very long ;; with a nod of his head and as he buried his hands deeper into his coat’s pockets, he managed to look at her as yet another blow passed them by. and they fell into a comfortable pace of walking carefully due the slippery sidewalk but doing it slightly faster so they could spend less time in the dreadful situation they’d been discussing. “ right. it is pretty shitty weather for a night walk. ”
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     the silence between them as they walked was comfortable, only the sound of the snow crunching under their shoes and the various plow trucks that drove by filling that void between them. pippa knew she was a difficult person to interact with sometimes but somehow phillip had taken it in stride and didn’t mind the prolonged silence that fell between them. usually if anyone got too close she would feel herself start to subconsciously distance herself from that person but for whatever reason that hadn’t happened to them yet and pip had no idea why. “and why do we live here again?” she asked, a small laugh escaping her lips as the question left her mouth “out of all the nice warm weather cities in this country and we all choose to live in the part with the most unpleasant weather”.
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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brown eyes glinted with a hint of something dangerous as he observed her, it was interesting how quickly his aura could change. it was like something slotted into place and shifting his weight from one foot to the other, ade felt like he was fighting to relax. another chuckle left him at her reaction to the pups, both were mixed breeds and the current lights of his life. mochi was one and a half black ball of energy, a mix between––what ade thought––was a german shepherd and a lab while maple was much more lax than her brother, being mostly yellow lab with a bit of golden retriever. the girl was…pretty, it was cold. he could see the warm blood rushing through her flushed cheeks, hot air clouding the space near her mouth. blinking a few times as if to break himself from some kind of spell, he smiled though it was more teeth than anything else. 
committing her name to memory, adrian chuckled when as if on cue mochi tugged at his hand. “the black menace is mochi and the golden angel is maple,” pausing in between his words, he took a few steps closer so the dogs could snuffle around their new acquaintance more, “i think we live in the same building, evergreen?” now he was fishing, in kind of dangerous territory. his therapist would have field day if adrian ever told him about the thoughts lurking in the back of his mind. but for now, he’d ignore them and play nice. “i sometimes work a lot if you’d ever want to hang out with them while i’m gone.”
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pippa could feel the agitation that was previously coursing through her body slowly start to melt away (a feat that didn’t happen all too often) and that was all thanks to the two creatures in front of her right now. the blonde crouched down a bit in order to be more at eye level with mochi and maple, her attention now totally focused on them. as much as pippa was a dog lover at heart she knew it would be a bad idea for her to rescue one of her own. she could barely keep herself alive so having another living creature totally dependent on her kinda freaked her out a bit. even the fish she had not that long ago had only lasted maybe a couple weeks, tops. realistically she should probably just get herself some sort of plant and start small. how some people her age were parents to tiny humans honestly blew her mind and almost reinforced that fact that she probably didn’t ever want kids of her own.
the hint of another small smile began to tug at the corners of her lips as the names of the dogs hit her ears. her hands reached out and took maple’s face lightly in them, the only time any sort of soft side came out of pip was when a dog was involved. “it is very nice to meet you two” her attention shifted to the all black dog next, a hand coming up to scratch lightly behind mochi’s ear as she did. they lived in the same building.. that explained why his face was so familiar. pippa always made it a point to familiarize herself with her neighbors when she moved into a new building, better to be safe than sorry. “yeah i moved in not too long ago actually, apartment 10” the blonde straightened up as she spoke, throwing one last glance at the dogs before her eyes fell on his face again. pippa felt herself hesitating at his last statement, she barely knew this human so there was no way she would feel comfortable being in his apartment with him… let alone being there without him “my work hours are kinda crazy so i honestly wouldn’t be the best babysitter if we’re being honest here but i appreciate the offer!”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
         the snow did not seem like it would give any of the seattle citizens a rest anytime soon– and phillip only realized it was way too dangerous to drive when he’d been packing his things to head home. it was already late and ( granted ), it had been snowing the whole day, but the man found himself too busy with two endless meetings to think about how he’d have to leave his car behind. his eyes scanned the floor in search of a employee, not meaning to disturb them if he turned off the lights– he exited right after putting on his coat and made his way home ;; pepper’s apartment complex wasn’t that far away from the office and within a couple of minutes enduring his gloveless hands being too cold to move, a familiar figure across the street made him quicken the pace as to catch them.  “ i don’t think i’ve seen this much snow in my life. almost couldn’t see you. headed home?  ”
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       a small groan left pippa’s lips as she looked outside her tiny office window, of course it was snowing on the day she decided to walk to work. the one day in the last six months she decided she was going to try and save the environment a little and journey the short distance to her office... mother nature decided to dump almost a foot of snow on top of them. greeeeeat. after bundling up the best she could pippa made her way downstairs and out the front door the office building, yet another groan involuntarily escaping her lips. this was absolutely terrible. 
       the blonde felt like she had been trudging through the snow for almost 45 minutes (in actuality it had only been almost 10) before a familiar voice sounded from not far behind her. pip paused for a quick moment, allowing him to catch up to her “i’m mostly trying not to get swept away with the next plow that drives by but that is proving to be harder than i initially anticipated.”
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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adrian hated the snow. it was a new hatred, he used to love it. more than anything else that ran through his mind the thought about how bright the color red looked against the soft white powder that blanketed the city. but now here he was, stumbling through the wet slush with two rambunctious dogs. “maple, mochi.” his tone varied as dark eyes darted between the two, both excitable scruffy young pups who loved the snow and forgot that other people existed. “sorry about them, they forget how to behave when it snows.” a chuckle left his lips at the fact that his pups had the decency to look as ashamed as dogs could. while a smile quirked the corners of them as he looked at the other person. “i think i’ve seen you around, i’m adrian.”
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snow and pippa had never been something that mixed well at all, despite the fact that she grew up in one of the snowier cities in the midwest. in all of her travels around the country before she decided to settle down the blonde never strayed too far from a warm weather city for very long so why she was currently in the middle of her second seattle winter was absolutely beyond her. "wha- “ the quiet exclamation left her mouth rather suddenly as she felt two soggy paws plant themselves on her legs. a small bubble of anger began to brew in the pit of her stomach (partly a result of the weather and the fact that she hadn’t eaten any food yet that day) but the moment her eyes landed on the culprits she felt it wash away almost instantly. her soft spot for dogs was one of her downfalls in life.
pip had a knack for remembering faces and knew for a fact that she had seen him somewhere but couldn’t remember exactly where. “pippa” the blonde said simply, eyes only staying on his face for a moment or two before they traveled down to his two companions. “it would be rude not to properly introduce your two friends here “as she spoke the hint of a smile played at the edges of her lips.
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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pippaxndrews · 5 years ago
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( dove cameron + cisfemale & she/her ) ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ…pippa andrews is applying for unit 10 it says here they’re twenty five and are a computer programmer. i guess they’ve lived in seattle for two years and i swear i’ve seen them around the market people watching like every sagittarius i know. they spent most of our tour on spotify and i thought i kept hearing this baby don’t cry by k.flay playing softly from their phone. i wasn’t sure they’d apply because before they left all they said was, “i hope the wifi connection here is better than the last place i looked at.” ♡ 
hellooooo wonderful people! i’m lis and this is my sad little computer hacker bb pip. i have a bio for her all written out, which you can find here! she is actually a muse i had over 2 years ago that randomly came back to me but i changed her up just a bit so bare with me while i get my bearings with her! but aaaanyways if you wanna plot just like this and i’ll go attack your im <3
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pippaxndrews · 7 years ago
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