pill0w-thoughts · 3 years
nothing more powerful than a girl with a monologue going on in her head all the time... alone in her room... plotting... planning
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pill0w-thoughts · 3 years
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pill0w-thoughts · 4 years
rb if you’d wipe all pedophiles off this earth
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
um i want to be loved loudly
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
please dont leave me I can’t breathe without you
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
“I want you. All of you. On me. Under me. Tasting me. Wanting me.”
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
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Undated pages from one of Marilyn Monroe’s diaries
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pill0w-thoughts · 5 years
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April 5th, 1994 | R.I.P Kurt Cobain
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
your eating disorder’s severity is not determined by weight because eating disorders are not weight disorders they’re behavioral disorders thanks for coming to my ted talk
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
Some people’s 500 calories is fruits and veggies.
Others eat a piece of cake and a couple fries for the day.
Some people drink green tea or coffee to keep them going.
Others drink nothing because they desperately don’t want to break a fast.
Some people tell themselves it’s okay to eat over 1000 calories every now and then, it’s healthy even.
Others cry their soul out for going one calorie over.
Some people exercise regularly, keeping in mind what exercise will best help them get to their “goal.”
Others exercise constantly, because they need to be in the negative calories.
Some people were bullied once or twice or maybe even never for their weight.
Others are bullied relentlessly.
Some people fast no longer than 15 hours.
Others fast for days on end.
Some people start already in the normal range.
Others start in the overweight range.
Some people have never gone to rehab.
Others are in and out of inpatient care constantly.
Some people have tried recovery, and are striving to reach recovery status every day.
Others never want to recover.
But you know what?
All of them have a valid ed.
All of them deserve love, support, and help.
Ed’s do not give a shit about your background, age, gender, weight, race, religion, habits, grades, bringing-up, family, or anything else.
All they care about is controlling you.
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
- going 2 bed on time
- healthy romantic relationships
- eating without worrying about calories
- living alone
- non-traditional career paths
- loving yourself
- being old and happy
feel free to add on!!
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
having someone who can handle all your moods is such a blessing
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
The things no one thinks about when they romanticize an ED:
*crying. Just all the crying. All the time sometimes for no reason, sometimes because you saw a bird get bullied by a second larger bird. Just all the crying.
*Chewing and spitting. It looks NASTY but doing it is like 194629196 needles full of heroine.
*Same with purging. Once you figure out how to get it all to come back out its hard to stop.
*Being cold. Honestly at first your like wow I’m so “thiiinnn yaaasss” then it’s 30 degrees and your buttcheeks are chapped, your lips are blue and thin, and you can’t breathe because your shivering so hard.
*The fat binge belly. And the pain from eatting so much. OW.
*Gaining ANY weight and looking at yourself as a stranger. A stranger you want to punch in the throat.
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pill0w-thoughts · 6 years
2018 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that
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