pink-bean · 3 years
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Drawing of Meg! I tried making her look up but I’ve never done that perspective before. I’m also trying out a new art style.
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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Oh no. Duo has the Death Note.
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pink-bean · 4 years
The Avatar characters are the kind of tv characters I want my kids to look up to.
For example:
Katara showed the entire Northern tribe that she was going to be treated as an equal to any man. She literally battled a water bending master, even though she barely knew how to water bend. She never gave in and kept looking for solutions and hope throughout the entire war. She helps save and heal an entire village left devastated by a fire nation factory. She masters water bending, even blood bending. She married the avatar and raised three amazing kids, one of her kids even vacate an air bending master.
Aang’s entire culture and people were wiped out in the air bender genocide. Aang comes into the world a hundred years later, with the pressure of saving the world haunting him. He manages to find comfort with the new friends he has. He even manages to spare everyone’s lives and promote peace. He helps found Republic City and to rebuild the air bender nation.
Sokka loses his mom and his dad goes off to war. He is left as the only guy in his tribe. He is a role model for the young, future warrior boys. He leaves his home with his sister to help the avatar win the war. He takes out a combustion bender with his boomerang. He learns that he is just as valuable as any bender. He becomes a sword master. He even ends up being a judge for the Republic City Council.
Toph leaves her life of luxury to save the world. She is blind but never let that become a disability, instead she uses it as her grew a test advantage. She masters earthbending at a really young age and learns seismic sense from badger miles. She competes in earth bending knock outs against full grown men. She INVENTS metalbending and also learns lava bending and sand bending. She creates a police force and a traveling academy to teach metal bending. She even raises two, talented daughters, by herself!
Suki is the leader of an elite team of warriors called the Kyoshi Warriors. She trains them and practices in martial arts. She has mastered the ways of the fan. She helps show men that girls can be just as good, if not better, at fighting. She goes into combat in a dress- I mean that’s talent right there! She helps destroy fire nation airships, without bending, and helps end the 100 year war. She and the other Kyoshi warriors share their services with the world and even help protect Firelord Zuko. She travels and teaches young girls how to fight and stand up for themselves.
Zuko’s mother is banished at a young age and his grandfather mysteriously passes in the middle of the night. His cousin dies when he is young, leaving his uncle heartbroken. He is left with an abusive father and a manipulative sister. He is the heir to the throne, but quickly loses that title when he tries to stand up for fire nation soldiers in his father’s war room. His father leaves him with a brutal face scar and banished him to hunt for the missing avatar with his uncle. Zuko is forced to shave parts of his head because of his Agni Kai loss. He finds the avatar and eventually captures him multiple times. But each time, Aang gets away. Zuko and Iroh are later declared traitors and are wanted. They live as refugees and travel great distances to get to Ba Sing Se. He is hunted by his own sister and goes through a metamorphosis after helping the avatar’s bison. He returns to the Fire Nation, only to learn that the true way to earn his honor is to help the avatar and his uncle. He teaches the avatar fire bending, that he learned directly from the original fire bending source. He helps free Suki and Hakoda from the most secure prison on the planet. He even helps Katara find closure after confronting the man who killed her mother. He eventually fights an Agni Kai against his sister and saves Katara from what would be lethal lightning. Together they defeat Azula and Zuko becomes FIRELORD. Zuko then restores the honor of the fire nation, established Republic city, raises a daughter and grand son, gets a dragon, and continues to fight to protect the new avatar after Aang. He even masters dual swords before the series and by the end he has also mastered fire bending and lightning redirection.
All of these characters are so powerful and can teach some pretty good life lessons. Seriously-> go find someone and make them watch atla, it’s worth it!
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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This is how kids reacted when they were shown same-sex marriage proposal videos. Kids these days. 
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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You can be anything. Representation Matters
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pink-bean · 4 years
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Hey runners (and walkers)! Thought this might be helpful :)
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
people give so much credit to aaron ehasz just because he was the head writer of avatar but they forget that the actual premise and idea of the show we love came from bryke. you can feel however you want to feel about them, but bryke were the two genius’ that gave us this beautiful show while aaron merely built on the ideas that they already had. give credit where credits due, and thats to bryke.
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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oh. maybe. maybe this it. maybe that’s the problem.
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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pink-bean · 4 years
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