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Twincer Theory pt.2
View my previous post. I thought of another theory that fits. What if Mrs. D unfinished email was to Spencer’s twin. And that is who killed Mrs. D (not Mary Drake, all Peter does is lie so why should we believe him.) What if Twincer is the one who hit Alison and Mrs. D was covering up for her but the moment she found out Alison was alive, she realized she had to tell the cops why she buried Alison (assuming she thought Alison knew Mrs. D buried her) so fearing that Alison was going to remember who buried her, Mrs. D would have had to come clean about Twincer. Upon receiving that email, “I can’t protect you anymore” scared/anger Twincer and well only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
#PLL therories#Atheories#Twincer Theory#Twincer#Pretty little liars#PrettyLittleLiars#PLLEndgame#theories#PLLTheories#adtheroies
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Plot holes or lies? Twincer.
Okay so this is my first theory but I think it is a good one! I literally watch PLL all day everyday season one-seven about 100 times. Ask my friends. Okay bare with me. I will not be using gifs because I am not that fancy.
Okay, here we go! I truly think that A.D will be Spencer’s twin. A lot of clues point to it. Now I am not going to go in detail about these clues you can easily find it on google.
However I have the ultimate theory. PLOT HOLES. There is no such thing as plot holes in PLL. I know I sound crazy but the show is called pretty little LIARS! The narrator is our ultimate unreliable character which is the writers of the show! Charlottes tell all at the half of season six had many “plot holes” because she was lying the entire time. I believe she was aware of her siblings from Mary Drake and the sister she was protecting all along was Spencer or her twin.
The tell all that Alison did at the end of season four I found odd too. In the video it shows Alison fooling around with Ian but in her “story” she just had a threatening conversation with him and that was it. LIES.
In Charlottes story she hit Alison in the head with a rock. For hella seasons, especially explained in season two the murder weapon was a shovel. The police officers may be clowns in the town but I highly doubt every profession in Rosewood sucks ass. The coroner would not mix up the shape of a shovel with a damn rock. (I mean granted they found Bethany’s body who was actually hit with a shovel and they never found Alison’s body) but I really think Spencer’s twin hit Alison with the shovel and Mrs. D covered it up because she also had a connection with Spencer’s twin.
WHICH would explain why Mrs. D had a deal with Peter Hastings. We always thought the conversation was about Spencer, maybe it was about her twin? However maybe Jessica sympathized with Spencer’s twin and wanted to really get Spencer in trouble.
I think Alison knew about Spencer’s twin which is why she never trusted Spencer or made it seem like the person she is afraid of is Spencer. Why would Alison run from Spencer in season four when she was meeting up with Emily. Regardless, Spencer was her best friend too. She even visited her before the end of season two. What changed from season two-four? Hmmm. Maybe a secret was revealed.
I don’t think Alison couldn’t trust Spencer I think she could not trust which one was Spencer’s twin.
Ultimately I think Spencer’s twin has it out for everyone because she grew up in Radley with no family or support. Also I think Wren been knew about Spencer twin also which would make sense about Wren coloring a picture of a girl in a red coat with brown hair....hmmm let me know what you all think.
#pll theories#Atheroies#Twincer#Spencer Twin#PLL#AD Theories#Theory#Spencer Hastings#Plot holes#PrettyLittleLiars
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Please read this when you think you need a guy
I am so over guys these days. I don't know if it's where I find them. Ahem. Tinder. Or what. But they literally all get under my fucking skin. They're really good at playing you in all directions. They can be the sweet guy who ends up being a low key piece of shit. Or the single guy who is still in love with his fucking ex. Or the guy who you're down to be casual with and they can't even be a man of their word. I don't know if it's me for believing them. Like I keep telling myself why do you believe these dumbasses. Like this one guy I had to block. He told me we can hang out whenever. He wants to see me really bad. Days go by and he doesn't make an effort to see me. He had a day off. Nothing. THEN THE MOTHERFUCKER HAD THE NERVE TO SAY "WORK CONSUMES ME I DONT HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING" THEN WHY ARE WE TALKING? And of course, I'm the crazy one for assuming he would have time for me even though he STATED he would have time for me. Then this one idiot. Ignored me for the fun of it and had the balls to admit it. Then he months later tried to hook up with me lmfao. ARE YOU DUMB. I curved him. I hope his ego is disabled af. All in all. I am tired of my "guy" situation. I clearly fucking suck at finding them lol at this point I am okay with being alone. I'll smack my own ass and rub my own hair. Bye.
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Advice for people in their 20s from someone who’s just entered their 30s....
1. Don’t waste time being fearful: go for that job that you’re certain you’re not gonna get. What’s the worse that can happen? You are rejected, but you gain interview experience. Self-doubt is really a waste of time.
2. Live in the present. Yes, it is important to plan for the future, but it is easy to put off living until it is too late. Make sure that you have no regrets about what you should have done. Do one exciting thing per year.
3. Know your worth. This applies to both work and relationships; never sell yourself short. No job or romance is more important than your self respect. Also, charge for any unique skills/services that you can offer.
4. Don’t be afraid to leave bad situations. I left a stable but draining teaching job in order to protect my mental health. Even though this was a big risk, it was the best decision I ever made. NOTHING is more important than your mental health.
5. Most 20 somethings feel that they are underachieving. This is normal - especially in today’s financial climate. Don’t feel bad if you are still living at home and cannot afford to rent/buy. I’m 30 and still living at home, saving to buy.
6. People will disappoint you, but most of the time, it’s not about you. Everybody has their own demons and traumas that make them behave in certain ways. If somebody disrespects you, assert your boundaries and keep it moving. Also, examine if there was anything you could have done to avoid the situation. But DO NOT let it eat away at you.
7. In love, nobody owes you anything. Even if they made a promise, they are their own person…Everybody has the right to change their mind and to leave a situation which is not beneficial for them. This is hurtful and hard to accept, but it is the truth.
8. Learn to enjoy your own company. Your 20s can be a lonely time as your social sphere narrows, due to employment, finances and exhaustion. Use this time to find out more about yourself and do the things that you enjoy. There is something liberating about eating at a restaurant alone.
9. Be kind, don’t gossip or overshare. I am still working on this one. It is really difficult to be kind and positive in a world full of annoying people. However, your attitude will influence how you are being perceived. If you are unkind, people will laugh at your jokes but they will never trust you. They will never trust you not to treat them as you treat other people. Remove yourself from toxic people, and only share negativity (sadness/anger/depression) with a therapist and one other person that you trust. If you overshare negative feelings, you may be stereotyped as being full of drama. Furthermore, people will want you to stay in a negative place because it’s entertaining and makes them feel better about their own lives. Just don’t do it.
10. You cannot win every battle. Within conflict, it is tempting to try to force others to agree with your perspective. However, most people are set in their ways, and find it difficult to change their views and behaviours. This is especially important when dealing with toxic family members. You may never get the apology and empathy that you seek, so it is important to accept that every battle cannot be won, and gain validation internally, rather than externally.
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Universe, come through
I can’t stop smiling. I feel this power of happiness pulsating through my body and I literally cannot stop smiling. I woke up this morning feeling like, “I got this” and that I do, It was all done through my mindset. Man if people truly understood how powerful our thoughts can be. I woke up thinking and whole heartily believed that this world is mine for the taking. And not THE world but MY world. I run this. This is my life and I can do whatever I imagine and I imagine a healthy, positive, productive and fulfilling life. And this morning, this morning I got a taste of that. Thank you universe. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me that spark.
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so excited to announce that the next Belletrist book of the month is the novel Marlena, by Julie Buntin! can’t wait to read with you all 😍
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You have a source energy perspective that you’ve got to blend with if you are to be happy. You have a source energy perspective of everything, and especially a perspective of you, that you have got to—in your now—blend with if you are to be happy. You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways and be happy. You cannot argue for your limitations and be happy. You cannot beat up on yourself about what you should have done, or even what you should be doing right now, and be happy. You’ve got to make peace with yourself. You’ve got to make it alright where you are. It has to be alright that you don’t make your bed and it has to be alright that you lay there all day if you feel like it. It has to be alright. You have to stop letting other humans who need you to do conditional things so that they can be conditionally happy guide you away from what true love is.
Abraham Hicks (via hollygonowhere)
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