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pinkywawan · 2 months ago
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A quick piece for my friend's birthday :) I haven't shown it to them yet but they aren't on tumblr (i think)
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pinkywawan · 3 months ago
Traveler's little helper: Liyue
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Baizhu , Childe, Chongyun, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli x Fem! Reader Teyvat , Mondstadt , Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine (There is still long time till we get Snezhnaya in game, this is why Childe is in Liyue cast) --------------------
Baizhu is grateful to you both for taking care and helping Qiqi, whenever she would come back home, he couldn't help but notice how little zombie is in better mood(even if she doesn't remember what she was doing all day in your Serenitea). At first he was too busy to accept your invitations, but you were pretty stubborn. When you were still in Liyue you would visit him every day, sometimes with traveler, sometimes alone. But you weren't just sitting and bothering him, to his surprise you wanted to help. You would take Qiqi and go gather some herbs or just help however you can at Bubu Pharmacy. Herbalist Gui always appreciate your help as well, even Changsheng started to enjoy your company. But the next stop in your journey was Inazuma. After you both left , he couldn’t help but miss your presence. Changsheng noticed too, when Baizhu sometimes would look up at the front door with hope of seeing you but it always was just another patient. After months you came back, but only for short moment. You came to ask how everyone is and the next day you and Aether traveled to Sumeru. He really hoped you’ll stay longer, Changsheng noticed his disappointed and said “Why won’t you just accept her invitation? Thanks to it you’ll be able to go to her Teapot and see her even when she is in another nation!” before Baizhu could came up with some excuse Changsheng continued “Don’t bother with excuses, next time she will come here, just tell her that you want to 'join to the team' like she always says!” The doctor chuckled, maybe his friend is right and it’s time for him to go with you on your ‘little adventures’. The next time you came back with Aether, Baizhu immediately approached you two, asking if there will be place for him in your team. The look on your face was priceless, he couldn’t help but smile when you were saying “Of course!! Welcome to the team Baizhu!!!” with so much excitement. What he didn’t expect is how he feel much better when he is around you. With his condition he wouldn’t be able to run or climb like everyone else and yet somehow he can keep up with the rest of the team. Of course you would always ask if he needs a break or you would say to the rest of the group that you’re tired and need to rest. He knows that you only do that for him, he already saw how energetic you are and this ‘connection’ you spoke of before, also increases your stamina as well. In your words “to keep up with the person you’re connected with”. But he appreciate that you’re still considerate of him and his condition. When Baizhu visited your Realm Within for the first time, he was surprised that you prepared whole room for him and didn't mind if he brings his stuff that he needs for keeping his health. You and Aether even helped bring all boxes and jars to his room and to storage room, because there was too many to fit in his. He couldn’t help but apologize for being a hassle but you only smiled and said “You’re not a hassle! This bottles and jars have medicine to help you stay healthy so they are important! We have so much space, so don’t worry about it!” and after that you went to place another box in his room. Baizhu smiled, glad that he listened to his snake companion and accepting your invitation. He and Qiq started to help too but what he didn't expect is to see many other guys helping moving the boxes as well. The doctor noticed how the guys, after seeing you holding a box, immediately came to you to help. Changsheng after seeing this only said “It seems you’re going to have so many rivals, don't you?” Baizhu chuckled and replied “That’s not surprising considering what kind of person she is. I expect there will be even more in the future.” Changsheng looked at him asking “Are you not worried about that?” He only with sad smile respond with “There’s nothing I can do about it.” The snake didn't said anything and he continued helping with moving, hoping that nobody is going to accidentally break his stuff. Especially the guy with red horns…
There was a moment, when Baizhu fell sick when he was in Realm Within, he like always waited for Qiqi to bring him tea, hot water and fruits but what he didn’t expect to see was you coming to his room. When you asked Qiqi in the hall where she cares all of this stuff she only responded “It's one of those days.“. You got worried so you asked Qiqi what she meant by that and she said “Dr. Bai is not feeling good…” so you came to help him however you can.
At first he insisted that he will be fine, but you become stubborn again and stayed, no matter what he said. You fed him fruits, help him drink a tea, put new wet towels on his forehead and stayed by his side till he feel better. He saw the way you looked at him, so sad, you even apologized that you can't make him feel better now nor you can’t cure him. This is why he didn’t wanted you to see him in state like this. It hurts him to see with such sadness in your lovely eyes. Changsheng noticed it and she suggested “(Y/n) how about telling us about your adventures in Sumeru?” at first you looked conflicted about talking about it in moment like this, but the white snake said that it may make Baizhu forget about pain for moment. So you did. After finishing your story, Qiqi brought soup to the room. You of course helped Baizhu to sit up straight against the head of the bed and fed him. In this moment he realized how comfortable he feels with you, how much he wish that when he feels under the weather again, you’ll be here helping him. But of course he's still going to fight against death, so he won’t leave this world too soon and so he will be able enjoy more of your lovely smiles for a bit longer. 
The one thing that the eleven of Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia, or know as a Childe, really wants is to fight with the strongest. At first he didn’t pay too much attention to you, from his Fatui intel he knew you’re not a warrior. But when he was fighting with Aether at Golden House, he noticed something. It was very hard to see it at first, but there was the white thread that was coming from you to Aether. Even when he aimed to cut it, it didn’t work and Aether was becoming stronger and stronger. 
After his plan failed and Signora took Geo Archon’s Gnosis, he decided to learn more about you. Aether and Paimon were wary of him but you didn’t mind to talk to him. He would invite you three for meals, Aether at first tried to decline but both you and Paimon quickly accepted the invitations, after more situations like this Aether just gave up and enjoyed free meal. Childe of course asked many times if you have some kind of powers to make other people stronger but whenever you wanted to explain about the ‘connection’, Aether would stop you, changing topic. So Tartaglia had to approach this in another way. He started to help you two in commissions (at least the ones when you had to fight), or coincidentally meeting you when you were exploring Liyue. Before you realized he practically joined on his own to your team because of that, you thought it’s time to make Childe stronger! But to his disappointed you said that he can’t fight with anyone who is in your team too. He didn’t mind to help you gather shells but he felt frustrated that he couldn’t help too much when your friends were fighting with Ocenaid. And you forbidden him using Foul Legacy when there were your other friends.
He was getting more and more excited when you gathered all necessary items, the things vanished before him and your hands started to glow, when you took his hands in yours, he felt weird. But after this feeling he started to feel this weird power within him and he noticed something else. There was now thread, thinner than one you have with Aether but still there it was and what he realized, for some reason he is the only one who can see it.
Ajax was happy that you and Aether didn’t tell Teucer on his real job. You took very good care of his little brother. But you scolded him, because ‘why did you let Teucer into laboratory filled with Ruin Guards?!’ He tried to calm you down, that nothing bad happened in the end but you were still angry at him. In some way, this made him happy, knowing how much you care for his little brother and later he could see that you care about him too. Always patching his wounds when he decides to fight with big Geovishap, or just asking about his day. There are some peaceful moments between you two and to his surprise he feels like he comes back to his old self before he fall into abyss, by your side he wasn’t Tartaglia who is thrilled to fight, he is just Ajax who enjoys going on adventure with and seeing your smile.
To Aether dismay (and many others) you invited Childe to Teapot. Of course you told him that if he fight with someone here, you will kick him out… but you also mentioned that he can spar with someone on the training grounds, but only friendly spars! You don't want anyone to get horribly hurt here! He is okay with that, as long as he can just fight and show that he is better from others, that will be enough for him. But nobody really wanted to spar with him, so they left him no choice. Childe is aware of other guys being interested in you. He always gets more friendly with you, when there's any of them at the same room. Putting his arm around you, one time he hugged you from behind (some of them were ready to beat him up at that moment) or when you are sitting on couch he would lie down his head on your lap. Sometimes it does work and someone takes him to the training ground but most of the time other guys try to not get into his game.
But if the other guys are friendly to you for some reason Tartaglia feels uncomfortable. He considers you as a friend but that’s it, right? But then why in moments like this he always try to get between you and that guy or even challenge them in fight? Is this really because he want to feel thrill of the fight? Or maybe… While lying in the bed, in the room you prepared for him, he wonders. You bring warm to his heart, he wants you to meet all of his family, he… Is this even possible for him to feel that way about someone? 
Chongyun considers you as a good friend. He’s really grateful when you tell him about rumors where someone saw a ghost and even go with him to check those places. You’re always supportive of him as well. When he doubts himself he can be sure that with pout on your face you’ll tell all good things about him. When his yang energy starts to act up, you always there to bring him popsicle. When it comes to his ice treats, you always make different flavors after visiting other nations. After you visited the Fontaine and come back to Teapot, the first thing you did is to make new flavored popsicle using bullet fruit. This makes him happy how you always think about him and want for him to enjoy a bit more flavors of this world.
Whenever he have free time, he likes to spend it with you. When he stays in the Serenitea, in the mornings you can find him at training grounds, exercise or meditate. You always bring him water and encourage him, making him want to work harder. But at one point something changed. At first he noticed that whenever you would get closer to him, his yang energy would start to act up a bit. Later your smiles started to make his heart beat faster and cheeks get warmer. He was so confused about it, he decided to talk with his good friend, Xingqiu, about it, to ask if he knows the reason why his positive energy acts up around you. But his friend only smiled and said to him to not worry about it.
One time Hu Tao invited him, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Aether, Paimon and of course you too. Everyone enjoyed the food, but at some moment he felt fire in his throat. He got up from his chair immediately, both you and Xiangling getting up as well to give him cold water. But before he can drink it he blacked out.
He woke up in his room in Teapot, he got up from the bed, running towards door. When he opened he saw you, who was surprised to see him already wake. He asked what happened after he lost conscious, but you smiled and said “Nothing that you have to worry about!” and then asked how was he feeling. After talking with you for moment he went in search of Xingqiu, who he found in library at the mansion. His friend was reading something, but after noticing Chongyun presence, he closed the book and asked how the exorcist feels. Chongyun wondered if his friend put something in his food as prank again but after asking it, Xingqiu declined, saying that the waiters must give him wrong order. The blue haired boy, naïve like always, trusted what his friend said but then his friend continued. “Oh Chongyun, you probably don't remember what happened there, right? Suddenly you ran towards (Y/n), hold onto her waist and start spinning with her. We tried to stop you but then you hold onto her like your life depended on it and said that she’s yours the most favourite person in whole Teyvat.”
Before the bookworm could continue Chongyun ran towards kitchen for popsicle. He felt so embarrassed. How could he do something like this?! He must apologize to you after calming down. When he found you again, he kneeled on the floor, bowing and spitting apologizes for his behaviour in restaurant. You looked confused but then you smiled and said that nothing big happened and he doesn't have to apologize. “Being honest, it was fun to see this side of you! Next time if you want to dance with me just ask~” After this his heart skip a beat. He turned around to try stop heat going into his cheeks and activating his manic state again. You were patiently waiting for him. He then looked at you again and with shy tone said “I’m not good dancer…but if you want we can try to.” While the two of you where talking, nobody notice the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild watching you two, with the pout on his face.
The mighty Yaksha, Alatus or now more know as Xiao didn’t think too much about you at first. He knew you’re important companion to Aether and that was it. Whenever your little group would stay at Wangshu Inn, you always tried to talk to him to his dismay. Even if he was cold to you or just ignored you, you never stopped coming back to the balcony, where he would residence. At some point you started bringing Almond Tofu for him. At first he didn't accept the food, but after declining it for 10 times and seeing your disappointed face, he finally agreed to take it. You beamed, he was expecting that you will start talk about something pointless but in the end you two sat in comfortable silence.
Xiao at some point noticed something, whenever his karmic debt would get worse, he only needed to be by your side for some time to make it more durable. At some point when you two were sitting at the Wangshu Inn balcony, watching stars, he asked you about it. You looked at him surprised, then at the night sky, deep in thoughts. After awhile you responded “Maybe it’s because of my ‘connection’ with Aether?“ Yaksha was confused “what ‘connection’?” he thought, looking at you, hoping that you elaborate more about it, but you after noticing something in the distance changed topics, so his question never got an answer.
Xiao would sometimes join to your ‘little adventures’ in Liyue, before Aether can react, the Adeptus would take the monsters down, but when it came to humans, he preferred for Traverel to ‘teach them a lesson’. Whenever Xiao sensed presence of another mortal he would stay hidden, not wanting to have attention of someone who search for adepti for blessings. But then he saw the Fatui Harbinger approaching you, it was after the Osial was sealed. He was ready to point his spear to Fatuus neck, but he never needed to do that in the end. The ginger guy approached you and started talking, then he followed a bit after your little group. But he never done any harm so Xiao didn’t had to show himself.
But this didn’t end on this one day. The Fatui Harbinger started to join to your little adventures as well, much to Xiao's annoyance. But there was something that Yaksha couldn’t understand, from where come this unpleasant feelings? He watched you and the ginger man interact and he felt more and more angered by it. He tried to tell himself that’s because he know you won’t be able to protect yourself and the Fatui guy can hurt you at any moment, that even Aether won’t be able to react quick enough.
But when the tall man tried to put his hand on your shoulder, he instinctively moved. Yaksha put you behind him, pointing spear to Fatui’s chest. Aether and Paimon tried to calm both of them down because Childe was ready to fight with Adeptus. You too stepped between them and told them to stop. To Xiao's surprise, the Fatui Harbinger put his hydro swords down first, so he followed, making his spear disappear. You got very angry at them, but Xiao didn't listen what were you saying, too occupied with glaring at Childe, while he was smirking at shorter Yaksha. After that day Xiao never hide his presence from Tartaglia.
The day when you got Serenitea from Madame Ping you immediately came to Wangshu Inn. You wanted him to be able to visit your Realm Within but first you needed to stamp his hand, so he would have free access to come and go whenever he wants. He took off his glove and then you hold onto his hand. This was first time when he let you touch him. Your hand was so warm and soft compared to his. Before he realized you already let go, he didn’t even noticed when you stamped him. Without saying anything he put his glove back and you were already running to invite more of your friends. He looked at his hand deep in thought.
The Adeptus really wanted to follow you, he wanted to go with you to another nations, but because of his contract he can’t. He didn't like when you were sad after asking him if he will go with you on small trip to Sumeru and he declined. He really wants to go, after you left for Inazuma, everyday he was worried if you’ll be okay, if Aether will be able to protect you. He felt relieved when you came back safe and sound. But this will repeated because you will go to another nation and then to next one. One day when Zhongli visited him, he like always asked about the Yaksha’s well being. And he did notice how Xiao seems to be in bitter mood lately. “You may go with her, I’ll take care of everything here.” Zhongli said before drinking his tea. Xiao’s eyes widened but before he could utter the word, the Geo Archon continued. “It will only take some days and I too think this will do good for you.” He smiled at younger being. Xiao bowed, thanking him. Before you left Liyue boundaries, Xiao appeared in front of your group. He will never forget the smile you gave him after he said that he will join in your travels.
The second son of the Guild Manager of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, Xingqiu really like you. Your friendship with him started to bloom after you showed interest in books at Wanwen Bookhouse. He of course started to recommend one of his favorites, hoping to have someone with who he can discuss them. How surprised he was when you said that you can’t read Teyvat’s alphabet so you need to ask Paimon or Aether to read them for you. But his surprise quickly vanished and said with a smile “My liege! If you don’t mind, would you like to read it with me?” and this is how it started. Whenever you and Aether took small break from adventuring and Xingqiu had free time, you two could be find in some peaceful place, the boy reading aloud to you while you sat by his side listening and sometimes commenting on what was going in the story. Later when you got Teapot, Xingqiu would sit with you in library that you and Aether made.
The Guhua Geek felt comfortable around you, he was very talkative, whenever he sneaked from home you could except him to join to your little adventures. One time when your group was visiting Qingce Village, you got a bit careless and almost fell from the hill into the water, thankfully Xingqiu caught you just in time. When he was asking you if you are alright, Paimon pointed how he called you “My lady? What happened with “my liege”?” she asked. Xingqiu was pondering, did he really called you like that? You brushed it with smile and thanked him and then continued on your way. But the boy couldn’t stop thinking why he didn’t said to you ‘my liege’ like always? And then it he realized something, his feelings towards you started to past the boundaries of platonic ones.
Some people know that he writes books, but he has a small secret that he doesn't want to share with anyone. At first he just wanted to add one more character to his book that she is working now, the character that resembles you. But the more he thought about this plot, the more he realized that he changes this book into romance one. This wouldn't be good if his story changed into different one, so he decided to write another story. In this one he wrote mostly his fantasies of being your hero, showing that he’s better than other candidates fighting for your heart. He wrote how he imagine your dates to go, if he ever had chance to invite you to one, with Aether and your other friends it’s hard to ask you to go somewhere alone with him. If he decided to realize this book he will make a different penname for it, after all you, Aether and one alchemist knows who Zhenyu is, and he wouldn’t want any of you to read this one or even know of its existence.
There was one time when the boy pranked his good friend Chongyun. It was a small prank, he just told exorcist about rumors that at specific house, people heard ‘scratching on the doors at night’. Chongyun went investigate this of course. But then you, Aether and Chongyun came back with a kitty that you and Aether searched for commission. You scolded Xingqiu for always pranks Chongyun, of course this one wasn't bad but for some reason you knew about the ones where Chongyun’s yang energy started to act up because of him. He apologized back then but when you and Aether went to take your payment from Katheryne, he couldn't help but pout. From now on he avoided prank his good friend when he knew you’re in Liyue.
Another thing he noticed considering Chongyun is how he started to spend more and more time with you. He’s already aware why his heart is always beating faster when he is by your side but it seems his friend doesn't know that he’s getting feelings toward you as well. Even when Chongyun asked him about the ‘symptoms’ he only could said to him to not worry about them. He had a plan to show you how Chongyun behaves in his maniac state, so on a dinner that Hu Tao organized, he put some Jueyun Chili in Chongyun's food.  He thought Chongyun will do things like always, like dancing on the table or singing loudly, but to his terror, the exorcist started to spin you around the room, then he hold you bridal style while screaming that you're his the most favorite person. After that incident Xingqiu decided to not awake this side of Chongyun when you are nearby.
The Geo Archon, Morax or known now as Zhongli found you to be an interesting. You said yourself that you came to witness Aether’s journey on Teyvat, this made him feel better knowing that now not only Aether will see the true story of Teyvat but you as well. He noticed, how sometimes you would look at him, probably wanting to ask something that he can’t talk about, but you never voiced those questions swarming in your head. He wondered if you just chose not to ask or if this ‘connection’ with Aether, like his contracts, forbidden you to do so. Another thing he wondered about is why so many males started to be interested in you in more than platonic wayThe Fatui Harbinger suddenly started to seek your person to invite you for walks or dinners than search someone to fight, the Yaksha that stayed away from mortals, started to open his heart to you, being more interested in mortals customs and Barbatos seems to sing and recite more poems about love after hearing your name being mention and to his surprise, Anemo Archon is drinking less than before. Is this some of your 'powers' making them like this? Or maybe you are really just a very charming person? Soon this question was answered to him.
You’re very curious about world he lives in, you ask about Liyue's traditions, the legends, sometimes asking if the things in the books are true. He couldn't help but laugh when you asked if that Qilin that ate some man clothes in story from ‘Records of Jueyun‘ is Ganyu’s mother.
When you got Teapot, he’s favorite part of the day become mornings, when he can enjoy drinking tea with you in peace. But to his annoyance, at some point the drunkard started to come too, ruining the peace. He knew what the bard is trying to do and he tried his best to make him leave you two alone again. Most of the time the two of them would argue in passive-aggressive way, but at some point Zhongli had enough. You like animals and there are many cats walking in your Real Within. When the morning came he would feed the little fellows close to the place where you drink your tea. Venti’s face was priceless when he realized that there are at least 3 cats sitting by your and Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's consultant side. This of course didn’t end well, there is little, harmless war between two Archons in your Teapot now. But there was a time when they crossed the line, the room they were at the that moment was in chaos. Only them and Aether knows what happened back then, both of them got kicked from the Serenitea at least for a week by the Traveler himself.
The thing you started to dislike is passing shops when you on a walk with Zhongli. If you looked at something for more than 5 seconds, the Geo Archon was ready to buy it for you, even if he doesn’t even have mora on himself. But you noticed that at one point he do started to have his wallet with him but even so, you’re not sure if he has enough mora on his person to buy so many things. But still you don’t want for him to ‘waste’ mora on you. The taller man doesn't agree with you and in the end you always come back to Teapot with some things. After Hu Tao complained to you about bill she got lately, you decided to always go somewhere outside the city with Parlor's consultant, far away from vendors and shops. There are moments when Geo Archon remembers the past, all the friends that passed away, all the enemies he has to slay. His mind wandering so far from present that he didn’t notice you approaching him. You gently placed your hand on his arm, asking if he’s alright. He looked at you with a smile, but you could see some sadness in his eyes. Then you asked if you can hug him to his surprise but he replied that he doesn't mind. When you embraced him you said “From where I come from, it is said that hugs makes people feel better! I hope you’ll feel better too Zhongli!” He patted your head, thinking how caring and lovely you are. To be worried about some old dragon that he is. When the day come you two have to part your ways, he promised to himself that he will never forget you. But he hopes that this day is very, very far in the future. After all, every journey has its final day, so please don't rush it, if it means that he can spend more time with you.
----- Thank you for reading till the end! (^ v ^)/) Uff I'm…tired…because I really wanted to post it this week QvQ I hope you like it! And sorry for any mistakes >.<
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pinkywawan · 3 months ago
Readers, make sure you have all your favourite Ao3 fics downloaded.
Writers, make sure you have copies of all the fics you have posted on Ao3.
I don’t want to be alarming, but things could get really bad really fast. OTW shared this today on Twitter, and I'm a bit worried about it 😅
Ao3 is a non-profit organisation. If they have to start paying taxes, I have no idea what will happen.
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pinkywawan · 4 months ago
I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm obsessed with Mr Crawling. I'm—
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