pinestimes2 · 2 years
Hey. I found your old GF pinecest fic and I thought I was good. It also made me wonder something just now after seeing something from somebody. Is it wrong to like incest relationships in fiction? I don't support it in real life but idk
No, I don't think there's anything wrong with incest relationships in fiction. It is *fiction*, after all. I write about very taboo subject matters with no suggestion that any of this is real.
It isn't wrong to like murder mysteries in fiction: do you think people would accuse you of "supporting murder" in real life if you enjoyed a story that included characters being killed? Why should incest be any different? Why would I be automatically "supporting incest" if I like the stories?
I imagine that a truly mentally disturbed person may be unable to draw distinction between fiction and reality, or a fragile person may be "triggered" by something that upsets them (regardless if the fictional subject matter is incest, murder, or any other action that is forbidden in real life), but frankly a creator of a fictional work cannot be responsible for that. Ideas can and should be freely expressed, and how others choose to react to the fact that these ideas exist is up to them.
I also don't think anything is different when my subject matter involves sexual activity of underage characters. I write fiction as an adult for an adult audience, and I tag my stories appropriately. Tumblr is completely free to remove my stories if they wish (they already have with one of them). If they do, I won't cry about it, it's their choice. I have other places to post.
For what it's worth, I do *not* support incest in real life, particularly underage. Even if a scenario is completely consensual (a debatable notion in most situations), there's still an awful lot of things that can happen that really make it a bad idea. There are perfectly valid reasons why incest is legally and morally forbidden in pretty much the entire world. I can have this opinion, and also have the opinion that enjoying it in a fictional setting is perfectly acceptable. Normal human brains are more than capable of knowing the difference. Hopefully more people can get their heads around this basic fact, instead of losing their minds over what fictional characters are doing.
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pinestimes2 · 4 years
Heya I just found your blog and I absolutely love your art!
awww thank you so much! That means a lot to me thank you! :) 
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pinestimes2 · 4 years
Hey heyyyyyy
Hey Dax! Hope you’re doing well my friend!
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pinestimes2 · 4 years
Retelling of an old favorite! If you guys haven’t checked it out yet, then do yourself a favor today :) 
Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day can be very eventful for someone like Dipper Pines.
(So this fic is a companion piece to Happy Uncle’s Day. Whereas that earlier story was told from Cassie’s point of view, this is the same day as experienced by Dipper. As with all my stories, it is not necessary that you have read any of my previous stories, but you will probably get more out of this one if you’re familiar with what I’ve written before in the “Unexpected AU”.)
This story contains NSFW Pinecest, over 15K words. Thanks to my friends @pinestimes2 and @yaschiri for the beta reads, and to my excellent buddy “MRH” for suggesting this idea and providing valuable feedback for the entire time I wrote this. You folks are awesome!
Keep reading
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
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tired babies
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
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What started off as a pic for @edward-or-ford‘s Happy Uncle’s day turned into a family pic. Never drew the whole family together so I wanted to give it a shot! Hope that those of you who are left in this fandom have been doing ok :) !! 
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
Hi hello!
Hey there Dax 🙂!!! Been a while my friend. How are things?
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
Commissions anyone!?
Hey Guys, don’t know how much of us are still around in the GF/ Pinecest community, but if anyone’s interested I can take some commissions. Line-art goes for 25$. Flat color goes for 30$, and full color would go for 50$. For  commissions with more than 1 character 20$ will be charged for each addition. Just shoot me a message if any of those sound good for you. I could use the help, and thanks for your time guys 🙂
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
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Wanted to redraw my buddy @edward-or-ford‘s Cassie Pines, because I love her to death! First time I drew Cassie I kind of just rushed the idea out of my head. This, however, is a more serious take. I wanted to try and capture exactly what I envision when I imagine her. Hope you guys like it :D!! 
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
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These idiots
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pinestimes2 · 5 years
Another awesome fic from Ed! This one’s a bit heavy, but it’s a great ride nonetheless. Check it out guys!
We’re a Family
So here I go again with a new story. Been awhile, I know!
This one is once again set in my “Unexpected” AU. It’s a pretty direct sequel to the original story, taking place a little over two years after the end of the final chapter, and includes some flashbacks to events I had only alluded to previously. As such, it may be beneficial for you to have already read the previous story, but I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary. I think there should be enough detail in the narrative to let you know what’s going on, if you’re new to my writing.
(This story also takes place at Christmas, and I was hoping to have it finished a couple of weeks ago so it would have been topical. No such luck, but oh well!)
Completely SFW story here, but with the obvious Pinecest implications.
Keep reading
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pinestimes2 · 6 years
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when you spot gideon and pacifica in public but don’t want to ruin your stylish rep too much >:’)c @karasohno
⁂ if you like my art, please reblog to show your support! // please don’t tag as ‘kin’ or ‘me’. ⁂
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pinestimes2 · 6 years
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Have a lower res. of the kind-of-a-commission I did for my buddy! Its a scene from their fic you can find right here : x !!!
The start of their fic begins here : x !!!
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pinestimes2 · 6 years
Oh uh, cute early morning smooches. Like wearing pjs and such!
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There ya go~~ Mabel going to Dipper’s bed to give him some morning smooches! They gotta be quick or else mom and dad may see them lol
Also playing with some brushes x3
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pinestimes2 · 6 years
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Star Children’s Love!
A Big Dipper kissing a lovely Shooting Star. Plus a attempt on a starry sky
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pinestimes2 · 6 years
Oh wow!! I’m loving this man! Awesome work, and welcome to the fold friend :D!!! 
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Lovely dorks secretly in love <3 plus a lovely eye-on-eye contact because yes.
Plus they’re obviously older so calm yo hater tits
We’re on a good start on this blog… I guess xD
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