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201 posts
An rp blog for Wilson P. Higgsbury, where he is under the Hallowed Night's curse! | M!A: None | Deaths: 0 | Kills: 0 | Piggsbury will do anything to protect his friends!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
please read this
The longer I manage to keep my beloved dog Whipit the more we’re all seeing how bad he’s getting. He’s an old dog with a high likeliness of brain tumors so it makes sense. He flips between being himself and really aggressive. He loves us and he’s usually a really good dog. But when he gets aggressive it’s like he doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing. 
After talking it out we’ve come to the the agreement that we need to have him put down. Due to his aggression no-kill shelters will not take him and since he’s an old aggressive dog he wouldn’t get adopted if we took him to the shelter. He would sit on death row in a depressing metal room until the day they put him down anyways. At least if we have him put down we know he didn’t suffer his last little bit and we can give him a final goodbye. 
It’s going to be $300 to have him euthanized and cremated. If you can help I’ll draw whatever you want. I don’t want him to suffer and I don’t want him to hurt anybody. 
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
New account has been set up.
If you’d like to start an rp then don’t be afraid to interact! Here are some of the rules.
Tags will be set up in a very specific way. If you have a certain trigger then please message/ask me to tag that thing so you can block it. ;the tag name [what they mean]
;ooc [out of character posts, what the admin is saying]
;(blog name) [this is how you get to an rp/ask that your blog has asked]
;asks [the asks tag, contains anonymous and blog answers that the admin/muse will be answering]
;rules [this tag shows you the blogs rules]
;muse info [information about the muse]
;info [information]
;update! [an update has happened on this blog/to the rules]
;concerns [tag for any concerns someone may have with my blog/concerns from the admin. If you have any concerns, don’t be afraid to contact the admin]
;m!a [m!a ending/starting, info on an m!a]
These are the roleplay rules, the types of roleplays I will do and the type I won’t do. This also includes the ships that I will allow, ships I don’t agree with, and other types of roleplay rules.
Since I will do a lot of roleplays, here are some of the things/topics that I will not roleplay:
Cheating, affairs, god modding, anything sexual to do with minors/animals.
I accept most ships, as long as they’re not with minors. If you wish to ship an OC with my muse, then that is fine.
I am accepting of most headcanons, if you do not wish for me to use a certain headcanon then please message me about it. If you wish to use a certain hc during our roleplay or one that we are setting up, please tell me. These are some of the headcanons I am currently using:
Wickerbottom is a sweet lady, she offers therapy to most of the survivors, she will help with whatever she can, she doesn’t cry unless something very serious has happened or she is caught crying. Wickerbottom was taught by Warly how to cook, she tries to keep Wilson in gear and not get himself killed while also quite often giving lectures.
All m!a’s are welcome, except for ones that may be offensive. If you want to activate an m!a then just send an ask stating what the m!a is, how long it will be, and any other information. Example:
M!A: Wickerbottom is suddenly a teen again! (5 asks)
In order for me to start an m!a, there must be:
What the m!a effects (Ex. used: Wickerbottom is a teenager)
How long the m!a lasts (Ex. used: it will end after 5 anon/blog asks)
Any other information (mood changes, how the character acts, feelings towards other things, etc. Ex: Teenage Wickerbottom acts like how she did when she was a teen/has lost all memory from after she was a teenager)
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
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Furroach will Always be there (the-german-russian-skinwalker)
I..... I’m honestly terrified. I will not sleep tonight.
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury whimpered when he heard the crack, his pig nose twitching again. He gently felt the others jaw, rubbing it before he sighed. When the other pulled away, his pig ears that were behind his headband seemed to go down, as if he was sad.
"I- .... I can help you eat... or- w-write-" He felt horrible, he oinked sadly, scooting closer to Wilson, his pig nose clearly in arms reach, twitching slightly. "I can get whatever you need to wire it!" He grinned and bounced slightly. "I c-can help you!" He seemed much more happy now, his pig ears standing up.
Piggsbury had gasped as he watched Wilson fall down, quickly covering his mouth. “N-no oh gosh I’m so sorry!” He quickly went to Wilson’s side and turned Wilson’s head towards him, suddenly forcing Wilson’s mouth open as Piggsbury began inspecting it. This time, he was kind and gentle. “A-are you okay?! I’m so sorry I-I didn’t- You can’t push my buttons like that!” He made anxious oinking noises, slowly making Wilson sit up, Just so Wilson could be pulled into a hug. Awe!
Piggsbury held Wilson close like a child, making soft oinks. He didnt want his new friend to be hurt! But… Wilson was so close to Piggsbury’s nose again…
There was another crack when the other touched his face, no matter how gentle the other was being it didn’t seem to do much to help Wilson’s now-confirmed-to be-broken-jaw. He wasn’t used to things such as hugs and merely leaned forward to return the gesture but then he pulled away, looking at the other Wilson, particularly the pig nose.
“Pig-like strength, and still incredibly friendly,” Wilson said. “Think of all the science I can write down about this. But –” he pointed at his jaw.
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“I’ll need to wire this thing so it can heal.”
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury had gasped as he watched Wilson fall down, quickly covering his mouth. "N-no oh gosh I'm so sorry!" He quickly went to Wilson's side and turned Wilson's head towards him, suddenly forcing Wilson's mouth open as Piggsbury began inspecting it. This time, he was kind and gentle. "A-are you okay?! I'm so sorry I-I didn't- You can't push my buttons like that!" He made anxious oinking noises, slowly making Wilson sit up, Just so Wilson could be pulled into a hug. Awe!
Piggsbury held Wilson close like a child, making soft oinks. He didnt want his new friend to be hurt! But... Wilson was so close to Piggsbury's nose again...
Piggsbury whimpered. “Well I’ve- lost the thing I’m supposed to protect, he had disappeared looking for stuff….. and I’m not scared! I just- I don’t like hurting rabbits, and I dont like seeing rabbits hurt.”
It took him a bit, but he finally blinked when Wilson told him to hit him. “I- No!” He frowned slightly. “I’m not gonna-” when Wilson continued to press, he clenched his fist- hoof things and let out an angry oink. “I’m not going to- FINE!” he suddenly pulled back his right fist, grabbing Wilson’s collar with his left one then clocked Wilson, right in his jaw. It… was HARD. Yup. He got that fancy strength from the curse. But it was somehow extra hard, when his fist came in contact with Wilson’s face, he let go of his collar causing the impact to most like sweep Wilson off his feet.
There was a crack and Wilson did, in fact, stumble around before promptly falling over. His jaw began to swell from the hard contact and Wilson tapped his jaw which had become tender. He moved it a bit, just to make sure it wasn’t broken, but that part couldn’t be determined. The scientist still lay on the ground, eyes wide with excitement.
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“Wow! Incredible! The curse seems to have scientifically imbued you with pig-like strength. For someone who doesn’t like seeing things hurt, you certainly were able to hurt me!” He adjusted his shirt collar but stayed on the ground.
“This is worth it. For science. Might not be able to eat solid foods for awhile but… worth it.”
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury whimpered. "Well I've- lost the thing I'm supposed to protect, he had disappeared looking for stuff..... and I'm not scared! I just- I don't like hurting rabbits, and I dont like seeing rabbits hurt."
It took him a bit, but he finally blinked when Wilson told him to hit him. "I- No!" He frowned slightly. "I'm not gonna-" when Wilson continued to press, he clenched his fist- hoof things and let out an angry oink. "I'm not going to- FINE!" he suddenly pulled back his right fist, grabbing Wilson's collar with his left one then clocked Wilson, right in his jaw. It... was HARD. Yup. He got that fancy strength from the curse. But it was somehow extra hard, when his fist came in contact with Wilson's face, he let go of his collar causing the impact to most like sweep Wilson off his feet.
Piggsbury kept rubbing his snout for a while, before it eventually twitched and he put his hands to his sides. He raised an eyebrow when the other Wilson grabbed the rabbit. “Erm- There was no attachment necessary, it was a-” Piggsbury flinched and tensed up, his eyes widening when Wilson uh.. dispatched the rabbit. He took a step back, oinking in a small amount of fear. “T-there… w-was no attachment, this happened to all of the survivors from where I’m f-from. Maxwell s-said it was part of a curse…” Piggsbury took another step away from Wilson, fear in his pretty blue eyes. 
“Sounds like a curse. I’ll just eat this little science miracle for dinner.” He tucked the rabbit away and wiped his calloused hands on his pants. “What’s scaring you? If you’re dressed like a pig guard you should be beating the tar out of me.”
Wilson tapped his chin. “Did you get the pig’s mean strength? I see, it’s time for another experiment. Here, give me a right hook in the face and we’ll see whether or not the ‘curse’ gave you that amazing pig strength.”
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He gestured at himself. “Come on, one big punch. Knock me over. Wilson to Wilson, punch me for science.”
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury kept rubbing his snout for a while, before it eventually twitched and he put his hands to his sides. He raised an eyebrow when the other Wilson grabbed the rabbit. “Erm- There was no attachment necessary, it was a-” Piggsbury flinched and tensed up, his eyes widening when Wilson uh.. dispatched the rabbit. He took a step back, oinking in a small amount of fear. “T-there... w-was no attachment, this happened to all of the survivors from where I’m f-from. Maxwell s-said it was part of a curse...” Piggsbury took another step away from Wilson, fear in his pretty blue eyes. 
@piggsburypercival cont. from here
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“…That nose is attached to your face? How in the name of science did that happen? Were you splicing animal parts?” He paused, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. This was odd, wasn’t it? But an idea appeared.
“Teach me how to attach animal parts! Imagine how much we’ll progress in the field of science.” He didn’t wait for a response, instead turning around and pouncing on a nearby rabbit which he quickly dispatched. He held it out to the other Wilson.
“Alright, help me attach the rabbit ears to my head.”
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
"A ... costume?" Piggsbury tilted his head slightly, oinking in confusion. When Wilson tried to pull it off, the nose seemed to be attached to him. Piggsbury oinked in pain before pushing Wilson away, rubbing his nose, trying to get the pain to go away. "Ow!!! Why did you do that?" He sniffled and whimpered, frowning more. "That really hurt..."
Piggsbury stumbled out of a Bush and knocked into Wilson, letting out an oink and soon whimpering. "Ah!! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He stared at the other Wilson, his 'fake' noise twitching. (Piggsburypercival)
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“Stars and atoms! A… wait… Your costume looks a little odd.” And he immediately reached for the other’s nose, looking to pull the fake snout off.
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
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all i want is for wilson to choke maxwell
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury's ears went down, he stared up at Wilson before looking away. "Y-Yes Master..." he sniffled a bit and began to do that walk of shame that people do, shuffling his feet and walking to the stairs. He sighed and began to walk up them, trying not to cry.
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Pigsbury oinked and sat down, staring up at his Master shamefully. "I I'm sorry master......" he stood up, staying close to his master. "What are we doing now?"
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury froze and turned back to his master, walking back and nuzzling into his legs. "I'm sorry master...." he needs to be.... punished.....
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury sniffed him. "No it isnt! Silly master!!" He giggled and kept trying to get to it, squeezing past his masters legs, oinking a bit.
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 6 years ago
Piggsbury tackled the plant and bit the lightbulb off of it, running to Wilson and holding it in his mouth. "Hahakmsmpppdfff!!" He tried to say but couldn't with it in his mouth. Suddenly he dropped it and saw a wildberry in the dark, his eyes glistening and going to it happily, grinning before running. "Oh!! Master!! I'll go get this for you!!" .... he was running directly to a worm thing...
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 7 years ago
Piggsbury smiled and nuzzled against his Master happily, giggling like a happy dork. "So master, what are we doing down here?" He grinned happily, sniffing at Wilson.
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 7 years ago
Piggsbury kept quiet, following his master. Soon he stood up on his legs and began walking normally, hugging himself the entire time. Once in the caves he grabbed onto Wilson, going close to him and shaking, terrified. "M Master will you keep me safe?"
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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piggsburypercival · 7 years ago
Piggsbury's ears went down and whimpered, looking at Wilson and soon looking at the ground. ".... I'm sorry for my idiocity master...." he crawled low to the ground. "G go ahead and lead the way master..."
Piggsbury was hurt and was stumbling across the forest, stumbling across a cabin. He let out an oink and went into the cabin, looking around. He was holding his side as tight as he could, soon running to the bed and climbing into it, wheezing softly. He closed his eyes, whimpering and grunting before he yawned and began falling asleep, his blood going all over the sheets. (PiggsburyPercival)
( @piggsburypercival )
Wilson had been out gathering some gears from clockworks and arrived home shortly after the other wilson had fallen asleep. When he put his bag down and went into his room, he saw the creature and the blood. A thousand questions ran through his mind but he shoved them aside and started healing the wound with his purple-blue healing magic. The flesh knits itself together, closing the wound and keaving no trace thst it ever happened.
“There…” He said quietly after a moment. His bed would need washed, so wilson picked up the piggsbury and took him to the guest bedroom and tucked him in. Off to clean his bed now…
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