pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Hi, guys!
As you may know, I am Ukrainian. I live in Kyiv. I have lived here since I was born and I love my country with my whole heart.
I see a lot of misinformation under the tag "Ukraine". Most of it comes from American people, who try to explain the conflict in their own words. They can't. It's impossible to explain if you haven't lived here. There are too many influences on this conflict. You keep looking from an american perspective, which is not crucial in understanding the conflict.
For example, have you ever had you language forbidden? Like straight up forbidden by the law? It happened to Ukrainian language a lot of times thought our history. And who did it? The Russian Empire. And it's not the end of it. The genocides, the assimilation, the deportation. Have you even researched Ukrainian history?
You do not uplift Ukrainian voices enough. And you should if you care about what's happening. If you don’t do it, you're just doing a performance of your support and activism.
Lucky for you, I am a Ukrainian person! And I am DYING TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. I scored 191/200 points on my graduation exam in history, so you can suppose I know something about Ukrainian history.
If you stand for Ukraine, uplift Ukrainian voices. Educate yourself. Learn Ukrainian history. Ask Ukrainian people
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Nobody else would care about these personal attacks if they weren’t directed at two people that are very loved and valued by their friends. People know that their ability to rile Simon up via personal attacks is limited, so you bully his friends, hoping that will get a rise out of him. And the attack of your choice is that they care “too much” about Simon. Because it’s a fact that people with empathy and an abilty to form close relationships hate to see their friends being bullied and feel compelled to stand up and defend them. That’s not obsessive, annoying, cringe or creepy. That’s natural. Social beings will stand up for the people they love, like everyone will stand up for the things they care about, if they only care enough. And we all love each other as friends. I’ve known Simon and @piggledy-higgledy​ for more than a year now and they’re two of my best friends. I’m not really sure how to bring across something so...basic but: I think they are wonderful people with kind and beautiful souls who only deserve the best in this world. I know this because I took the time to look at them. That’s why I care. And the same is true between the two of them. 
We’re good friends, which is why it upsets us when someone is mean to one of us. This is why we defend each other. That’s all it is. It’s really not rocket science. Isdead, you want to call that level of investment in your friends’ happiness weird? Fine. Keep your own definition of friendship, it obviously differs from ours. You wanna call it weird while having made a million posts about your opinion of that same person for five whole years, on a blog dedicated to that person? Fine. Keep your own definition of obsession. I don’t care. I only care if someone calls one of my best friends a pig. She’s one of the most amazing people I ever had the privilege to know. She gives everything she has to her friends and family while asking for nothing in return although she deserves the whole world. She puts all her effort into helping others. She’s honest and true to what she feels, authentic and open. She’s extremely funny and intelligent. Her passion for things like languages is contagious. She is never judging, always understanding, always considerate, always kind. Always trying to fix and heal and also have fun together. She is so full of love for the people and things she cares about, it’s just inspiring. None of that care does she invest for her own sake, she does it because it’s natural to her. There is no one else in the world like her and without her, me and Simon and our other friends would be missing an indescribable lot. I don’t really know what else to say except I love her and I will never be able to tolerate people attacking her, least of all for her compassion, one of the most beautiful things about her. Call me annoying, I don’t care. It’s not even out of a principle, it’s a need because I love her that much. I will never not care if someone insults her. She will never not care if someone insults Simon. Simon will never not care how his friends are treated. Does that make us vulnerable, yes, but it also makes us strong. I wouldn’t change a thing. Please nobody insult piggledy-higgledy. There are thousands of evil people who deserve your insults. Believe me, she doesn’t. 
I just think she's kind of annoying dude it isn't really that deep lol. I didn't send it to you or her, she had to go out of her way to find that. It wasn't even a creative insult or anything, just an offhand but admittedly mean-spirited comment lol. Not everyone on the internet is going to like each other
Yikes, as the kids say. Let’s unpack this…
You’re right. Not everyone likes everyone on the internet, but not everyone on the internet goes to the person they dislike’s bully and says publicly that they don’t like the person, thus giving the bully a chance to also “dump on” them. That’s bullying too, in case you forget. You also called her “pig” when her name obviously isn’t that.
You’re annoyed by my friend, someone who has supported me, who sat up all hours of the night with me while I was in pain, who sent me recipes and little ideas and research papers I might like, who single-handedly reorganized the kind members of my server into a new one, who was a moderator in my server, whose life you don’t know but if you did, you’d feel like the absolute shit you seem to be. I won’t discuss her private life, but that person you find so objectionable because she disagrees with you and isn’t ashamed to point out to you that you are being abusive and hypocritical, is one of the most selfless women I’ve ever met. In a measurable way. You owe her an apology, but since you made the comment, and then again came here to what? Defend yourself? Explain why it’s alright to insult someone in the most caustic of ways? I’m sure you won’t apologize. What are you hoping to prove? Why are you here? Why are you justifying yourself to me for? So I’ll take back what I said about you being a bully? Ha. This ask? This is bullying too.
Objectively you behaved like trash. Like a bully. I don’t have to tell people what to think. It’s that bloody obvious.
And anonymously at that. God you people are abusive, disgusting cowards. This is so absurdly childish. You deserve every foul word she chooses to spit at you. And I for one, would love to see that. You don’t measure up to her. Not even close.
Lucifer’s bodkin, you people are miserable, self-centered, wretches. I shift on a constant basis between pity and disgust.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Please do not tell neurodivergent children that they are aliens. It is weird that I have to say this.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Happy Halloween my friends
And happy ten years online to my very dear friend, Simon
Thank you for being you, always
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Art by the wonderful @panickypoltergeist
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
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This is what a real, qualified OBGYN will tell you about what women feel when they get an abortion
Dr. Willie Parker, who is trained as a gynecologist and OBGYN, is a hero for the pro-choice movement because he’s honest about the undiscussed aspects of getting (or not getting) an abortion. Watch how he gives a consultation.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Social media is weighted for those seeking attention it gives you those little bursts of good feeling chemicals whenever you see the “likes” or if a post goes viral. It rewards people for popularity. Apps like tiktok reward performers and people who can be at least superficially charismatic. This is the exact environment to attract the sort of people who will use social media for terrible purposes.
Think about things like tagging—useful for organizing your own materials, but also for leading people into increasingly extreme content. For example: type “TERF” into tumblr and you’ll get posts that share negative ideas about terfs, but after a bit, you’ll also be linked to pro transphobic blogs who self-tag as TERFs. The rhetoric will be subtle and will try to argue things in the opposite direction. If you happen to tap the tags on that post, it may link to other more extreme concepts, and so on.
Recently a young lady I follow did a study on tiktok’s algorithm. She made a false account and hit the like button on mildly transphobic content like jokes and skits mocking gender roles. She graphed her progress. The app began feeding her white supremacy content within a hundred videos. Within a thousand, she’d been fed white nationalist insurrectionist propaganda. So it is feasible, and indeed likely, that within a night, a young, malleable mind could be radicalized or at least introduced to the worst humanity has to offer.
If that doesn’t concern you, then I don’t know what to tell you. In the time since I’ve been discussing my group dynamics hypotheses and observations, there has been a massive uptick in abusive behavior toward me. I measure this by a very simple metric. I assign a value to every kind of statement (this is my own notation for my own purposes). Any time an insult is used toward me, I use a specific variable: I and any further insults are I+n. Any time someone posts about me in a certain way, I assign it another variable. When manipulative statements are made, there are several variables I assign. You may ask how I determine the manipulation, and that’s subjective, obviously, but believe it or not, I have a check list—saying something and then denying they said it, logical fallacies, rhetorical questions, insults, and my favorite: sending me a link to their own post about what a terrible person I am. There is no purpose in that but to hurt someone by directing them to your displeasure. Lies or misrepresentation are given a variable. Often they reference posts I have made. If they do that’s another variable.
Now to recap my discussion this far:
I outlined what group dynamics is
I defined a task-based group
I outlined the concept of “blocking roles” and how they game for dominance in task-based groups and defined their specific behavioral patterns, using names to identify each type. These roles are not linked to any psychological diagnosis
I redefined groups as also containing social media followerships and fandom spaces
I discussed a couple of abusive types and how they occupy specific blocking roles, or better said, how abusive behaviors are an integral part of block roles within a group
I identified what behaviors are most likely to take place and how those contribute to group dynamics breaking down into polarization by eliminating all divergent opinions, particularly of marginalized groups. I linked these abusive behaviors with bullying
I discussed how social media platforms specifically contribute to these behaviors with their very structure, funneling people into homogenized and more and more extreme content
I discussed how bullying online is also fostered and assisted by platform features like “anon” and loopholes around blocking features.
I’ve used my own microcosm of experience here as an exemplar, though I haven’t gone into all my data from the last six years.
That’s what I’ve done, and the backlash has been very interesting. I suppose the easiest way to describe this is, I have pissed of a hornets’ nest of abusive people, and they are remaining true to form.
I’m not sorry about that. Not even a little. If you find me abusive or ableist for discussing these things, well…
Social media as it is currently used, isn’t actually built for social networking. It’s built to further polarize society, to serve corporate monetary goals. Facebook just recently was shown to purposefully push people into more extreme content, because it kept users engaged longer. Meaning they intentionally victimized people and aided extremism to get revenue. Tiktok has its commercials, which change even as you follow the route that young lady took. Even this app has ads that push products. All of these companies want to keep users engaged, and so they don’t discourage abuse. They don’t police bad behavior, because if they did, they’d lose revenue. Tiktok notoriously over-polices the accounts of BIPOC while allowing white nationalist content to skate by. Mass reporting usually only happens in the wrong direction, because bullies in blocking roles induce people to mass report. Look at how long it took Twitter to ban Trump, when during his entire presidency he made over 35,000 false or misleading statements and had over 200 flagged posts. Look at apps like Parlor which was used almost exclusively to plan January 6.
This is a problem and the apps you use aren’t telling you what they know. Their greed is canceling out your safety. That is my argument, and since I’ve been making it, some people are upset.
I really don’t care if that upsets them. I don’t plan to stop talking about this. I suppose we will have to agree to disagree. And when they participate in this debate with me, they become part of my data. So if they want to harm me, the best way is honestly to leave me alone. But I know they won’t.
May they have the day they deserve.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
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The Leftovers ❤️
Art by the wonderful @panickypoltergeist
I love you guys x
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
I dreamt — marvelous error! — that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures.
Antonio Machado, from “Last night, as I was sleeping,” Times Alone: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado, trans. Robert Bly (Wesleyan University Press, 1983)
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
My trauma did not make me stronger.
I made me stronger. I pulled myself through. That strength was already a part of me.
My trauma did not add to my character. It did not make me kind. It did not make me a warrior.
Anything I am is thanks to me, and me alone.
Please quit telling survivors that “at least it made you stronger”. That credit goes to us, and not our trauma or anyone responsible for our trauma.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Simon’s existence made a huge impression and a massive impact on many, many lives including mine. I will forever be grateful to him for showing me the strength that I didn’t know I had, although he doesn’t want to hear it. Your disgusting asks we can delete but the way that our friends’ kindness, support and acceptance changed us for the better cannot be deleted. The impact of Simon’s existence cannot be erased, I know that, he knows that and you appear to also know that, otherwise you wouldn’t bother with him and hurt somebody else. Simon’s existence evidently means a lot to you, although you probably hate that. 
Those who treated Simon’s friendship like nothing but a passing fancy did not benefit from that. They’re the same ones now anonymously bullying, gaslighting and begging for his attention. Almost like, some time after they’d let go of their fancy, they realized they had actually lost something of great importance. Well, too bad. It’s gone now. Grieve your loss in a more constructive way and then maybe take a minute to consider what drove you to throw away someone you’re evidently still obsessed with.
This is actually disgusting on a level very close to “kill yourself”. No one’s existence should be only a passing fancy to most people. No one deserves that. Luckily, with Simon, it isn’t true. Your existence is so so much to me, my friend. Thank you for being you.
“I didn’t cause the drama and I never left but you knew that” bold of you to assume your existence is nothing but a passing fancy to most people. Imagine thinking that i care enough about your particular brand of nonsense to cyberstalk you. You’re such a boomer.
And yet here you are. If I’m a waste of time, then treat me like a waste of time…and don’t waste your time.
Uh huh.
Nice try.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
If you're so concerned about cults, why are you and your husband a part of Simon's cult? Just seems a bit iffy......hm
Ooooooo that's an easy one. I'm not married. You're mistaking me for someone.
Does that mean you will leave me alone now?
Or did you witness me gushing about my husband, the Count of Monte Cristo and took it literal?
He's not a part of the cult, sadly. And don't worry, neither will you be. It's one of those rare cults with standards.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Okay lol for all that energy you and your friends wasted, yall still look brainwashed and stupid.
If showing support for my friends when they receive harassment and abuse makes me look stupid in your eyes......I wonder about your priorities in life. Showing support for your friends doesn't seem to be one of them.
Which would explain why you have so much energy left to waste on other things, like telling complete strangers they're wasting their energy.
Things are beginning to make sense.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
This. Also I can’t stress enough how dangerous and frankly insulting this cult rhetoric is. Cults are a menace. They make people surrender their free will, identity and agency over their own lifes. There are many reasons to care about this. Many cults and other systems of exploitation are out there waiting for someone to take them down. So many survivors are desperate for support. There is so much you could do with your time. So many things you could improve, so many injustices that need to be brought to light. But somehow your priority is sending hate to the supposed members of a ten people discord cult, whose nefarious practices include gushing about Marvel movies, making jokes about chicken nuggets, playing cards against humanity,  sharing pictures of capybaras, celebrating birthdays and supporting each other against abuse. If this qualifies as a cult, please fight another one. No one is getting hurt in this one. We are not in need of saving, least of all by the power of your insults. Your rhetoric is offensive to actual cult survivors. You publicly questioning the sanity and free will of supposed victims is HIGHLY offensive to any survivors of abuse. It needs to stop. Do research about the dangers of actual cults and then donate to programs helping people recover from actual cults. And leave my friends alone.
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My benevolent ancestors, but you are childish.
I cannot comprehend it. It’s as if you all just sit around finding things to anger you and ways to shit on things you obviously fail to understand. Why?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU. Can you read. Is that the problem? Can I make this easier for you somehow?
I cannot comprehend it. It’s as if you all just sit around finding things to anger you and ways to shit on things you obviously fail to understand. Why?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU. Can you read. Is that the problem? Can I make this easier for you somehow?
My materials are free unless you want a copy that costs money to make. And even if they weren’t, I made them and people have decision making power to compensate someone for their product. My time is invested freely and with no expectations. Everyone is given notice. I am not appropriating anything. I’m suggesting real explanations for universal ideas. The people who left me were either trying to get something from me, or were deceived by a narcissist. Nobody is being coerced. Nobody is being taken advantage of.I have my own reasons for being here, same as all of you. I make things, and it doesn’t matter one way or another if you believe me. No one ever said you had to. I am not seeking validation of any kind. I know what I am. Is that something you cannot comprehend? That someone could actually be plenty confident without your bleeding say-so?
Who the fuck are you to challenge others? My god, there are people actually being hurt and persecuted. There are people dying. And you waste your time worrying about the tiniest dying corner of the internet? Please get some perspective, you endlessly stupid children in grown bodies. Balance your checkbook. Replace the orange juice. Make sure you pay your phone bill. But also mind your own damn business, you hypocritical, mindless, abrasive lot of petulant jackasses. No one on this green but slowly browning earth has any time for your vapid caterwauling. Go eject yourself precipitously from the nearest available balcony door and sard the hell off. You are the precise reason I have to be here and you simply are too dumb to make sense of that.
I simply cannot fathom the level of intrinsic fuckery and mental atrophy a person has to embrace to be so god damn painfully atrocious. Do you practice it? Is it something you do to music? Are you lonely? Why are you so terribly envious of me sitting here dealing with the likes of you? You’re terrible. This isn’t fun. Every one of you is disgusting and empty, and hatefully self-conscious of it. The narcissistic obsession with your own flaws is just..nauseating.
I mean really. Do you have an education? Do you do things? Are you out eating or…singing? Are you doing anything but sitting there being a judgmental loitersack? Enough of this. Go research nematodes and write me a 10 page essay, before I track down your address and eat your eyelids. Find a fight worth spending so much time on. It’s frankly revolting.
Go to therapy.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Concerning @squish-bones ask to my friend @pinkfluffyalienwhale, about @simonalkenmayer. I’m going to repost that here and then break it down myself (though Ame did a fantastic job already, I just might have a slightly different perspective). Here’s the original ask:
“It’s not just people “thinking” simon is lying, it’s the fact that simon IS lying about his identity, he could be lying about other things too, and yall are so brainwashed by him that you dont question it, either that or youre scared of him and his other “friends” coming after you if you were to question his word. I mean, if someone on the internet told you they were an anime catgirl from another dimension, would you all believe them so easily??? Yall are really just out here looking stupid, and proving how easy it is to build cults. And feel free to publish this and everything, if I get anyone harassing me like others have gotten from pointing out Simon’s inaccuracies, I’ll just have proof for the Fool.”
Well, bub, my first recommendation would be to utilize the block button and wash your hands of Mx. Alkenmayer. If seeing Simon’s content upsets you this much, why choose to keep seeing it? Why the campaign against them? You could just walk away, but I have a feeling you won’t, for reason’s I’ll try to address in a moment (fair warning, I might forget, there’s a lot to cover here and I have a memory disorder lol.)
For now, lets dive in to, once again, the seeming root for a lot people’s issues with Simon: their lack of a concrete ‘identity’, and how apparently that is them lying about their identity. Honestly, at this point I am beginning to question the reading comprehension of a lot of these people. Where did Simon lie? No, really, where? The premise of the experiment is that you do not know whether or not Simon is a monster. They say they are, and they ask to be treated as if they believe they are. But not once have they said ‘this is undeniable truth, anyone who questions it is wrong and bad, to hell with them.” Simon actively encourages people to think critically about whether or not they are what they say they are. If folks decide ‘alright, monster, I can buy that’, then that’s fine, that’s the camp I fall into. But if someone else says ‘I mean, cool idea, but I don’t think you eat people actually’ then that is also fine! That’s where my husband is at! The point of this is to come to your own conclusion, and that includes deciding that there is no such thing as monsters. What that doesn’t include is being an asshole because you’ve decided there’s no such thing as monsters. When people do that, they get removed from the experiment, not as censorship, but because the rules are very simply, ‘don’t be a dick’ and ‘treat simon like they believe they are what they say’. Lying, as you are trying to frame it, has nothing to do with the conversation of friendship here at all, and I think you know that. I also think that without that base argument, you really don’t have much of a leg to stand on, which is why you keep trying to come back to it.
Alright, next point: if Simon is lying about their identity, they’re lying about other stuff too. Alright…and? Are you telling me that you’ve divulged your every last secret to every single one of the people you consider friends? Your trauma, your childhood, that thing you did that you’re ashamed of in the third grade that you want no one to know about ever?? Everyone has secrets. It’s ok to keep back parts of yourself, for either your own well being or, even, the comfort of your friends. That is a personal choice. Some people are not ok with that, and that’s ok! You don’t have to be friends with that person then! That’s your decision! But you don’t get to police when someone is ‘worthy’ of having friends because of what they have or haven’t said about themselves. I don’t tell Simon everything about me either, does that mean I;m brainwashing them into being my pal? Hell, even my partners don’t know every last bit of me, because I have fucking trauma and some things are just for me, not others.
On we go, let’s see: being too brainwashed or scared to question Simon. Tbh I’m not really sure how you would even know if we do question them or not, considering you’re not in our dms lol. Not every interaction happens on a public platform bub, but they still happen. I assume you’re discussing the people Simon has blocked for ‘questioning’ the reality of what they are? AKA being rude as hell, demanding things, etc? Yes, you’re right, can’t question a thing they say, oh woe is us. Really, we argue about shit all the time lol. I’ll address a specific one that frequenters of Simon’s blog might be familiar with: the discussion around DID.
I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. I’ve had it since I was nine, I’ve lived with it my whole life, even if I wasn’t always aware I was doing so (hello amnesia). Quite a while back, there was a bit of discourse on Simon’s blog regarding DID. I don’t really remember the specifics, as it was pretty early in my time being aware of Simon, but I do know that they said some Kinda Shitty Things! And that weighed on me, you know? But I was willing to look past it, give benefit of the doubt and all that, and eventually got pretty close to Simon.
One night, we were calling to discuss polycules (long story) and i mentioned that I had DID. Simon got quiet, and then very timidly wanted to know if he could ask some questions about it, because he didn’t really understand it, but wanted to be more open-minded and accommodating. And so we sat for a couple hours and went through it! I pulled up the posts in question, going through bits that were hurtful, or misinformed, and Simon listened. I talked about my system, about my life as a system, about the DID community at large, and Simon listened. They asked questions where they needed clarification, they admitted wrongdoing in the past, and apologized for any hurt they might have caused.
I understand that maybe that is not enough for some folks who were hurt by all that, and that’s ok. But it was enough for me. Simon is in a personal server of mine, where we use a bot that more easily allows individual alters to talk, and (after confusion about the technological side of a discord bot) they’ve been fine. They were called out on bad behavior, and they remedied it, without question, as soon as someone took the time to explain why the behavior was bad in a constructive way. As opposed to calling them names and insisting they’re a horrible person. If you don’t feel like you can question Simon, maybe take a look at what you’re actually doing when you ‘question’ them, and if you’re really just attacking them.
Alright, just two more points to cover. ‘if someone on the internet says they’re such and such crazy thing are you just going to believe them?’ …bub. I really, really hope you don’t ever interact with someone with DID lol. I interact daily with superheros, anime characters, ghosts, angels, elves. I have a few in my head. Hell, I’m a fucking fictive myself pal! Yes, if someone tells me they are an anime cat girl, I am going to believe them! Because it hurts nothing and maybe they literally are, if they’re an alter! Brain scans prove that alter memories feel and influence folks the same way as body memories do, and what is a person if not the cumulative experience of their memories?? If someone remembers being an anime cat girl, if they look in a mirror in headspace and see an anime catgirl, guess what! That’s who they are! And that’s how I’m going to treat them! It is literally just common courtesy in this community, and hell yes I’m going to extend that to Simon, because why the hell wouldn’t I? Frankly feels rather insulting, the way you phrased this, and more than a little ableist. I’m sure it wasn’t your intention though, so I’d recommend going and doing a little research on the subject.
Last point: proving how easy it is to build a cult. yall…really need to do some more research on what classifies as a cult lol. I could talk about this shit at length because, as someone married to a survivor of an actual cult, it pisses me off that you throw the term around so easily, but I’m just gonna point out one thing. If Simon was running a cult, he would not have deleted the first server. That’s what all you are saying was the area of high cult activity right? If you think critically about that for a couple minutes, I think you’d realize that an actual cult leader would not just abandon the area in which they held the most sway. And if it was really a cult, it would have been next to impossible for all those people in that server to immediately decide that they had been in a cult and now they weren’t. That is not how brainwashing or cults work. Please do a little bit of reading on the subject, it is legit dangerous to throw that word around in the wrong context, it makes it more difficult for people to know what an actual cult looks like and how to avoid them.
I’m not even gonna touch on how you are so excited at the prospect that you could be able to go report things to the fool because…well, I think that speaks for itself the kind of environment they foster over on that blog of theirs.
Well, there we are. I feel a bit better having talked that out, do you? No? Tragic. Oh well. I will say, I’m pretty excited for the day Simon leaves tumblr and yall have to reckon with your own actions. Will you do some introspection and wonder why you spent so much time yelling at someone over a screen? Or will you just go and find a new punching bag? Either way, we’ll be just fine hanging out with our friend.
tldr; stop clinging to the ‘they’re liars!’ argument and take a look at how the experiment is supposed to function, and please try to unlearn your internalized bias about people claiming things you don’t understand.
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pinkfluffyalienwhale ¡ 3 years
Bitch why do you assume I believe Simon? My belief is constantly in flux. Some days it seems it may be true, others not so much. You know what belief of mine never wavers? He’s my friend. I literally do not care what he is. I am not afraid to question him. I do it all the fucking time. There is no reverence here. There is no fear. If it were a cult I would have to involve worship. I do not worship anything. If Jesus himself came down from the clouds I wouldn’t worship him. If someone asked me to worship them or demanded that kinda thing in any way, I would punch them in the throat, including Simon. I do not need help, I do not need rescuing, not that you would be doing a great job of that even if I did. I really appreciate your effort but Jesus Christ just LEAVE US ALONE. We aren’t bothering you by existing on our own. So kindly fuck off already. You’re killing my vibe.
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