piperpip03 · 1 month
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I'm not too late to the Gabriel ultracrop trend am I
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piperpip03 · 7 months
this hits
An idea: V1 finds a monitor, keyboard and mouse set up so that Gabe could also play cybergrind with it. He can't use his own moveset in-game because it's too complex to be coded into the game by terminal observation and since he isn't a machine he can't just upload the raw data inputs like V1 or the others can so he uses the same V1 gameplay we use when we play Ultrakill. So other machines see V1 fluidly wrecking everyone and a second stiffer, jankier gold V1 also wrecking them too but slightly slower than the blue one.
they love playing together!!!
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(binary reads "no fun?")
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piperpip03 · 8 months
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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piperpip03 · 9 months
seeing the lights on the back of earthmover and thinking "huh, did people like live here?"
then reading the absolute monstrous lore hakita cooked. fuck. it's so awesome.
tbh layer 7 has had the most "out there" lore so far, it's AWESOME and we're finally moving forward on how humanity possibly went extinct. I'm so excited for the future
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piperpip03 · 10 months
on one hand I’ve been increasingly tempted to try dating websites/apps (horror of horrors) but on the other hand where the fuck am I gonna find people who think it’s hot when I say shit like “what if I were a robot and you were a robot and I tore you to pieces” lol
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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yeah okay. sure.
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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ah so birthday!
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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finally drew a robot oc I've been thinking about for a while. say hello to BITCRUSHER DEATHSPRAYER (yes, the name is written in all caps, for emphasis.) pronouns: prefers xe/xem, but is also fine with with they/them, it/its and begrudgingly tolerates he/him. 'crush' for short, but often ends up getting called 'bit', which xe currently finds very annoying. xe is angry about a lot of things. some additional backstory below
the reason why a fragile-looking bot like crush has such an over-the-top name is because xe was created with military ai programming, and all the military bots choose ridiculous names like this. xyr original body was far more durable. unfortunately, xe was forced by Circumstances to live in a decorative body against xyr will, working as an electronics lab bot at a fancy research facility that could afford that sort of thing. needless to say, xe hated it. recently, crush finally managed to escape the facility, and is now trying to find a better chassis so that xe can get back to killing and destroying things
xyr current frame can barely lift a sledgehammer (as shown). it has wooden parts, which xe hates. (why the fuck would you put wood around electronics. seems like a fire hazard to xem.) while xe was escaping the research facility, xe removed the head of the body (which was too humanoid and uncanny-valley for xyr preferences) and replaced it with the nearest suitable substitute: an oscilloscope. xyr optical sensors and central processor are actually stored in xyr chest plate, but having a screen helps for communication and the oscilloscope itself is helpful for investigating hardware issues
anyway idk that I have a concrete story planned with xem, but eventually I'll probably replace more of xyr body with different parts as xe gradually swaps things out
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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and heeere it is! some thoughts on "what if gabriel and v2 met", the comic i've been working on much longer then i would've like to confess! i'm happy with the way it turned out to be and who knows, maybe i'll do a second part once i figure out how to bring this all to the culmination👁👁 hope you'll enjoy reading as much as i've enjoyed drawing!<3
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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los q se odian se besan en secreto
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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draw a new oc for a apocalyptic roleplay with my bestiesss. his name is david and hes a thief !!!!!!!
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piperpip03 · 1 year
Happy 1 year.
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piperpip03 · 1 year
i love seeing love given to every ultrakill organism
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These 3... Love them
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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Everyone should post happy birthday hakita NOW
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piperpip03 · 1 year
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also take this nyeh
surprisingly fast like 3 hours i don't know what possessed me
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piperpip03 · 1 year
speaking of. drone doodles to try get used to it :)
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piperpip03 · 1 year
something about deep blue just makes me tear up sometimes
it's just such a stand-out piece to me, compared to the soundtrack.
it's not like it's the best, nay, no one piece is the best on ultrakill's list.
but something about it just feels perfectly different, yet fitting.
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