pinkyfmd · 2 years
Pls vote
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
Pls vote
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
My home was never a place with four walls. It was always you.
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
eunyoung​ ♡
“Oh please, now you’re just flattering me,” Eunyoung responds with a tone of fake modesty. In fact, despite her short stature, Eunyoung has managed to pull off most types of clothes over the years until she settled on a style she prefers. She’s not oblivious enough to not know that, for the most part, if she puts in some effort, she can look stunning. 
The dress in question that Eunyoung had mentioned wasn’t so far from where they stood, so she takes Sooyoung by the hand and leads them to the clothes rack where a beautiful off-shoulder white dress awaited for them. Eunyoung has to stand on her tiptoes to get to the dress, but she manages to take it and show it off in front of Sooyoung’s figure. “I know it’s still cold so you could wear a blazer on top, and you could look like you’re going to an event,” Eunyoung says as she offers the dress for Sooyoung to take it. “Making each other look the best isn’t that difficult, but it has been a while since we had some fun with each other, so let’s enjoy it as much as we can,” Eunyoung says with a smile, and she would be lying if she didn’t notice the farewell tone that laced her words. Who knows how long they’ll stay together as a group, after all. She might as well make the best out of this.
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pinky had never been shy with compliments, to be fair. she had told yena more times than she could count that she was the prettiest girl in the world, told aejeong she was an ethereal goddess, told other friends other similar things. she meant each compliment as she gave it, of course. her brow furrows in concentration as she tries to decide whether eunyoung is joking. eventually, it gives way to a smile and she replies. “not just flattering you - i’m also speaking the truth. two things can be true, you know.”
sooyoung tries to ignore the way her heart leaps into her throat as eunyoung takes her by the hand, though she doesn’t have to try for long as eunyoung pulls the dress from the rack. white wasn’t a color she would have associated with herself, not considering herself particularly pure, but she’s enamored with the dress when eunyoung holds it up to her body. perhaps, just for the night, she could suit white. “oh, you’re so thoughtful, worrying about the cold.” she praises with a smile. “ah, i suppose not. we’re both pretty as it is, aren’t we?” she agrees, though she takes note of eunyoung’s tone. she knows it’s not really a goodbye, and wants to believe calypso has years ahead of them yet. she knows deep down it’s not likely, not when this was all dimensions had arranged for them for the quarter, but she can’t imagine losing the connection to the girls they’d forged over the years. would they still be close, or would they drift apart? she ignored these thoughts, smile returning to her features. “just for tonight, let’s have the best night we can. we’ll party like we don’t have any problems, and maybe tomorrow we won’t.”
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
duri​ ♡
he giggled softly, before he’s nodding his head at her words. duri could probably come up with a lot of different ideas for connections to titan, he was pretty sure. but, truthfully, it was getting a bit hard coming up with things that wouldn’t actually give it away.  perhaps, it should go more so that route and try to sneak things in there that would help? plus, she didn’t seem like she was a fan that was stalking him - like those certain fans that titan was getting now. 
he giggled happily, before bowing, something that he couldn’t help. “thank you! i’ll treat you fondly like a noona!” he says, his smile growing brightly. “yena? you have a yena in your working group! i have a friend named yena too! but, she’s in an idol group called calypso! they have really good music! though… you also look like you could be an idol?” he suggested, his brow raising slightly, before it would fall. truth be told, though, duri only really listened to calypso tracks, never actually watching music videos, which was kind of odd, but you know. he nodded his head, “that’s very true!” 
he shook his head, “i’m not! but, i do have to get home before the dawn,” he says, sneaking in a hint there, but he seemingly made it obvious because he ended up giggling a bunch following him saying it. “tia dalma, right? she was the mystic! she had really cool powers!” he said, nodding his head. “i think that’s all i know about her, though, it’s been a really long time since i’ve seen the movies,” he added on. “what about her?”
pinky beamed again at duri’s promise of fondness, but her smile faded slightly when he brought up knowing a yena himself. not just any yena, of course, it was unmistakably her yena, made all the clearer when he mentioned calypso. well, damn. the game was over. “ah, you won!” she laughed, smile and good nature returning. “i’m a calypso member too. now you have to tell me - are you an idol too?” she pleaded. “or in the entertainment industry in general? you’ll have to forgive me, i don’t, ah, really keep up with boy groups.” she confessed. 
“ah, i don’t know if you remember, but tia dalma was the vessel for calypso in the movies, which was what i was getting at.” she giggled. “but, ah, before the dawn... that’s a clue, right?” she mused, but nothing popped into her mind. she could say with confidence he wasn’t in polaris, since she’d filmed a music video with them earlier that year, but what other boy groups could he have been in? she was faintly aware of two possibilities, platinum or titan. given the clues, she felt fairly comfortable eliminating platinum, which left her with an answer, if one she was uncertain of. 
“you’re in titan, right?” she guessed with a smile to hide her uncertainty. “that’s my final answer, but don’t be offended if i’m wrong.” she giggled, reaching to rub the back of her neck in an act of self-soothing. 
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
"Are you flirting with me or am I overthinking our relationship?"
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
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Dimensions Entertainment introduces: CALYPSO
@aejeongfmd @fmdeunyoung @yenafmd
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
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After hinting in an earlier statement that they were looking into promotional possibilities, Dimensions Entertainment has confirmed that Calypso will return to music show promotions for their song “Rollin’”.
“Rollin’“ has risen up the charts recently after a video went viral on YouTube and has taken over the number one spot on the charts.
“Thanks to renewed interest and love from the public, Calypso will be returning to music show promotions for a month, beginning with the March 10 episode of MCountdown,” a Dimensions Entertainment confirmed in a statement.
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) you are all seeing what i’m seeing right? ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) are we sure it’s not a glitch or something? ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) you know i love you all very much but this is unexpected ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) genuinely what is even happening???? ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) | image attached |
( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) it’s because we’re sexy. ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) our good vibes have finally permeated the industry ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) apocalypso time!! ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) on the real, i cannot believe this is happening i might be crying don’t hit me up ( to: calypso girlies🌴💖) we’ve worked so hard for so long, i can’t believe this is happening.
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
duri ♡​
he giggles happily when the other agrees to do the same. “i promise i’ll try my best!” he says. his head was already whirling with what type of hints he should give, and what wouldn’t fully give things away. but, in general, it was kind of hard to come up with hints that wouldn’t give away what he does or what group he’s in, truth be told. perhaps he could simply go with connections to titan, that could possibly work. 
“ah, so she isn’t that much younger than me,” he said, his head nodding. he giggled softly, “i’m practically 1995 because i was born with a week left in 1994,” he says, before another giggle would leave his lips moments after. he’s glad his birthday wasn’t registered differently, however, as he really likes the date of his birthday, truth be told. he nodded his head, “i’m comfortable with not using formal language! it’s nice speaking as friends,” he says, his smile grinning a bit more. 
“i don’t think this is giving it away but… think of things in the solar system… a bigger hint, it’s not stars!” he says, before he’s giggling once again. he nodded his head, “i’ve seen a lot of foreign movies!” he exclaims. “i have because it’s within the disney realm!” he said, before he’s thinking. what could the connection to pirates of the caribbean be?
that’s all i ask!” pinky announced with a wink. pinky, for her part, was definitely running out of ideas, but maybe she could use calypso’s songs as puns? at this point, she wasn’t too concerned about letting duri know what industry she was in, he seemed nice, normal, and unlikely to be some weirdo who followed calypso around. 
“ah, december baby!” pinky beamed. “christmas baby, even. how lucky for you! but i’ll treat you just as fondly as i do yena.” a hand flew to her mouth, too late as she blurted her beloved friend’s name. “ah, i agree though!” the though was unnecessary, she was willing to bet he had no idea who yena was based off just her name - not even her stage name at that. “i think it’s more comfortable than worrying about offending someone just because you’re born in different years.”
“hmm. the moon? moon... are you a werewolf?” she giggled, laughing at the absurdity of the guess. “ah, do you remember the lady with the dark skin? she had an accent, and she was really cool.” she tried to explain without giving away the name of the character. 
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
yena ♡​​
yena had to give it to the calypso members, for all that they were much older, much cooler and much more talented than she was, they had never been anything but lovely to her, welcoming her with open arms and making her feel nothing but protected and cared for. still, in the back of her head she couldn’t help worry that maybe they just pitied her, for being the lost little child being put in a place she shouldn’t be, or if maybe they secretly were frustrated having her in the group but didn’t dare take it out on her because of her age. yena didn’t want the members to feel like she held them down, even if they didn’t personally blame her for it.
sooyoung, more than any of the other girls, seemed to excel at making yena feel comfortable an included. perhaps it had to do with the fact that they were both added to the line-up at the same time and she knew what it was like having to find her place in the group or maybe just because  she was closest to age in yena. “you guys do feel like my cool older sisters.” more than her own older sisters did, who were neither very cool nor very sisterly. “that does help, thank you unnie.” yena confessed quietly, burying hersel into pinky’s side in a side hug, keeping her eyes trained on the older girl in the mirror. “you guys are the best older sisters i could ask for. thank you for looking out for me.” her voice was barely above a shy whisper at this point. 
her eyes widened a bit as sooyoung asked how she felt, if she was comfortable. so far, that was not a question that had really come up. dimensions didn’t seem occupied with how comfortable she was with their styling or concept or music so being asked felt a bit… bewildering almost. “i’m-” a short pause as pinky prompted her to be honest. “a little nervous. not about my lines though.” she didn’t have all that many. “i guess about my stage presence? like? expressions and stuff- it’s hard to think of all that stuff while out there.”
while sooyoung didn’t blame the girls of calypso, she did feel somewhat out of place n the group, at least this early on. it seemed the debut she and yena had missed had brought the other three calypso members close to one another in a way that sooyoung simply couldn’t compete with. not that it was a competition, but she wasn’t part of their debut, nor was she as young, sweet and easy to love as yena. rather, she felt she was a scrappier girl than the others, given her largely unsupervised childhood. she lacked the singing talents of her groupmates - she’d easily rank lowest in terms of vocals, trying or not. her dancing was good, but she would certainly hope so after all the training she’d gone through to hone her craft. what was her presence adding? she could only assume the company saw some different appeal in her. 
sooyoung let out a laugh at that. “i hope so! we’re not old enough to be aunties just yet.” she joked, and accepted the hug with a smile. she was a fan of affection, and yena was all too deserving of it herself. “aww, yena baby, we’re so lucky to have you. i’m so glad you’re our maknae.” she said, fondly squeezing yena and watching her in the mirror. “you probably don’t see it yet, but you and i - we’re going to make an impact. we’ll be just as key as everyone else, and when we do find our dynamic i just know you’ll be the heart. aejeong’s the leader, of course, i think eunyoung’s the brain, our other member is the foil, and i’ll be the brawn.” she giggled and flexed slightly for the humor. “we’ll be a real five-man band. five girl band. like sailor moon!”
paused to listen as yena explained her feelings. “ah, i understand.” she nodded, patting yena on the shoulder to comfort her. “if you want my advice - and whether you do or not is completely up to you - i have a bit of an alter ego in pinky. she’s cooler and braver than me, and in my mind, she’s already famous. so i perform like it.” she shrugs. “but regardless, i think you do great. i know the song’s sort of an aejeong-eunyoung moment, but you shine in your own way.”
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
fmdeunyoung ♡​
Fan meetings are genuinely very intriguing situations, in Eunyoung’s opinion. They could either go very well, with polite fans and no extraordinarily awkward questions, or they could turn out to be disastrous. With how large Calypso’s fanbase is, Eunyoung has learned that they were still prone to get both situations, despite not having as many fans as other groups out there. Shanghai was phenomenal, and her good mood had extended enough, so she didn’t feel as tired as she expected.
Eunyoung looks up from the clothing rack she was checking out to see Sooyoung holding up a dress. “That looks adorable. Do you think it’ll look good on me?” she asks as she approaches her friend and holds the hem of the dress. “Really? Well, I would love to pick you an outfit. Actually, I just saw a very pretty dress that would fit you like a glove,” she winks playfully at Sooyoung and points to a random place behind her back.
“Sooyoung-ah, are you asking me out on a date? I happen to be free and starving, so I would love to go out for dinner with you,” she responds teasingly and smiles at her group member as she links their arms together. “Why not spend some more money and go to one of those restaurants with a view of the skyline, too? Who knows when we’ll be back in Shanghai. We might as well enjoy it, right?”
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Pinky, for her part, enjoyed meeting Calypso’s fans. The thing was, well, Calypso in general and Pinky specifically seemed to attract a certain type of fan. Men weren’t necessarily worse fans than women, of course, but Pinky had long been envious of the girl groups with female fans who so thoroughly supported their idols’ music. Calypso fans were, uh... Well, they came in a few flavors. There were the ones who felt Calypso owed them for their support. The ones who were all too happy to tell Pinky exactly what they intended to do with the footage they’d taken. There were even a few who seemed to think they had a chance with the girls. Pinky found it all mildly fascinating, if a tad disgusting. She hoped she’d been the only one who’d received such treatment, but she couldn’t imagine a world where it was the case. 
“Anything would look good on you, silly.” Pinky beamed at Eunyoung, and it was true. Eunyoung had incredible proportions, and a pretty face to boot. There wasn’t much that she couldn’t pull off. She giggles as she tries to guess which dress her... Well, her Eunyoung was pointing at, before deciding it was more fun not to know yet. 
She flushes as the other sees right through her. It wasn’t as if she was particularly subtle, of course, but she’d found she could often get away with being fairly brazen with women before they caught onto Pinky’s intentions. There was always the assumption that things were totally platonic, at least on her end, because it felt safer to assume than to hope for more. But then, Eunyoung had always been a special case in that regard. Pinky’s feelings on the other had been decidedly more than platonic for some time. “Might as well,” she agrees easily with a smile. “Let’s make each other look our best, yeah? I want us to be the talk of the town.”
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
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Dimensions Entertainment introduces... CALYPSO
Calypso is Dimensions Entertainment’s longest running group, debuting in 2010. Despite several lineup changes since debut, the group as it stands re-signed with Dimensions Entertainment in 2017. 
The members of the current lineup are all well-known in their own right, branching into multiple parts of the entertainment industry.
@aejeongfmd @fmdeunyoung @yenafmd
Aejeong is the group’s leader, main vocalist, lead dancer, and rapper. She gained attention as an actress, featuring first in smaller roles before moving onto lead roles. She is best known for starring in While You Were Sleeping as Nam Hongju. Aejeong has also become a prominent model, featuring in multiple magazine spreads as well as being named ambassador for luxury brand Prada in 2021.
Eunyoung is the group’s lead vocalist. She is best known for her OST performances, notably including songs on projects of fellow member Aejeong. Eunyoung also featured in Selene’s song (and music video) Ahh Oop! showing off her vocal prowess as well as her charisma. In 2020, she appeared on King of Masked Singer.
Pinky is the group’s main rapper, main dancer and vocalist. She is well known for her appearances on variety shows, most notably her stint as a host on Weekly Idol. Pinky has also produced choreography for Calypso, with a total of six of the group’s choreographies under her belt. In 2014 she starred in Polaris’ music video for Boy In Luv.
Yenny is the group’s maknae, lead vocalist, lead dancer and lead rapper. She has perhaps the most diverse portfolio of all the members, having branched into acting, modelling, and variety. Perhaps the most enviable of her achievements is her numerous ambassadorships, including brands such as Etude House, Adidas and Kloud Beer. 
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
fmdduri​ ♡
he nodded his head in a rather happy manner, his smile growing a bit more. it was, truthfully, going to be a rather fun game to play throughout doing karaoke, that was for sure. he giggled once more, “i think it’ll be really fun! i’ll have to make sure to come up with some good hints,” he says, nodding a bit excitingly now. 
his head tilted a bit when she goes to speak again. he chuckled softly, “ah, really? how much younger is your working group’s maknae?” he asked, just a bit curious. perhaps it would give something away? he wasn’t entirely sure, but he was sure he wouldn’t be able to actually get it on the age alone, so it probably didn’t matter all that much. duri was just rather curious, to say the least. “ah, should i call you noona from now on?” he asked. they might not even do the same thing, so who knew if someone was a sunbae or not, right? 
“ah, really? thank you! you have too!” he said, his smile beaming just a bit more following the words that he spoke. the boy chuckles, “that’s what i’m having a hard time with as well,” he admits. there’s a nod coming from the younger, “i do! i read a lot of greek mythology books when i was younger!” he said. “i can give you a hint too… do you know anything about space?” he asked. considering titan’s name is that of saturn’s largest moon, as well as being the second largest satellite in the solar system.
“i’ll do the same!” pinky beamed at duri, already thinking of what other hints she could use. there was a surprising amount there, if not much she would have known if she hadn’t been looking up the source of calypso’s name early on in their career. anything to build a connection to the group. anything to feel she belonged in those early days.
“she was born in 1995.” pinky revealed with a grin. yena was a subject she daren’t linger on for long, or she was likely to start gushing about the girl. she adored calypso’s maknae, after all. then again, eunyoung could elicit a similar reaction from her, so perhaps she was simply a sucker for calypso as a whole. she chuckled, with a noncommital shrug. “we don’t have to use formal languge if you’re comfortable with that. i’d rather just be greeted as a friend.”
“hmm, a little - i used to want to be an astronaut, for like a month when i was eight, but still.” she laughed. “hmm, okay, but do you like foreign movies? have you seen pirates of the caribbean?” she questioned, tia dalma on her mind. she was really a cover for calypso, goddess of the sea. 
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
yenafmd​ ♡
of course, yena couldn’t complain about debuting, she had been incredibly fortunate to be given the opportunity and she didn’t want to give off the idea that she was ungrateful or that she didn’t like calypso, criticizing the dimensions to any degree felt daunting to a degree she barely dared to think of it. some things just… didn’t entirely click. why had the groups previous members left? and if yena hadn’t been ready for debut a couple of months ago, what made them think she was ready now? they were questions that would probably remain unanswered.
it was a new experience for yena, being the youngest person in the room, at home she had been the middle child and as a trainee, while on the younger side, there had been those younger than her. in calypso, there was none of that. it kind of felt like hanging out with the older, popular girls in school. yena felt like she probably stuck out like a sore thumb. not that they had been anything but lovely to her. still. it was hard to feel like she was on their level. “i kinda feel like i broke in to my moms closet and make-up you know?” yena had done that before in the past and she had gotten endlessly scolded for it, maybe that was why she felt a little nervous. “it feels like playing dress up more than anything else.”
at the praise directed at her, she was quick to shake her head, looking at sooyoung with wide eyes. “ah- no- i could never be the prettiest out of all of us!” it felt like an impossible notion, to come anywhere close to the beauty and maturity the other members had on her where she still looked so much like a child. “the members are all so pretty.” she confessed. it was true, calypso was an incredibly good-looking group, even for idol standards. “it’s a bit much but-” yena motioned at pinky’s outfit. “i think you pull it off well. you make it look good, natural almost.” her explanation came out a bit jumbled though nontheless genuine.  “i hope i can grow up pretty and confident like all of you.” 
sooyoung, for her part, had been the youngest sibling in her family. typically that meant one was cared for, looked after, doted upon. that hadn’t been sooyoung’s experience, however. soohyun, her oldest sister, had been far too busy with her boyfriend to pay her much mind. sooji, the next oldest, wasn’t the type to look away from her video games long enough to notice sooyoung watching over her shoulder. kyungsoo and moonsoo, to their credit, did eventually take sooyoung under their wing, but not until she had become used to having no one. her childhood had been a lonely one. so, while she’d never had the experience of being the youngest, she tried her best to give yena the full experience. 
she giggled at yena’s words with a shake of her head. “no, you look like you broke into your cool older sister’s closet.” she corrected. “think of it this way - you’re dressed up like the rest of us because we took our time dolling you up to get you ready for a night on the town, yeah? we want you in our posse - me and the others, i mean. you’re our baby sister, so it’s pur job to make sure you grow up just as cool as the rest of us. so if it’s a bit of a weird fit for now, rest assured, we’ll find something perfect for you soon enough. our baby yenny’s era is coming!” she booped yena’s nose.
pulling back, she laughed again, this time more of a warm chuckle than anything. “more than anything, though, i want to know you’re comfortable. how are you doing? and don’t say well for my benefit. tell the truth. is there anything you feel you’d like to go over?”
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdeunyoung​ ♡
where? a shopping center in shanghai
when? february 26th, after calypso’s fanmeeting
their activities earlier in the day were enough, but to be able to actually see some of shanghai along with meeting their (admittedly few, when one imagined the turnout of a lily or selene fansign) fans was exciting beyond belief. to share the experience with one of her favorite people was all the better. pinky was in high spirits.’
“ah, eunyounggi, you have to try this on!” she called to her bandmate, holding up a pretty peach-toned dress with sheer lace paneling. it was at once sweet and sexy, and thoroughly something she wanted to see the other in, if only for a moment. “ooh, wait, this reminds me of this vlog i saw where people chose outfits for each other. want to try that?” her mind was, as always, working faster than was necessarily understandable, but her poor explanation made no difference to her so long as she got eunyoung on board with the idea.
“ah, we could even go to dinner in the outfits afterward if we wanted! that sounds special, right? let’s do it!”
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pinkyfmd · 2 years
 new muse task 3: three wanted plots
1. Troublemaker
i'm looking for a partener to release troublemaker by uh... well, troublemaker with! we could easily do all their music as well! i think pinky would have a good time choreographing it, and it would be an iconic moment for them both! not to mention, the song is a total bop. they all are, really! idk if we could claim that one performance but if we can, even better! unfortunately this is only open to male presenting vocalists and dancers, but work on the song is theoretically open to anyone and i'll gladly make a post if/when this gets claimed!
2. Knock
back at it again looking for the masc types. i know, disappointing. seriously, though, name me a more iconic trio than nasty nasty! you can't! (TTS, Orange Caramel, Triple H and Semina: I'm not even here baby, I'm a hallucination.) yena and pinky would take on sojin and kyungri, which leaves the incomparable kevin up for grabs! we'd need a masc-presenting vocalist for the role, ideally in the same age ballpark (1990-1996ish). it is a sexier concept, so ideally someone comfortable with that, although it could be an interesting plot point if he isn't as well, considering he'd be working with members of one of the sexier concept girl groups out there. but yes! bring us a kevin so we can get this show on the road!
3. dance on my own
someone pinky can choreograph for! whether she choreographs for their group or for a solo, pinky is very much looking forward to spreading her wings as far as choreographing goes! her specialties are hiphop and sexier types of dancing, but she can make most things work.
if your muse is a dancer, she'll likely have fun trying to challenge them to expand their repertoire, pushing them to try something new and unexpected.
if your muse isn't a dancer, she's likely to try to teach them a few basic steps and build a dance around what they're comfortable with. she does take dancing seriously (one of the few things she does, actually.) so be prepared for some grueling lessons, but she's really only looking to help.
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