8 posts
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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Lecture Series: Zen and the Existential Insights on the Challenges of Eros
1st photo - Poster
2nd photo - Ticket Design
(c) Keira Lee
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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Why Philosophy? - Poster
(c) Gael Morales
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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[1st photo - POSTER] Spoken Word Night with Words Anonymous
[2nd photo - TICKET] Spoken Word Night with Words Anonymous
(c) Keira Lee 
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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[POSTER] Ethics in Marketing and Advertising: On Censorships and Limitations
(c) Eduardo Gutierrez
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
Term 2 Projects [February-March]
GUIDELINES (1) Please submit ON TIME, as indicated in the dates below (for Pre-Acts) and in the dates in the A-Form (for Post-Acts) (2) After submitting the PRE-ACTS documents, please inform us so that the Documentations committee can pick them up at CSO/SLIFE to prevent loss of documents. (Same scenario with POST-ACTS) (3) All evaluation forms and attendance log sheets will also be kept for safekeeping by the Documentations committee and will be given to you when you have to submit the Post-Acts. (4) Make sure that all information in the Pre-Acts/Post-Acts Documents are consistent with the information in the GOSM. (5) Click LIST OF PROJECTS tab for Project List (+deadline, person responsible, documents needed), SLIFE TEMPLATE tab for link to Document models, PUB/POSTERS tab for Activity Posters, PHOTOS tab for Activity pictures, and ASK tab for inquiries. (6) All poster pubs, please send to Jyc Manrique for checking and CSO approval. (7) For fundraising activities, material documents shall be checked and proofread by the Finance Committee. (8) To check activity status, kindly go to the link tinyurl.com/ARTSResponse1516 (make sure you’re logged on to the PILOSOPO G-mail Account)
// PRE-ACTS CSO Processed Documents (w/o expenses or w/ expenses): 1 week before activity date SLIFE Processed Documents (w/ expenses and off-campus activity): 2 weeks before activity date TERM-LONG Activities: 1 month after the start of the term
POST-ACTS Please check the date indicated in the A-Form + we will remind you 3 days before submission deadline.
[1] LECTURE SERIES: ZEN & EXISTENTIAL INSIGHTS ON THE CHALLENGES OF EROS TICKET SELLING (*separate event) February 29, 2016 (Monday) - March 11, 2016 (Thursday) 09:00am-05:00pm [Budget:   Php. 6,168 (Php. 3,168 venue; Php. 2,000 honorarium; Php. 1,000 ticket and poster printing)] Consultation Room 4-C, across Philosophy Department PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Francis Tai, Zebedee Mateo, Carl Ong, Joshua Javier ACTIVITY NATURE: Fundraising ACTIVITY TYPE: Fund Raising Activity  PRE-ACTS Due: February 15, 2016 // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR with Projected Income, Ticket design printed in a short bond paper]                   *Pass to SLIFE POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) // [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Documents, Attendance Log Sheets, FRA Report, Income Statement]
[2] LECTURE SERIES: ZEN & EXISTENTIAL INSIGHTS ON THE CHALLENGES OF EROS March 11, 2016 (Friday) 09:30am-12:00nn Y407-Y409 [No expense] Speaker: Ms. Laureen Velasco PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Francis Tai, Zebedee Mateo, Carl Ong, Joshua Javier  ACTIVITY NATURE: Academic ACTIVITY TYPE: Seminar/Workshop PRE-ACTS Due: March 4, 2016 (Thursday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR, Speaker’s Credentials] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) //  [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Requirements, Attendance Log Sheets, List of Expenses, Activity Report, Evaluation Result, Pictures with 1-sentence Captions]
[2] WHY PHILOSOPHY? March 18, 2016 (Friday) 09:30am-12:00nn Natividad Fajardo-Rosario Gonzales Auditorium [ Php. 852 (Php. 352 venue; Php. 500 honorarium)] Speaker: Ms. Dr. Ernest Villacorta PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Patricia Lorenzo, Guinevere Garcia  ACTIVITY NATURE: Academic ACTIVITY TYPE: Seminar/Workshop PRE-ACTS Due: March 4, 2016 (Thursday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR, Speaker’s Credentials] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) //  [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Requirements, Attendance Log Sheets, List of Expenses, Activity Report, Evaluation Result, Pictures with 1-sentence Captions]
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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[POSTER] Term 2, General Assembly Poster
(c) Eduardo Gutierrez
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
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pilosoposec-blog · 9 years ago
TERM 2 Projects [January-February] + Term-long
GUIDELINES (1) Please submit ON TIME, as indicated in the dates below (for Pre-Acts) and in the dates in the A-Form (for Post-Acts) (2) After submitting the PRE-ACTS documents, please inform us so that the Documentations committee can pick them up at CSO/SLIFE to prevent loss of documents. (Same scenario with POST-ACTS) (3) All evaluation forms and attendance log sheets will also be kept for safekeeping by the Documentations committee and will be given to you when you have to submit the Post-Acts. (4) Make sure that all information in the Pre-Acts/Post-Acts Documents are consistent with the information in the GOSM. (5) Click LIST OF PROJECTS tab for Project List (+deadline, person responsible, documents needed), SLIFE TEMPLATE tab for link to Document models, PUB/POSTERS tab for Activity Posters, PHOTOS tab for Activity pictures, and ASK tab for inquiries. (6) All poster pubs, please send to Jyc Manrique for checking and CSO approval. (7) For fundraising activities, material documents shall be checked and proofread by the Finance Committee. (8) To check activity status, kindly go to the link tinyurl.com/ARTSResponse1516 (make sure you’re logged on to the PILOSOPO G-mail Account)
// PRE-ACTS CSO Processed Documents (w/o expenses or w/ expenses): 1 week before activity date SLIFE Processed Documents (w/ expenses and off-campus activity): 2 weeks before activity date TERM-LONG Activities: 1 month after the start of the term
POST-ACTS Please check the date indicated in the A-Form + we will remind you 3 days before submission deadline.
//   [1] PILOSOPO GA: INTO THE WOODS January 21, 2016 (Thursday) 05:30pm-08:00pm A1110 [Budget: Php 2,000.00] PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Thea Saquilayan, Yan Esteria, Katrhina Rustia, Carlos Hidalgo ACTIVITY NATURE: Organizational Development ACTIVITY TYPE: General Assembly PRE-ACTS Due: January 15, 2016 (Friday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR, Venue Reservation Ticket (VRT)] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) // [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Documents, Attendance Log Sheet (GALS), List of Expenses, Activity Report, Evaluation Results, Picture]
[2] ETHICS IN MARKETING AND ADVERTISING: ON CENSORSHIP AND LIMITATION (with JEMA and AdCreate) January 29, 2016 (Friday) 08:30am-12:00nn Y508-Y509 [Budget: Php 704.00 for the venue] Speakers: Ms. Milette Zamora and (tentative) Mr. Arcadio Malbarosa PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Joyce Manrique, Joseph Martin Jose, Enzo Villabroza ACTIVITY NATURE: Academic ACTIVITY TYPE: Seminar/Workshop PRE-ACTS Due: January 21, 2016 (Thursday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR, Credentials of Speakers, MOA, Venue Reservation Ticket (VRT)] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) // [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Documents, Attendance Log Sheets, List of Expenses, Activity Report, Evaluation Results, Pictures]
[3] SPOKEN WORD TICKET SELLING February 1, 2016 (Monday) - February 11, 2016 (Thursday) 09:00am-05:00pm [Budget:  Php. 9,500 (Php. 2,000/speaker; Php 4,500 venue; Php. 1,000 ticket and poster printing)] Consultation Room 4-C, across Philosophy Department PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Serina Alonzo, Guinevere Garcia ACTIVITY NATURE: Ticket Selling ACTIVITY TYPE: Spoken Word  PRE-ACTS Due: January 18, 2016 (Monday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR with Projected Income, Ticket design printed in a short bond paper, Venue Reservation Ticket (VRT)] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) // [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Documents, Attendance Log Sheets, FRA Report, Income Statement]
[4] SPOKEN WORD with Words Anonymous and Malate February 11, 2016 (Thursday) 05:30pm-08:00pm Natividad Fajardo-Rosario Auditorium [No expense] Speakers: Juan Miguel Severo and Louise Meets PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE:  Serina Alonzo, Guinevere Garcia ACTIVITY NATURE: Academic ACTIVITY TYPE: Spoken Word PRE-ACTS Due: February 4, 2016 (Thursday) // [Material Documents: Please check with CSO because there is no Spoken Word in the Activity Type section of the Guidelines] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) //  [Material Documents: Please check with CSO because there is no Spoken Word in the Activity Type section of the Guidelines]
[5] SOCRAKIDS with Lasalliance for Peace Term-long PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE: Christian Dagondon, Patricia Lorenzo, Pavia Denise ACTIVITY NATURE: Community Development ACTIVITY TYPE: Solicitations PRE-ACTS Due: February 10, 2016 (Wednesday) // [Material Documents: A-Form, PPR, Solicitation Letter, Sponsorship Packages, List of Prospect Companies, Unsigned MOA with Prospect Sponsors] POST-ACTS Due: (Please check A-Form) // [Material Documents: Pre-Acts Documents, Activity Report, Income Statement, FRA Report, List of Sponsors, Approved MOA]
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