pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
(( oh gosh, it’s been a while since I’ve been on this blog -
I apologize for my absence. Things haven’t been the greatest these past two weeks. My sleeping schedule has been messed up since the beginning of the school year, but it got really bad a few weeks ago. As a result my motivation to RP Feliks just plummeted down the drain. But things have gotten better, so (hopefully) I can get back to RPing this nerd.
Anyways - like for a small starter. Or shoot me an ask if you wanna plot out something longer :o ))
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
"Jeez, that sucks ass. How do you deal with it?” Genetics. Feliks was never good at it. He could make Punnett squares and... and that was it, really. He was much better at anatomy, with its endless lists of organs and muscles and bones. Anatomy stayed the same. Anatomy he could remember. But genetics? Genetics flew over his head.
There were other questions, of course, but he decided to save them for later. He didn’t want to pry - and what if the other got annoyed? The risk was too great.
Feliks shrugged sheepishly. “I was gonna ask that, but... eh, anyways. Feliks Łukasiewicz. Now you know who you woke up.”
“Well of course we have sunscreen in northern Europe, but that doesn’t really change how a lot of us tend to have fairer skin than others. It’s a genetic thing.” A partial truth. Erik also found that the process of protecting his skin was too much of a hassle. Not like he would say that to the other though.
The suddenness of the other’s statement surprised him. As a result, he struggled phrasing his response for a moment before answering. “Ah, I’m from Iceland. That would be ég er frá íslandi, in Icelandic.” He wondered why the other had decided to mention where they were from without first saying their name.
Speaking of which, “My name is Erik, if you wanted to know that too. At least you have a name to say when you describe the person who woke you up.”
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
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this old drawing has been getting notes lately, so I tried redoing it… I think I improved less in 2 years than I hoped OTL
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
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But it’s my cake - I have more of a claim to it than you do.
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No, it’s not! You’re the one that’s being a stingy mean butt!
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
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H-hey, this is totally unfair!
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Heh, true that. Well, you really are amazing! Having multiple skills. [grins]
Thanks! I’m more of a director than an actor. I can’t act you see. Also, it’s more fun ordering people around! Haha!
Ooh, really? Huh. Wasn’t expecting that. [chinhands] I can’t act either, though, so we’re kinda in the same boat.
Hey, if you ever need an extra hand, you should totally hit me up. I could help with sewing and stuff. I mean, there’s not much I can do outside of that, but like... yeah.
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Your freckles are adorable
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Oh. You think so? I guess they’re pretty cute. I mean, they’re not my best feature, but - thanks.
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Wow, that is great dedication you have there. Well, you can always do both right? No one said you can’t do both. Like, you could design your own dance clothing! 
[he smiled gently] I guess we’re in similar situation huh? MIne is film! I really enjoy movies and dramas you see. 
I could. But there’s only so much time in a day, y’know? The work would kill me. Bleh.
Ooh, film. That sounds cool. [nodnod] So what are you? An actor or a director?
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
A pleasure to meet you, Feliks. How long have you been dancing?
Since I was four. Five? Ehh, it’s been so long... [he shrugs] A while. It’s been a while. 
Bonjour. I shall be your new Ballet and Pointe instructor. You may call me Mademoiselle Laroche.
[ !!!!! ]
Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dzień dobry, Mademoiselle Laroche.
[He’s trying not to fidget, but it’s. It’s a challenge.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Bonjour. I shall be your new Ballet and Pointe instructor. You may call me Mademoiselle Laroche.
[ !!!!! ]
Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dzień dobry, Mademoiselle Laroche.
[He’s trying not to fidget, but it’s. It’s a challenge.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Now, that is what I call one hell of a talent. You must really love dancing since you chose dance as your discipline instead of fashion related ones. 
[He shrugged and continued to marvel over the dress] 
Hmm, I don’t know man.. I never met my mum ya know. But, apparently I look nothing like my mum. I look exactly like my dad! 
I’ve been a dancer longer than a designer, so. Yeah. [he pauses] Maybe if I wasn’t a dancer I would’ve gone into fashion. I dunno. It’s weird how things work out, y’know?
Oof. That sucks. I’ve never met my dad before, but that’s not the same as not knowing your mum. I’m sorry. [Pause. He decides to change the subject, for fear of accidentally offending the other.] So what’s your discipline? 
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
"Hiya. Are ye the student who sews and makes clothes?"
[ ???? ]
Uh, yeah. Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Can I, um, help you with something?
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Feliks nodded. Ah, good thing that it was still early. He could afford to stay for a few more minutes. And - wait a second. Sunburn? He cocked his head to the side. “Isn’t there sunscreen in northern Europe?” he asked. “Just slather some of that on every morning and you’re good to go. Or you could like, lug an umbrella everywhere.” He shrugged. “Eh.”
Could shielding yourself from the sun with an umbrella work? Feliks had no idea. He supposed that it depended on the type of umbrella. There was no real need for him to be so careful in the summer - the sun and warm weather were old friends - and protecting his skin was often an after thought. But this kid... Oof. Those northern Europeans were really unlucky, weren’t they?
Anyways. “I’m from Poland,” he said suddenly. He slipped the lid back onto the sewing kit. “Ja jestem z Polski in Polish. What about you?”
Erik quietly watched as the blonde put their things away. Without having meant to, he made observations of the other while watching. Nothing that was especially large though, he simply took note of the sewing supplies and the way the other was putting things away.
“Uhm, it’s about half an hour til midday,” he answered after giving his phone a quick check. “You know, I don’t doubt that sleeping outside is nice; I’m actually tempted to agree with you. But some of us are from northern Europe and sunburn really easy.”
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
Whoa…. You’re good at this, like really good.
[He smiles and continued to gasp and compliment the dress.]
That’s so sweet and cool! The dress looks great! I bet people will think that you bought the dress. [thinks] Does your mum look a lot like you?
Thanks. I’ve been sewing since I was like... seven? Eight? Eh, whatever. Yeah. It’s second nature by now. I can reattach a shirt sleeve with my eyes closed.
[He turns around to face Yongsoo.]
We look kind of alike. I mean, we’re not identical twins or anything, but we have the same hair and nose and hands and - yeah, you get my point. [shrugs] I dunno. I think it’s the same with all mums.
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
“Oh, God.”
At first, Feliks tried to convince himself that it wasn’t that bad. It was.
The dummy was green and shaped like some sort of blob. Some kind of humanoid, maybe? Godzilla? Feliks’s middle school science experiments? He didn’t know. Monster or not, it still looked hideous. Nothing could’ve prepared him for it. And Alfred wanted him to fight it? Please. The thing looked like it would fall apart after one punch! He couldn’t imagine himself doing anything to it, really. It was so... silly. No, not silly. It was awkward. Embarrassing.
He walked over to the dummy and poked it in the side.
“So... you actually want me to fight this thing? Like, an actual fight? With punching and everything?” He looked back at Alfred, dumbfounded. “What do I even say?”
The introduction was a little wordy and long, but he could cut out some things later. He’d also have to fix the script a bit, but that could easily be fixed. “Good job, Feliks.” He praised when he was done. “Now see that dummy over there?” He pointed to a (poorly created) green dummy suppose to look like a monster.
“That’s your arch enemy She’s always getting the roles you want and always gloats in your face about it. Well today’s your lucky day! During practice you and the others learned that’s she’s actually an evil monster who wants to eat all of you and adsorb all your dancing talent. You must beat her and save your classmates lives!”
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
A dress.
[There’s a pause. He doesn’t take his eyes off of it.]
It’s for my mom. I do all of the sewing in the house. It’s cheaper than going to the tailor every time something tears. [squints] ...Hey, question. Does this look alright to you?
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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pierogiprince-blog · 9 years
"Annyeong! Name's Yongsoo and I'm a new student! Nice to meet ya!"
[He tears his eyes away from his sewing, mildly annoyed that someone is bothering him. It fades away once the student introduces themself.]
Oh. Oh. New student, okay. I’m Feliks Łukasiewicz. Second year. Dance discipline. Nice to meet you.
[He goes back to sewing.]
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