pierrottheanxious · 5 months
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Reblog to make it die faster
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
“Während „Pornography“ in meinen Augen immer der Goth-Rock-Klassiker der Band sein wird – das Cure-Album, das dieses Genre entscheidend geprägt hat, ist „Disintegration“ das zeitloseste, einzigartigste und in sich stimmigste Album von The Cure. Und viel, viel mehr als ein Goth-Klassiker.”
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
One of the most powerful moments in ATLA! ♡
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
“this thing/trope/character/whatever that couldn’t in good conscience ever be called subversive is actually revolutionary just because I like it and it resonates with me” is such a weird take.
sometimes fictional tropes that touch us are pretty conservative and I don’t think it should be understood as something that reflects our IRL values 1:1. we are raised to be comfortable with and uphold the status quo, it’s perfectly natural that parts of it would be attractive to us, or easier to explore in fiction or whatever, it happens (and if you want to examine it and change it, be my guest).
what I don’t get is all this frenzy about convincing ourselves and each other that everything we like is actually feminist!! etc. (because WE are feminist etc.). that’s not how it works. you are in control of your own actions, not your gut feelings and involuntary reactions to fiction.
and as usual, it comes to people conflating identity and performance with activism and real action and it annoys me to no end.
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
Zuko/Sokka is my OTP! ♡
therapist: so how are you? 
me: the entire foundation of mai and zuko’s relationship was built on how miserable they were together, and how they would just sit there and hate the world together— letting their misery fester as they enabled each other’s depression— and I think that’s really unfortunate because they would work so well as friends if they weren’t trying to make their dumpster fire of a relationship work. similarly, what makes zuko and katara’s dynamic so compelling is that they share the same flaws, only as opposed to mai’s apathy and misery, it’s katara’s rage and guilt that zuko identifies with. they both share trauma over having lost their mothers, and both in a similar way (sacrificing themselves for them) and they both cope with their grief through rage, often misplaced. in the southern raiders, they both act deeply insensitively towards sokka by acting as if his grief over his mother’s death is somehow less valid simply because he is a lot quieter in his coping mechanisms and doesn’t project his rage & guilt onto everyone else. katara and zuko have a deep & profound friendship, but if they were to be in a relationship, they would only bring out the absolute worst in each other thru enabling each other’s rage and emotion-driven decision making. conversely, when they go to the boiling rock, it is shown that sokka and zuko make an excellent team, as they balance each other perfectly. sokka thinks big picture, and plans ahead, but zuko will charge into situations, and account for the details of the plan, such as when he breaks the lever for the gondola. in that same scene, we see zuko jump off the platform and sokka catch him without any communication that either was going to do so. zuko later catches sokka from slipping off the side of the gondola. when they’re fighting azula, again they fall into wordless trust with zuko on the defense blocking azula’s fire, while sokka takes the defense, using the opening zuko creates by protecting him to charge at azula with his sword. throughout the entire episode, zuko supports all of sokka’s decisions without question, telling him that it’s his call to make when he wonders whether they should stay another night, which is the kind of trust sokka always needed to receive as the leader. when sokka is about to give up because he’s afraid of failing again, zuko inspires him and even encourages failure, a lesson that sokka still needs to learn, especially after the shame he feels after losing the invasion. throughout the episode as well you can see the steady building of their friendship, and they’re shown to trust each other unconditionally. the next episode, zuko asks sokka to recount to him one of his most traumatic memories in excruciating detail, and even though sokka could easily say fuck no, he tells zuko about the death of his mother because it is important to him that zuko and katara get along. zuko also genuinely smiles a hell of a lot more than he does pretty much any other episode, even though the situation is incredibly tense, because he enjoys sokka’s company, even when he’s in prison. zuko and sokka have a lot in common, a lot of the same experiences struggling with limitations of masculinity and feeling worthless compared to their prodigious younger sisters. and that’s not to mention that they have a lot of interests in common, such as swords, and the arts (sokka likes to paint & draw, zuko is a theatre kid etc), not to mention they share a similar dry, sarcastic, offbeat sense of humor. as opposed to zuko and mai, who are two miserable people who make each other miserable, zuko and sokka are two miserable people who make each other HAPPY 
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therapist: okay……..but how are you?
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
(…) “ Wenn ich an den ESC denke, denke ich daran, wie ich im Schwuz beim Public Viewing den Lästerschwestern des Abends zuschaue und parallel über Messanger mit meiner Family steile Thesen zu den Balkan-Beiträgen austausche. Meine Alman-Friends haben plötzlich andere Assoziationen mit Ex-Jugoslawien als Ajvar und Krieg, wollen wissen wofür „FYROM“ steht und es macht Spaß ihnen zu erklären, warum dieser oder jener Song eine klassische Balkan-Ballade ist …” (…)
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
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Please go watch Sex Explained on Netflix. Not only is it a great resource for the basic sex education that is sorely lacking in the U.S., but some of ya’ll need to take a deep breath and remember the difference between fantasy vs reality. This purity culture thing that we’re going through right now is directly harmful to responsible, healthy sexual expression. BTW this woman, Lisa Diamond, is a noted psychologist and has been pushing for greater understanding of womens sexuality as a whole.
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
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This legitimately needs to be in future literature textbooks to capture the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
“(…) Die Postpunk-Szene in Rijeka, Kroatien, hat ziemlich viele Bands hervorgebracht. Die dunkle Seite des Postpunks kultivierte besonders Mazedonien. Dieses Land ist fast so etwas wie der Grufti unter den ehemaligen Teilrepubliken. Die Band Padot Na Vizantija wurde Anfang der 80er von Goran Trajkoski in Skopje gegründet und kann guten Gewissens als Bauhaus Ex-Jugoslawiens bezeichnet werden. Auch hierzulande werden die einen oder anderen von Goran Trajkoski gehört haben, denn Deine Lakaien-Sänger Alexander Veljanov arbeitete mit ihm auf dem Soloalbum „Porta Macedonia“ zusammen. (…)”
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
(…) „Eine Nachricht aus Bajamska?“ erkundigte sich eins der Dorfkinder. Ena hielt mir mit besorgtem Blick den Zettel hin. Nur wir beide verstanden die Botschaft im Krickelkrakel aus lateinischen und kyrillischen Buchstaben.„Ja. Sie brauchen unsere Hilfe,“ verkündete ich. „Wir müssen das Portal nach Bajamska finden!“ Als sich um mich herum Stille ausbreitete, genoss ich die Früchte meines Werks: Die jüngeren Kinder glaubten an Bajamska, die älteren wollten keine Spielverderber sein. „Aber wie wollen wir das anstellen?“ quiekte Jana, ein vierjähriges Mädchen. (…)
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
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I wish more people knew how affected our emotions and emotional responses are by ADHD. Everyone will experience their ADHD differently, so feel free to cross out what applies to you! I’ve only recently started externalizing emotions again and..it’s crazy how much energy I put into holding it all back - without great success. Here’s my patreon! (is this a smooth topic change?)
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
When you have ADHD, your nervous system overreacts to things from the outside world. Any sense of rejection can set off your stress response and cause an emotional reaction that’s much more extreme than usual. Sometimes the criticism or rejection is imagined, but not always. ADHD researchers estimate that by age 12, children with ADHD get 20,000 more negative messages about themselves than other kids their age. All that criticism can take a real toll on their self-esteem.
WebMD (via mindingmyownbrain)
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
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Las personas TTTRANS no son una discusión; es gente que existe.
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
Some thoughts on Steven Universe, the genocide plot and dysfunctional families
[Spoilers for Steven Universe and Avatar, the Last Airbender.]
Steven Universe treated the Diamonds as a dysfunctional, abusive family: Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz is the scapegoat and the rebel of the family. Yellow Diamond is the hero, the "golden child". White Diamond is some kind of self-centered and tyrannical mother figure and Blue is the enabler.
They made Steven with his compassion, innocent heart and connection to Pink Diamond the solution of the problem: He got them to listen and voilà, they're redeemed. But... let's not forget that the Diamonds are enslaving and killing innocent species! Do you really think it should be that easy to redeem them?
This is so cynical because what's the message here? That fascists and colonizers are evil because they have family issues? That in order to stop genocide we should send the dictators to family therapy?
It makes me sad because I think the depiction of the dysfunctional family dynamics are actually spot-on, but the ending completely destroys the narrative about genocide, makes it meaningless and dull, while it's at the same time not a satisfying conclusion for the family problem, either... because it's not that easy to break the cycle of domestic abuse!
Compare Steven Universe to Avatar, the Last Airbender: Here we have similar family dynamics, with Zuko being the scapegoat and Azula being the golden child of the family. Here the connection of a story about imperialism with a story about a dysfunctional family works, because of Zuko's redemption arc: He doesn't try to fix his family and simuntaneosly save the world – he finds the strength to fight the opressor Ozai and through this he liberates himself from the shackles of the abusive family. Zuko is about finding your voice and overcoming the abuse while Steven is about ignoring it... or fighting it with ~LOoVe~ or something. 🙄
In comparisson the message of Steven Universe is beyond naive and it's crystal clear to me that they never tried to tell a story about genocide, even though they created this expectation. All that makes the show's conclusion a waste of potential and a huge disappointment.
Don't get me wrong: I loved Steven Universe! But the ending destroyed it for me. It will never be the same again.
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pierrottheanxious · 4 years
When your dad tries to guilt trip you into visiting him: “well I guess I’ll just spend the weekend all by myself...”
You say “glad to know we’re on the same page.” Slowly, he will have to adapt to just outright telling you what he thinks instead of playing mind games.
When your friend tries to hint that they’re mad at you without saying anything: “Oh, I’m fine, clearly you don’t need to worry about me,”
You say: “I’m glad you’re doing well. Call me if you want to talk, though!” Soon enough, they will accept that they can’t be passive aggressive with you.
When your boyfriend says: “All your friends are great, I really love *insert male friend* especially.”
You say: “I’m so glad you like my friends! I should invite them back soon.” He needs to understand that if he has a problem with your friends, he needs to just voice his concerns instead of being sarcastic and accusatory.
As someone who has lived through several toxic relationships and has an abusive father, I think one of the most important manipulation tools a toxic person has is excessive subtext and hidden meanings in their conversation. It hides all of the actual fighting from the eyes of onlookers while still hurting you, which is scary and makes you feel like you’re making it all up. Don’t put up with this bs. Make them stop hiding.
Make. Them. Say. What. They. Mean.
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pierrottheanxious · 5 years
Fluffy chinchilla by _unn1mm3
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