“Haha! Why would I do that?” The question was genuine. If the athlete had asked to meet someone, he’d be there unless an emergency came up. Wasn’t that what all friends did? Wasn’t that what everyone did?
As he had always been a rather popular student, he didn’t understand what it was like to be purposely stood up and mocked, but Yamamoto was also exceptionally kind to everyone, regardless of their social status and the hierarchy of popularity.
For a while, they walked along in silence, the rain guardian was content to fill it with jovial whistling until he noticed the other wasn’t exactly at his side.
“Ah.. am I walking too fast?”
Surprise! || Enma & Yamamoto
The lack of people was unsettling. When no one was around it provided both happiness and discomfort at it. On one hand, no one was there to laugh or hurt him. But he was alone, painfully, tragically alone. It hurt.
Only stragglers of students, most of which belonged to a club, were lingering on campus, most of which who had provided little to not positive aspect into Enma’s life, if not hurting him worse. “Oh!” Despite the exclamation, it was quiet. “I’m glad you didn’t try to play a joke on me.. let’s go.” He walked slowly behind him, a bit too close for comfort.
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For Yamamoto, the bike acts as an extension for his arms and legs.
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- Yamamoto Takeshi aesthetic -
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[txt] :: Cool! See you soon!
In the meantime, Yamamoto preoccupied himself with sending Gokudera a bunch of ridiculous cat memes as he walked around the school, making its way to the front gates of campus. It was all mostly for the fun of his angry reactions.
After several distractions, the rain guardian made it to the front of the school, only to find Enma waiting there with a nervous, uncertain kind of expression on his face.
“Hey, Enma!” He called out with his typical brand of cheer before running towards him.
“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long, haha! Let’s head into town, yeah?”
Surprise! || Enma & Yamamoto
[txt] :: I’ll be there soon. I’m five minutes away, give or take.
It wasn’t long before Enma stepped onto the school grounds, hugging his backpack to his chest. He had new bandages on, they were a pale orange in color rather than the stark white he usually had. “I.. hope he’s actually here, and not ditching me..”
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[txt] :: Well. If you’re not too far, I’m still at the school! 
He pulled on his bag and began to make his way outside. Now, what else would a party need? Should it be small or large? He supposed either way, it might end up being a big party. 
Surprise! || Enma & Yamamoto
[txt] :: Where do you want me to meet you with?
Enma had gotten himself ready, standing outside with his shoes on. He looked less than proper, wearing jeans with holes in them and an oversized sweater.  He walked to where the other tended to be, the school. 
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[txt] :: Yeah! That sounds great! I’m actually free right now since baseball practice ended a little while ago. :)
Having been sitting in the locker room between the time baseball practice ended and he began responding to Enma’s messages, the teen finally stood, put his things away and changed into his civilian clothes. Idly, he wondered what they might need for a nice party. Definitely cake. Lots of colorful streamers too. Party hats! 
Surprise! || Enma & Yamamoto
He wasn’t quite sure what to do or say. His mind was racing, thinking about various things they could do for fun. Enma’s closest knowledge of parties was what he read in books when he was younger, though overly dramatic books truly aren’t the best source of information.
[txt] :: When are you free? If you want, we can meet up. I’d be glad to go somewhere. I’m.. getting a bit tired of being cooped up.  Koyo keeps teasing me..
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Surprise! || Enma & Yamamoto
Continued from || here
Enma smiled softly to himself, glad he agreed. Yamamoto was a nice guy, and he certainly was used to parties and gatherings of any social caliber.
[txt] :: Everything, I guess. I’ve never been to a party before, so I don’t know what to plan.
Yamamoto smiled. In that case, he would be glad to help out in any and every way possible... not that he hadn’t before, but they’d obviously need to brainstorm a little more as the sportsman was no party expert either. 
[txt] :: That’s okay! I’m not too sure either! But we’ll figure it out together! :D
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Akira Amano’s Art Evolution
The 10th Gen. Vongola Boss and His Guardians
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Day 18: Posing practice, featuring Yamamoto Takeshi playing baseball!
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Yamamoto was positively beaming upon reading the text he’d just received. A surprise party? That sounded so absolutely fun! And the person for whom it was being dedicated to was, of course, the most deserving he could think of. He would be glad to help orchestrate the event.
[txt] :: Hey Enma! That sounds awesome! What do you need help with?
“ツ” : an EXCITED text.  
@pioggia-tranquillita : “dont tell tsuna but im planning a surprise party!! i need your help!!” 
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Tsuna spoke exactly as Yamamoto expected he would-- with an unmatched gentleness, care, and empathy. And yet, for all of the teen’s predictability-- Tsuna was, after all, an incredibly caring and compassionate person-- and for all the times he’d heard the shorter teen’s kindness drip from his words, the rain guardian did not expect to be so affected by his words. 
It was like that day on the roof all over again-- the first time he’d really seen Tsuna for the noble, albeit slightly dorky, person he was. No matter the circumstances surrounding them, Tsuna was eternally true and for the umpteenth time, Yamamoto was so thankful to have such a wonderful person to call his best friend.
Sniffling, he willed his eyes not to cloud over with more tears as Tsuna’s light brown eyes bore into Yamamoto’s darker hues. Despite the concern etched into them, there was a sense of serenity, of peace... of harmony.. that the taller teen was so desperate for within his heart of hearts.
To top it off, Tsuna’s embrace was so warm, despite how soaked to the bone the pair had become. The affectionate contact was such a comfort he idly wondered why they didn’t hug each other more often within their little circle of friends. It might make Gokudera less grumpy. 
And just like that, his mind was already on other topics. With Tsuna’s simple presence, his unwavering affection and care, Yamamoto remembered his friends who were very much alive, and as Tsuna said, at his side, no matter what.
How could he have been so selfish as to run off without telling anyone? He was so selfish and greedy, keeping all his sadness to himself and making his father mourn on his own-- making his friends worry...
“I’m sorry, Tsuna.” He spoke again, clearer this time, and definitely directed at the other, but a sense of guilt and shame laced his words.
Pulling away from the warmth of Tsuna’s embrace-- as well as realizing for the first time just how cold the temperature was (yet another pound of guilt added onto his as he took note of Tsuna’s light shivering)-- Yamamoto managed a smile. It was sad and guilty, still not what looked normal on the teenager’s face, but it was not forced nor fake.
“It’s just...” How could he even begin? Tsuna’s voice-- his gentle eyes, and careful embrace-- they beckoned him to open up, but after causing such a scene and begging the other not to make him tell... did he deserve to?
He looked away for a moment, only to then glance back into the other’s patiently attentive gaze.
“It’s just...” he repeated, hands shaking, but he willed himself to continue after a deep breath. 
“It’s hard. It’s hard to... mmm... You see...” 
It definitely was hard.. to find the right words.
He sighed, grinning sadly at his foolish self as his eyes locked onto the pavement and the way the rain dripped off the ends of his hair. 
For the first time since he initially stepped out into the rain, he felt its tranquil forces granting him a temporary peace of mind so that he may find the words.
“My mom died a couple of years ago. Well... I guess it’s been five years now...”
Again, he stopped. Had it really been five years already? Simultaneously, he asked himself: had it really only been five years ago? Looking back, he always pictured himself much younger... Many things could change in five years though.
“We were... uh... we were hiking.. climbing up a pretty steep hill on a mountain trail and uhm.... uh she.. she fell.. u-uhh..”
His voice cracked and his eyes began to water again as his expression twisted into one of concentration as if he was desperately trying to get the words out, but the memory was so rooted in his thoughts.
“We were.. we were playing around.. h-hiding behind trees and sneaking up on each other... Dad.... he told us ‘Be careful’... we.. we didn’t really listen.. we were just having fun... just having fun...”
He shook his head, placed his arms on his knees and clasped his hands together.
“She tried to sneak up on me.. but... she tripped or.. or she slipped on something and she just.. she just fell.. started.. started tumbling backwards, I guess... we heard her give this little... squeak.. like she was surprised.. then heard her falling. My dad... he’s always had fast reflexes... he turned around... shouted her name....”
Another pause. The memory brought a wave of sadness, confusion.. pain... regret.
“I turned just in time to... just in time to... to.. uh... see her hit her head on a rock... and when she finally stopped rolling down the hill, dad ran down to her. He was faster than me and more careful... it took me a while to get down there... I was... I was scared to fall too... but... when I got down, there was something wrong with her... I never heard my dad sound so scared. He told me not to look, but I... I couldn’t help it!”
Voice cracking once more, tears freely flowed down his cheeks and he grit his teeth to hold back the sobs that threatened to leave his throat like the pained cries of a wounded animal.
“It was awful! There was.. there wasn’t any blood, but... but Tsuna..  She was... she was twitching and... and I... I didn’t know what to do... I was so scared... i was so scared...”
Burying his face in his arms, Yamamoto sobbed. Vocalizing his memories brought clearer visions to the surface of his thoughts. The feelings in those terrifying moments resurfaced, but he forcefully wiped his eyes and his nose, sniffled, raised his head, and continued with a shaky voice.
“She... she died just a couple hours later.... we couldn’t find help... dad didn’t wanna move her and he didn’t wanna leave me alone with her to try and find someone... Looking back... I’m not sure it.. uh... would’ve made a difference if we had gotten her to a hospital....”
He paused, thoughtful. He couldn’t bare to look at Tsuna either.
“I just.... She was so.... I really miss her.” Was all he could squeak out and he felt like a child once more-- small and weak and desperate for comfort.
When it Rains it Pours || Yamamoto and Tsuna
Tsuna took the brunt of his friend’s outburst and while he remained quiet, he didn't’ flinch away even when Yamamoto shouted at smilingly nothing.The brunette had come here to help he’d come here to accept, he stood his ground he would not abandon his friend. Something was paining Yamamoto something so hard for him that he was breaking down, it saddened Tsuna but he would not leave and he would not for a minute shame the friend he respected so much for having something to hard.
The brunette listened to the broken phrases and apologies his friend got out and didn’t once interrupt until he was certain the taller teen was done. When he sat on the wet pavement Tsuna took a seat next to him finally responding to what he’d said earlier placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“It’s alright Yamamoto you don’t have to tell me….really it’s fine….I just want you to know anything you need to talk about I’m here.” The brunette patted his shoulder again lightly before continuing “…and if you decide you want to tell me later no matter when it is or how long it’s been I’ll listen no matter what.” At times like this Tsuna’s eyes looked old, like some ancient wise man granted the wisdom of the universe it was part hyper intuition and party his natural empathy for those around him.
“I don’t know if you’re apologizing to me…but, you have nothing to apologize for I’m you’re friend we all are.” the brunette smiled once more not expecting one in turn just wanting the warmth and compassion he felt for his friend to be visible. “So you can lean on us even when things are hard even when there are things you can’t talk about you can still count on your friends for comfort and support…..you don’t have to pretend to be happy on our account.”
The sorrow was still swimming in his friend’s brown eyes, Tsuna could only wonder at what had put it there but he would not disrespect his friend and pry when he’d said he didn’t wish to talk about it.
With that Tsuna removed his hand, favoring to pull his friend into a hug and rub his back slightly, just wanting to ease whatever pain he could and be there to help Yamamoto bear what he could not ease. His bones ached with cold and the rain but he showed not a single sign of it on the outside, that didn't’ matter right now.
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Another short chuckle left the sportsman’s smiling lips. Fran was funny. Idly, he entertained the possibility of Fran and Gokudera getting along due to their mutual sense of sarcasm. The kid seemed to be not too different from his own group of friends as opposed to the Varia who were all older and... not so willing to joke around.
Except Squalo. Takeshi thought Squalo was pretty funny sometimes.
[txt] :: Haha! I guess it’s a good thing Squalo is pretty hard headed, huh? But he did say he wanted to meet with me later on today to talk about swordsmanship.. or something.. I guess whether he does or doesn’t would depend on Xanxus, huh?
Scapegoat... er.. Shark?
As he waited for a response, Fran struggled to tug the giant frog off his head. Thankfully, it managed to pop off after a short time, and he was able to carefully place it down on the floor. God forbid Bel-senpai ever heard him mistreating his precious hat.
[txt]: [Porcupine Head’s area of expertise is more kissing butt than taking hits. Taichou has the field of head trauma pretty much covered.]
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He’d honestly been having such a pleasant dream when the buzzing of his phone woke him up again. Aw man.. he hadn’t even been asleep for five minutes.
With a sigh, he realized he couldn’t run from this for much longer. A promise was a promise.
Dragging his butt out of bed and into jogger pants and a t-shirt, Yamamoto ran out of his house and waited for Ryohei. As the older teen had said, he was probably making his way around the block.
[txt] :: Alright! I’m outside now!
A Promise is a Promise... I guess
The reply he received upset him a little, but he had to remind himself that not everyone, even other sports geeks, got up at this time of the day for morning workouts. Especially with school later that day.
[txt:] I’ll be waiting outside for you! If you don’t see me I’m probably making a quick run around the block.
He made a quick check of the time to make sure he’d make it back to this very same spot after running around the block. He didn’t want to make the underclassmen wait to long. 
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Yamamoto: We're gonna have a great game today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the ball. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it.
Gokudera: It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it.
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line :3
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Squalo: And do you know who showed up just in the nick of time, and gave me a sword and a blanket, and taught me to believe in myself?
Yamamoto: Was it Jesus?
Squalo: NOBODY!
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pokemon/khr crossover commission for @shiny-pichu!! 8059 is sO GOOD, POKEMON IS SO GOOD, ALL OF THIS WAS SO GOOD,
( art tag | society6 | redbubble | twitter )
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