In my Pink Era
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Starting fresh on a new blog Em | 23 | she/they Rules and Masterlist Writing for the Bayverse Boys in their Twenties
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Just stumbled across this 👀 spreading the word.
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Turtles Together is a 100+ page book filled to the brim with ninja kickin', pizza eatin', totally tubular turtle goodness! Featuring iterations ranging from 1987 to 2023, there's a turtle generation for every fan in here!
Starting with the breathtaking cover made by the amazing @daedelweiss , this zine is full of stunning art, gripping stories and incredible merch - made FOR fans BY fans! If you love the TMNT, then this is the package for you!
Pre-Orders are live from August 21st to September 30th, so don't delay, nab your copy today and par-TAY on dudes!
This is a charity zine and proceeds will be going to the Sea Turtle Conservancy!
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Glimpse of Us
Raphael x Reader
Summary: While closing at work, a group of familiar faces appears behind the dumpster: younger, alternate versions of your boyfriend and his brothers.
Note: Super, super excited for Mutant Mayhem in August and every time I see one of those trailers, all I can think about is how fatherly the Bayverse boys would be towards them, so have this. I’ve been wanting to write some soft Raphael.
Warnings: Swears, alludes to sex, talks about having kids
Word Count: 2.5k
Reader is: 23, half-alien, feminine
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It was shaping up to be a slow night at work. You laughed, reading over the last text Raphael had sent you. He always texted you back and forth when it was slow in an attempt to keep you occupied. It worked most of the time.
You were closing. It was just after midnight. You didn’t have much left to do, just to wipe down some of the counters, count the registers, and take out the trash. Seeing as the trash was pretty full, you elected to do that first, taking the bags out of the trash cans and tying them up real tight before hauling them out the back door and into the little area by the dumpsters, the empty parking lot just beyond it.
You chucked the trash bags in one by one and turned back towards the back door when you heard something rustling behind the dumpsters. Something big.
“Raph?” You whispered, looking into the shadows. The rustling stopped.
“Dude, how does she know your name?”
“How does she know my name?” A voice whispered. A young-sounding voice.
“Guys?” You asked. “It’s okay, you can come out.”
“Splinter will kill us if we expose ourselves to a human! We can’t just go out there!” Said a squeaky voice.
“But how does she know Raph’s name?”
“Either you come out or I’ll turn on my flashlight. Listen, I promise, I…you can trust me.”
They argued amongst themselves for a while longer and then, slowly, Raph stepped into the light, both of his hands forward. But this wasn’t your Raph. No, this Raph was much smaller than your Raph, much younger and…scared of you.
“Oh shit.”
“See, I told you this was a bad idea!” Another voice chimed. Leo, no doubt, confirmed when he too stepped out of the shadows.
“Oh my GOD.” You stared at them. “H-how did you get here? You know what, nevermind. You’ve gotta stay out of sight. Um…” You thought for a moment, spotting your car out in the parking lot. “These are my keys. Where’s Donnie?”
“How does she know your name?” Mikey asked.
“Dude, how would I know?” The high-pitch voice asked again as Donnie and Mikey emerged next.
You tossed Donnie your keys. “That’s my car. Go in there and stay in there. Lock the doors and don’t unlock them for anyone but me. Stay out of sight. I have to lock up real quick and then I’ll be right out, okay?”
“Why should we trust you?” little Leo asked, wavering as he did.
“I’ll explain everything when I get back.” You met his eyes and then Raph’s. “I promise.”
Leo hesitated for a long moment before nodding, leading the others to your car and scurrying inside.
You went back in, counting the registers, wiping the counters, and locking everything up at record speed. You logged into the computer and hesitated, but went into the security footage, wiping those ten minutes from the record, and then walked out to your car, knocking on the window.
The door unlocked and you hopped in, locking the doors behind you again. You looked down at the back seats, where all four boys were crouched down out of sight of the windows.
“You can pull those little curtains down.” You told them, pointing to the rolling curtains Donnie had mounted for you in case any of your boys needed to lay low for a bit.
“Oh. Cool.” Little Mikey moved first, pulling down the one on the window closest to him and the others did the same.
“I’m gonna pull the car over where the cameras don’t reach, alright? And then I’m gonna make a call.”
Donnie handed you the keys and you did what you promised, pulling the car into the overpass of the mall you worked at, beneath the theater. It was darker there and, like you’d said, the cameras didn’t work.
You put the car in park, sighed, and then fished your phone out of your purse, pressing Leo’s contact before holding it up to your ear.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Everything alright?”
“Yeah, kinda. Um, can you guys come here? Like now? The usual spot in the underpass. And bring the big truck, the van doesn’t have enough seats.”
“Wanna clue me in on what’s going on?” He asked.
You glanced back at the four little versions of your boyfriend and his brothers sitting in your back seats. “Uhhhh, I think it’s just gonna be easier for you to see when you get here. I’m not in any imminent danger.”
“Roger that. We’ll be there in ten.”
“See ya.” You hung up, looking back at the boys. “There are snacks behind the passenger seat. Help yourselves to whatever.”
“Was that the police?” little Leo asked.
“No! No. No it wasn’t.” You chuckled, shaking your head. Ironic.
Ten minutes later on the dot, the infamous Tartaruga Brothers truck rolled up, parking next to your car. You exhaled a sigh of relief.
“Alright, they’re here. You can put the shades down.”
“Tartaruga Brothers?” Raph read.
“That means…turtle in Italian.” Donnie noted.
You nodded and opened the door getting out of the car. Raph was the first one out, looking you over for any signs of injury. He searched your eyes.
“You alright, shorty?”
“I’m fine. Good, actually.” You nodded, looking up at him.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“Yeah, what is going on?” Leo asked, coming out after his brother, Mikey and Donnie not far behind.
“Something weird.” You replied, motioning for their smaller counterparts to exit your vehicle. They did, one by one, filing out of your car and looking up, up, up at your boyfriend and his brothers.
“Woahhhhh,” little Raph murmured, staring up at your Raph. “You’re…”
“Me.” Your Raph whispered, looking down at him. He looked at you, too, eyes wide.
“When…” Donnie asked, the words dying in his throat.
“Like thirty minutes ago. I erased the camera footage.”
“Thank you.” Leo said, nodding.
“No problem.”
“Wait, so you’re…You know us? You’re…” little Leo looked between you and Raph, eyes wide.
“She’s cool, guys, I promise.” Mikey grinned. “Now, get in the truck. We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
“(Y/N) and I will follow. We’ll meet you in the Lair.” Raph said, making eye contact with Leo, who nodded his approval.
“Oh my god, you guys have a lair too?” little Donnie asked, eyes lighting up as he followed his older counterpart into the truck.
“I’ll order pizza!” Mikey volunteered, sending all the younger boys into cheers.
Little Raph hesitated, looking between you and your Raph before getting dragged into the truck by Leo.
You hopped into your car, Raph getting in the back seat and putting the curtains back down. You turned the car back on and started driving down the backroads.
“Thanks for bein’ so cool about this. Keepin’ ‘em calm and stuff.” Raph said, making eye contact with you in the rearview mirror. “You drop the alien bomb on ‘em yet?”
“You think they’d be that calm if I did?” You chuckled.
He smirked. “Fair point.”
“So Donnie was right about the multiverse stuff, then.”
“Guess so. They say much about how they got here?”
“No. Little Leo thought I was gonna call the cops on them.” You told him, earning a laugh.
“Typical.” He paused.
“It’s weird. They’re like you guys, but they’re so young.”
“We were once.” Raph said.
“Don’t remind me.” You chuckled. You’d met Raph six years before when both of you were seventeen, shortly after he and his brothers had saved the world for the second time. Even now, it seemed lifetimes ago that you were that naïve.
You pulled into your designated parking spot next to the truck and the heavy garage door slid down behind it, closing you in. You and Raph walked out into the living room, where the others were all congregated, a very confused Splinter listening to Leo and Donnie as they talked to him. They perked up when you walked in.
“Ah, (Y/N), there you are. Come, sit.” Splinter invited you.
Mikey took it upon himself to entertain the younger set of brothers while the rest of you spoke with Splinter in one of the alcoves. Raph’s thick arm settled around your shoulders, your curled legs resting against his thigh.
You explained to him exactly what had happened. You’d found them behind the dumpsters, earned their trust, erased the footage, and got them to the Lair. The rest, you had no clue about. How they’d gotten there, where they were from, how Donnie was going to get them back home…
“Thank you.” Splinter said, his paw resting against your hand for a moment. “For taking care of them.”
“Of course, Splinter.” You nodded.
“I’ll start running diagnostics.” Donnie volunteered, walking over towards his lab.
“I’ll ask Little Leo what he remembers.” Leo said, nodding before heading off to where the boys were playing video games with Mikey.
That left you and Raph in the alcove, his arm tugging you closer. Before he made a move, his eyes settled on Little Raph, making his way over. He looked…shyer than your Raph, you decided.
“Can I talk to you guys for a sec?” He asked.
“Sure. What’s on yer mind?” Raph leaned back against the couch, eyeing his double in amusement.
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-three.” Raph replied. “I’m a few months older than her.”
“Oh. Cool. How’d you two meet?”
“Long story.” You chuckled.
“Little more original than Tinder.” Raph quipped. “Found her at a meteor crash site. Thought it was Kraang tech.”
“What’s a Kraang?” Little Raph asked.
“I’m sure you’ll meet him later.”
“And she’s…you’re…you’re cool with him being…like this?” Little Raph asked, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
“Yeah, of course I am, hon.” You told him, your voice sincere. “More than cool, I would say. And uh, I’m not exactly normal myself.”
“What are you, an alien?” Little Raph quipped. His eyes widened when you and Raph looked at each other.
“Half. On my mother’s side.” You shrugged. “I know I don’t look it, though.”
“Wait, you’re serious.”
“She is.” Raph nodded. He glanced over at you, grinning. “I’m kinda into it, though.”
You elbowed him. “You better be, at this point.”
“Raph! Pizza’s here!” Both of the Mikeys called out in sync, looking at each other with wide eyes and then high-fiving, buzzing about twin telepathy or something.
“Pizza.” Raph motioned towards the other room, standing up and helping you to your feet, Little Raph going ahead of the two of you. The way Raph looked at him…a glimmer in his green, green eyes you’d never seen before.
The little turtles were staying the night and into the foreseeable future, crashing on the couches in the living room. You decided to stay too, since it was like four in the morning. Raph undressed and got into bed with you, just in his sweatpants. All of his gear on the floor, bandana dangling from the bedpost.
He crawled on top of you, head resting on your chest. You gently scratched his shell, causing him to churr softly, nuzzling further into you, a peaceful expression taking over his face. You loved when he got like this, all comfortable and blissed out. The expression faded, though and he tilted his head to look up to you.
“Hey, uh, can we talk about something? Something kinda…serious, I guess.”
“Yeah, of course.” You nodded.
He got off of you and laid on his side so he could look at you while he spoke. You took one of his hands, kissing it softly.
“What’s going on, big guy?”
“I just, uh…I don’t know, him bein’ here today…All of ‘em, really…Got me thinking about stuff.”
“Thinking about what?”
“Kids.” He replied, inhaling when the word came out of his mouth, almost like he wasn’t expecting it.
“He…He just…He reminds me of…like our son, I guess. What I think our son would turn out like. And I…I ain’t ever realized I wanted that before. And…and the way you handled ‘em, keepin’ em safe, gettin’ em here…” He sighed, a tentative smile looming on his handsome features. “I want that with you. And it scares me, but…I don’t know, maybe I’m bein’ silly.”
“You’re not being silly.” You told him.
“And I know that any…any kid we brought into this world would never…never get ta be normal and I…I don’t even know if it’s possible or if you want that too, or…Please say somethin’, baby.”
“If it is scientifically possible for us then, yeah. Yeah I absolutely want that someday, Raph.” You reassured him, a hand reaching up to cup his cheek. “I want that with you.”
He exhaled, grinning, tears welling in his eyes. “Ya mean it?”
“I’ve never meant anything more.” You promised him, kissing his snout before he rolled on top of you again, peppering a million kisses to your cheek and neck, causing you to giggle.
He shushed you. “Gotta keep quiet, baby, remember? Our kid’s sleepin’ in the other room.”
“Right. Forgot.” You rolled your eyes, settling down again as he snuggled into you.
“Ya know I love ya, right?”
“I might have picked up on that, yeah.”
“Goodnight, Red. I love you, too.”
It was later the following afternoon Donnie and Donnie Jr. cracked interdimensional travel and opened a portal to the younger boys’ lair.
“You guys stay safe, alright? Stay out of trouble.” Leo advised.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Mikey chuckled.
“Well that just leaves their options wide open, doesn’t it?” Raph chuckled, giving Mikey’s head a shove.
“Thank you guys. All of you.” Little Leo said, looking around the room. He made eye contact with you. “And I’m sorry for not trusting you.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for that. This one didn’t trust me either when we met.” You elbowed your Leo, earning a friendly chuckle from him.
“Hey, I came around.”
“Yeah, two months later.” Donnie quipped, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Was it really two whole months?” Leo asked in disbelief.
“I knew she was alright. I’m a good judge of character.” Mikey bragged.
“You would take candy from a man in a van.” Raph joked, earning laughs from the other guys.
“Name one time that’s happened, Raph!” Mikey huffed.
The bickering went on for a while longer before the boys finally decided it was time to leave.
“Hey Raph, can we talk for a sec?” Your Raph asked, motioning his younger self over to the side.
The two of them spoke for a bit, you couldn’t hear about what, and then, out of nowhere, Little Raph hugged Big Raph before following his brothers through the portal. It closed shortly after, leaving the five of you standing there in shock for a while.
“What was that about?” You asked.
“Had to give him some pointers. How else is he supposed to find ya? Well, his you, if there is one.”
“Raph, I promise you, in every reality, there’s a you and a me that falls in love.”
“You’re a sap.” He chuckled.
“You’re into it.” He pressed a long kiss to your lips, grinning. “Guilty as charged.”
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @scholastic-dragon, @manduse, @towomatos, @sketchy-loo6195, @rae-iin, @leleouwu
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Comfort Character
Leonardo x Reader
Summary: When your comfort character comes crashing into your room, fresh from another reality, your world gets turned upside down in more ways than one…
Note: I really don’t know where this came from, but inspiration struck at 10:30 this evening and it is now 1:30 in the morning. Enjoy. I will most likely make this a series if y’all like it. <3 As always, the boys are aged up in this. (They're 23)
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 3.4k
Reader is: Twenty-three, female
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It was a quiet, early summer night. One of those nights where the breezes make it cool enough to comfortably sleep. You were in your dark room, laying on your side on your phone, winding down for the night before going to sleep. You scrolled through Tumblr for a bit before finally clicking your phone off and setting it on your nightstand, closing your eyes to try and get some sleep.
You jolted, freezing in place. Had your bookcase collapsed? Had the legs of your desk spontaneously given out? You listened as something stirred on the floor, groaning. Great. Someone had broken in.
“Fuck…” They muttered under their breath.
Shaking, you reached for your phone, plucking it from the surface of the nightstand. For a moment, you thought about calling 9-11, but instead, your fingers found the app you used to control the strip lights you had suspended around your room, turning them on and bathing the room in gentle purple light.
Slowly, you sat up and looked down beside the bed, where the crash had originated. There, sitting on the floor staring up at you, was a large mutant turtle. Your eyes widened.
“D-don’t scream. I’m not going to—”
“Leonardo?” You whispered, voice catching in your throat as your heart hammered. Maybe you had drifted off to sleep, because this most definitely was a dream.
He froze, eyes locked on you. A shiver ran down your spine under his intense gaze. “Do I…have we met?” He asked quietly, those blue eyes of his never leaving you.
“Not…exactly.” You motioned to the poster on your wall, him and his brothers jumping past the title text, reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows.
Leo hesitated, taking a small step closer so he could get a closer look. “But that’s…we…”
“You…You’re real? This isn’t some…weird melatonin dream?”
“Not that I know of.” Leo murmured, still staring at the poster. “You can pinch me if you want. I don’t believe this either.”
“Glad to see your sense of humor is still intact.” You chuckled, unable to take your eyes off of him.
“Teenage?” Leo read, paying closer attention to the title. “I’m twenty-three.”
You chuckled. “It’s from 2016.”
“Oh. Yeah. That…makes sense.” He took a breath and turned his attention back to you. “Can I sit down?”
“Yeah, of course.” You scooted over in your bed and patted the space next to you.
He nodded gratefully and sat down on the bed, elbows resting on his knees, face in his hands as he walked himself through a mild existential crisis.
“So um…what happened? On your end, I mean. We don’t really…have interdimensional travel here.”
“Fight with Kraang. Got pushed through this…portal thing? I don’t know the word for it. And the next thing I knew, I was crashing through your closet. Sorry about that, by the way.”
“It’s fine.”
“I’ll help you clean it up.” He told you. “I…have a feeling I’m gonna be stuck here for a bit.”
“Donnie’ll figure it out.” You said it with confidence.
He smiled, turning to look at you. “You’re a fan, huh?”
“If the poster was any indication, yeah.” You chuckled and pointed up to the top shelf of your bookshelf in the corner of the room, which held your small collection of action figures. “I’ve got those, too.”
“They made action figures of us?”
“They made a lot more than that.” You chuckled.
He raised an eyebrow, curious. “Like what?”
“Cartoons, several movies, backpacks and funko pops and Halloween costumes…Oh, and comics. You guys are pretty much superheroes here.”
“Wow.” Leo thought for a long moment, looking a little choked up. “Wow. That’s…I mean…when humans in my reality see me they…scream. Sometimes they faint. And here, they think I’m a hero?”
“I mean, the general public might still be weird if they saw you out and about, but you’d be swarmed by nerds at a comic con.” You shrugged.
“What’s your name?” He asked, voice steady and smooth.
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” He smiled warmly, tilting his head. “So um…do you want me to clean this mess in the morning or right now?”
When the morning rolled around, you half-expected it to have all been a dream. And, looking around your room, which was clean thanks to Leo’s help, it could have been. Well, until you got out to your living room and saw the giant turtle sleeping on your couch.
God, he was a sight.
You’d pulled the curtains shut so none of your neighbors got a glance and called animal control or the SWAT team, and loaned him a few blankets and a plush pillow. His gear was laid across the dining room table, bandana off, leaving his face uncovered.
You stared at him for a long moment, shaking yourself out of it and turning into the kitchen to make breakfast. You thought, staring into the fridge, and then dug out the ingredients for scrambled eggs, setting a box of cereal on the counter too, so he had options. After all, you didn’t really know what the turtles liked to eat. Well, aside from pizza, that was.
“Aah!” You jolted, turning to see him standing in the doorway. You held a hand to your heart. “Jesus, you’re quiet.”
“Sorry about that.” Leo chuckled. “Ninja training.”
“Right, right.” You laughed. “I’m making eggs, if you want any.”
“Perfect. Do you, uh…need any help?” He asked.
“I’ve got it.”
“I can set the table.” He offered, blue eyes earnest in the daylight.
“Sure! There are dishes in that cabinet. The silverware is in that drawer.” You told him, motioning to both.
He nodded, gathering them before distributing them on the table. Meanwhile, you pulled a package of bacon out of the fridge and fried that up as well, figuring it wouldn’t hurt. He walked back into the kitchen once the table was set and leaned against the counter, watching as you cooked.
“So um…tell me about yourself. If you want. You don’t have to.” He stumbled over his words, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Well, I am also twenty-three. We were born the same year.”
“Yep.” You chuckled. “I graduated college like a year ago and…I’ve still been figuring it out since then. Working part time for the time being until I…decide how I want to spend the rest of my life.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Eh, kinda. I don’t know, there’s just a lot of pressure to get my ducks in a row. Everyone keeps acting like the clock is ticking double-time now that I’m in my twenties, but especially since I’m out of college. And it kinda feels like it, too. But yeah, I’m hanging in there, I guess.” You shrugged. “My Mom is on a business trip, by the way. We’ve got the place to ourselves for the next…two months or so.”
“Two months?? What kind of business trip is it?”
“She’s a TV show producer. Travels a bit, sets things up, comes back home for the next few months, and does it again when another show gets ready to start filming.”
“That’s cool.” Leo nodded.
“It is.” You agreed, plating up the eggs and bacon and walking with him to the table. You sat across from each other, and you tried not to, but you couldn’t help but stare a little. He caught your eyes, because of course he did.
“What?” He asked teasingly. “Do I have something on my face?”
“Oh! No, I just…I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without your mask before.” You admitted, cheeks reddening.
“Huh.” He thought about it for a moment. “We do wear them a lot, I guess.”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “It makes it easier for the kids watching to tell you apart.”
“Aww.” Leo smiled.
The thought of human children playing with toys of him, or dressing up as him for Halloween crossing his mind. It was something he didn’t even dare imagine in his own reality, but something that happened all the time in yours. It was a place where he wasn’t feared.
“Did you watch us growing up?” He asked.
You nodded. “A lot of kids did. They’ve been making Ninja Turtles cartoon since my parents were teenagers.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Woah, really?”
“Yeah, it kicked off in the 80s.” You told him, pulling out your phone and walking him through the turtles media of the last forty-ish years, stopping once you got to the version he’d come from. “And this is you guys, the Bayverse turtles—”
“Bayverse? What’s that mean?”
“As in Michael Bay.”
“Michael Bay??” Leo’s eyes widened. “Transformers Michael Bay? Random explosions Michael Bay?”
“Yeah, same guy.”
“Beats me.” You laughed. “He didn’t direct them, though, just produced them.”
“Alright.” He nodded. “Mikey’s still never gonna believe me.”
“Can’t say I’d blame him.” You grinned, finishing your breakfast.
“So when do you have to go to work?”
“I have the day off. Tomorrow, I go in at three, though.” You told him. “What do you want to do when that happens?”
“Well, I…should probably stay here, right?”
“That would probably be smart.” You chuckled. “Will you be okay on your own? I don’t get out until eleven.”
“I’ll be fine. You’ve got a TV and an internet connection. I’m sure I can stay occupied in the meantime,” he said. “Besides, if your closet is indeed the other end of the portal I came through, I should probably stay near it in case Donnie figures out something.”
“Oh yeah, right.” You nodded, the thought of you coming home to find Leo gone without a goodbye making you sick. You hoped whenever he had to leave, you would get to see him off, maybe even see his brothers.
“Where do you work?”
“At an aquarium, actually.” You chuckled. “I’ve always really loved aquariums.”
“I’ve never been.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Leo shook his head. “Where I’m from…being me prevents me from being able to do things sometimes, but I love who I am. I wouldn’t trade it.”
Pity swelled in your heart for him. He’d never been to an aquarium, a theme park, the movie theater, the mall, hell, even a grocery store. He’d had so much taken from him, he’d been barred from so many places. You were glad he and his brothers were proud of who and what they were, but you felt bad that they couldn’t even enjoy the simplest of things because of it.
And because of that, an idea sprouted in your head.
“Do you want to go to an aquarium?” You asked him, mischief glinting in your eye. “I’m in pretty tight with the guys who close tonight and…they’re fans of yours. We just marathoned the 2012 show together. I know they’d be cool about it.”
Leo thought for a long moment, a smile slowly overtaking that handsome face of his.
“I’d really like that.” He decided. It wasn’t like Donnie would crack interdimensional travel in one day, right? What was the worst that could happen?
When night fell, you drove to the aquarium, Leo sitting on the floor in the back of the car, ducking beneath the windows, but watching carefully as you drove, taking in the sight of the outside world, the suburbs under starlight. Finally, you reached the mall that housed the aquarium of your employment.
You pulled into a parking spot and dialed your coworker’s number, letting him know you’d arrived.
“Hey, what’s going on, (Y/N)? I’ve got the cart and the tarp. What the fuck are you bringing in here?” Ryan, your coworker asked.
“Is it drugs? I bet it’s drugs.” Your other coworker, Parker, chimed in the background.
“Where the fuck would she get that many drugs?”
“Good point.”
“Can we focus here? Listen, I’ll explain everything, but I need you to be chill, okay? You can’t scream and you definitely can’t tell anyone, okay?”
“Right, right, got it.” Ryan promised. “We’ll be cool.”
“Alright. Come on out. I’ll pop the trunk.” You told him, hanging up and looking back at Leo. “Mission accomplished.”
“Not yet.” He chuckled, adjusting himself to get ready to dive into that rolling plastic cart as soon as it reached your car.
“Right, right. But we’re like…halfway there, I’d say.”
“Sure.” He grinned, amused by your optimism.
You got out of the car and walked outside, popping the trunk just as the boys rolled the large, opaque plastic cart up to it.
“Okay, now you have to tell us.” Parker insisted, sliding the tarp off of the cart, readying himself for whatever was about to go in it.
“Well the good news is, it’s not drugs.” Leo said, climbing over your back seats and into their line of view. His heart pounded, waiting for the scream, but once again, it never came. Instead, the boys stared at him, dumbfounded.
“Holy fuck, Leonardo???” Ryan asked, turning to you for explanation. “Thee Leonardo???”
“This is way better than drugs.” Parker grinned, helping Leo get in and putting the tarp on top of him. You closed the trunk and walked with them inside.
Once the coast was clear, Leonardo very carefully climbed out and looked around. You were in the backrooms, which was storage, mostly. Not much going on back there, especially after closing.
“I’ve just gotta lock up that back door and then you should be good to roam around.” Ryan gave a thumbs-up. “I’m a really big fan, by the way. You’re my favorite. I think the movies you guys are in are way underrated.”
Leo chuckled, a giant grin on his face. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”
“I’ll keep a look out.” Parker reported.
“Thanks, Parker.” You said, leading Leo out the doors and into the aquarium gift shop, which sat at the front entrance that connected to the mall.
“A gift shop?”
“Can’t have a tourist attraction without one.” You chuckled.
“That’s true. They’re everywhere in New York.” He said, following you back into the first area of the aquarium, one housing local fish. He read through the information panels on each one, nodding thoughtfully as he learned the new information.
“Come here.” You instructed him, leading him over towards a glass dome that sat on the bottom of one of the tanks, a gap beneath it a few feet tall, so guests could put their head in it and be surrounded by fish.
“That’s gonna be a tight fit.” Leo noted, eyeing up the small space, but getting down on the floor anyway, cramming himself inside. He looked around in the dome in wonder, watching as the fish swam around him. “Woah…”
“It’s one of my favorite things here.”
“What’s your favorite?”
“Further down.” You told him.
“Hey, would you get a picture of me?” He asked, handing you his shell phone, his camera app open.
“Of course.” You nodded, taking a picture of him in the dome. You got a few of him smiling and then waited for him to stop posing, looking around at a fish, and snapped a candid, the expression on his face peaceful. You handed the phone back.
“Yeah, of course.” You offered your arm. “Need a hand out of there?”
“Definitely.” He took your hand and you helped him to his feet, his shell barely grazing the side of the entryway.
The two of you continued, stopping to admire the seahorses, the tropical fish, the clownfish that you couldn’t help but compare to Nemo. You stopped in the touch tank, where some starfish and anemone were so the kids could touch them.
Leo rinsed his hands off in the sink and knelt beside the tank, tentatively poking one of the plush pink starfish. “Do they have names?”
“Not officially, no, but I call that one Greg.”
He laughed. “Hello, Greg. Nice to meet you.”
“He said hi. I can tell. I’m a professional.”
“Ah, you speak starfish?” He grinned, teasing.
“Of course I do. It’s a prerequisite to work here.”
“Do you speak turtle, too?”
“I think I’ve been speaking it pretty well, I’d say.”
“I can’t help but agree.” He chuckled, shaking his head. He bid the starfish goodbye and the two of you reached the jellyfish tank, where the jellyfish were bathed in purple light, gently bobbing through the water.
“You can change the color of the light.” You told him, pointing to the buttons on the wall beside the tank.
“That’s really cool.” He reached forward and poked the blue button, and sure enough, the jellyfish were soon floating in brilliant blue light. He snapped a picture, smiling to himself.
The two of you meandered through the exhibits, Leo continuing to read the informational text, glancing up at you on occasion. You told him things about the fish and other sea creatures as you passed them, listing off the knowledge you’d picked up on the job. And then, finally, you reached it, your favorite thing in the aquarium, the tunnel.
The tunnel went through the biggest tank in the facility, which housed a few small sharks, sea turtles, and several fish. There was a large statue of a woman’s head on one wall, and other assorted decorations throughout. You loved standing in it and watching them swim over you.
“This is my favorite thing in the aquarium.” You told him, motioning above you.
“I can see why.” He nodded, staring as one of the sea turtles swam overhead. “Hey, what’s that thing on his shell?”
“Oh, it’s a weight patch. He got hit by a boat a few years ago and he can’t manage his buoyancy anymore. He has to live here so we can monitor him and change his patches when he grows.”
“Mmm.” Leo nodded, watching him go. “What’s his name?”
Leo laughed. “Original.”
“Yeah, I think so too. It suits him.”
It was quiet for a moment, the only sounds that of the water. You looked up at him, and for the first time, really realized just how tall he was in real life. You always knew he was, but it was different when he was standing in front of you instead of on a screen.
Leo reached forward, taking your hand in his, tentative and gentle, very much still testing the waters and giving you every chance to reject him, but you didn’t, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Thank you. For this. It’s been really great.”
“Of course. I owe you, actually, so…this is starting to repay that.”
“Owe me? For what?”
“You’re my comfort character, Leo. Since high school, you’ve gotten me through a lot of rough patches. I honestly don’t know if I’d be standing here without you. You save all kinds of lives in your own reality, but…you’re saving them here, too, just in a different way. You’ve always been my hero.”
His expression softened and he let go of your hand, pulling you into his arms instead, a large three-fingered hand cradling your head while the other held you tight. You surrendered to his hold, a hand resting against his plastron and the other settling on his bicep.
After a long few moments, Leo pulled away, admiring you in the gentle blue glow of the giant tank. He brushed a piece of hair out of your face and leaned closer, once again giving you every opportunity to pull away, but instead, you did the opposite, closing the distance between you and pressing your lips to his.
He melted against you, lips melding against yours perfectly and carefully, a little unsure, but the adrenaline of it all fueling him. He finally found the person of his dreams, but of course it would be just his luck that they were from another reality.
“There’s no way this is happening.” You murmured, stars in your eyes as you looked up at him.
“It’s happening.” He insisted, kissing you again, a little more confidently this time, smiling against you as your arms wound around his neck, your chest pressed against his, your lips soft and warm and perfect. It was better than any first kiss he could have imagined. Never, ever did he dare to dream he’d be standing where he was, doing what he was with a person who hadn’t even screamed when he met them.
At this point, it was too good to be a dream. He felt like he was floating on Cloud 9 by the time he finally came back down for air.
“How long can we stay here?” He asked, afraid to even ask. He felt like Cinderella waiting for midnight to hit.
You glanced at your watch. “A little while, at least.”
“Okay.” He nodded, taking your hand in his again. Leo knew one thing for certain, he never wanted that moment to end.
Neither did you.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @scholastic-dragon
Tag lists open! Let me know if you want to be added! <3
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
I love LOVE your work. Chefs kiss 🤌
I just wanted to say I hope your doing well and that your so cool🫢❤️
Omg thank you so much!!! This is so sweet! I’m doing really well right now! Thank you for the kind words and I hope the rest of your day is great! <3
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
If anyone wants to be added to my tag lists let me know! It can be for specific turtles or all four!
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
The Secret Girlfriend
Raphael x Reader
Summary: When the boys save a human girl from some muggers, they expect her to scream, not rush into their brother’s arms.
Note: Watching OotS rn and this popped into my head. Enjoy <3
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Word Count: 0.4k
Reader is: Female
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It was a seemingly ordinary night in New York City. Well, as normal as it could be for the guys when they were out on patrol. They swept the streets, looking for signs of trouble until, as usual, they found it. A scream erupted from one of the alleys and they sprung into action, jumping down from their spot on the rooftops.
A mugger. No, three of them and one helpless college girl, fighting them off as best as she could, which was to say, not very well.
“Hey! Why don’t’cha pick on someone yer own size?” Raph all but growled, causing the nearest of the muggers to back off, intimidated by his height and the depth of his voice alone. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey helped him scare off the other two easily, and when they were done, all that was left was you, the helpless, human girl.
Leo braced for impact. Any second, you’d catch sight of the monsters in the alley and scream. But instead of a scream, like the brothers were expecting, instead, recognition flashed across your features.
“Raph!” You sighed in relief, rushing into the arms of the towering turtle. You held onto him tight. “Oh my god.”
“(Y/N).” He cradled you against himself, a large hand stroking through your hair as he held you. “Ya alright? I didn’t realize it was you.”
“I’m okay.” You assured him, pulling away to look at his face. “Are you okay?”
He grinned, confident. “I’m bulletproof, babe. Of course I’m alright.”
“My very own Superman.” You murmured, hugging him again, face resting in the crook of his neck as your heartrate slowly returned to normal.
“Um…Raph?” Leo asked, clearing his throat. “Care to explain?”
“Oh right…” Raph chuckled, looking up at his brothers. “Guys, this is (Y/N). My girlfriend. (Y/N), these are my brothers.”
“Nice to meet you, finally.” You smiled, shy. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Raph, you…have a secret girlfriend?” Mikey asked. “No way!”
“Yeah, uh…I was gonna tell ya soon, I just…” He shrugged. “Needed the quiet for a bit.”
“Does Sensei know?” Leo asked, crossing his arms.
“Nah, but April does.” Raph shrugged.
“She’s really nice.” You added. “We get coffee sometimes.”
“You do?” Raph asked, looking down at you.
You nodded. “Mmhmm. We’re getting our nails done next week.”
Leo glanced around. “Hey we better get going.” He looked at you, still skeptical, but polite nonetheless. “You’re welcome to come with.”
“Can I?” You asked, looking up at Raph, stars sparkling in your eyes. “I’m…that was really scary. I’m kinda shaken up.”
“Yeah, of course, baby.” He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Leo’s eyes widened. Never in his life had he seen his big brute of a brother so gentle. So you had him whipped, whipped.
“We can order pizza! We’ve got a bunch of movies and video games.” Mikey smiled, his face welcoming. “It’ll be alright, girl.”
“Thank you.” You laughed, nodding. “I’d really like that.”
Tagged: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @leleouwu
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
looking for some Bayverse boys fluff to read! Send your faves my way!
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
send me requests for soulmate AUs <3
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Margaritas and Misunderstandings
Raphael x Reader
Summary: Raphael never expected to meet his soulmate, especially not at a college Halloween party.
Notes: I love writing college-age turtles lol and I also really love soulmate aus and haven’t written any on this blog yet, so enjoy! Let me know if you want more parts to this one, I really like Raph and reader’s dynamic here.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing
Word Count: 2k
Reader Is: In college, female
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Raphael had been convinced the words on his arm were a joke, some cruel reminder the universe had given him that he was unlovable. He wasn’t meant to have a soulmate. Look, he’d urge himself, standing in the mirror. Look at that. Ain’t no one gonna love all that.
The ink had appeared around the time Raph turned eighteen, about a month before his eighteenth birthday, in fact, when his existence was still, for the most part, a secret and every girl he’d interacted with thus far had fainted when they saw him, April included, though she was now a very dear friend of theirs. He was twenty-one now. He and his brothers were going to a human college on the surface, slowly but surely integrating themselves into human society.
Raph had been convinced, really truly convinced, that the words on his arm still didn’t mean anything, couldn’t mean anything. Until Leo met his soulmate, that was.
He remembered the frantic message to the group chat the brothers shared. Leo was at the library. The others were en route to study with him, but he’d gotten out of class before the others. Sure enough, he’d bumped into some quiet little bookworm in the library and said the words on her wrist, causing her to say exactly what was written on Leo’s in return.
That had been a few months before, right at the beginning of the school year. Leo was dating her now, obviously. Her name was Isabella and Raph thought she was…nice. It kinda made him sick how perfect she and Leo were together. Just reminded him how alone he was, but more than that, it stirred up the anxiety deep in the pit of his stomach, the constant reminder that he did have a soulmate and someday…they’d look him in the eye and say “Shit, I’m so sorry!”
Even if he did have a soulmate. Even if they did find him someday, what was the point? It seemed like they weren’t very happy to see him, whoever they were.
So Raph went about his life, trying to ignore the words on his wrist as best as he could, dreading the day when his soulmate would reject him, just as he knew they always would.
“Hey, (Y/N), you’re coming to the Halloween party this weekend, right? It’s at the Sigma House.” Your roommate said, sitting across from you at the library. Her name was Lindsay and she was a pretty blonde girl majoring in criminal justice. She was going to be a lawyer someday, ala Elle Woods and wanted to do her best to make the world a better place.
“I don’t know about that.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “You remember what happened at their homecoming party, right? I’m not much of a party girl, apparently…”
“Oh nonsense, you learned your lesson. You’re still just…learning your limits, is all. Gotta build up that tolerance somehow.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, from right beside the toilet maybe.”
“What, like lightning’s gonna strike twice? It’s Halloween! It’ll be fun! Plus, where else are you gonna wear your cute lil’ costume? It’s not like we can go trick or treating anymore.”
“Valid point.” You shrugged and chewed on the end of your straw. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“YESSSSS! I’m texting Isabella. She’s bringing Leonardo.”
“Ah yes, the elusive Leonardo.” You took a sip from your iced coffee. “Supposedly he has three brothers that all go here too, but I swear I haven’t seen any of them except him the, what, two times we’ve met him.”
“I think he’s nice.”
“I think he’s nice too, but you’d think it would be easier to spot them out and about.” You chuckled. “Oh never mind, I spoke too soon.”
“Where.” Lindsay turned around, catching a glimpse of the large, hulking turtle walking into the library, side by side with a slightly smaller turtle carrying a skateboard.
“Don’t look too fast, oh my god.”
“Ooh. He’s…”
“I was gonna say ‘big’ but yeah, that works too.” Lindsay giggled. “Oh my god, (Y/N), I didn’t know you were into that. You know, I saw that Ice Planet Barbarians book at the B&N in the mall if you—”
“Shut up!” You hit her playfully with the book you had sitting on the table.
The large turtle in the red flannel caught your eye and smirked, giving a little half-wave. You waved back, cheeks fully flushed from your conversation with Lindsay.
“Oh my god he just waved at you. Oh my god!”
“Shut upppp!” You rolled your eyes, sliding down your seat.
The Sigma Halloween Bash finally arrived and you slipped into your costume, Raven from Teen Titans, right down to the cape you’d spent the better part of a day sewing yourself.
You looked over yourself in the mirror. You looked hot, you admitted, admiring yourself in the costume. It was no wonder she was everyone’s first cartoon crush.
“You ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” You turned around to face Isabella, who was dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. “Aww, you look cute!”
“Thanks! It was Leo’s idea.”
“Speaking of whom…are the boys coming over here first or…?”
“They’re meeting us there. Lindsay told me you guys saw Raph, huh?”
“Oh yeah. Forgot about that.” Your cheeks reddened at the mere mention of his name. “Raph, huh?”
“Raphael. He’s…nice. I don’t think he likes me all that much, but Leo says he gets better once you get to know him.”
“One of those.” You nodded. “Good to know in case I run into him completely shitfaced. Try to make a good impression.”
“Good luck with that.” Isabella chuckled, ushering you downstairs so you and your other roommates would walk the few blocks to the party.
For Halloween, it was pretty warm outside with a nice breeze, costumed college kids marching down every sidewalk to find whatever party they were headed for. And, as usual, you were following the biggest stream of kids, straight into the Sigma house.
The music was deafening and the second you stepped inside, one of the drunk frat guys handed each of you a can of White Claw, which you grimaced at and handed to Lindsay, who took it with a smile. Instead, you set out in search of a Margarita, the one drink you knew you liked, thus far. Your search was successful. You poured yourself a glass of the sweet lime drink and found your roommates again.
“There she is!” Lindsay pulled you to her and spun you around as you sipped from your drink. “You find your Marg?”
“The boys are on the way.” Isabella reported, bobbing along to the music while reading from her phone. “Should be any—Oh, there they are! Leo!” She waded through the crowd, pushing her way to the giant turtle who was dressed in the Beast’s suit from Beauty and the Beast. That was cute.
Raph wandered into the kitchen and out of your sight, but not before you saw the large foam spikes taped to his shell. He was dressed as Bowser. That was really funny, actually.
The party continued and you had a second margarita. You were deciding on whether or not to grab a third and then decided to commit when you saw him still hanging around the kitchen.
So, tipsy as ever, you walked through the frat house to the kitchen and poured yourself yet another drink.
“Ayo Raven! You look good did you make that yourself?” asked the shortest of the turtles, although he still stood at least six feet tall.
“I did! Thank you so much! I loved the show as a kid.”
He grinned. “I did too. I’m Mikey, by the way. You’re Isabella’s roommate, right?”
“I am indeed. (Y/N).”
“Well, (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too!” You beamed, scanning the kitchen. Huh, not sight of Raphael. You wondered where he’d gone. You thought for a moment and second-guessed your third margarita for the night, decided to get a glass of ice water instead.
When you walked back out to the other room, you found him alright, stumbling right into him and spilling your water all over him.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” You apologized, looking up at him. He stared back down at you, his eyes wide.
“It’s you? Yer…Wow, I just, uh…I…I didn’t think it would be you.” He stammered, reading through the words that had been etched onto your wrist since high school. You rolled up your sleeve, glancing down at them to be sure before looking back up at him, sobering up almost instantly.
“You’re my soulmate.” You whispered, starstruck in his presence.
“Let me get ya some more water, alright?” He offered, taking the empty solo cup from you, his giant hand gentler than you could have ever imagined it to be. “I’ll be right back.”
“O-Okay.” You nodded, still, for lack of better word, shell-shocked where you stood, the world crumbling around you until he finally came back with another cup of water.
He handed it to you and you were sure you were gonna drop that one, too, but you didn’t, miraculously, holding onto it for dear life. “You wanna get some air?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.
Tentatively, Raphael offered his hand to you in the crowded room. He didn’t expect you to take it. In no reality could he imagine this pretty girl dressed as a superhero to take his hand, but you did, slipping your hand into his and letting him lead you out into the backyard.
The sounds of the party faded away. There were a few people out on the deck making out, but the grass was wide open, the perfect spot to get away from all the noise in there.
You were both quiet for a while, your heart hammering in your chest as you sat down next to him. You took a long sip of water, chasing the edge of the margarita away.
“So uh…it’s okay if ya…uh…I shoulda practiced this.” He shook his head, letting out a pathetic chuckle. “I get it, I mean, if yer not…into me. I saw ya laughin’ at me at the library the other day.”
“Oh fuck, no I wasn’t I…kind of the opposite, actually.” You admitted, counting your blessings you had some liquid courage in your body for this conversation. “I’m Isabella’s roommate. Lindsay and I both are and I…I just kinda blurted out that you were hot and she…she was making fun of me, not you. I’d never make fun of you.”
“Wait, you…” He grinned, amused. “Yer not serious.”
“I am, I swear.” You laughed, pulling your cape around yourself. “I like your costume, by the way.”
“Heh. Yeah, thanks. Low effort costumes are kinda my forte.” He shrugged. “Mikey did the spikes for me. Was kinda hopin’ you’d show up dressed as Princess Peach, to be honest.”
“You still wanted me to be the Peach to your Bowser even when you thought I was making fun of you?” You asked, pouting up at him. “Raph…”
“I wouldn’t’a held it against ya even if you were.” He shrugged. “Hell, my own sister passed out the first time she met the four of us.”
“You have a sister?”
“Her name’s April. We ain’t blood, but we are family.” He smiled. “I’d like ta introduce her to ya someday. If ya want, of course. I’m…I ain’t ever done this before.”
“Well you’re doing great.”
“Ya don’t have to lie.” He nudged you playfully.
“I’m not.” You giggled, nudging him back. “You are doing great.”
“You still drunk?”
“Not much.”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Those margaritas might be clouding ya judgement, shorty.”
“They are not.” You giggled, reaching for his arm, which he gladly gave to you. You grabbed onto him, a little cold now that you’d been out there for a bit.
“If ya need me to warm ya up, I can’t. I’m cold-blooded.”
“Oh right. That’s okay.”
“Ya wanna go back inside?”
“No.” You shook your head. “I just wanna sit out here with you for a while.”
He smiled, withdrawing his arm and putting it around you instead. He rested his head against yours, letting out a long breath as you sat beneath the stars. “I like that plan.”
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @leleouwu
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Love love love this 😩
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How about 'kissing as a dare' with BayRaph?
I'm inspired by @pink-bandana-writes College AU stuff, so I'm going to write that :)
All parties involved are over 21 because there's mentions of drinking. (Also duh cause they're in college lol)
Bay!Raph x Gn!reader
Truth or Dare
Warnings: mentions of drinking, reader smootches raph like, in the middle of the room, it seems like a non-consensual kiss, but it's not, wingman!Mikey, college turtles, spelling mistakes,
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You always loved making men feel like they had power.
You saw it in their eyes as a challenge, and no matter what happened, you always came out on top.
There was one game that was your bitch.
Tonight was no different. You were at your friends dorm for a party, having some drinks with your physics partner Donnie and his brother Mikey.
Your roommates were somewhere off mingling while you relaxed on the couch.
Everything was loud, with colorful LED lights illuminating the space.
"You're joking," Donnie smirked, taking a sip from his red solo cup.
"Nope," you popped the "p" loving how Mikeys shoulders straightened. "I have never lost a game of truth or dare,"
"If I were to dare you to do something, right now, you'd do it, no questions asked?" Mikey leaned forward, putting his cup down on the coffee table and shifting to face you.
"Mmmhmmm," You nod, taking a sip of your own drink, seeing the gears turning in his head.
This was the second best part of this little game you played.
"I dare you..." He trailed off, glancing around the room, rubbing his chin as he thought. "To kiss my brother,"
Donnies shoulders immediately tensed. You smirked, uncrossing your legs and leaning toward the coffee table.
"Easy! Come here, Don-"
"I didn't mean, Donnie," Mikeys grin was pure evil. He pointed over the back of the couch to the far wall of the apartment.
By the bathroom door next to the hallway that lead to the bedrooms was the biggest and beefiest of the turtle brothers. He was leaning against the wall on his phone, he appeared rather bored.
"I dare you to kiss my brother, Raph," You stared wide-eyed at the behemoth, you'd heard the rumors and stories. Almost every girl on campus had tried to jump him, but he always turned them down. Of course, that only spurred people on harder to win his affections.
Donnie started giggling from the beanbag across from you, leaning forward to high five Mikey.
"That's one bet, you're not going to win,"
Shaking your head, you lock eyes with Mikey, standing defiantly. "We'll see about that,"
As you walked around the couch, weaving in and around people, your mind started to race. How were you going to do this?
You had to admit, the other girls on campus weren't wrong in their pursuits, the red banded turtle was mighty fine. But he was always closed off, always silent, but then again, he never turned down an invitation to your parties.
Your befriended Donnie first, and he introduced you to his brothers, and while Mikey and Donnie had attached themselves to your hips, Raph was always on the sidelines.
Leo got better over time, but Raph was still a mystery. He seemed nice enough, well except for the constant angry and annoyed resting face he had.
Coming up to the hallway, Raph must have sensed your presence because he glanced up from his phone. He stepped along the wall, moving away from the bathroom door so you could enter.
But you didn't, you stepped with him and stood right in front of him.
He glanced over his phone at you, a neutral expression on his face. From this close, you could see the different shades of green on his scales. The bright hazel of his eyes and the worn, soft fabric of his mask.
Whenever you'd seen the other girls come up to him, he seemed annoyed and upset.
"You need somethin' shorty?" He mumbled, his voice thick and almost concerned.
"This is for a dare," grabbing the side of his face you smash your lips to his.
You hear his gasp against you, his shoulders, and jaw stiff. It's a quick kiss, one that has you turning almost the same shade as his mask.
You pull away, smiling at his wide and scared expression. "That was all, bye!"
You quickly turn on your heels and head back to the couch.
Mikey and Donnie are in hysterics, laughing until tears cloud their vision.
"Told ya," You triumphantly plop yourself back into your spot, crossing your legs. "Never. Loose. A. Dare."
"Oh, that was cute," Mikey wheezed, wiping tears from his bright eyes.
"Cute? You think me kissing your brother is cute?" You raise a brow.
"Oh no," Donnie chimes in, licking his lips. "It's humorous because you believe you were in control of that situation,"
Your back straightens. "I was in control."
"Oh yeah?" Mikey laughs, drawing your attention back to him. "Think about it, you just went up to the biggest, baddiest, and handsomest dude on campus and planted a fat kiss on him. And he didn't stop you,"
"Yeah, it caught him off guard-"
"He's always on guard. Why do you think he's standing in the back corner? He's got eyes on everyone," Donnie takes a sip of his drink. "Also, Mikey, handsomest is not a word,"
"Well, it should be,"
"Guys," You feel yourself start to sweat. "He had no idea I was going to do that." You argue.
"Right, because no one on campus knows that you always with Truth or Dare," Mikey rolls his eyes.
"Y/n," Donnie leans forward, elbows resting on his knees. "The truth played right into our trap,"
You opened your mouth to respond, but we're quickly silenced as a large hand landed on your shoulder.
Raph leaned over the back of the couch, his hand tightening around the fabric of your shirt.
"Rumor has it, you like playing games," Raph smirked down at you. "And I got another dare for you,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @m1dnyt3-w0lf @sketch-and-write-lover @strawberrycakeblog @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Cherry Wine and Comic Books
Leonardo x Reader
Summary: At East Laird University, four new, unusual students have joined the student body. And one of them, if your memory served you right, had saved your life.
Note: The turtles are in college in this, so in their early twenties. This is in an AU where they took the offer to live normal lives and are somewhat integrated in society. This one is super fluffy, pretty platonic but leaning romantic towards the end. I would totally write a sequel if you want, but I’ve already been sitting on this much for three months, so I wanted to get it out there.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, language, but other than that, none.
Word Count: 2.9k
Reader is: a college student, of drinking age
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You were sitting in your on-campus apartment on a Friday evening. Your roommates were going to have some friends over to hang out and order some pizzas. You were sipping a glass of wine and playing a game on your Switch.
“Hey, Mikey wants to know if he can bring his brothers over.” Your roommate, Dahlia, called from the kitchen.
Michelangelo, a.k.a. Mikey, was good friends with Dahlia. He’d come to the apartment quite a few times and you always had fun when he was there. You’d seen his other brothers around campus before. Well, they were pretty hard to miss, given the fact that all four of them were over six feet tall…and also mutant turtles.
You hadn’t been all that surprised when the turtles revealed themselves to the public. You had spotted one of them once, Raphael, you were pretty sure, back before they were openly existing. He’d kind of saved your life, actually.
“That’s fine with me.” You replied, plunging deeper into the mines in Stardew Valley and taking another sip of your cherry wine.
“Me too!” replied your other roommate, Charity. She was putting on some makeup to match the flowery blouse she’d put on.
“Awesome. They’re bringing pizza and a couple two-liters.”
“Tell them I said thank you and I will try to save them some wine.”
“(Y/N), how many glasses have you had?”
“This is number two.” You held up the glass and finished it off.
“Well it’ll be a fun night then, I’m sure.” Your other roommate, Haley chuckled. She was playing Stardew with you, the screen split down the middle.
“I’ll queue up the party playlist.” Dahlia announced, putting the LED lights on party mode and putting on some upbeat music.
The boys arrived not long after, setting the pizzas in the kitchen.
“What’s up, angelcakes?” Mikey called, waving at you and Haley on the couch.
“Not much.” You chuckled. “How are you on this fine evening, Michelangelo?”
“Better now, beautiful.” He grinned. “You want pizza? I’ll bring you a slice.”
“Pepperoni?” You raised an eyebrow.
He winked. “Coming right up.”
Mikey walked around the back of the couch, kneeling down behind it as he handed you your pizza on a paper plate. He spotted your empty wine glass and smirked.
“You pre-gaming?”
“Something like that.” You chuckled, gratefully taking the pizza from him. “You want some?”
“Nah, I’m not into wine. Leo is, though.” He tilted his head towards the brother in blue.
You looked at him for a moment. Oh. Ohhhh. You’d thought the one in blue was Raphael. Huh. As it turned out, Leo was the one who’d saved your life four years earlier. And as it turned out, he liked wine.
“That’s…good to know.”
Mikey tilted his head, grinning. “What’s that look for, (L/N)?”
“Nothing, I just…I think Leo saved my life once.”
“Oh right, I forgot you were from New York!” Mikey chuckled. He smirked and nudged you with his elbow. “Well, if you want me to, I can put in a good word for you.”
“Um…sure. Yeah.” Your cheeks reddened and you giggled. “But if I say anything stupid, it was the wine, not me.”
“Suuuure.” Mikey looked over at Leo and motioned him over.
Leo sat down beside you, a charming smile on that handsome face of his. “Hey, I’m Leonardo. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m (Y/N).” You introduced, setting down your joycons as Haley switched the game to something more group-friendly. “I heard you’re a wine guy.”
He chuckled. “On occasion. What kind do you have?”
“Cherry Riesling. You want some?”
“Don’t mind if I do.” He held out his empty solo cup and you poured some wine into it. “Thank you.”
“Any time.” You poured yourself another glass, settling in.
“You look really familiar.” He said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at you. Leo prided himself on being good with faces. “Have we met before?”
Had you not been two glasses of wine in, you were sure you might have given him a different answer, but hopped up on liquid courage, you answered honestly. “Yeah, we have, actually. It was, uh, kinda brief. Like four years ago, you saved me in an alley on my way home from the movies.”
“Oh.” He chuckled. “Well that’d explain it, then.”
“I turned around to thank you, but you were gone…like a shadow.”
“That checks out. We…well we had to be pretty mysterious back then.”
“I get that. I’m glad you guys got to come out of the shadows, though.”
He nodded, blue blue eyes twinkling. “I am, too.” He looked at your other roommates. “What are their names again?”
“Haley is the one over there on the floor with…Donnie…?”
Leo laughed a little. He was so used to being gawked at by all of the other students at their new university to the point of obsession, but you barely knew their names. You also didn’t seem to mind the fact that he was a giant turtle and not some handsome frat guy. It was refreshing.
“That is indeed Donatello, yes.”
“Oh okay, good.” You chuckled. “Dahlia is the one pouring shots of Fireball, and Charity is the one dancing with Mikey.”
“He’s got a huge crush on her.” Leo admitted, taking a sip of his wine.
“Oh believe me, I know.” You shook your head, laughing as you remembered. “I found him crying once about how beautiful she was. He was pretty drunk. I rode the bus with him to make sure he got home alright.”
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Any time. Mikey’s a great guy. I try to look out for him when I can.”
Leo thought for a moment before asking, kind of for himself, but kind of for Mikey, “Do you think he has a shot?”
“With Charity? Oh yeah.” You nodded. “Definitely. Every time he leaves she lays on the floor and talks about how cute he is.”
Leo smiled. “Huh. Good to know.”
“I’ll put in the word with Charity if you put in the word with Mikey.” You offered.
Leo held out his hand and you shook it. “Deal.”
It was only in that moment that you realized he only had three fingers. Interesting. You didn’t say anything about it, though, instead turning your attention to where Dahlia was trying to get Raphael to agree to going shot for shot.
“You got a death wish, shorty? Take a look at me. I could out-drink three ah you.” Raph argued.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. He had a point.
At some point, the girls from down the hall came over, along with the guys from next door. The party picked up and almost everyone dispersed, moving around the apartment, but you stayed next to Leo, chatting about your classes for the new semester, the professors you’d had the previous semester, childhood memories, and just about everything else you could think of.
Once the bottle of wine was gone, Leo got each of you a glass of water, which you were very grateful for, just a little more than a little drunk by that point.
Eventually, people started leaving and you helped clean up the living room, sobering up again. Leo gathered up empty solo cups and abandoned paper plates. Donnie and Haley exchanged numbers, and Mikey and Charity were laying on the floor in a giggling heap.
“Come on, Mikey, we gotta get back.” Raph poked his younger brother with his foot, earning a laugh.
“Alright, alright, I’m getting up.” Mikey pushed off of the floor and stood up, wobbling for a second before Raph slung an arm around him to stabilize him.
“You coming, Fearless?” Raph asked.
Fearless. You noted, looking up at Leo. It suited him.
“Yeah, we’re almost done.” Leo replied.
“I can finish up. It’s not too bad.” You assured him.
He stopped, staring down at you with those blue, blue eyes of his. “Are you sure?”
“Oh yeah. You’ve been a great help. Thank you, Leo.” You put a hand on his arm. He smiled at the contact.
“Thank you for having us. And, uh…thank you for sharing your wine.”
“My wine is your wine.” You shrugged. “Um…you don’t happen to have Snapchat, do you?”
He grinned and pulled out his phone. “I do.”
When Monday came around, so did your new set of classes. You got to your Biology lecture early, picked a spot in the lecture hall, and busted out the book you were reading, setting your bookmark on the table. You read about half a chapter before someone behind you cleared his throat, getting your attention.
You turned to see who it was and were quite surprised to find the handsome turtle in blue standing there, his eyes flitting between you and the seat next to you.
“Is this seat taken?”
“Not at all.” You pulled the chair out for him and he settled in, setting his bag on the floor. It was a messenger bag. You figured backpacks would probably get tricky with their shells and everything, although you had seen Donatello with one on before.
“You any good at Biology?” Leo asked, pulling out a fresh notebook and jotting his name and the subject on the front of it.
“Ha. No. You?”
“I guess we’re gonna find out.” He chuckled. “Hey, cool necklace.”
“Thanks.” You smiled, toying with the chain between your fingertips.
“It’s a tarot card, right?”
“It is.” You nodded, holding it out so he could see closer. “This one is The Sun, which represents happiness.”
“Seems like a fitting card for you.”
It hit you then, the look in his eyes, the tone of his voice. Leo was flirting with you. Huh. Your cheeks flushed.
“You think so?”
“Yeah. But it also might have been the wine…”
You burst into laughter, shaking your head. “Well it does tend to put me in a good mood.”
Not long after you began chatting, the professor arrived and started the lecture. It was pretty basic stuff, being syllabus week. He did an introduction of himself and then did an activity with all of you.
Leo was jotting something down on a notecard. He slid it across the table towards you and you looked down at it.
Mall this weekend? Your roommates and my brothers?
You took the note and scribbled a response on it with your pen, biting your lip.
At the moment, the turtles couldn’t drive, so all eight of you piled into Dahlia’s van. Was the current seating situation legal? Probably not, due to the fact that Charity was sitting on Mikey’s lap. You were sitting shotgun with Leo in the seat behind you.
Dahlia hit a bump and Charity yelped, settling back into Mikey’s lap.
“Drive careful, D.” Haley laughed in the middle seat, squeezed between Raph and Leo.
Donnie, who was sitting next to Mikey and Charity in the way back, sat at attention when she said it, but relaxed when he realized the D was not referring to him.
“I’m trying.”
You looked up at the rearview mirror and made eye contact with Leo, who motioned back towards Mikey and Charity. Things seemed to be going well with them. Maybe, if you all played your cards right, they’d finally get together at the end of the trip.
You smirked at him, raising your eyebrows. He grinned, face breaking out into that handsome smile of his and sending a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. You focused on the road again, listening to the music playing from the aux on your phone.
Was this…actually happening? Were you catching feelings for a mutant turtle? You thought about it for a good long moment and…yeah, you were pretty sure you were…Well, stranger things had happened…Aliens had literally tried to take over the world like four years earlier and here you were worried about your crush on one of the people who’d saved the world.
Dahlia pulled into your usual spot outside the entrance closest to the food court and the theater, which were conveniently next to each other on the second floor of the mall. Ever the gentlemen, Leo opened the front door, ushering all of you into the lively, bustling mall.
“Woahhhhh.” Mikey murmured, looking around. The mall was two floors, the upper floor hosting several stores, as well as the food court, the theater, a large arcade, and a giant carousel.
“Have you guys ever been here before?” You asked.
Mikey shook his head. “Not yet, but I’ve always wanted to come.”
“Come on, I’ll show you that skate shop I told you about.” Charity took Mikey’s hand and ran off.
“Do you guys want to meet up for dinner?” Leo asked, trying to make something of a plan.
“Yeah, definitely. At like…six?” Donnie asked, checking his watch. “That gives us three hours to explore.”
“Sounds good.” Raph nodded. “Maybe we could catch a movie after.”
“That’s a good idea.” You agreed. “I’ll text Charity and let her know.”
You pulled out your phone and typed out the message, hitting send and hoping it would make it to her with the shitty mall wi-fi. Leo saw the message stalling and looked at Donnie.
“Don, you mind if I add (Y/N) to your network?” Leo asked.
“I don’t mind!” Donnie grinned, typing some stuff on the modified piece of keyboard strapped to his arm. A pop up appeared on your phone screen, inviting you to the Turtle Power network. You hit agree and immediately the text went through.
It was true what the others said, Donatello was indeed a miracle worker when it came to technology. “Oh my gosh, thanks!”
“No problem.” Donnie assured you, pushing his glasses further up his snout. “I’ll add the others, too. Looks like the cell service here sucks.”
“Understatement of the century.” Dahlia chuckled, linking her arm with yours. “Wanna go smell the candles in Bath and Body Works?”
“Yes.” You agreed enthusiastically, dragging the boys along for the ride.
Your mall adventure with the turtles was a blast. You browsed through the different stores, went to the arcade, got soft pretzels, and at the end of the day, met up for dinner in the food court and watched a movie together. You kept catching Leo’s eye and he kept catching yours. It seemed your plan to get Mikey and Charity together was beginning to have some unexpected results…
The weeks came and went, and as they did, you and your roommates ended up spending more and more time with the turtles, from bowling to roller skating to just hanging out at your apartment to play video games and work on homework.
On this particular afternoon, you were helping Mikey with what might be the pinnacle of his efforts to win Charity’s heart thus far. He was working on a sign to use to ask her to the President’s Ball, your college’s equivalent of prom.
There was a knock at the door, and when you opened it, you found Leo, Raph, and Donnie standing there.
“You seen Mikey?” Leo asked.
You motioned behind you, where Mikey was sprawled on the floor, covering his sign in glitter glue, tongue jutting out of his mouth in concentration.
“What’s that?”
“I’m Promposing.” Mikey grinned, looking up at his brothers. “There was a flyer in the Eastman Building today for President’s Ball. (Y/N) said it’s like a prom thing.”
“Prom?” Raph chuckled. “Like the high school thing?”
“Yeah. It’s a formal. The school puts it on in one of the convention centers downtown. It’s a fun time.” You explained. “There’s some drama with people asking other people, but it’s nowhere as intense as the prom drama in high school.”
“Sounds…fun.” Leo nodded, obviously lost in thought. You couldn’t fight the blush that found your cheeks.
“It is. We went two years ago, but last year’s got snowed out, so we just stayed here and sipped margaritas and watched the Princess Diaries movies.”
“Sounds like a pretty decent night.” Raph chuckled.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Mikey asked, looking up at you from the floor. “Do you have any more glitter glue?”
“I think I have some with my cosplay stuff. One sec.” You pushed into your room and dug around in your plastic rolling drawers filled with craft supplies. You found it under a scrap of fabric, a big tube of glitter-infused paint. That should do the trick, you figured, pulling it from your hoard. When you turned around, Leo was standing in the doorway. You hadn’t even heard him move. “Oh! My god…” You laughed, hand over your chest. “You’re quiet.”
“Sorry. Old habits.” He shrugged sheepishly. “I was just curious. It’s okay if you don’t…”
“Come on in.” You motioned him further into the small bedroom. You had posters on just about every wall, a shelf of funko pops staring up at him.
“I didn’t realize you were a collector. Donnie is, too. Pre-orders everything the second it’s announced.”
“That is very good to know.” You raised an eyebrow. “You collect anything?”
He chuckled. “Comics. Just a little bit, though. We used to, um…find them. Donnie would clean them up as best as he could.”
“What kind of comics?”
“X-Men, mostly. Mutants, you know…like us.”
“The X-Men are awesome.” You reassured him, grinning. “Nightcrawler is my favorite.”
“Oh my god, really? I’m a Cyclops man, myself.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.” You chuckled. “You know, there’s a comic shop downtown. The bus has a stop near there, if you’d want to go sometime.”
“I’d love to.” Leo smiled.
You heart raced. You’d done it. You’d actually asked him out. You felt kinda fearless, despite that being the word usually associated with him. You liked it. You liked him, actually, and you couldn’t wait to see where your unlikely connection was leading…
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
I wanna write some college au turtles if anyone has any specific requests 👀
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Raphael x Reader
Summary: Raphael is fascinated by your new tattoo.
Note: I got a new tattoo today (yaaaay!) so have this lil thing. The boys are in their twenties in this, as is the reader, who is, obviously, of legal tattooing age.
Warnings: Talks of tattoos/the healing process/blood
Word Count: 0.6k
Reader is: of tattooing age
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You were sitting on the couch in the lair, Switch in your hands as you played Animal Crossing, sprucing up your island a bit. Needless to say, you were too distracted to notice the giant mutant turtle staring at you, his jaw agape as he stared at the fresh tattoo on your thigh, covered in shiny Saniderm to protect it.
When…when had that happened? Obviously recently, if the irritated red skin around it was any indication. Raph raised an eyebrow, staring at the tattoo. It was a cute little sea turtle, swimming up your leg. There were a few bubbles and flowers around it. As far as he knew, you didn’t have any other tattoos, or, if you did, he hadn’t noticed them.
“Raph?” You waved your hand, drawing his attention. “You good?”
“Yeah, I, uh…when’d ya get that?” He pointed at the tattoo with a large finger, eyes locking on it for another long moment before meeting your eyes again.
“This afternoon.” You replied, chuckling.
“Huh. Does it hurt?”
“A little.” You set your Switch down and turned your attention towards him as he walked closer. “Mikey designed it.”
“Mikey designed ya tattoo?” Raph asked, eyes widening. “Did Donnie do it? He did the rest of ours.” Raph informed you, hopping over the back of the couch to sit beside you.
“I didn’t know that. No, he didn’t. I went to a tattoo place on the surface. All women tattoo artists, very clean. All of the booths are decorated with pastel colors.”
“Sounds like the perfect place for ya.” He chuckled. “Is this ya first one?”
“It is.” You nodded. “I’ve been wanting it for a while, though.”
“It looks great on ya.” He grinned. “How bad did it hurt?”
“The linework didn’t hurt that bad but the colors did. Donnie went over aftercare with me. It’ll probably be bleeding the rest of today.”
“Donnie get ya any Aquaphor? I got some in my room if ya need it.”
“He did, but thank you.”
“If ya need any help changing ya bandage, let me know, alright? I’m real good at that.”
“I’d appreciate it. I’m planning on switching tomorrow, once the majority of the bleeding is done.” You looked over his tattoos curiously. “Did yours hurt?”
Raph looked down at his half-sleeve, offering his arm to you so you could get a closer look. It was hard to make it out, given the shade of his scales, but you could see a few turtles. Four of them, actually. Aww. There were some kanji as well, though you didn’t know what they meant.
“Yeah, pretty bad. Donnie had to make different needles to try to pierce the scales. Lots of, uh, trial and error.” He chuckled. “I think they look good, though. I want him to finish my sleeve at some point, but we’ve been busy.”
“I can imagine.”
“You think you’ll get more?”
“I was laying on that table brainstorming more.” You laughed. “I don’t know when, though. Probably a few months from now, once this one is all healed up.”
“That’s probably a good plan.”
Mikey gasped very loudly behind you. “Oh my god, angelcakes! You’re back! How did it turn out?”
“It looks awesome.” You assured him, motioning him closer so he could see. Mikey fawned over his art on your body and it was very wholesome, but Raph couldn’t fight the tiniest tinge of jealousy inside of him.
Maybe…maybe he’d design something for you to get tattooed next…
Taglist: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
wanna rp
No, sorry! I don’t RP, I just write.
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
No Good, Very Bad Day
Raphael x Reader
Prompt: Perhaps, reader has been stressed and he wants to help them feel better. Even better if it’s a friends to lovers trope where they are just friends in the beginning but this changes the nature of their relationship.
Note: I also love the friends to lovers trope! Confession fics are among my faves. I hope you like it! Ignore the title, it’s very fluffy, reader is just going through it lol.
Warnings: swears
Word Count: 1.1k
Reader is: Female-ish. (one use of the word girlfriend, but that’s it lmao)
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It had been one hell of a stressful day. For starters, your insurance had fucked up your therapy. Your landlord still hadn’t fixed your broken showerhead. One of the customers at work had been an asshole, and it really put you in a bad mood. Add to that the lingering Facebook request from your ex and yeah……just not the best day.
So, a little storm cloud seemingly hovering over your head, you sat in your apartment, wrapped in a blanket, wearing your comfiest pair of pajamas. You had some snacks on the coffee table, and you were playing one of your favorite video games on your Switch, hoping to get your mind off of the everything, even if only for a little while.
After a while of sitting there alone, you heard a tap on your window. It was too soft to be a rogue pigeon forgetting what glass was, so it meant one of four things. However, when you approached, you quickly realized who it was crouched just outside your fire escape.
You pulled open the window and helped Raphael inside. He came to hang out sometimes, but you hadn’t been expecting him.
“Hey, Red. What’s going on?”
“Nothin’, just on patrol. Quiet night.” He shrugged. It took him a second, but once he got a better look at you, he could tell something was wrong. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just…it’s been a really long day.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in—”
“No! No, Raph, seeing you has actually been the best part of my day so far.”
His look of panic faded, replaced instead with a warm smile. “Alright, so how am I makin’ you feel better right now? What problems I gotta fix?”
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to.” He assured you, tilting his head. “So let’s get to work.”
You walked over to the living room and told him everything that was going on.
“Well first of all, that asshole at work can get fucked. It’s not yer job to fix all of his problems.”
You laughed, nodding. “I needed to hear that. Thank you.”
“I can take a look at yer showerhead if ya want. And you’re always welcome to take showers down in the lair if ya gotta.” He assured you. “I didn’t even know it was broken.”
“It’s usable, but it’s barely a trickle coming out of it.”
“Mmm, gotcha. Well, I’ll see what I can do. We can call Donnie and see if he’s got any parts we could use in the meantime. And I can totally have him yell at ya insurance guy, too. He’s real good at that, knows all the legal mumbo jumbo.” Raph walked through all of your problems, and, as he always seemed to, he made you feel a lot better about everything.
“Thank you, Raph.” You told him sincerely, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Aww, shorty, no need for tears. I’ll take care of ya. I always will.” He promised, gathering you in his big strong arms, one of his large hands stroking through your hair comfortingly.
Something clicked then, while he was holding you. You’d always had a bit of a crush on Raph, admittedly. Who wouldn’t? He was big and strong and brave, loyal to a fault, and always willing to fight for you, no matter the cost. He was…well, he was everything you were looking for, honestly. He always had been.
The two of you split. Raph went to work on your showerhead while you ordered a pizza and texted Donnie about your insurance fiasco. Once the pizza arrived and the shower was more or less fixed, the two of you settled on the couch again, putting on a movie and enjoying each other’s presence.
Maybe it was because you felt like you had nothing to lose after the day you’d had, or maybe you were finally coming to your senses, but you looked at Raphael and stated with certainty, “You know, you’d be a really great boyfriend, Raphael.”
He froze for a long moment before chuckling sheepishly. “Yeah? What gave you that impression?”
“I don’t know, you’re just…you’re the best. I really don’t know what I’d do without you in my life and…I don’t want to know.”
His eyes were wide, heart racing so loudly, he was sure you could hear it from where you were sitting. “W-what are ya saying?”
“I like you, Raph. I have for a while. But if you don’t feel the same, nothing has to change. I’m okay with this, too.”
Raph set down his pizza and stared at you like a third eye had sprouted on your forehead. “You’re bein’ serious right now?”
“Of course I am. Why?”
“Well, I just…” He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling. “I mean, look at me. You’re…You actually like me? Do ya need your eyeballs checked?”
“Of course I like you! Who wouldn’t?”
He scoffed. “Imma need you to elaborate on that.”
“Well for starters, you’re six-foot-five, super muscular, super handsome, but beyond that…you’re sweet. You’re kind, you’re a good listener, and you’re downright gentle when you want to be. You’re protective and brave and the most loyal and loving person I’ve ever met. You make me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever met and I know that no matter what happens to me, you’ll always be there for me. Hell, you took the worst day I’ve had in a while and turned it around in twenty minutes.”
He stared at you for a long moment, kind of in shock. He forced a laugh so he didn’t burst into tears on the spot. “You’ve been keeping all of that tucked away in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Yep.” You shrugged, unsure of what else to say.
“You actually like me.” He stated, letting the pieces click. “See, just when I was starting to think my giant crush on you was hopeless…” He let out a little disbelieving laugh. “Holy shit.”
“So can I like kiss you now or…?”
Raph leaned over, crushing his lips to yours, cherishing the taste of them as your arms wound around his neck, tugging him closer to you. Raph pulled you into his lap, strong arms wrapping around your frame, your chest pressed to his. The way he kissed you left you breathless, and when you finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours, searching your eyes for any sign of disgust, but only finding love.
“Ya know, I think Mikey’s gonna be pissed I’m the first one to get a girlfriend.”
“And Casey’s gonna owe April like twenty bucks.” You said, causing him to laugh.
“So…ya still think I’m gonna be a good boyfriend.”
You nodded, pressing another soft kiss to his lips. “The best, in fact.”
Taglist: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Can I request headcanons of turtles doing Kabedon on their s/o?
Hi there! I'm not sure what this is. Could you explain it for me?
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years ago
Mikey with a Makeup Artist S/O
Here's some more headcanons! Something that just popped into my head <3
Warnings: Mentions of fake injuries
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I feel like Mikey would really vibe with a makeup artist as his significant other.
He’d be so fascinated by the color theory that goes into everything.
As an artist himself, I feel like he’d really respect makeup artists and everything they do.
He might even be inclined to try it, if you gave him the chance.
There wasn’t really much makeup he could use on himself, hell, the guys don’t even have eyelashes to put mascara on.
But he’d like to do makeup on you.
He’d try some full glam looks, blending the eyeshadow colors together with a brush, learning how and where to highlight and contour and what effects each had.
Eventually, you’d start dipping your toes into SFX makeup.
Mikey loved this.
At the drop of a hat, you could make someone look like they’d gotten the shit beaten out of them.
Definitely uses it to prank his brothers.
“Dudes, look a my arm! I accidently cut it on one of Leo’s katanas!”
The first time, they buy it. After that, they’re definitely more skeptical, but impressed with your skills nonetheless.
You get a few jobs doing SFX makeup on films being shot in New York, and there are plenty of them to work on.
As your skills continue to improve, Mikey becomes more and more proud of his badass partner and their badass makeup skills.
He’s quick to shut down anyone who doesn’t see it as the absolute art skill it is.
Overall, he’s very supportive of your passions, whatever they are, and loves using them to bond with you even more.
Taglist: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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